On My Way: The Demon King Made Me His

Chapter 118: Underwater

Chapter 118: Underwater

The six bodies were carried away. Emperor Tai stood on the boat watching the process. He gave directions to his royal guards to dispose them in the sea where the aquatic animals hunt mostly. 

Tai was all smiles. He was enjoying it thoroughly. He wished to show this to Lihua, but damn she left and he did not care to call back either. But the heaven was at a serious stake. Without the Empress, taken away by the Demon King. Rumours were that she was being treated and healed by her son, King Huo. 

"Tie them up to heavy rocks," Tai gave directions. "They shouldn't stay afloat. Guards were taking away the precious items from the body and clothes. The gems, ornament and tiara of the Queen.

'Damn, why did they wear such good things while getting executed?" One of the guards discussed with the other while confiscating everything. 

"Did you see that Aqua going crazy? It was pretty scary, I thought I would die, I didn't expect her to put us to sleep instead, thought I would never wake up," 

"She is powerful than anybody here," he said looking around and leaned in whispering, "Even more than the Emperor, " 

"Yes," the other one agreed. They were sitting next to Aenon's and Adrian's bodies. 

"Why did the Water Realm surrender easily? I was honestly expecting a war,"

"No blood has been shed on the lands of Water Realm before, King Aenon was safeguarding that, but instead lost his life, its tragic," first one said and took off his bracelet. 

They took the boat a little more forward and were too far away from the shores. 

"Ok, it's time," Tai declared. It was noon, scorching hot sun right above their heads. The guards prepared and stood waiting for the command.

"Now," Tai ordered.

The guards one by one carried the bodies in their hands, swing them and threw them into the water. The weight of the rocks sunk them easily. Tai watched the faces fading, going under the blue sea. "There is going to be a storm soon," he said. "Quickly finish the work and let's head back to shores," he informed everyone. 

"How will we capture that devil left? Did you see how she showed the truth to people, but luckily forgot to care about it while they grew scared of her," General reminded the Emperor Tai about Aqua. 

"She wouldn't be allowed to enter Heaven, banished," Tai smirked and sipped the wine he had in his hands. He was becoming an alcoholic slowly. 

"Really?" General was surprised. 

"You think people will find her appealing and good natured now on? Tai laughed. "People believe that she has turned evil, and will destroy everything in heaven, people see her with fear in eyes, she will never be accepted again in their hearts, her losing control benefited us can't you see, watching every matters closely my general Devon, "

"That sounds really satisfying your higness," Devon praised Emperor Tai and bowed laying his respects,  before he took his leave. 

The final body of Milan was also thrown away into the sea. The six remains sunk well, deep into the sea. Little did Emperor believe in the after life and resurrection. Feeling confident, he left the scene and took the boat back to the sea shore. The guards followed him closely. 

They left to the Celestial Palace, and did not wait until the dead touched down. The moment Tai disappeared, someone appeared out of thin air and sailed hurriedly to the spot the bodies were thrown. He had put on thick clothes and face mask to not reveal his identity. He had the looks of a skilled ninja. 

He got down from the boat and jumped in to the sea. The time was nearing. If he does not get to the bodies on time, the things may turn irreversible and total disaster. He swam hard against the current and drove away the carnivorous fish that was approaching the six bodies. The six were in six directions. He took them and brought to a position one by one and he almost ran out of time. When there was only four minutes left, he took out few wrist bands from the and put them on each of the bodies. And he started counting. When he reached the count 100, he searched for a puuch in his body and took out some pills. The wrist band was sending out some strange lights to the body. The man in the cloaks soon removed all the weights attached to the bodies. King Aenon, Aiden and Milan had the heaviest ones. Emperor Tai had clearly gone mad, it indicated, afraid, so much than he should be, of the Water Kingdom. It did prove that Water Realm had known things they should not have. Or done things against him, makes slow moves invisibly that alerted only him. 

"What is that you did your majesty for you to get punished the extreme way?" He asked as he unite the rocks. The spells were hard to break. And the man hardly managed to carry the magic out and break the spell and  hindering its growth around them. He performed a swirl in the water and pushed his hands forward giving all the pressure. "Arrgghhh," he screamed. The spell he performed was way more than his cultivation that needed extreme concentration and strength.  He lost control with in couple of minutes and fell, losing the balance. He wasn't sure if it was a fail or success. 

"Oh no," he said. There was no movements, reactions or any phenomena taking place. He closed his eyes in disappointment, his capacity to breath under water was running out. "I told you that you should never entrust me such heavy duties, look I failed and I don't have enough energy to perform now, your higness, " he said looking at the Water King. The longest and the most tensed ten minutes passed. And slowly, a creaking sound was heard. Loud and trembling. "Whaaaaa..." he looked around. He was beginning to feel suffocated. Trying his best to hold his breath. A barrier appeared and the transparent formations faded. Then appeared huge gates. They opened. There were some aquatic animals that came towards him. He drew out his sword. They animals shape shifted. The sea horse, the jelly fish, the shark and the giant squad. They were all mermaids. A female and three males. Holding weapons in their hands. 

"So it is true that the underwater realm exists and exits independently," he said and gasped. 

"We heard the bell you rang, you must be Leo," 

"Yes," he said. Leo, the prince of Earth Realm, the best guerilla war fighter, planner of best ambush and attacks. Only skilled fighter with the lowest cultivation in the universe. 

"This way prince Leo," the lady mermaid led the way, while few more guards joined the team and took care of the bodies of water royals. "You did this at right time, good job, we were waiting since yesterday, Our King was worried that the mission might fail, if another five minutes had passed, everything  would went in vain," Leo nodded. "My name is Ariana, Police guard," she introduced herself. 

"Will it be alright?"he aksed her.

"Perfectly alright, you don't have to worry, we have never failed in a mission before, never," she assured him. The guards followed Ariana and Leo through the tunnel. It was long and lit with large luminous pearls all the way. They reached another stop. A triple layered grilled gates heavily guarded. 

"Remember the oath Prince Leo, not even you father, no, not even a fly or a particle of dust should know about the existence of Underwater Realm. The Water Realm has protecting this secret for years, but we did not have any option now, if this leaks, you will be held responsible, it will cost your several lives," Ariana reminded him again and again.

"Trust me Ariana, I know how to handle matters well, keeping my thoughts and mouth shut is my greatest strength, there hasn't been a soul which has read my mind before," he assured her.

"Then it's a deal," 


The grills opened and so did the doors. Leo's jaws dropped. His hazel eyes grew wide. "Oh my," he gasped. "Just how?" He managed to ask. 

"Welcome to the Coral palace Prince Leo, life will never be the same again, " 

'Err yeah I know, death threat on top of head, I can feel it, the axe hanging down," he said 

"No I did not mean that Prince Leo, I meant, about the scenery here," Ariana laughed out loud.

"Oh that," he said embarrassed. She left him to palace passing through several half humans and and shape shifters and aquatic loving beings and also several blocks of building and structures. He looked at all of them in wonder. The vacuum space without water where everything stands, and water outside the barrier that looks like a normal sea. It was like a layer that does not exist at all. 

"They are all various departments we handle, it involves the work of everything around the world," she said. 

"If I did not have any duties to my land, if I was not a Prince, I definitely would have chosen to live here,  just for the scenery. They reached the Coral Palace. "Woh...." he said. He stood there still for a moment. Suddenly something struck his head. He fell down.

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