Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 723 - 667: The Head of Military Intelligence

Chapter 723 - 667: The Head of Military Intelligence

Four individuals seat in a large circular room, three seated and the last was standing near the one and only door leading inside.

King Isadore Malfront pushed back his long golden hair, slumped on the chair, and let out a long sigh. He had large black bags under his eyes, his complexion looking worse than ever before.

"It’s a disaster!" He said, helplessness and puzzlement lingering in his half-opened eyes.

The competition has been postponed longer than expected. It has been two days since the twenty-eight participants passed the fourth trial. Before continuing, Arthur did a thorough inspection of the remaining trials and dispatched the two Mythical Beings and Gutcha around the city. They were to ascertain that no Time Wraiths were lurking nearby, and so far, fortunately, there have been no sightings or attacks.

"The Mirage Era Hall is as empty and soulless as a graveyard. No signs of intruders, no signs of fighting. It’s definitely the Time Wraiths’ doing." Said the King as he grit his teeth, clearly infuriated but too physically tired to display his anger.

Dan, the Overgod and Isadore’s personal guard, was fixing his oversized straw hat and chewing sum gun without a care in the world.

Lucy and Arthur, on the other hand, wore serious faces and deep frowns. Shu Ru managed to survive but she’s still unconscious and expected to remain as such for a while. The abrupt and unanticipated appearance of the Time Wraiths was a shock to everyone, including the MoonStar couple. However, what was more surprising is the fall of the Mirage Era Hall Sect.

Not a soul was left in the sect, everyone seemed to have disappeared into thin air. The treasury was untouched and, in fact, no one from the other sects in the capital noticed the peculiar occurrence. Only when Dan went and checked the sect did this shocking news break out.

"Was it only the Mirage Era Hall?" Asked Arthur even though he already knew the answer.

"Yes. If it was an enemy... an organization, even, then we could’ve retaliated. But Time Wraiths? Ah damn!"

Isadore kept silent for a brief period then he jerked his head forward and, slightly excited, asked,

"Aren’t you two part of Black Rose? Maybe you could find some-"

Before he could finish, sadly, he was interrupted by a stern Arthur.

"No. There were complications between us and them. It’s best we don’t cross paths with any of the big heads there."

"Then what do you want me to do about this?" Retorted back the King.

"I don’t know. We’re not the rulers, you are."

"Yeah, but at least help me out! All eyes are looking at Green-leaf. With the competition and you two staying here."

"They can only look. None will dare to act... not even the Holy Dominion." Coldly said Lucy, snorting and standing up. She didn’t even look at Isadore, her body soon vanishing.

"Will you be continuing the competition?" Gingerly asked the young blonde king.

"Of course. I have nothing else to do."

"What about Astria?"

"What about it?" Spat back Arthur, narrowing his eyes.

"Err- didn’t you want to go there? You said your clone is there, right? I thought you’re in a hurry."

"Indeed I am." Arthur spread his hands and took out a strange object which Isadore recognized as the Magical Warping Device. It is what, back then, Gutcha used to go from The Green-Leaf middle Realm to Astria.

"Its coordinates changed... meaning that it’s no longer there. I need to locate it first."

"And how are you going to do that? Ah- never mind, I forgot that you’re good at Spatial Magic too."

"Well, technically, I’m not the one searching for it."



Lucy didn’t apparate inside the dusty and small room, which was filled with countless books, so much that it was hard to move around.

She knocked thrice then opened the door, softly greeting the bespectacled woman sitting behind a desk, wholly engrossed in reading a thick book.

"Greetings, Madam Lucy."

Rey, the boy who, in the past, worked along with the Black Magicians, politely and respectfully greeted Lucy, bowing his head and stepping back.

He was no longer a boy, his raven-black hair grew much longer and, thanks to the seed of Dark Magic Arthur had granted him, he became much stronger. He still stuck next to Robin, never leaving her side and dutifully doing his job as a guard.

"Yy-yes, Hello Madam."

Robin was fl.u.s.tered, trying to stand up and bow but was stopped by a gesture from the silver-haired White Specter.

"Everything’s alright?"

Lucy went and sat opposite the black-haired woman, who looked even more tired than poor Isadore.

"Still nothing, madam Lucy. Even with the device Arthur had given me, I couldn’t find anything remotely useful. What I can tell, however, is that Astria is no longer in the System’s universe."

