On My Way: The Demon King Made Me His

Chapter 154: Dragged back

Chapter 154: Dragged back

Ariana watched him sleep, he looked tired often but not today and probably because he has not transformed into his real self. But she was constantly worried. Sitting next him, holding the sheets across her chest, she could not help but accept the fact that, King Dylan for sure will come find the two of them. She was sure since nobody knows the identity of people like her, it is easy to infiltrate and complete any missions that gets assigned to them. She has done numerous works like that and hence she was sure she would be chased down along with him. She could not under why King Dylan is so adamant about getting the Phoenix back. She could not understand why he has to be kept under the water while his core is getting severely damaged without enough heat. 

Suddenly to Ariana it appeared that King Dylan having ulterior motives behind taming the only Phoenix. She wished to find that out. She leaned over him, gently touched his face with the back of her hand and planted a kiss on lips again and laid down again. She wanted to a good night's sleep too. Making love kept them busy and in the room for a long time that they ended skipping the dinner and choosing to sleep more. 

Her stomach growled with hunger, but she ignored them and chose to sleep. She remembered to put on her clothes before she did. 

There were no winds, no cool breeze, no flowery garden, no birds chirping, no proper water resource or anything in Hell. Well except for moutians, desserts, volcano, lava and fire. It always has been a wonder for people to think of how the Demon live in Hell with such difficulties and have no facilities. 

The Phoenix woke her up the next morning, and it was pretty early. He asked her what she wishes to have for breakfast and gave her a cup of tea. Her favourite. Ariana drank the green tea slowly and watched what Feng was doing. He was looking at something, with his back towards her. She then got out of the coat and saw that Feng is cooking some meat and veggies for them. She got all excited. She was damn hungry and needs massive plate of food to satisfy the hunger. 

They would walk around the place everyday after brunch and go for sightseeing in the cliffs and dessert. Not a soul identified them nor discovered the presence of heavenly beings in the hell even once when they ended up in the military camp once by mistake. 

"What are you two doing here?" The Military leader Fiona asked them. 

"We just wanted to see where the road ends, we did not know it leads to this place," she said an excuse. 

"You know now? So leave before the troops March and lock the gates," she advised then pretty rudely and they left immediately. Fiona kept looking at Feng, his hair, his eyes, his face, but she had no memory of meeting the Phoenix family directly hence could not tell who he is. She just let the two go.

"Oh thank god," Ariana said as they walked away from the military compound. They soon crossed border of limits walked back to town, slowly. 

"I have heard about that lady," he said.

"Who?" She asked him having no idea about the person he was talking about. 

"That woman we talked to," he told her.

"What about her?"

"This Demoness used to be in in love with the Demon King Dritan, but he never loved her, in she went for another man," he narrated the story to her. 

"Which man?" She asked curiously. 

"The Emperor, Tai," he said with disgust as he pronounced the name. Hatred filling him heart thinking of the man who murdered his father, grand father and destroyed him mother letting hundreds have it. It boiled inside his heart. He couldn't accept it ever yet he did not make any plans to take the throne back but King Dylan forcing him.

"SERIOUSLY?" She asked him in surprise again and again.



"Fiona and Tai had a love child together," he told her.

"Oh my god!" She exclaimed.


"So it's not just one son, Prince Aaron, for Emperor Tai, in the palace,"

"No," he replied. "But it's not a son,"

"Oh it's a she," Ariana realized. "Where is she?" She was too eager to know about it.

"She lives in the Demon's Castle with her mother," The Phoenix appeared to know too much about Tai and his life. 

"Oh cool, so King Dritian look after them, I see," she said slowly. 

"King Dritan cancelled his engagement with Fiona, that led to the several disasters in Demon Realm," he said. 

"Why?" She asked her doubt as they walked towards their inn hand in hand.

"Maybe we should ask them that directly," he said.

"I really really thought, like the stories heard that Emperor Tai is still head over heels for Empress Lihua, did he not marry her because of that? "

She asksd a very carefully about the sensitive topic again. "What about others?" 

"Everything is a drama in there, Empress hates everyone there," he said.

"What a pity!" She sympathised with Empress Lihua. 

"You remember the Forbidden lovers right?" He asked her .

" am not sure, but this sounds bad, I mean the life of Empress," she said and sighed. "Anyway, who the is daughter of his?" She asked him eagerly. 

"A little girl," he replied instantly. 

"I really thought Tai has been decent over the years," she said with disappointment. 

"Never once," he looked at the people as they walked making sure that there are none innathe crowd chasing them. "And also he killed the child of Empress Lihua and King Dritan mercilessly,"


"I know right," 

"By the way, how do you know all these information in detail ?" She desperately wishes to know about it. 

He shrugged. "One must always know about the life and the moves of an enemy after making him believe that you know about that?," his said. "I know everything tha happens inside her, because ," she looked at him. He took a deep breath. "All okay?" He asked Ariana who looked surprised. 

They reached back the room. Ariana waited for him to step and then take shower but like the day before, she got engaged, lying down under him. She took a deep breath and also moan silently. 

Several days passed and the life at Demon Realm continued. The usual walking, talking and leading a life. Ariana grew accustomed to the routines of demons wherever she was at a shop and a public place dealing with them. 

Ariana did not miss her family the slightest. But instead worried about parting with the Phoenix often, thinking how her father is going to capture her and punish her. She was sure about Dylan finding his way even though it was taking time. But she was hell of sure that they would both get caught. And Feng was well aware of it too. 

Couple more days passed in hell when there was a buzz in the town where he new settlers had come. Ariana's heart thumped loud. They reduced going out to the town for the walk and locked themselves up inside the room itself.

And one fine day when Ariana woke up, she no longer found Feng next to her. Hour passed, she searched everywhere and she did not find him. "Feng'er," she walked around screaming her lung out calling his name, people looked at her strangely and offered her no help. 

And by the time she reached the end of the gates, there stood Feng, smiling. She rushed towards the figure she thought is Feng. It was none other than, "Pa," she gasped. She regretted stepping out of the room and walking into the trap immediately. They had been found. She was taken with her father instantly. Dragged away and instantly travelled back to her house. 

"Wait, let me go," she struggled on her way, but it was of no use. Her father pushed her into her room in her house and Locked her up. 

Ariana soend hours banging on the doors for then to open, since she had no idea his to apparate, it was difficult too, her powers were sealed by her father as he locked her up and she was nothing but a single living being at the moment. She cried. She had no idea where Feng had disappeared into, whether he was taken by King Dylan, taken back to the Underwater Realm or hiding somewhere, or searching for her and fall in the trap like her. She could sense the days passing as she spent time in her room. Only the food and water arrived on time, brought in by her maids who refused to speak to her and help her, getting strict instructions and list of punishment. And at that time, something happened. A flash inside her room, something creaking open. Ariana's eyes were hurt by the flashing lights and she shut them tight, turning her face away. 

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