On My Way: The Demon King Made Me His

Chapter 113: The New Face of Water Princess

Chapter 113: The New Face of Water Princess

The wind swept the lands of heaven. A disaster had taken place against the will of gods. The unusual and deafening silence conquered the place. The calm after the storm. Everyone looked scared. Everything looked wet with water drenching from them. Everything was lying on the ground that once stood on the heights. The skies looked clouded and dark. And people lying unconscious in the ground of slaughter hall. The six execution platforms were empty. And below them laid Aqua drenched in blood. 

She opened her eyes. 

"Aqua, wake up, get up," she heard his voice. "Let's leave, " he put his arms her hips, and lifted her. He carried her in his arms when himself was wounded and walked down the steps of the gates of heaven. She with her blurry vision, looked up at his face, and fell unconscious again, laying her head against his chest. Huo took her back to his Demon's Castle. He apparated and drained all of his energy. He placed her on his bed and collapsed on the floor. He sat there looking at her. He moved her hair that fell on her face and watched her sleep. He had asked General Hawk to summon all the apothecaries to treat her. "Why did you do that?" He asked her. "We could have sorted things differently," he said, breathing hard. "You could  have tried to not get attacked." His shoulders were bleeding from the stab he took from Emperor Tai's golden falchion.  It started spreading the unusual heat around his body,  failing to control the core's temperature. "Now we have offended everyone in the universe, " he said gasping and smiling tiredly laying his head on the bed beside hers. "Everything is going to change here on," 

The physicians ran towards Huo and Aqua. General Hawk was tensed and sealed the news from leaking. Demon Realm couldn't afford any sort of rumours regarding the King at present. The last thing anybody would need is a war. Huo was laid in an extra hed arranged in his chamber itself opposite Aqua's. He fell into deep sleep but as for her condition, there weren't anyone who knew to do treatment for her, except letting rest, in coma for long. She had witnessed the worst thing in her life. 

With in a few days, Huo was healed from his wounds and carried on with his work. He spent more time in his chamber and step out onnu if it was necessary, for holding meetings, or greeting guests or while signing any deal. The rest of the time, he chose to spent time inside his bed chamber, along with Aqua, talking to about various things, things they did together and sharing memories that were funny, explaining her about things happening daily in his court and endless confessions of how much he loves and misses her. 

He was not sure whether Aqua heard things, but at the time when he looked at her, he often found tears streaming down her eyes. He would wipe and try to come up with moving moments in their lives as he could recall to wake her. 

But the scene she witnessed constantly flashed in her eyes that made her survive, helping her pushing forward to have a will for living, to stay alive since she used up entire power of hers to take control of the nature. 

She remembered everything too well. 

She ran inside the doors she opened. She looked at her right side to see the elevated platforms and there stood her family holding glasses in their hands. "No pa, ma no don't drink that," but they already had drunk them. 

"Leave Aqua," her father said. There were people shouting things against their family. 

"Die, die, die," they kept shouting. "Thieves don't deserve to live," while some other said "Kill her, kill this monster, kill the Demon King along,"

Queen Rivera was crying. But to her shock Aiden and Milan stood without much reactions. Aqua could not understand why. She ran towards the platforms, and she tried to reach for her family who were tied by the lightening bolt around their arms and legs. One of the Celestial Prison's cuffs for the sinners. It was put on for insulting the water royals purposefully. 

"Pa, Ma come with me, I will save you please," she said using her powers to break the cuffs. But it was just that the cuffs were unbreakable.

"I was waiting for you, I knew you would come here," Tai said getting up from his seat in the terrace. She looked at the people who were sitting along with him. Some of the trusted people of her father who bad mouthed Emporer now sitting with Tai to suck his arse for getting the benefits. She hated it. She hated the people who betrayed her father, she hated the kingdom that wronged the straight people like her family. She hated the rulers who changed colors like chameleons. Except the Wind Realm and Star Kingdom who were not present at the terrace, she hated them all with every bone in her body. 

"Give them the antidote and let them go," she screamed. 

To that Emperor laughed loud. "I do not have the power to power to bring the dead back," Aqua was running out of time. She looked at the Empress who was not even breathing properly. Aqua used her crystals to slash the invisible ties around her and freed her. It took Lihua by surprise. 

