On My Way: The Demon King Made Me His

Chapter 161: Back Home

Chapter 161: Back Home

"Aiden, come here," Demon King said in a hurry. 

"Yes, tell me," Aiden said immediately. 

"You know I cannot bring my army in here, that will turn into a huge problem, and we do not currently have troops in the Water Realm either. 

"Am thinking about that, I am not sure if Aqua will return back at the right time," Aiden shared his worry. "Did she not talk you anything?" And Huo shook his head. It's been hard to trace her.

"Remember Volca, she said they are hoping to make a big deal out if the and wage a war. We cannot let that happen, atleast not in Water Realm," Huo said.

"The land is sacred and never once has been a blood shed here, the water will be spoiled, the heaven will not have clean water," Aiden educated Huo. 

"Really?" Huo was surprised to hear the new fact. "I did not know about that," 

"It is how we believe, none of us have witnessed it over these years, so we do not know the real consequences, but also afraid what if the belief comes true," Aiden made it clear. Huo listened carefully and nodded his head. 

"That makes sense and us prisoners of different beliefs," Huo said and tired to come up with ideas. "Are you confident?" He asked Aiden once again. 

"Yes, more than ever," Aiden assured the Demon King. 

"Then let's fight them, 3 against the troops, what say, two dragons and a fox, ofcourse we can win the battle," Huo kept encouraging him. 

"Yes got it, I will alert Milan," he said and prepared to leave. 

"Don't distract her, it's not the time to play around," Huo said to Aiden who nodded and took off. 

"Got it," he said as he left the King's side. 

Milan was preparing in her own way for the battle. The Fox Queen came up with various solutions. 

She had prepared lots of traps outside the gates, and the borders of Water Realm. She let Aiden know about it. Aiden pinched her cheeks and gave a quick peck on her cheek and lip and began to explain her what Huo had asked him. The three against the universe idea. 

"So," Aiden walked towards Milan.

"So?" She aksed back.

"Be prepared," he said to her.

"I am, let's see how it will go," she said. "I mean, we have always been told we are strong, written in books that we are capable, but are we?" She put forward a question. 

"Why we are going to see that, we are capable, dragons and fox yes we can damn take down everyobdy, i see that you have already prepared stuff," he encouraged her. 

"You better support me and back me up, my parents are going to kill me when they see the Realm," She said.

"What did you do?" He asked her alarmingly. 

"I kind of destroyed all the bridges in the Water Realm so that once the troops enter, they won't be able to cross them," she lowered her voice. 

"My goodness," he was shocked. 

"Yes and also, I dug holes around the place, traps and everyone helped me too," she added.

"Everyone? You mean?" He waited for her answer.

"Yes, I visited my fellow beings in the woods, why they deserve to know what is going to happen, and also the state we are left in, cornered by Emperor Tai, I told then that the barrier that protects them is going to be destroyed and they felt agitated,"

"You put the fire in their hearts," he said surprised. 

"I am the Queen of," she started. But he pulled her close, putting his arms around her hips.

"My heart," he said in a flirty manner. She laughed out loud. 

"No," she disagreed. "I am the fox queen of the water woods, and I have the duty to look after people, I would never let Tai survive if he touches my wood, our realm," she said very strongly and boldly. 

He looked at her, smiling, watching her expression change, admiring her. He gave a peck on her lips against. But she pushed him away, with her hands on his chest. "Not now," she reminded him. 

"Oh yes, don't worry, Huo'er already warned me about that," he said. "it's not time to play around, don't distract Milan," Aiden imitated the Demon King. Milan hit him and laughed. 

"Listen to my brother in law and don't distract me," she said.

'Now don't destroy the house, our realm I mean, stop setting traps, we need to live here long," Aiden warned her.

"Yes, your higness," Milan replied giggling lightly. 

Aiden let her go and searched for the weapons King Aenon always kept in the crypt. 

He found some blunt ones and started sharing them all. He wondered if he could trust the Volca Demoness and her words. But apparently King Huo looked like he did. 

"Let's see what all happens," he murmured and continued working. They had no idea that Aqua and their family had left the place they were staying in. 

Several hours later, Aiden heard something outside, the shouts and laughter and crying. Aiden hurried outside the crypt. He saw Milan crying hard and he looked up to see what it was.

There stood every single member he thought died on the execution platform. "Ma, Pa, aunt, uncle," he hurried towards them. He could not believe what he just, he had no hope when Aqua went to find them, but now standing there before him. He teared up a little. He hugged his father who looked the same. Nobody looked different.

"So you guys were living a luxurious life huh?" That was all he could ask. Everybody laughed at him. King Aenon patted his shoulders. 

"And watching everything my children were doing," King Aenon added. Aiden's eyes grew wide and he looked at Aqua. He smiled and nodded her head. Milan blushed, Huo coughed, and Aqua remained silent, with a smile pasted on her face. Huo moved towards Aqua. Standing next to her. Holding her fingers, playing with them. 

"Were they really watching us?" He whispered. 

"Yes, we were spied, they know everything," she replied. 

"But How?" Aiden kept asking them.

"The place I went is more than anyone could imagine," she whispered to Huo.

"We will talk about this later in detail," he said. "But why is there a wound in your forehead?" That's what concerned him the most.

"Long story, I broke a rule," she said.

"Again?" He was beginning to get worried.

"I had to," she said. "There was no other go," 

"Pa, Ma, Uncle, Aunt so you might already know but still," Aiden went on.

"He and I are official," Milan declared. And she held his hands. 

"My daughter's wait did not go in vain after all," King Aenon said and smiled since everyone know how serious getting imprinted and have a heart for only one person, nobody could stand against her. Aiden smiled. And he looked at Aqua who was busy chatting with Aqua. He could not believe the change that had come to his heart. But truly in his heart, Aqua still had a place, a place he will always give her for everything she went, they faced together and how she lived for the sake of others. And finally Aqua lived on her own free will this time, nothing turned good though, but he was aware of the consequences about to come. He just stood smiling at everyone. 

"And I guess you also know that Demon King earned his place back with Princess Aqua," Aiden added to the elders. King Aenon looked at Huo who stood there, silently, waiting for answers. 

"Am not worried about that, " Queen Rivera said in a very simple tone. Huo nodded his head and let go of Aqua's hand. 

"Do not ever bring your army in," king Aenon warned the first thing. "It is an internal affair of water Realm and heaven, you do not have a role here," he said strongly. 

"I know your highness dont ever worry about that, I do not intend to reveal my identity here at all," he said. "I may help i will never be cause for any trouble, for Aqua, I will do anything," he added. He reminded King Aenon about how he was insulted and kicked out when he regained his memory and came for Aqua.

King Aenon did not have anything to say back. He nodded his head and looked at others who remained silent. Queen Rivera understood that well and let it go. She change the topic. "Let's prepare, we may be attacked anytime," 

"I will keep the watch," Jin the cyclops offered his help. 

"I will go with him," Aiden said and the two left immediately. 

"Notify me when they come, I have an urgent business to take care of," Aqua said and prepared to leave.

"Where are you leaving?" 

"I promise I will tell you when I come back, I will," she assured him and kissed him. And she apparated and left. 

"But," he began but she had disappeared. 

"That's my sister," Milan said and shrugged. 

"But.." he stood there itself, confused. 

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