On My Way: The Demon King Made Me His

Chapter 131: Fucanglong

Chapter 131: Fucanglong

Aqua walked out of the Star Kingdom as soon as she got the messages. She had to hurry to a place before it's too late. Empress Lihua followed her. 

"Wait," she yelled. "Aqua, wait, and listen to me,"

Aqua stopped right at the gate as she her the Empress and looked back. Empress Lihua reached her side and stood panting hard.

"What happened? Why would you run? Relax relax," Aqua said and handed a bottle of water. 

"Am fine," Lihua said and pushed the bottle back. 

"What's wrong?" Daughter in law asked back. 

"Nothing, I just wanted to give you this," she said and handed out a dagger. A gold dagger embellished with rubies. 

"What? No. I can't take this, it's yours," Aqua declined immediately seeing the weapon of Empress Lihua. 

"Aniyo, you have no idea, your mother gave this to me when I gave birth to Huo, leaving the Water Realm, it was hers, given to her by your grand mother before she passed away, Rivera never hesitated to give this to me, and I should return that back to you, take this, its rightfully yours, this dragon fang," Enpreds Lihua said and kept them in Aqua's hands. The dagger looked less used, protected well and still shining like new. Amazing weapon that is part of the dragon system, a weapon that could cut through any surface, and that can clot the blood instantly. It also has the ability to kill the evil spirits in one stab and turn them into dust. Aqua carefully observed the weapon and kept them in her hanfu's sleeve, storing them. She already had her crystal sword, the needles Aiden gave her, her own dagger and now the dragon fang handed over to her. She smiled and looked at the Empress. She expressed her gratitude. 

"Rememeber you are alone for now, never walk into traps, trust your own instincts and go according to the plan, find what you must, remind yourself about the mission you are on constantly and walk through it," Empress advised her for a long time. 

"I will keep these in my mind, do not worry your highness, I have nope, I believe in it, I will find what I should and put everything back in its place," Aqua made a promise.

"Very good," Empress Lihua smiled.

"How long will you stay here?" Aqua asked.

"Maybe a month or two, I said to Tai that am going in seclusion so he obviously won't expect my return before a month,"

"Take care until then," Aqua wished her well.

"Farewell," Empress Lihua said nothing more. And she walked away. 

"I will see you soon," Aqua said but Empress Lihua did not listen to her. "Weird," Aqua murmured. "What happened?" She wondered herself and walked outside the gates of the Star Kingdom. 

Aqua decided to go the place, she saw on the map. But before that she needed to confirm it with people. And for that, Aqua prepared to go the Earth, the Human Realm. The tiniest problem was, she had forgotten the way into the palace, the entrance to the Palace King Zidan resides. She had been to the palace only once when she was little even though her father went her often, he never took her with him except that one single time. 

"It's going to be a huge take," she said exhaling and apparated. But the place she ended up was in the middle of the road unfortunately. She looked at the signal and it turned green at the right time. The vehicles rushed past her. She couldn't use her powers since people had already seen her, standing in the middle. There were people who were asking her to step away. She had no idea where to. Standing on the track for heavy vehicles, there was container that was coming towards her. "Holyshit," she said and closed her eyes, using her power to pressure the vehicle with air in the opposite direction that will gradually slow down the truck. And it did as she expected. Everyone screamed around her and she shut her eyes tight and stood in the front, while the truck stopped at the right time, an inch away from her. She stopped the air and opened her eyes. She sighed. "Damn," she thought. "What a great entry!" She exclaimed and waited for the signal to turn red again to cross the road.

The cops marched towards her and took her away. "How are you miss?" They aksed her. "How senseless can you be lady? Walking through the road after the signal turned green, we will check the camera and find it the signal was faulty or not," Aqua immediately destroyed the cameras around her in a single snap and moved away with them, to not get caught. 

"Sorry, sorry am fine its okay," she said and stood at the footpath in front of a pizza shop. They talked to her about health and left her alone. "Take care miss, do not cause trouble," 

"I won't, thank you,' she said and turned away. She shook her head and escaped from the scene. She had no idea where she had landed but all she remembers is a city that had a river flowing in the middle, that divided district into two equal halves. She looked around her ans saw a tall building. A game developing company. She walked past it and reached nowhere she had no idea where to go. She decided to confirm if this is the right place started to look for the river. She sealed half her powers to not attract any attention and save up her energy not using it. She walked around for an hour found a place. A park infact. She aksed the security about the speciality of the place, and he spend an hour talking to her about the speciality. 

