On My Way: The Demon King Made Me His

Chapter 50: Flashbacks begins here

Chapter 50: Flashbacks begins here

The pain split his head into pieces, and feeling as if  its splitting into pieces, hands clutching tightly around a wooden piece of wood that was smoothened to hold on without cutting the palms. Teeths clenched tight, eyes feeling hot with tears running down to the side of the ears that was constantly wiped with soft clothes.

Huo opened his eyes finally, unable to resist, coming back to his sense, walking after a long year. He couldn't feel his body below the neck. Feeling numb and hollow, he tired to move but failed to. He lifted his head and saw how the body looked like it was on fire, flames like Auro around him. His chest had been covered and tied with bandaids.

The fumes coming from the herbs, medicines and the incense stick made him feel sick to his stomach. He couldn't understand why he was lying there like that. He tried his best but couldn't move a bit. He looked at the ceiling above him, the rocks carved and a chandelier hanging down. He noticed that the room he was lying, the candles, lanterns, the curtain hanging, the weapons, and it shocked him. He wondered why he had weapons in the room and started worrying.

The room looked awfully large and his bed huge enough for four people to lie at a time. Huo stated panting as pain kept hitting his nerves, to the point that he wished he wasn't alive.

More importantly he couldn't remedy who he was. He wondered what his name would be and where he came from, he wondered what would have happened to him to lie in such a bad state. He started chanting something.

"Please let me walk, please let me get up," he kept repeating these words. He attempted to sit up and failed again ending up hurting himself and aching all over more than ever. He then laid still and waited for the pain to decrease.

He tried to make sound but his throat felt blocked and nothing came out, and neither his tongue move. It frustrated him. Huo gave up and stopped trying. He knew that everything was useless. His mouth tasted bitter and he felt too sad and broken for no reason. He couldn't understand why.

He heard footsteps outside the room and Huo pretended to go back to sleep. He stayed calm and slowed down his breath to not draw attention. He heard the door opening slowly. The murmuring sound entering the room.

"What about the guards outside this room your highness,"he heard a male voice addressing someone of higher position.

"Leave that to me, I will handle them," she said. He ident that it was a female voice. His suspicions grew bigger.

"I will leave then," the guard said and left the room. Someone else walked into the room by that time, another set of footsteps, slow but echoed all over.

"Give today's medicines to him," the new lady who entered the room ordered.

"I don't understand, we fed him so many medicines, and also inserted the crystals, what's talking him so long to wake up?'

"Hush now, don't speak loud," the lady said and shut the doors behind her. "Even the walls have ears, watch while you speak, measure your words, how many times should I tell you this? Are you not a Queen Regent now? Act wisely,"

'Queen Regent, The royal,' Huo'er thought.

"Patience dear," the old lady said and took her sit opposite his coat. He heard the footsteps of the queen regent walking towards him and did something. He felt the the aura disappearing from the body, feeling his arms and legs. She did something near his head and suddenly, afraid that she might hurt him, he spontaneously held her arms as she stretched them towards him and pulled her.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at her.

The round face with a sharp pointed nose and grey eyes, that looked astonished to see him than shock, with her lying falling on the front. She was wearing a pitch black queen's hanfu with a bronze crown on her head. She looked strangely beautiful to him. The moment he thought that he felt his heart freezing and the feeling of being punched with needles. He made a low painful sound and gasped. He could see the old lady rising from her seat on the side.

"And he is awake for good, your prayers have been heard daughter," she said to the queen regent.

"Mother, he is awake, he woke up, he got the conscious back," she said excitedly and withdrew hands. Huo kept looking at her. He watched how her expressions changed to happiness and then crying all at once. He wondered what was happening around him. He couldn't understand why she felt exited as if he has been dead for long.

"Alright alright," the old lady said, hugging her excited daughter and letting her go. "Relax, now nurse him, it's time for the medications," she said. The old lady was wearing a brown gown and a black robe over the top. Her hair put up. She looked like an angry bird always in a bad mood.

Queen regent wiped her tears, and walked towards bed ridden Huo. She took few medicines from the bedside table and took a jar of water for him to drink. She helped him up slowly since he had woken up and put pillow behind him to lean back. Huo slowly with help rose and sat up. His back hurt badly and he felt something in his chest that struck his head with extreme levels of pain. The white cloth turned red with blood.

"I think the wound opened," The old lady said and walked towards him and did something, using her powers, and a flash if light entered his body that stopped him from bleeding. "Nothing works, he is healing very slowly, usually demons heal fast, what's wrong with him?" she cursed.

"Probabky because of the heavenly lineage in blood, he is half don't you know," queen regent said.

"Probably," she said. "Dress the wound again and put him back to bed," she said and left the room. Huo was still not able to speak though he could move his limbs now.

"How are you feeling?" queen regent asked him. Unable to say anything back, Huo nodded his head. "Bad? Good?" he kept shaking."Bad?" To that he nodded his head. "You feel painful and bad?" and he not nodding. "Am so sorry but you will have to bear with it a little more since we are in the middle of your treatment," she said and sat next to him. She helped him by massaging him hands and looked at him with tears glistening in her eyes again. "Am glad you woke up, thank you," she said. "Thank you so much for waking up when I almost gave up on you," Huo did not understand. "I feel hopeful finally, everything will be alright and in order now," She went on. "I will help you live a life you deserve the best," she promised him. He did not respond back much and watched her. She then massaged his legs and thighs and slowly reached towards his chest, untying his bandaid. The would looked half healed and half still fresh with blood. Huo was shocked to see the large hole like wound in his chest, and almost panicked.

"Look at me, don't look there," she advised him and grabbed his attention. She took a clean piece of white cloth and wrapped it around him neatly and after applying some kind of medicine and used magic powers to set it. She has a long black metal earring hanging down her ears that caught his attention. He forgot what she was doing for a moment and then looked around the room to keep himself distracted from looking at his wound.

By that time she finished dressing him and stared brushing his hair. She have him a head massaged and trimmed his hair before she braided and tied them. He looked pathetic and weak he had lost weight and looked pale, his eyes sunken and muscles cramped. It hurt to even breath properly.

Queen regent then opened the wardrobe in the room and took a fresh pair of clothes, pressed and folded neatly. She then took a basin of warm water and soaked a towel in them to clean his body.

He wondered if she did it everyday when he was unconscious. The very thought disturbed him. She asked him to pretend to sleep in front of his visitors.

"Pretend to sleep if it is not me or mother okay?" he nodded and listened to her thinking that there must be a reason why she said so. She then called the gaurds in and and handed them the clothes for him to change. He felt relieved for what she did and felt a little at ease. But he wa sure that he owes her with the treatment he was given. He kept his eyes closed and laid still while the guards washed him and dressed him. He wished to know what really happened to him.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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