On My Way: The Demon King Made Me His

Chapter 133: Set out of the Castle with Frenemy

Chapter 133: Set out of the Castle with Frenemy

Huo'er decided to quickly take care of the political affairs. He wanrned the ministers about the long absence he would be taking. He assigned the works and finished some of the personal duties he had to take care of. He appointed General Hawk to spy everything and report him on time and find him no matter where he is or whatever he might be doing. 

"I will, don't worry your highness," General Hawk assured the Demon King. 

"Thank you," He replied back.

Volca has been circling around him outside the court waiting for him. He was aware of it but did not meet with her not let ther enter the court. Her brown gown with orange satin borders looked good on her. She was carrying her sword with her. She walked up and down but the moment she saw King Huo walking out she hid behind the tree. Huo had Hawk on his heels. "Make sure no clans fight each. You can use the our indestructible army if you need urgently, don't hesitate. Remember to keep eye on," he lowered his voice. 

"I got it," he said happily. 

"You seen happy to do that," Huo commented. 

"Not happy exactly but am glad am doing it. I can atleast understand the child and talk some sense," he paused. Volca did not hear it clearly as she stood there while the raven kept crowing. General Hawk soon took his leave. King Huo walked around the castle for sometime, putting his mind at ease. He walked towards the fire pond near the entrance to the hell. The heat was unbearable but he got used to it living in Hell for long. He wondered if anybody else would be able to adapt to the life at Hell. His mind full of what Master Bo Hai informed him about. He couldn't wait to get out of the castle. He did not wish to be like his father, did not have the heart to leave his love behind, did not have the mind to obey the heavens when it kept supporting the wrong, did not have the patience to let his woman suffer alone. He did not want anything wrong to happen to both of them again. He was determined and strong on his decisions. He looked at the sky and noticed a lone star. It reminded him of the days he was healing, without his memories. He placed his hands on his hands and smiled and then he was reminded was the few months he spent with Aqua in the castle recently. "It was worth all the suffering," he said. "Wait till I get to you, do not worry for I will let you go alone or abandon you, don't ever get wrong ideas," he spoke alone. 

"Looks like you are leaving somewhere," Volca said not hiding anymore, following him around. 

"Mind your own business," King Huo said put on a serious expression.

"Where are you going this time?" She asked again. But he did not respond. "Am asking you your highness," she irritated him.

"Leave," he said.

"You think I would," she smiled at him and jumped in front of him acting all cute putting her hands on both side of her face blinking her eyes. He shook his head and moved her away with his hands, pushing her off. 

"Wait," she called him out. "Stop," she ordered instead of him. "You think I will quit if you push me away?" She was too determined and wilful to join his journey, wherever he was going to. She didn't feel right for some reason. But she didn't let him know that, not wishing to affect his peace of mind. She liked when he looked hopeful, she liked it when he was angry at her thinking atleast he cares to shout at her, or be rude to her and not kicking her out of the Castle. Where else would she go if not the castle in the Demon Realm. There are no good friends or acquaintances in life because of her late mother's reputation. She was thankful for that towards him. If not for General Hawk's kindness and protection she wouldn't have survived even in the castle.

"Volca am warning you, these days am going to lose my patients, and once it happens, I cannot promise you what would happen with my rotten temper," he spoke the words that randomly came into his mouth. 

"You know I will be following you anyway, am definitely going to protect the King," she said assuring him that she will do it no matter how much he will scold her. 

"Whatever," he gave up and left the place. "Remember but I wont be able save you," he said as he walked away. He went back to his chamber. He closed the doors behind him. He packed all his weapons ranging from twin daggers, swords, knives, hammers, falchion, bow and arrow, needles and a hammer. He polished them all. He packed a lot of gold since currency would be mandatory wherever he reaches and stepped out of his room. He decided to go to the place where it all began.

"Let's go," Volca the demonsess appeared in front of him again. 

"Leave me alone will you?" He aksed her.

"You go, I will walk way behind you," she said paving him way to lead. He hoped on his pitch black horse that looked silky. 

"What? No that's cheating," she cried out loud. But he had already prepared her a horse for their departure since she was so adamant about travelling with him. General Hawk gave her his own horse and waved them goodbye.

"Come back soon your highness," he said. "And you, stay away from king and the trouble, don't make me come for you, and arrest you," Gwneral Hawk warned her. 

"Aye aye captain," she mocked him rode akimg with Demon King who took the lead. They walked through the dessert, under scorching hot sun. She looked at him who looked like a marble, doing his work without facing troubles. While she felt exhausted quickly for no reason. She was bored. 

"What happened to you tongue?" She asked him breaking the silence once they passed the desert. 


"What happened to the tongue of yours? Taken away?" She repeated her question.

"When have you seen engaged in conversation?" He asked her back.

"Back at school, when," she began. But he stopped her. 

"Don't talk about school, don't talk to me about anything," he ordered. "Thinking about it will me hate you even more, I forgave you because you took care of me when nobody else did, am repaying your kindness and showing you my gratitue by letting you stay in the court and the Castle, but never test my patience ever," he said straight. She felt hurt but she rubbed it off with a fake laugh. 

"What a jerk?" She thought and followed him. They had crossed the borders and reached heaven. 

"I know where we are heading to, but shy are we going there?" She asked him concerned. 

"I have something to take care off," he said not looking at her. He was observing and analysing the woods to see if there is any human presence. And he found absolutely nothing except couple of fairies and farmers. They were in perfect disguise, dressed in the costumes of heavenly beings hence hard to be spotted aa the Demons. He had turned his hair back to think silver locks. While Volca was wearing a plain white dress fit for travelling. The boots were tight on her feet that it hurt her fingers. 

"Is that the cry of the ghost?" She aksed him.

"Wandering soul of a beast," he corrected her. 

"But why is he let to?" She wanted to know.

"That was his wish, final wish, even though he was a sinner and deserved to go to hell, he made his final wish to be wandering soul for week before the punishments begin," he gave her a new piece of Intel. They took no break for rest or food but chose to cross the woods before it gets too dark. He asked her to be careful and rode out of the woods quickly. The mist was getting deeper and thicker that had ample poison in that specific part of the woods which they escaped from.

Then they took some shortcut road and reached the Water Relam's first gate into the borders. They got in instantly without doing much nor undergoing any any security matters. 

"They are lazy to check these days I guess since the Realm doesn't function properly," 

"Some do and some don't," he met her know and got down from the horse holding on to its leigh and walked towards the Water Palace on the cliffs to get the traces of Aqua believing that she would have visited her home before she left to begin the mission. When he reached the gates, he felt the ward put up and broke them in few tries. He walked in successfully, feeling hopeful seeing the ward though he knew that she wouldn't be staying. He walked around the palace and suddenly noticed the light in Milan's Milan's bedchamber. He was surprised and walked towards it. "What the hell is going on? Who the hell is here?" Volca whispered to King Huo who took footsteps toward silently to not alarm the trespassers. 

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