On My Way: The Demon King Made Me His

Chapter 152: The Task

Chapter 152: The Task

Ariana waited for three long hours on the shore, for him. He did not show up. She waited in for another three hours, after completing her assigned task, he still did not come to meet her, by that time. She felt upset. She made her mind, consoled her, saying that he would be busy with work. But it also her, wondering who else would be chasing him. Living a life in hiding, without peace or permanence. She could not imagine the pain in his heart to think that he has been wronged, his family has been brutally murdered. Her heart ached for him. Her tears whelming her eyes, for him. She realized how truly, madly and deeply she had fallen for the Phoenix. She took a deeo breath and she dived into the sea, to return back home before she gets caught. 

"What happened?" He father asked her. She said nothing, shaking her head and tried to be as pleasant as she could. 

"Just a little tired pa, a good sleep will do ne better," she said. 

"How about a work out of the town tomorrow, only if you wish to take up, you have not travelled long have you?" He asked her. It was surprising to hear this coming from her old, strict, father, giving her a chance to travel further away from home on her own. 

"Alone?" She asked. 

"No no," he replied instantly. She frowned again. "Ofcourse not alone, you will be with few guards," he said.

"What is the work?" She aksed him curiously. 

"You will know when you reach the place," he said smiling and walked away from the court. Ariana stood there in confusion wondering what the surprise is in a mere task of delivering letters. Then she shrugged and let go of the thoughts. 

"Whatever," she murmured and walked back to her chamber. Her bed in the shape of the pearl required new bedspread and she asked the maids to being them. She also asked for a luminous pearl to use at night. 

"We thought you hate lights at night while you sleep," maids said to her. 

"Just give me those, it's for something of my interest," she said and changed her clothes to take bath. She sat on the bath tub where the warm water was filled freshly by the maids and she asked them to leave. She wanted to rest and relax for sometime. But Feng kept coming back to her mind. She could not help but smile at the thought of him, their times together. How they enjoyed each others company, especially the times he took her to that bridge surrounded by cherry blossoms, watching the sun setting. Ariana finished her long bath and stepped out. She took her towel and wrapped around her pear shaped slim figure. The water was dripping from all over her. She dried her body and put on her lingerie. She then walked back into the room of hers, and chose a palate green chifon gown for the dinner from the wardrobe

 She had asked all the maids leave and not bother her. Their household always had guests for dinner. Hence Ariana always put on decent gowns in the evenings. 

She decided to join her family for dinner and walkd back to the banquet hall. Surprisingly, she saw a person whom shouldn't be visiting her home at this late hour. 

"Your highness," Ariana bowed the moment she caught sight of the Underwater Realm's fiery King Dylan. 'What in the universe is he doing here?' She wondered and walked towards her space in the hall for dinner. King Dylan looked extremely excited to be in the mansion of his minister. Her father looked a little tensed to have the King in the house. They served the best ever dinner that night. For all. Rich with meat, and vegetables. Since they live Underwater, fish is an item citizens under the sea hesitate to kill and eat since everybody know the importance of life under the sea. King Dylan had his fill and sat there observing the tiny crowd in the banquet hall. He then noticed the minister's daughter, Ariana who has helped him with a case. He raised a toast for the mermaid girl and drank them. Ariana smiled at the King and remained silent. 

"What is this?" He then asked the minister pointing at the parchment sitting in front the table. "Take it away," he said. " Or she will notice it. The minister instantly took the parchment away checking on his daughter who pretended to be pretty outgoing with everyone gathered around. 

She walked towards her father and stood with him while King Dylan had his dinner. "Are you staying tonight your highness?" She asked him. And he nodded his head, chewing the food, and keeping the spoon down. 

"Oh yes my dear, I will, I have work here, with you and your father, let us talk about it all tomorrow, let us have some free time tonight," he said and smiled at her. 

"Work? " Ariana asked him and looked at her father who sat listening to everything. She nudged her father. 

'Me?' She showed actions asking her father. But he asked her to remain quiet and settle down for dinner. She has the sump feast in a worried manner. And she bid farewell and quickly left to her room. King Dylan had been taken to his chamber earlier than she returned.

The next morning Ariana quickly for ready and went to meet her father who had summoned her. She had no idea why except that it is for some work in the distance. 

"Come over here daughter," he said eagerly. 

"What is it Pa?" She asked him.

"These guards will assist you," he informed her. 

"Them?" The was royal guards of the Underwater King. "Why?" She was confused. "Where are our guards?" 

"No, they would not be enough," he said quickly.

"Pa am fine, it's just a small business, why bother King Dylan with this, what if he wishes to return back early, do not let him wait for us," 

"It is totally fine with me my dear, do not worry about that, family meaning sharing and caring, remember that always," he gave her a piece if advice for no reason and looked Ariana's father. He nodded and supported the King. 

"Okay..." Ariana said suspiciously. 

"You have brought up great person," King appreciated his minister looking at the mermaid. "Your clans outperformed every other ones," 

Ariana found it funny to hear King Dylan praise about their Clan too much out of the blue while her father stood there smiling extremely proudly. She shook her head, paid her respect and took her leave at once with the guards following her. 

The gates opened, and Ariana went into the sea, swimming calmly. She felt truly best to part of the huge creation like an ocean that supported the lives of million which people are still not aware of. Then she was suddenly reminded of the rumours regarding condition of sea on earth which saddened all. But she pushed away the thoughts and interacted with the guarde alot. An hour later, they reached the sea shores, the same place she always visited Feng. 

"Why is he not showing up?" She wondered and turned her head around to see If he is waiting for her there somewhere. No unfortunately he was not. "He must be busy with work," she consoled herself and then waited for the guards to get fresh and travel with them. Since they were not taught to apparate, they had a pretty long way to go, reach the destination and deliver the works. She had the bag safe with her. A bag of book and she wondered what it could be. She had never bothered to check them before.

"My lady, shall we begin?" One of the guards asked her. And she nodded her head.

"Yes, let us go and finish it off quickly, you return back if it is boring, I like travelling alone, she said hoping for their return and hoping to find Feng and spend time with him. 

The guards hired the horses to travel which was a great blessing to Ariana. 

"Wow nice that is faster than traveling on legs," she said. But it was her first time riding one. The guards helped her into she gor steady and they rode off quickly

 With in a day of time they reached the place. A large town. Full of people, walking up and down, doing business and entertaining people. 

"This is so buzzing and beautiful," she said getting off the horse at the gates of the town and underwent checking. She crossed the gates and walked in with the guards on either side of her. 

But as soon as she entered, there she saw a man standing before her. She swallowed hard, and was in great shock. The man before her holding a golden sword. Suddenly the guards on either side of her moved towards him.

He looked at her with disappointment. 

"No, wait no, no, come back now," she ordered the Ariana but nobody listened. She ran behind them and withdrew her Dao, the saber, she ran behind them. 

"I said stop," she screamed and she stabbed the ground with her Saber. Everyone around her stared at her. And she stood up, bravely. He looked at her. 

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