On My Way: The Demon King Made Me His

Chapter 65: Royal Decree and Trap

Chapter 65: Royal Decree and Trap

"Pa there is a typhoon hitting in earth for the past whole week, it has been raining nonstop all this time with an unnatural patters of thunderstorm," Milan rushed to meet her father who was busy at the court meeting with the local ministers and teaching Adrien and Krystal to handle the affairs carefully during his absence. 

"Wait, wait," he said. 

"The phenomena can't wait, hurry up," she panicked. 

"What is it?" Aenon asked again since he did not carefully listen the first time. 

"I got this brother, don't worry, I will take care of it," Krystal assured her brother and asked him to leave. 

"Pa such a thing happens only when a soul dies forever," Milan told her father.

"It can't be," he gasped.

"Are you thinking what am thinking?" She asked him. "Could this be her soul disappearing unable to find a host?" 

"She won't leave us just like that, even if takes some million years,"

"Pa," Aiden came running towards them. "I heard it, i heard," he was panting. 

"Relax and speak then," Aiden took a deep breath and tried speaking.

"Aqua, Aqua, typhoon, earth," he said with his broken words, with his hands on his knees, trying to stop panting, tried. He ran miles instead of apparating the moment he heard the news to inform the King to leave immediately. King Aenon shook his head and waited until Aiden spoke. 

"Sorry," he apologised to Aenon.

"What are you? A child?" King Aenon asked seeing him.

"Pardon me your highness, " he apologised again. 

"I heard about what you want to report to me from Milan if it's about the unusual phenomena, come with me, we will talk about it to Rivera at first and then leave as soon as we can, we don't have time to waste, we must find her this time at any cost, this is our one final chance," King Aenon told both Milan and Aiden and walked to Queen mother's chamber. 

"What are you talking about?" Rivera was shocked and got up from her chair. She grew anxious as every second went by. "If this is the reaction, it surely means something," she said strongly. 

"Who informed you two about this?" Aenon asked Aiden and Milan who came to him running with news.

"The messenger from Human Realm," They both said together. 

"One at a time," Aenon said closing his eyes.

"He was informed by the Earth King Zidan to inform the Emperor for finding a solution," Milan told him. 

"So Empe must have known about it by this time?" Rivera said, looking all worried.

"Yes not only that, we lied to him, how can we leave the Water Realm now?" Milan asked.

"We are still mourning what more does he want, moreover we never were able to find her, so it means we were staying true to our words," Rivera said.

"When did you meet the messenger exactly? On his way to the Celestial Palace or?"

"On his way back from the palace," Aiden and Milan said together once again. She looked at him as he sounded very eager and excited unaware that it also has a different possibility. Possibility of losing her forever. Milan wished she could hide that part from him forever if they never find Aqua again. But thinking of the fact how Huo'er has come and is using her blood to live on pissed her off. She couldn't imagine for a moment how he changed getting the news from her father and mother. It hurt her. It hurt her a lot to think she considered him as her brother in law for a long time and even let her sister get tricked in his bed till she got pregnant and lost two lives at once for a stupid man. 

"I won't let him live just like that," she decided inside her head. At the same time a guard knocked on the doors.

"Your highness,  you have a decree from Emperor Tai," he announced. Everybody looked at each other and knelt quickly. The eunuch from the Celestial Palace walked in and read the decree aloud.

"I, Emperor Tai here by announce that Water Realm should be back to working along with the Celestial Palace for the great cause and no longer will be charged with any crimes. But will remain to work independently and report every week about the condition of the Kingdom.  If failed to do, the Royal Blood line will be exterminated."

The announcement was shocking and unimaginable for King Aenon and his family to hear such an order. Aiden clenched his fist and got up very quickly. "What the hell?" He asked gritting his teeth. 

