Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 134

Chapter 134

On the third day that Usui came to visit, Lucy and Delia went to the dungeon to clear an extra floor and only Saly and Randiun were left in the apartment .

Usui came at the perfect time because he wanted to build a good relationship and possibly learn more about these mysterious people, his goal, for now, is to become the little girl’s friend then he’ll try befriending the two others, although becoming buddies with Delia is something impossible, it’s unfortunate that he didn’t know that yet .

Opening the door for the third time and seeing the same face she was curious about, Saly was in a dilemma on whether to let him in or do the same as Delia .

She couldn’t speak Korean and only one or two English words like ’Hello’ or ’Thanks’ . After standing there for half a minute, not knowing what to do, Saly decided to invite him as she could feel he is weak and the stranger danger rule doesn’t apply if she can beat him, what’s more, is that Randiun is here .

Seeing that he was welcomed after trying for several days, Usui was overjoyed . He just wished it doesn’t go wrong when Lucy comes back and finds him, judging by her character, it’ll be a miracle if he’s not trashed by Delia and Lucy or even killed as Lucy loathes men .

Just when Usui entered the living room, he suddenly stopped and stared with astonishment and wide eyes at a creature sitting near the TV .

It was a large two-headed lizard made of bones, its tail had a burning black flame on its tip and it doesn’t seem to be a temporary fire .

Usui couldn’t see its level or if it was even a monster but he was scared the hell out by it and couldn’t keep advancing . Saly noticed Usui’s face turned white as paper and sweat on his forehead, she waved her hands innocently and crouched next to Randiun, stroking his bony head .

The creature waved his tail around and kept snoring without minding Usui as he didn’t feel he was a threat . As for the Flame Emperor, he was almost about to cast his spells at the lizard but once he saw it didn’t attack him, he breathed a small sigh of relief .

He was still cautious and afraid of it, nonetheless, he sat on the couch and smiled at Saly while glancing at Randiun every now and then .

Two people sitting silently on the couch and both of them couldn’t speak the language of the other, quite a tricky situation but Usui came prepared, he took an exclusive and unique candy from his pocket and gave it to the curious Saly who sniffed it .

The 15th floor was full of evolved versions of the lizards on the first floor, they could spit fire and had several parties with warriors and defenders, nevertheless, these monsters were still easily obliterated by Lucy who finished all of them in a few seconds .

An hour later, the team let the dungeon with a hopping Saku and a laughing Guan Gi, their loot was extraordinary, to the point of not having enough space to stock all of them . Guan Gi had to drag them on the ground which made him tired but he ignored that fatigue and happily did the job .

Lucy was not going to bother helping them in this, she gave them decent equipment which allows them to solo few high floors on their own and that was more than enough, in fact, she did that only because Delia kept pestering her .

Once they left the dungeon and separated, Lucy glared at Delia, who kept drinking again and again to the point that it became annoying .

"You can’t check the whole area around Earth but go check the Moon, it is rather close . "

"Arghh! I told you it’s useless to do that! There is NO ONE AROUND!"

Cold air circled around Lucy as her Yin power was slowly being unleashed, she coldly stared back at the complaining Delia and seriously said

"Go now! Or when Arthur comes back, I’ll have him lock you again, never to see the light of day again or taste whatever you’re drinking . "

Being locked wasn’t a problem for Delia but having no wine? That’s a catastrophe . Delia harrumphed and turned into a flash of light before disappearing .

. . . .

"Why do I have to follow her orders? I can still hide away and wait until he comes back . . . . but what if he never comes back?"

Honestly, she wanted to say that to Lucy but she knew if she said it, Lucy would not hesitate on attacking her and seriously try to kill her . Lucy was quite sensitive about Arthur’s topic . If she really said that, she would have to face a bitter fight against that cold witch .

As she left Earth’s atmosphere and felt the Dark Matter around her, Delia felt her body weakening . It was a bit suffocating and uncomfortable to move around as if imprisoned in a dark room devoid of air .

Fortunately, the Moon wasn’t far so in just a few minutes, she arrived near the small planet . It was only a sphere covered by gray dirt and nothing else, what else could she search in here?

If it the surroundings did not have any Dark Matter, teleporting next to the Moon was easy but her powers are limited here, moreover, she lost one of her wings which made things even worse .

A few minutes were spent circling around the Moon but nothing was found . When it was finally time to go back, Delia happened to catch a glimpse of a humanoid figure .

To have a clear view, she floated a bit closer only to be surprised by the sight . If she saw this on Earth, it would have been normal but not on the Moon, where no mortal could survive without air or special live-saving treasure .

There, laid on the gray dirt of the Moon was an old man with a long white beard . What’s more surprising is that he was hugging a pillow and a pink blanket was covering him .

"What the- . . "

With cautious, Delia drew closer to him but no matter how much she probed him, she couldn’t guess his Realm so the only reason is . . . .


The remaining wing of Delia appeared and a long Holy Spear materialized in her hand . To be like this in a place devoid of air and with the presence of such thick quantities of Dark Matter, this cannot be a normal person, if it is a person that is .

’At least a Sovereign, at least . . . . . ’

When Delia was only a hundred meters away from him, the old man woke up and looked at her with sleepy eyes . He seemed to be on the verge of falling asleep and if left alone, he’ll really sleep .

"Ah . . . you . . . I think . . . think you are one of the Gods down there?"

His tone was slow and he would doze off for a second before continuing to talk, it was a weird sight to witness, even Delia was left speechless .

"Who are you?"

For a Sovereign to be leisurely sleeping in here, it’s not a good sign, Delia could already foresee the trouble that’ll come . Fighting in a disadvantageous place with half of her wings lost, it’ll be impossible to beat a peak God, much less a Sovereign!

"Me? I’m Snory but I should be the one . . . . asking you that . . . not you . . . . . *snore*"

Seeing the old men hug his pillow again and resume sleeping, a vein appeared from Delia’s forehead and her anger meter was rising like crazy . Despite knowing he’s stronger, being treated like air is not an everyday thing for her .

Her Holy Spear was suddenly thrown at him, you could only see a flash of light charging at the sleeping old men with unfathomable speed .

Delia was expecting a movement from his at least but he didn’t even lift a finger . The Holy Spear struck a small thing that suddenly appeared in the air . When the Holy Spear dispersed and vanished, all that could be seen as a pillow . Yes, it was a pillow .

A pink pillow with two eyes, a wide mouth, and 4 very short limbs .

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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