On My Way: The Demon King Made Me His

Chapter 86: The Unexpected

Chapter 86: The Unexpected

Milan ran upstairs getting put of the cab and Aiden followed him. When Fariya made a call and let Milan listen to things, nothing sounded normal. The screams and sounds of throwing punches. She connected the call and asked Milan for help than call police directly. 

When Milan walked inside the house, she saw shocking images. There was blood and traces of magic. The room looked shattered and on the floor, laid Aizen, with a mark of a scratch on his chest. Blood was oozing out from the wound. And Fariya was nowhere to be seen inside the living room. She walked into the room and saw how she has been tied and somebody standing in front of her, in black cloaks and a mask. It was not a human form, neither a demon. But a beast. Why would a beast attack a human, why would the beast break the rule and get on the wrong side of Earth King Zidan. 

Milan and Aiden prepared their powers and started fighting with the beast. He was quite powerful. Milan looked and Aiden and nodded at him to hold and take his mask off, since his moves looked familiar with the royal beast techniques. 

They tired the beast making him fight more and more. He got exhausted and at that time Aiden got hold of him from the back with him snake whip and asked Milan to uncover his face. 

It was shocking to see the third prince of the Beast realm attacking a woman on earth. Aiden held on to him tight as Milan started interrogating the beast prince Magus. 

"What is wrong with you?" Milan asked since Water Realm is on great terms with Beasts. 

"Ask her " he shouted. 

"Fariya, what's going on?" 

"I don't know," she said scared and crying. Her hands were tied up. "I don't know," she sounded really scared. 

"What were you going to do to her?" She asked the beast prince. 

"Take her back," 

"Take her where?" Mikan raised her voice looking at Aiden.

"To our palace, where else, why would I let my wife behind," 

"What?" Aiden and Milan asked in one voice together.  They were not expecting that answer from Magus. 

"My wife, She is my wife Mira," Milan's eyes grew wide. She always hated Mira. The arrogant wife of the third prince, yes she remembered now. Milan then turned to look af Fariya who looked frightened, sweating all over. 

"She killed innocent people in the palace, and pa sent her to earth for the trial, but here, she betrayed me, she entered the life of another innocent girl instead doing the trial on her own and lived in that girl's conscious. See she is not coming out," As he said that, the conscious got out of Fariya's body while Fariya fell from the chair landing on the floor with a thud. 

"Milan let go of me," Beast Prince Magus said to her and she obeyed him. 

"You too have harmed innocent lives on earth. We will make sure you both get punished for this," Aiden said and asked then to leave immediately.  Milan tried to wake Fariya while Aiden went to take care of Aizen. But he couldn't do anything.  Aizen had left the earth the moment his sould be torn by the Beast Prince with his vicious toxic claws. Aiden informed Milan about it. Milan shivered with tears filling her eyes. She cried. "What will I do? What will I tell Fariya? The people?" 

Take Fariya to the hospital, she needs attention and for Aizen, I will take care of him, he said as he watched Milan crying hard. 

"He was such wonderful person, he was the one who gave me money go buy snack, we were like a family, he was so excited to spend time with Fariya this afternoon, why did it turn out to be like this? I should not have left them, I am at fault, what will I tell Fariya?" Milan panicked. 

Things got hard. But listening to Aiden's advice, Milan took Fairya to a nearby hospital and admitted her. She was unconscious and needed drips. They ran several tests on her and gave the results to Milan. The doctor explained in detail to her that Fariya is Lready four months pregnant without symptoms and needs emergency treatments and rest checking her pulse rate and heart rate. Milan understood that her body was weak because it lost the support system of Mira and also the fact because she is pregnant with the particles of heavenly shenlong. Nora's soul supported Fariya feeling burdenless, but with her gone, Fariya turned into a real human being.

Milan waited for Aiden to come at the hospital after handling Aizen. But the doctor called for Milan since Fariya woke up. 

"Mil, Mil, Aizen, he, he," Fariya cried aloud."Aizen," she stuttered. "Where is he? Did you see him? He was attacked, my Aizen, he was trying to protect me, Aizen," she said and kept crying. "I want to see him," Fariya screamed. Milan didn't know what to do. She was not expecting such a turn of events that would hurt the people. Milan had tears in her eyes that streamed down her face. She hugged Fariya. She sat on the edge of the bed holding and controlling Fariya. And after hours of crying and asking for Aizen, she fell asleep. The doctors gave her a shot related to her pregnancy. 