"You must do boating, it gives you wonderful views and experience miss," he said once he finished speaking with her. 

"I will, thank you so much Uncle for all the information, I was always curious about this place," 

"Did you not learn in the school about this?" He asked her looking surprised. 

"I never went to school uncle, I couldn't, so," Aqua said and shrugged, her little white lies making the old man believe her words. 

"I dropped out when I was little too, but my child education is important these days, you must learn, you must, you are young," he advised her. Aqua soon said goodbye and felt relieved to have confirmed the place. "Now find the entrance to the palace," she told herself. "What is the sign Kimg Zidan uses?" She thought. "No he won't use the flag sign, or the banner, that would be easy to find, it must be something else but something that belongs to him," she kept thinking. She sun was about to set. "God days run too fast on earth," she said and walked back to the city. She looked at her pouch, she had so much gold and silver with her. "I need money, let me exchange some," she decided and walked searching around for a jewelry to sell them. She was wearing a blue and white frilled frock and her hair into a ponytail looking perfectly like a human. She saw a shop named with a very familiar name. "Fucanglong " she said. "Really? Humans put such names for shops?" She wondered and walked in without hesitation. She saw an old lady in the counter. She smiled and got up. "Welcome my lady," she said. 

Aqua nodded and smiled back at her. She took out one of her pouches and handed her. "I need money in return," she demanded. The old lady smiled and called for her staff. 

"What is the princess doing here?" The lady asked. Aqua was shocked. She looked at her. 


"Princess of Water Realm I have seen you before so I know you, and we can recognize the gold and silver from heaven," The old lady said. Aqua understood that the old lady is not human soon. 

"How do you know?" Aqua asked her curiously.

"We are faires who got expelled from heaven doing business here on earth, we collect the gold and send back to heaven as a repayment, we get a little profit for that, but we need not explain to whom the coins belonged to," 

"Why sent back? Why can't you use it here?" Aqua asked her doubt.

"It is the purest form of gold that is yet to be found on earth, that is used only by the gods and goddesses in heaven," the old lady smiled. She looked like she is missing home.

"What crime did you do?" Aqua wished to know that and asked straight on her face.

"Didn't listen to the new Phoenix prince and the then King and left the palace, I was banished and branded and a traitor," she said. But she didn't seem to regret her decision.

"You mean Emperor Tai and his father?" Aqua asked. 

"Yes," the old lady said. Aqua punched the table with her fist. "What happened?"

"How many people were banished from Heaven? Aqua asked her.

"Many!" Old lady exclaimed. 

"All during usurping the throne?" 

"Yes, when they got afraid that heaven might turn into a burial ground, after two batches of cold blooded murder, they started sending the people who worked and were related to the Celestial palace and Emperor Tanwen to earth on exile, in a condition to never return back," the old lady explained it to her. "We were made to sign the documents, and forced to leave, live in hiding, we earn too little and some how making the ends meets giving most of the profit we make on earth back to heaven in the name of punishment,"

"Why are you telling me these?" Aqua asked her doubtfully seeing how the old lady opened up easily. 

"Because.." old lady continued with her story. 

  1. Fucanglong- It is a dragon that protects the treasures. The underground dragon which guard the buried treasures of both gods and man-made. In the previous chapters I have discussed about dragons such asShenlong: it is the spiritual dragon that controls the rain and wind. I made this the official dragon of Water Realm.Tianlong: I have made this the Celestial dragon. The tianlong is the powerful dragon that means one who pulls the chariot of gods. But instead of Long Wang the shape shifting dragon god, I used Tianlong here as the important dragon. Dilong is another dragon mention in the story, it controls the rivers and sea. I have used Dilong to be another rare dragon of Water Realm, even though Dilong is an earth dragon. Since the story is fantasy, I used tiny changes to adjust the characters accordingly. Aqua is the descendant of Shenlong, here the shenlong is represented as a female god.Huo is partly Tianlong and Partly Phoenix because of his diverse parents.Milan is a nine tailed foxAiden is the descendant of Dilong. Because of his father's uniqueness. Only Dilong in Water Realm. Volca is an eagle shape shifter. There are also many other shape shifters in the novel.

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