One Man Army

Chapter 117

Chapter 117 [Episode 60] Reality Like A Game 2

* * * *

Just in case something happened, Sang Hyuk had recorded all the important facts he knew from the regression. He was originally trying to record only things related to the game, but when he sorted out his memories, he was naturally not only able to organize the memories related to the game but also all the significant events of his life.

Sang Hyuk looked again at the record and began to look carefully for information that might help.

Sang Hyuk’s past life was centered around the game, so he could not help but to have useful information.

But even like that, the things that did not help at all were really not helping.

No matter how he lived a gamer’s life, there were big events that were reported. And such big events could be exploited in many ways.

Sang Hyuk looked at the big events that would occur in the near future out of the information he wrote down. And he found one piece of information to use among them.

“Super Typhoon Talas, this thing landed in Japan, causing tremendous damage. What can I do with this?”

This information was still clearly memorable. The reason he remembers this information clearly is that the indirect impact of the typhoon at that time caused a great deal of rain in Korea, which made the workplace he worked at to be flooded.

Sang Hyuk was rather thankful to the super typhoon Talas, because of that the workshop in the basement was moved to the third floor of another building.

According to the news that Sang Hyuk was watching now, the Force 10 typhoon Talas occured in Southern Philippines. At least for now, neither the predicted path nor the force of the typhoon seemed very dangerous.

“In the article at that time, this bastard became super typhoon and went through Japan, it said it was an unusual thing that far exceeded the expectations, right? I think I can do something with this information…..”

Sang Hyuk has already  confirmed the typhoon Talas information and started to think about what to do with this information. However, it was hard to find a suitable way with Sang Hyuk’s knowledge. In the end, Sang Hyuk was forced to hire a professional help.

You can meet Investment Professionals only if you have money.

Sang Hyuk was able to have a meeting with a most reliable investment professional on that day with the right amount of consulting fees.

Of course, Sang Hyuk did not intend to invest through that expert. Sang Hyuk only wanted a few tips.

It was a consultation that you needed to pay for, so that the expert very kindly told Sang Hyuk various things.

Sang Hyuk pretended to know nothing and kept on asking questions and he naturally created an atmosphere to freely exchange questions and answers. And then, after the mood lightened and relaxed, he threw in a question that seems to be nothing.

“So, Stock Investment is something that can be done in more ways than I expected. Ah, then if you know that there will be a big disaster will happen in a certain area, would you be able to make an investment using that?”

“Haha, of course you can invest. It doesn’t make much sense to be able to predict a disaster, but if you can predict it, you will be able to earn huge amount of money.”

“In what ways can you make the big money?”

“But why are you curious with this? Honestly, if you have some money and want to roll it, I would not recommend direct investment. Even it’s not me, invest your money in other trusted investment professionals. That is the best.”

“Ah, it’s not that I want to invest, I’m just asking for my personal curiosity. I don’t actually have anything in mind, but in these days, I’m interested in this area, so I wanted to listen to the expert, anyway.”

“As expected, you are not an investor, but a young master from a rich family, aren’t you?”

The expert listened to Sang Hyuk with a little regret shown in his face and closed the thought about getting an investment.

“Okay. So let’s assume that you know a disaster will happen so I will explain to you in as much detail as possible. Depending on the size of the disaster…. For example, let’s pretend that a major earthquake will occur in California, USA, then the ability to use the information is unlimited. It is not possible, but if you knew the earthquake will happen before it happen, first the stock market…..”

The experts told Sang Hyuk about various investment methods. Sang Hyuk continued his meticulous inquiry as he recorded his words entirely with his machine.

Anyway, to make an investment based on the memories of his past life was not a part that could be entrusted to others. So, Sang Hyuk was going to make the investment by himself after finding out as much as possible.

Sang Hyuk met with four investment specialists right after meeting the first investment specialist. And he asked the other specialists in the similar way, then he asked them his questions.

So when he met about five investment specialists, he had rough idea of what he needs to do.

Sang Hyuk was not an expert, so he picked out the most easy-to-understand and fast-paced investment methods.

The important thing was that it was easy and fast. Sang Hyuk had a lot of other information besides this information, so there was no need to invest with a long-term perspective here.

A lot of Sang Hyuk’s efforts were needed before the actual investment. For an entire day, Sang Hyuk didn’t sleep at all and diligently studied Foreign Investments. In the case of Overseas Investments, the study was necessary because he could not do it just because he has the money.

Because the Typhoon Talas was growing more and more powerful in the Pacific Ocean, so it was better to invest a little bit sooner. Now was the best time since the predicted route was not Japan.