"Let her rest and we will give you the discharge after a week, her fetus is growing well but the mother is weak, she needs treatment, " Doctor informed Milan and left. After couple of hours Aiden showed up in the hospital and accompanied Milan in the patient's room. Milan stepped out the room to  it disturb Fariya and cried again. "Whay did you do?"

"A person called Aizen never existed on earth," Aiden told him. That made Milan cry even more. It felt too unfair and cruel towards the fate had to go through. It broke Milan's heart and Aiden consoled her. He hugged her and ket her cry over the shoulders. "When she wakes, she will no longer remember him too," 

"He doesn't deserve to be forgotten like that," she said while she sobbed. 

"We will remember him," Mikan shook her head and wiped her nose with her tissues.

"You have no idea what a gem he was, respecting the women, caring the people he adores, the way he takes care of Fariya and loves her, how had loved her for all these years and finally got the chance to be with her and now he is gone just like that, this isn't fair," she said.

"This is the life of a mortal, accept that, we immortals will never know that, but we have to live with if all,  we blame being an immortal sir thousands of years and then cry looking at the life of a human who gets to live nothing in his lifetime," Aiden advised his cousin. She kept shaking her head.

"He even reminded me of you," she said. "With that same mark you have on your chest," 

"It's alright," he said. But then it occured to him. 

"What did you say?" He asked her. "The mark?"

"Yeah like the small one you have on your chest, the birth mark," she repeated.

"Why does he have that?" Aiden asked her confused. 

"Why can't he? Can't anybody have it except you, c'mon dude," she said. 

"Dude?" He asked. 

"It means like calling name or a boy or man," she explained.  She wiped her tears and nose and threw the tissues in the bin. 

"Are you sure about the mark?" He asked again. 

"Yes," she assured him. "I have seen it, the night you visited here before, that day,"

"Nobody can have that," he said. 


"It is my father's birth mark which was passed on to me, it is unique, how can someone randomly have a mark denoting the Dilong, besides he is a mortal," Aiden explained. 

"That's true. You're a Dilong, so you have it, why did Aizen have it,?" Milan wondered.

"Even the names sound familiar, " he said.

"Aiden, Aizen," and Milan pronounced them again and again. It did have a connection. Milan stopped crying altogether and started searching for answers along with Aiden. 

Aiden recalled certain fights his parents have had before. But he couldn't remember them clearly. Then he remembered why those fights happened in the first place. 

Adrien and Krystal fought often because of Adrien losing quarter of his cultivation that was necessary to support the Water Realm. Krystal and Adrien had an arranged marriage. They weren't asked for permission but married off by the heavenly old heavenly Emporer during a summit. Arranging marriages were one of his favourite hobbies. At that time, Adrien was one of the greatest scholars in the heaven and often travelled to earth. It was the time he was having an affair with a human. And the relationship led to woman conceiving his child. At the same time, Emperor married him off to Krystal, the Princess of the Water Realm then around the time her brother prepared to take the throne. Adrien did fall in love with Krystal, but he was afraid of revealing his relationship with the human. When the son was born, he was half and half, but with the half of the human qualities, he couldn't become an immortal.  Hence Adrien performed a magic on his life where he would be able to reincarnate and continue living as a human for a really long time. And it costed him quarter of the cultivation. When Krystal found this matter on her own, she was angry and started fighting with her husband to in the explained everything to her. But both of them never ever set their eyes on Aizen again after giving him Adrien's part of life caring only for Aiden. Aizen continued to live as a Demi God, the human off spring of an immortal and reincarnated numerous times and kept falling in love with one person again and again in every life time.

Aiden was reminded of the story and looked at Milan who was equally shocked to know about her uncle's secret. "Don't ever let anyone know about this," he warned her.

"I think I know now, why Aqua chose Fariya and Aizen. One is the descendant of Water Realm and other Beast Kingdom, both are trusted homes for her. And she rightly chose the people. Milan couldn't believe what she just formulated and stood open mouthed looking at Aiden.

And Magus ruined the plan," Aiden reminded her..

"Damn," she cursed and looked back at the person who called for her suddenly. 

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