Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 131

Chapter 131

Lucy was watching the news talking about her team’s achievements . The clearing of two floors in less than a week is something that grabbed the attention of countless people . Even foreign countries and secretive organizations took note of that .

Only a day passed yet their team’s popularity sky-rocketed, they already became an S-class team and the report Saku made was later reviewed by Lady Sinyu and proved true when another S-class team dived to the 12th floor after bitter fights and found the monsters .

Their loots were more generous than the last run and Saku, Alin and the burly Guan became millionaires . Their revenue this time was above 50million dollars with all those skill books and items looted .

Delia took a bit of pity on those weaklings and since they were on the same team as her, the one and only Delia . She talked with Lucy and agreed to give them a decent equipment so they don’t fall behind . They are now an S-class team so at least, their members should be a bit strong and not just leech off money and fame from her and Lucy without doing a thing .

If Lucy’s plan goes well, she would leave the team after a short while . They may be Delia’s friends but for her, she only had one thing in her mind and that is, to gain Claudia’s trust and earn a good position so no one could oppose her .

It can be done easily but she had to do it the hard way for some reasons that shall not be disclosed .

As they were watching the TV at home, Lucy suddenly grinned when a woman appeared on the screen and the message ’Breaking News’ was shown at the bottom of it .

All channels had this breaking news, even foreign countries . In the news, it showed Miya shaking hands with a man with long dark hair and a thick beard .

A few days earlier .

Claudia was enjoying a dinner in a high-class restaurant in her usual 5-star hotel that she was staying on these days . An expensive wine was poured for her and the gentleman in front of her who was grinning as he was enjoying the beauty of the woman in front of him . It’s clear he was lusting for her body but he was definitely in love with her too .

"Ahh, it’s a shame . . truly . I heard you were going back to Korea tomorrow because of what happened . . . . "

The man shook his head in sadness and gulped some wine to ease his mind .

"It’s fine, darling . It’s all fabricated lies to attract attention, something most likely went downhill and they wanted to create an uproar but they dragged us into it too . . . . "

"Ahhhh! My love! I’ll miss you a lot . Just stay here and forget about this boring job, I can give you money if that’s what you need . . . "

The woman inclined her head and closed in on the man’s lips, soon, their lips touched each other and their tongue linked . Fortunately, the restaurant was specially reserved for just both of them as what happened next is better kept unseen .

Claudia was currently in New York’s airport, she was heading toward a private jet sent by the IHO . Since the event of Lucy’s team happened, Korea summoned back all the S-class Heroes residing in the U . S and Claudia was one of them .

It may be surprising that she became an S-class Hero but it was definitely not because she was strong but merely due to her money and connections . Money can do anything and to please a man, you only needed to give him money, food or a beautiful woman to warm his bed and that’s exactly what a clever person like Claudia did .

Sleeping with a man to gain benefits is a usual thing for her, as long as it’s worth the cost, she’ll do it again and again until that person could no longer be benefited from so he’ll be discarded and onto the next one . . .

"Damn old fogies, they do whatever they want . I guess I’ll hunt one and subdue him to not be in the similar situation as this one, it’s such a bother, for fuck’s sake!"

With a servant holding her bags, Claudia walked to the private jet prepared for her but when she entered, she was surprised to see 5 other people sitting .

There was a tall and muscular man with a long scar on his neck, he had a purple long sword hanging on his back . Two twins were playing chess in the corner of the jet, they were calm and had a handsome appearance, a bit feminine but the charm was there .

At the right side sat a short loli with a plump breast and blonde hair resembling a doll . The loli was humming and reading a black book, she threw a glance at Claudia but didn’t greet him or even utter a word .

Last but not least is a young man who was wearing a white-suit . He had a handsome face, blue eyes, and a blonde hair . He was the perfect prince charming that every girl dreamt of . What’s more is that he was the one and only ’Flame Emperor’ .

Usui, the strongest man on Earth A . K . A the Flame Emperor . He always had a polite yet strange attitude, no one ever saw him angry, he would uphold a calm and respectful attitude toward everyone .

"If it isn’t CEO Claudia, it’s very nice to see you . "

Usui got up and performed a polite bow before sitting again . Claudia didn’t know exactly why but she felt the creeps whenever she interacted with him . After greeting him back, she ignored him and selected an empty chair and minded her own business . Each person was silent and the atmosphere wasn’t too friendly .

Apart from Claudia, the rest was a team but except inside the dungeon, each did their own thing and Usui was the friendly one who would try to befriend or get close to them . He was half Korean half British and was from a well off family, coupled with his current status, he was sought for by many powers .

Several assassination attempts failed as none could single-handedly kill him, he was too strong and even when he’s sleeping, he always sets some kind of trap .

Claudia thought to herself when she saw him ’He’s one clever bastard! The further away from him the better’

In normal cases, she would have tried to seduce him but he has her a strange feeling, she felt unease whenever she talked with him so she backed off .

On the same day .

In the Headquarters of the IHO, at the meeting room, there were was a big table with seat circling around it . Several old men were discussing the issue of Lucy and Lady Sinyu . They were the high-officials of the IHO and by the look of it, they weren’t pleased by such heroic achievements done by Lucy .

