Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 693

Chapter 693

The couple didn't linger there any longer than they should have. With the Headless Soldier temporarily frozen and the golden metropolis now in ruins, there was no reasons for the parasite or the white specter to stay, especially with the mythical being behind their backs.

More or less, Arthur got what he wanted and, after experiencing those vivid flashes of memories, he was sure that most of what Lucy said was true. It could be said that the negative feeling and distrust he harbored towards her had dramatically diminished but it didn't completely disappear.

"Are you alright?"

The moment the two left the golden city and appeared in the forest at the edge of the small word, Lucy checked Arthur from head to toe with an overly worried expression plastered on her face.

In response, Arthur tried shrugging her off but after two unsuccessful tries, he just stood there, a bit confused and slightly embarrassed now that he's aware that she's not faking her extreme affection.

"If… if all what you said is true then we're actually married."

"Mhm! That's right!" Lucy affirmed with an enthusiastic nod and a bright smile which can entrance any man. Arthur faked a couple of coughs and turned around.

He changed into a cleaner outfit, a long azure robe with silver lines on it before speaking again,

"Let us go."

"Where to?"

She peeked her head from the side, a smile still aimed at him.

"Take me to familiar places so I can recover all my memories."

Unexpectedly, Lucy didn't immediately agree with him like usual. She gazed at the gloomy and darkening sky then explained,

"I'm afraid that's not possible at the moment. Before we ended up here, we were attacked by the System's spaceship and if we were to leave right now, it'll most likely locate us and we won't be able to defeat the sheer amount of fighting robots it can dispatch."

"Then what do you propose?"

"We're not in a hurry so you can do whatever you want. I, as your loyal and loving slave, I'll follow you everywhere."

She tried to link his arms with his but Arthur stepped away and threw a piercing glare at her before jumping in the air and flying East.

What happened over the course of the next two weeks couldn't be said to be interesting. Arthur and Lucy traveled from one place to another, discovering new places and occasionally fighting monsters which were basically killed with one skill.

Arthur no longer cared about possessing those monsters, which had pathetic stats and, instead, aimed to recreate past events in order to remember what he had forgotten.

In one fateful night, a memory clearer than all the rest flashed inside the parasite's head. He was quietly meditating while Lucy was sitting opposite of him and wearing only a sexy red nightgown, obviously, trying to seduce him.

Ever since that night when she jumped on him, the two didn't do anything obscene as Arthur showed a great amount of restraint and didn't want to succumb to his carnal desires, nonetheless, Lucy attempts were completely futile either.

While Arthur was trying to calm his racing heart and turbulent mind, a memory from long ago appeared in his head and it was coupled with the head-splitting pain.

It showed him a brief fight with a silver dragon then a blinding blast which blew him and Lucy. He saw how he was nursed and how his relationship with that woman deepened due to that incident.

Their first kiss and so on… it was so realistic that he momentarily fell unconscious and let out a painful groan. When he came back to his senses, those memories disappeared but strangely enough, like its predecessors, he remembered some of them, not in the normal sense but he just knew that this and that happened.

When he opened his eyes again, the parasite found himself laying on Lucy's lap, her relatively small hand on his forehead.

"It's okay, I'm here. Just rest for a bit."

Her gentle voice, which can only be heard by him, made him close his eyes again and caused his consciousness to drift into the abyss as he fell asleep, genuinely feeling very tired.

The very next morning, when he woke up, he was sleeping on the bed with a half-naked beauty practically hugging him like a pillow. Both her arms wrapped around his chest and her head glued to him, inches away from his neck.

Not used to this, Arthur tried to push her away at first but the woman wouldn't let go so, in the end, he resigned and just remained like that, a bit stiff as he gazed at her sleeping face and wondered many, many things.


The world Arthur and Lucy were in is a nameless place in the middle of nowhere but it's still considered inside the System Universe.

After the couple fled from the spaceship, which was aiming for the parasite, the System dispatched even more robots and players to apprehend the targets but everything ended up with a devastating failure.

Out of nowhere, the Nameless Knight appeared and destroyed two of the large-sized spaceships along with all of its passengers before warning the System to stop its pursuit.

Unfortunately, his warning didn't work at all and even though he's the strongest existence, the System was hell-bent on getting its hands on Arthur.

Apparently, its adamance on getting the parasite was due to what happened recently. Someone who looked exactly like Arthur invaded many of the System's factories and had stolen important test subjects so the System assumed that it's him after running many tests.

The truth isn't far from everyone's assumptions. The Arthur who appeared at that time is indeed the parasite Arthur but he's not from this timeline but, for now, only the Joker, Leiu, and Timos were aware of that.

After searching for a bit more than two weeks, the System managed to locate the hiding couple but it didn't launch an immediate attack.

Two spaceships, no smaller than the one from before, positioned themselves around the entrance and exit of the small world and countless robots readied themselves. In order to catch the parasite, the System was ready to annihilate the whole world with just one cannon blast.

The cannon was called 'Bio Blasted' and though it doesn't cause any apparent damage, the advanced chemicals inside the blast will kill every living being in that world.

The robot in charge of this, a unique kind called the G-1 type, had all the information it needed on the couple and calculated the likelihood of their survival. Although they may be close to death, it'll still count as a success.

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