"Grand Prince, calm down," King Aenon ordered Aiden. "This is a royal decree, we must respect it and think of the gods, let's not fight and lead a new battle," he said smiling and patting Aiden's shoulders. Aiden seemed to have forgotten that he brutally killed the Heir of Celestial throne and was pardoned since they couldn't forfeit it with the death of half prince, the moonchild and water princess, refusing to arrest and execute Fiona and Volca.

Aenon from that moment stood against the Emperor. And separated his way. Emperor Tai declared that he no longer will to support the Water Kingdom nor provide any help financially anymore for administration.  Ever since then Water Realm has been a like a separate country operating on it's own. But they were robbed. Celestial Palace claimed the rights of all the precious and antique treasures greedily worth tons and tons of gold. It was shocking and shameful but Aenon had no great power to stand against him, giving in eventually and let the treasure be taken away but hid a few that had the powers of crystals.

"Pa," Milan called her father as she heard the waves hitting the cliff, understanding the inner rage of her father. Aenon came back to his senses and controlled his mind and the sea. 

"I will take my leave," Eunuch said with a smile on his face and left. Aiden got angry again but Aenon forced him to stay calm. 

"Calm down, don't react, we cannot afford to get exterminated can we? At least without giving a good fight? We have along way to go son, am telling myself that right now," King Aenon told his nephew. "Our prayers will he heard for sure, keep your hope and faith," 

"Pa is he not going overboard?" Aiden asked him. But at the same time, another guard knocked on the door. "What now?" Aiden asked irritated for interrupting their conversation. 

"Aiden dear come stand with me," Rivera called him. Milan took his hands and pressed with hers. 

"Your highness, you have a letter from Celestial Palace, another eunuch has come to deliver it directly, " he informed. 

"What?" Milan was shocked and looked at Aiden. She could feel his hands growing hotter and his veins seen clear on his neck, the more he tried to control his temper.  'Do you like my sister that much?' She asked inside her head waited for the letter to arrive. She rubbed his arms and stood smiling as the eunuch entered room. Wearing a purple and gold hanfu with a funny hat and holding a long whip with hair in the end. 

"You highness, a letter," he said and bowed, extending his arm forward. Aenon took the letter and opened them. Eunuch did not leave but. Aenon raised his brows. "Your highness, Emperor his highness needed an immediate reply and asked me stay until I get them," he informed. 

Aenon fake laughed and looked at his family and fake laughed along with him except Aiden who stopped with a forced smile. "How is the Empress doing?" He asked. 

"It looks like Grand Prince wishes to know about her highness," the eunuch laughed and continued. Her highness is doing fine. I will send your regards to her, after all it has not been long since it happened, " eunuch bit Aiden with his words. Aiden remained quiet and walked away towards the inner chamber. Aenon took his seat near the table in the room and read the letter loudly, trying to warn everyone. 

"His highness would love to visit Water Realm,  stay for few days since the problem has been solved and the band has been lifted, and wishes to discuss about introducing the certain new security systems apparently," he said the summary of the letter as he read it quickly. "He would love to pay a visit to Late Princess Aqua and pay his respects to her remains, " he said it calmly and took a scroll and a quill to write back. 

"Welcome him to our Realm, we will be only delighted to have his highness here and reconcile with the past," Rivera said. 

"What a true queen," Eunuch praised and bowed again. "I would like to have Empress accompany him without missing the chance to get along well. After all we are both mothers mourning for the loss of our children who had shared their blood creating a life," Rivera said choosing every single word carefully measuring them. 

"As you say it Queen," he bowed and took the letter from Aenon, writing exactly what she has said, and waited to see the reaction from Emperor. Eunuch took them and left in a hurry.

"He knows we are upto something, he is an Emperor after all powerful and knowledgeable, he definitely know what the abnormal phenomena on earth means, he is trying to test us, let him have it," Rivera said.

"Milan get ready to leave on your own now. I will cover for you and for Aiden, stay with me," Aenon ordered. "My dear queen, you know what to do, since you have invited The Empress," 

To this, Rivera smirked and replied. "I know exactly what to do,"

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