"That old hag kept her mouth tightly shut! She didn’t even accept meeting us! She grew some nerve!"

One of the old men with wrinkled face shouted while spitting some saliva on the table, it was disgusting but he didn’t care and kept complaining . It only got worse when the rest of the old bunch joined the fray .

"That’s right! She should be expelled from the organization! Being a partner is too good for her! She forgot that we are the ones who fed her and helped her!"

A woman with a curvy and voluptuous body, dressed in a furry robe and waving a fan at herself snorted when she heard about Lady Sinyu and said

"Hmpf! Why don’t we just finish her off and rope her team? She’s just an outdated piece of bones . . . "

Hearing her say that, some of the old men agreed by most of them glanced at a middle-aged man with black hair and a thick beard . He was Zalon, the head of the organization and one of the strongest men alive . He is second only to Usui and his sword play is unmatchable .

With his hand on his chin and with a pondering look, Zalon sighed and spoke after the room turned silent

"We cannot offend Lady Sinyu . . . . the power behind her is not something provoked this easily . . . let’s put it on hold for now . "

Hearing this, the old men nodded and agreed with him, some of them started ass-kissing .

"Leader Zalon is indeed wise, your thoughts are more advanced because of your stats and your leadership is extraordinary, indeed indeed, we shouldn’t offend her . She can enjoy a bit of peace for now . . . . "

As they were discussing the matter, the dark room which was illuminated by only a small spec of light suddenly turned into an incredibly bright room, almost blinding .

A purple flash of light which soon transformed into some sort of a portal appeared in the meeting room . Some of the old men stumbled and fell on their butt from fear of surprise, some only gazed at the portal with awe of astonishment .

Even the usually calm Zalon was a bit startled .

A figure appeared out of the portal, a gracious body with a short green dress that matched her long green hair . She had a soft blade sheathed on her waist and breathtaking face, if her appearance could be described with one word, it would be ’Godly’ .

She resembled a Goddess, with that entrance and portal, coupled with her appearance, Zalon first thought is that she’s a superior being .

To be honest, since the dungeons appeared on Earth, he had a feeling that stronger beings would soon come, perhaps devils, gods or something more outrageous .

Seeing her figure landing on the room and gazing at her features, Zalon was ascertained that she’s not from here . He didn’t know how to react or what to say, fortunately, the Goddess was the first to speak .

Surprisingly, she spoke English, albeit not fluent, it was still English which could be understood .

Miya merely introduced herself and the room soon exploded in noise, whether it’s the exclaiming old men, senseless questions or telephone rings .

. . . . . . .

Lucy looked at the message displayed on the TV . It only said that a Goddess has descended and Zalon, the head of the IHO was ready to announce to the world that this is not a lie . Many people would protest or do not believe if you just tell them you met a God or that person is a God, but if the person in question saw with his own eyes what a God could do, then he could do nothing but believe, after all, seeing is believing .

Another uproar soon rose, websites worshiping were created in just a few hours and admirers from all over the globe cheered for her . In terms of beauty, she was almost without equal and adding her dramatic entrance and the support of Zalon, her popularity rose by leaps and bounds in the course of one day and one night .

To prove her identity as a Goddess, Miya was going to battle the strongest S-class Korean Team consisting of the Flame Emperor, The Raging Warrior, The Twins and The Loli .

The match was being held in a stadium in Séoul, right after the team arrived, they were struck with this sudden news but none of the disagreed to fight except Claudia who only wanted to watch the show as she was not a combat-type .

Zalon didn’t insist as she would be a burden and at 8 AM, the stadium was full of people with countless others at its entrance, demanding to enter and view the show in person and not just by the TV .

Miya was obviously not a Goddess but Lucy instructed her to say she was one, she was a peak Immortal and to such weak mortals, they would regard her as a Goddess if she displays a bit of power so there was no problem .

Miya was smiling softly as she faced the 5 man team on the opposite side .

Usui was as always, displaying a friendly smile and wearing a red robe whilst holding a long cane with a red crystal in its tip . The tall and muscular man with a purple sword was next to him, he took his sword from his back and tightly held it .

He didn’t know what’s happening but all he had to do is defeat that delicate lady in front of him, it’s such a pity but that’s how life is .

The twins held a bow each and sharply stared at Miya and as for the last one, the Loli, she wielded a book as a weapon .

"It’s such a pleasure to be able to fight a real Goddess, please go easy on us . "

Usui performed a bow to Miya and expressed his thoughts . Miya responded with a similar bow and a soft smile that would mesmerize any men, she had a special serene demeanor around her that made anyone look at her feel calm and at ease .

With the introductions done, the battle has finally started .

The Flame Emperor began with a simple yet devastating flame tornado which was followed by the Raging Warrior who leaped from the side and slashed down at Miya with his sword . Simultaneously, The twins shot an arrow each, one having the Wind attribute and the other having the Water attribute . As for the Loli, she was one of the unique people who can use a special attribute .

The Loli with plump breast can use Mana and control it freely, she needed high amounts of Intelligence and Wisdom but that didn’t stop her from earning a few strong skills . She opened her books and lifted her hand, shooting a transparent blue Mana bolt at Miya .

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