"Rescue your mother and leave quickly, " she said to Huo. "Don't lose your control just do it," she advised him to not harm people. And he listened to her. He apparated and took his mother from the terrace. Emperor Tai withdrew his golden sword but missed the mother and son by an inch and they vanished in a second if time. Huo took her back to his castle. Lihua was in tears. She explained everything in detail to him. Meanwhile Aqua stood there alone in the battle field that was set as a trap for her. Emperor Tai asked the Sky Realm to summon the lightening to hit her. The King Augustus hesitated but he was forced to do it. He summoned the lightening and hit her with it. Aqua did not flinch and Tai had forgotten about it. The high voltage lightning did not hurt Aqua but charged her crystals. Aqua lost control over her own body. She wished Huo was there. She looked at her parents for one last time. Her mother was trying her best to convince her.

"Aqua no, control, don't lose control, Aqua leave here," her mother screamed her lungs out. But things had gone beyond anyone's control. And the real powers of Aqua was exposed. The lethal weapon King Aenon protected for all the years and Emporer Tai encouraged in giving training. Danger clouded the heaven. She still hoped for Huo to return back having the part of her inside him to control her. And gradually her conscious fell asleep and turned into a villainess, avenging her family. She watched her sister and cousin, falling down, taking their last breath, they were not even themselves. Her aunt Krystal knelt down, finding difficulty in breathing. Where as Adrien was already dead and shut his slowly. King Aenon and Queen Rivera tried their best to convince their daughter to leave the platform and cried aloud. "Daughter leave, " Aenon kept telling her. But she did not leave. Seeing the family die one by one registered in her heart and head equally. The fuel was added to the fire perfectly. 

Aqua rose up, floating in the air. She was smiling. Emperor stood there wonderstruck. Nobody knew what was happening. The cuffs in her hand slowly was neutralised and disappeared, she had sucked all of the power and electricity into her body. An aura of her power, the blue and purple blaze filled around. And her eyes turned the light shade of purple so did her hair. The strong winds began to blow in the heavens. But people stood there with their mouths open, looking at the astounding thing happening before them. They forgot that she is the ticking bomb about to explode. She raised her hands and pointed at Emperor Tai and his supporters who stood next to him in the terrace. 

"You will learn the lesson today," Aqua said and smirked. The Crystals like white fire blazes in both her palms scared people a little. Aqua used her powers and collected every single drop of water from the surrounding and from the bodies of her family. She projected the truth. The people present at the scene saw the story of the Water Realm, rescuing the second princess and giving her the beautiful life once could do for the cub, the clean transactions without any tax evision, some of the happiest moments of their lives and she took them away. "The truth will prevail even after death," she said. "And those who encouraged killing will end the same way," she cursed everyone. She raised her arms above the head and it suddenly stared raining along with the stormy winds. The lightning and thunder kept hitting the ground. People dispersed and ran around crazily. "Heaven will no longer be heaven, and people will know why," she said and snapped her finger. The heaven began flood and freeze. But the rain did not stop. 

Emperor Tai trembled a little and he extended his sword towards her. "Kill her," he commanded to the sword. The people fell unconscious but not dead. She did not wish to kill a single soul. But put them in a long sleep. To scare them. The sword flew towards Aqua which she did not notice while controlling her powers. And when it neared her, she had no time to move away. It cut her arms a little and missed her and flew away. She bled. And stopped using the powers and landed back on the ground. She knelt down taking the control over her body. Her nerves were all hurting. She looked up again and the sword came towards her. She fought it with her crystals sword. "Yiu coward, come fight me if you can," she called out Tai who dared not entre the field, afraid of her but let golden sword fight alone without the master using his spells. The Emperor's sword sure was merciless like said in the stories. The Phoenix sword. Aqua knelt down on the ground with crystal sword for a support in her hand, stabbed on the ground that sent tremors. She was panting hard. The water dripped from her eye lids and she looked up to see the sword approaching her. She shut her eyes tight for a second but felt nothing. She quickly opened her eyes and saw a figure in front of her. She saw Huo standing as shield in front of her. He was stabbed in the shoulder. "Argghhh" he screamed and took the sword out. He used his powers and burned the terrace with bus fire, which made the Royals and the Emperor escape from there and withdraw from the fight. Aqua whispered his name and fell on the feeling with a thud. Her energy had been drained and she was wounded severely. She fell on her right side and got a glimpse of her her family lying dead on the platforms before she closed her eyes and fell unconscious. "We were late Huo," she whispered. 

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