Robin emptied the last bit of Tea Rey had prepared for her, closed the thick book, and leaned against the chair.

"You look tired. Do rest from time to time, please."

Lucy faintly smiled and looked around, seeing nothing but books stacked on each other. The room was small but Robin refused to change it, saying that she liked cramped places and already got used to her office.

Unlike Sonia or anyone who is considered as part of Arthur and Lucy’s entourage, Robin was still a mortal. Her level was increased using Elixirs and other Alchemy concoction, however, she wasn’t interested in power. She was a merchant and, without a doubt, her assistance was one of the factors that allowed the MoonStar to rise to its current prominence.

Her status, albeit being a mortal, was second only to Sonia, the Vice-master of the sect. Basically, Robin was the head of the military Intelligence and the Head of the Finance Department of the sect. The former hasn’t developed yet as there is a lack of trustworthy individuals, but that doesn’t mean it’s completely useless. The latter, however, is blooming with every passing day, but it’s not like the sect is in dire need of money, either gold or spirit stones, after all, Arthur inherited all of Zodiak’s wealth and treasures, which could bring the strongest of sects to shame.


"Now that I got a closer look, she’s really pretty!" Commented Edward as he leaned his head closer to the unconscious Shu Ru.

He grinned and glanced at the Succubus, adding, "She’s prettier than you. But she’s a bit flat for my test, you know?"

"Shut up and back away." Rebuked Fariya, hissing at the man.

In addition to the of them, Gutcha was also present. His large fingers were pressing several spots of Shu Ru’s body, trying to reinforce her vitals.

A few hours ago, after the competition was postponed, she unwillingly introduced to the pigolo, who’s a trusted confidant of Arthur. Moreover, she was ordered to obey his every command. Not only was Gutcha unbelievably hideous, but he was also weaker than her!

He was only a God-Monarch and although he could use Dark Magic, he’s certainly incapable of defeating her. It was demeaning for a strong Demon such as herself to be slaved around by a random pigolo.

Edward, however, didn’t seem to mind anything. He was curious about everything, rambling unceasingly and commenting about anything he laid his eyes on.

"You’ll stay here and guard her. Except for the Boss and his wife, no one is to enter this place."

Fariya shrugged her shoulders and walked away, sitting on a soft pouf and begrudgingly folded her arms.

"Suck to be you!"

"You. Follow me."

Without waiting for a response, Gutcha left the room, leaving a trail of black fog behind him. Edward made sure not to get close to the fog, comically hopping around while throwing mocking grimaces in the succubus’ direction.

"So, what do you have in store for me?"

Edward Ortberg seemed eager, cackling and jumping from the right side of the corridor to the left, still trying to get away from the ominous black fog.


"What are you hiding?"

Robin fixed her glasses and scrutinized the fidgeting teenager.


Rey stepped back but he had no way to run as his back hit the wall. He kept both hands behind his back, clearly hiding something.

"You better show me. Don’t make me get up." She warned him with a cold look, however, Rey was adamant, furiously shaking his hand and keeping his lips tightly shut.

In the end, Robin stood up and walked toward him, she stretched her hand toward his head and pulled his ear, causing him to groan painfully.

"You better not be up to mischief again!"

Rey had an unusual habit and that is to prank people, especially his guardian, Robin. She grew tired of his tricks and would punish him every time something odd or bad happens, even if it wasn’t his doing. As he learned the hard way, Rey became a bit obedient but his pranks didn’t entirely stop. Robin had misunderstood his current suspicious behavior, which led to this...

"What’s this?"

She snatched a letter from his hand, a folded letter that had a unique fragrance. It smelled of Cupid Lilac.


The bespectacled woman swiftly read the letter then looked at the youngster, whose face was dyed crimson-red. Too embarrassed to say anything, he stormed out of the room but didn’t manage to run far as Robin, panting, caught up with him.

"You’ve got a girlfriend?" She inquired, a rare smile on her tired face.

Though still embarrassed, Rey meekly nodded his head but didn’t deign to provide an explanation.

"Who is it? Is she part of the sect?"

Yet again, he nodded his head but maintained silence.


Robin meaningfully looked at him before handing the letter back. She gave him a hug and left rightly after, much to his confusion. He thought she’ll berate him or try to ask more questions but she did not, surprisingly...

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