Once Human, Now a Parasite


Chapter -3

Author’s note: Please excuse my poor English and enjoy .


In a distant universe, far from any we know or have seen, lies a completely black planet constantly emitting a dark and dangerous aura . Any being foolish enough to set foot near it would shake with fright and flee in desperation . They knew whose planet it was and they feared his retaliation, anyone found within several light years would be crushed without hesitation .

In an ominous black castle that dominated the landscape were two humanoids . A dark figure wrapped between his massive wings with a pair of two-inch horns bursting from his forehead that oozed a terrifying aura . However, this horror knelt on bended knee before an obscured figure lounging upon a throne made of skulls, skulls that used to belong to horrors unseen . His figure was blurred, a cloying mist gathered around him, revealing nothing but his chilling smile .

"My Lord, I’ve come to deliver news from the Overgod of Light, he demands compensation for what you have done to his universe . He threatens to retaliate with force if you do not acquiesce to his wishes!"

Bizarre laughter spilled from the seated figure’s mouth, "Ah Belos . . . Indeed, that old fart probably won’t let this go unless I pay him recompense, after all, I did cause a slight mess of his home . " The figure’s tone mocking, seemingly unconcerned with his servant’s update .

Belos, taken aback by what his Master would call a ’slight mess’ felt a cold sweat from across his brow, "My Lord, please take this seriously! This is no laughing matter!"

"My dear Belos . . . Remember, life is, but a game and we are merely players! Perhaps in several centuries, you will come to realize that this whole exchange is nothing but a way to pass time for beings at our level . Regardless, my mirth is not at all attributed to that old goat’s rage . The beginning of my grand experiment is finally at hand! I have finally succeeded in creating ’it’ and I believe I have indeed found a most suitable ’subject’ as well . I shall be absent whilst I handle the initialization . Look after things for me, send that coot a gift basket or something . I can’t wait to see what he thinks of that . " After speaking, the humanoid figure leaped from his throne, patted his new steward on the shoulder, and disappeared from his hall . All that remained was the rapidly dissipating mist that had been clinging to him .

Belos, unprepared for the rapid turn of events, stood there in disbelief, unable to react to his master’s speed after delivering his instructions . After a moment he released an enormous sigh, "I thought there was no way a being of the Lord’s power could actually be as bad as those stories . . . " He then performed a final low bow to the now empty throne and then swept out of the hall, preparing to do as his Lord bid . After all, he may think of the Master as eccentric, but he would never disobey . There was a reason the Overlord of Light had sent a strongly worded message rather than instigate the master directly . Only one as strong as He could behave in such a way among the highest beings in the multiverse .

Appearing just outside of Earth’s atmosphere, the being stopped for a moment to adjust his cuffs . Without the mist used to maintain his mystery, the being was clearly dressed in an immaculately fitted black suit, twirling his black cane capped in a golden skull with spiraling horns, he looked on in anticipation at his test subject-to-be .

A human torso chained to a chair, every inch of exposed skin mutilated, an oozing socket where his eye had previously been . Badly burnt, unevenly cut stumps were all that remained of his dismembered limbs . It was a wonder that he still lived in such terrible condition, in a situation that would cause any man to break, losing themselves to despair . However, he lived, seemingly in defiance of his fate . Gazing ahead at his tormentors with an expressionless face . Only the being knew what roiled behind the man’s steely visage . The rage . The hatred . The bloody dreams of revenge against those who had wronged him . Holding death at bay with only the iron will be forged in the fires of his tribulations and suffering .

"Indeed, I have found the perfect ’subject’ . Now, to get his approval and begin . " The figure gave a deafening, inhuman cackle before disappearing, eager to finally launch the experiment these millennia of preparation have led to .

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