On My Way: The Demon King Made Me His

Chapter 19: Bosom Friend's Surprise !

Chapter 19: Bosom Friend's Surprise !

Aqua and Huo didn't meet up for months after it, busy with their own duties. Huo has been closely watching Volca with the help of some hired informants. He kept it a secret. He wanted to know her family background.

Meanwhile Aqua got involved in politics along with her Father sharing his burdens and learning administrative strategies slowly. Wayer has been an issue with Human and Demon Clan all the time. It directly fell under the Water Realm and Aenon had the rights to negotiate. The precious fall has been the major aim and it was something Water Kingdom can never lose, being the power resource of the Realm.

To discuss and suppress the rebels in the border, Aenon decided to pay a visit to the Demon King Dritan. They chose to visit the Demon Military Leader to discuss the border issues first, to request them to suppress the demons rebelling under Dritan's guidance.

The journey was short and quick. Aenon knew the tastes of King Dritan very well and took barrels of plum wines and moon cakes as he visited the castle. He was welcomed warmly by the Demon General, a rare gentleman in the Demon Clan King Aenon had known for decades.

Aqua walked into the Demon castle, calm and composed, smile pasted on her face. It was her first time, visiting the King at his castle though she had seen him couple of times at heaven before when Emperor Tai held Royal Conferences.

To also think he is the father of her only love, Huo, Aqua did not wish to displease him at all but behaved with respect. The Demon King showed interest towards her instantly. He greeted her along with Aenon.

"How are you Dritan?"

"Doing good, we haven't seen each other for so long Aenon," Dritan said patting Aenon's shoulders lightly. Dritan looked healthy and plump though he was around Aenon's time itself.

To Aqua he didnt seem like a bad king, but his followers seemed hard to be controlled. She sat there patiently as the elders kept their conversation going. They discussed about everything in the universe and finally reached to the Precious Fall. And Dritan almost agreed with Aenon to protect his rights and called for Fiona.

At the same time, Volca walked in suddenly. Along with her mother. She was wearing a Maroon gown and holding a sword. Volca didn't properly greet her afraid of her mother but her eyes lighted up as she set her eyes on Water Princess and King.

Aqua shook her head to her father and asked him not say anything to Volca, clearing her throat.

"I hope you know Volca, my dear," Dritan said to Aqua.

"Yes, we used to train together once at school," she said shortly.

"Really? Oh under great master Bo Hai, that is great," King Dritan said. Aqua smiled and sat quietly holding her wine.

No matter what, Aqua couldn't believe Volca became just like any others. She tried to let the matter go. But her mother did look poisonous, crooked nose, and long black hair put up. The black gown with silver threads and face sharp like a vulture readily waiting to feed on the carcass.

"We have come to report an urgent matter, Your highness, " Volca said.

"What is it?" Dritan asked them. He ordered the guards to leave the palace hall. Fiona waited until the guards left and looked at Volca who looked tensed.

"We have found the whereabouts of the missing prince, Moonchild is alive," Fiona said. Aqua got from her chair and Aenon stopped her grabbing her hands.

Dritan stood up shocked. "Volca, tell him," Fiona forced her daughter. Aqua got angry.

"No don't, Volca please, leave," Auqa told her. Volca stood unable to do anything, "Leave, Don't do this, Is this how you return the favour?"

But Fiona grabbed her hands tights. "Say it,"

"He is my senior at school, he trained me, Huo, We have captured him,"

"Volca, no don't do this," Aqua shouted. "Stop it,"

"So you know my son? You know my son Princess Aqua?"

"Dritan, our kids are messing around, let's not mind them," Aenon said trying to do what he can.

'I have found my son, Aenon if you will excuse me, Fiona bring him in," Dritan ordered her.

So many guards walked in with someone chained behind them. Aqua's heart exploded the moment she saw them coming in with him. She controlled her best to not lose herself. She realised her blood boiling inside, the crystals charging with her anger. It was the first time she had felt such a rage in her. She looked at her father. Not having their guards around, Aenon tried her best to control her daughter. He only understood then that his daughter had fallen for the Demon prince into the deep.

The moment the royal guards walked in with the prisoner, Dritan shouted out. "Who dared to put the handcuffs on him,"

Huo, fuming with anger, looked at his so called father. He then noticed his girl down the platform held back by her father.

"Huo'er," she called for him. Huo knelt down, he was trying his best to not use his powers. Aqua left her father's hands and ran towards him. The guards took their swords out and so did Volca drew her claw sword. Fiona stood with an evil smile, happy to have accomplished another goal.

"Haa, the history repeats itself, a heavenly princess and a demon prince, do you want it to happens again your highness?" Fiona screwed Dritan negatively.

Aqua knelt down before Huo and took his face in her hands. His lips were bleeding, and so did his forehead.

"What happened? How come they caught you?

Why didn't you resist? You can't be here," Aqua said.

"I know," he wishpered, looking at her tear stained face.

"Did Shifu know this?"

"He is not in the school, but I won't be safe anywhere, the Emperor would want to kill me soon once her hears about this,"

"No, no," she disagreed with him leaning her head against his. "I won't let anyone one touch you," she said and used her powers to apparate and disappeared from the palace. She apparated too far away, breaking his chains and taking him away with her leaving everyone at shock.

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