Sang Hyuk has invested about 2 billion won after all the preparations are over. He had to see how the outcome of this investment would be. But the obvious thing was that in at least a few weeks, the results would be out.

“Even if it doesn’t work, I will at least get triple, right?”

It was a sure investment using the memories of his previous life. Therefore, the possibility of failure of this investment was zero. Because Sang Hyuk made the investment like this, it naturally felt like a game. Is that so? Even investing 2 billion, a large sum of money, he did not hesitate at all.

“By the way, if you want me to tell you about the dangers of the super typhoon, I cannot tell you.”

In Sang Hyuk’s memories, this Super Typhoon Talas had caused many people to die or be injured. So, although Sang Hyuk used this information, it was true that he had this uncomfortable feeling.

However, it did not mean that Sang Hyuk could do anything. No one would ever trust him if he had shouted how dangerous the Super Typhoon Talas was.

Rather, it was clear that they would treat him as a deranged person.

And actually, after Talas became a super typhoon and hit Japan, warning people could become a bigger problem.

Sang Hyuk could not explain how he knew about the dangers of the Super Typhoon Talas, so he could be in big trouble.

So he just had to be quiet.

“Fiuh, let’s just give them a little big donation later.”

Sang Hyuk admitted that this absolutely could not be prevented. It was bitter but this was reality.

After finishing the investment, Sang Hyuk handled things that were connected to the game that were not accessible for a few days because of his investment tasks.

“Let’s start the Hydra hunting in a week after all things are done in reality.”

In fact, all preparations for attacking the Hydra has been over, but he did not want to make the decision right away.

Because he is going to roughly plan his investments for the next three years, so at least this week seemed to require more of his time in reality, than in virtual reality.

* * * *

Everything went as Sang Hyuk remembered.

Just like in his previous life, the Typhoon Talas became a super typhoon and suddenly turned the course northward rather than eastward then penetrate through the middle of the Japanese Archipelago.

Sang Hyuk watched the footage in real time. He did not favor Japan very much, but even so, he was not happy to see many people suffering in front of the Super Typhoon.

Of course, as Japan keep on hurting because of the Typhoon, the profit that Sang Hyuk earned was increasing. He knew that he could earn big money, but Sang Hyuk was really surprised to see the rate of the return in real time.

The typhoon has just passed and the damage was rising. The investment of 2 billion had already reached 9 billion.

“Was this something that could blow up this much?”

Sang Hyuk, honestly, did not believe it yet. Because Sang Hyuk could not confirm anything but the number, so he still couldn’t get the actual feeling.

One sure thing was that Sang Hyuk hit the jackpot.

Even though he still need to monitor his investments, but it seemed like Sang Hyuk could earn a lot more money than he had expected.

24.9 billion.

Exactly in 14 days, Sang Hyuk’s 2 billion has become 24.9 billion. Of course, Not all of the money belonged to Sang Hyuk. If Sang Hyuk took this money right away, he had to pay taxes and pay some money here and there. However, Sang Hyuk’s wealth was blown up from 2 billion to 20 billion won.

Sang Hyuk is still in the early stage, so it was only about the money that he put in using simple and quick investments. If it had been a proper investor using the information that Sang Hyuk had, it would have been a tremendous return.

Nope, even if he kept on investing a little longer in the present state, the money could go up exponentially. Two weeks later, Japan was still unable to recover from the damage left by the Super Typhoon Talas.

Because the Super Typhoon hit Tokyo directly, so many people were killed or injured, and the amount of damage continued to increase every day.

The experts have said that even if it was Japan, it will take time to shake off the damage and get back on their feet again.

“Is this the power of information?”

The power of information that has shown tremendous power in the game was just as powerful in reality.

The difference between the person who knew and didn’t know is big.

However, Sang Hyuk began to worry about continuing his investments.

“It’s only up to here, the information I knew for sure…. However, I don’t know how long Japan will continue to be shaken. So, even if it is bad, I have to take my hands off at this point.”

If real investment professionals had heard this. they would have said that he was crazy, but Sang Hyuk knew his limitations clearly.

“There are many opportunities to continue in the future anyway. So playing safe is the best.”

If he missed the snowballs that he has rolled up to here, then there will be no chance to even roll the snowballs at all next time. *

So, Sang Hyuk gave up the additional gains and decided to cash in the investments.

Sang Hyuk received the returns for all his investments the next day.

He only left it there for one more day, but 24.9 billion has become almost 30 billion. It was so dreadfully fast for the money to increase, it made him think “Should I have left it for one more day?” until the moment he received the return on his investments.

However, Sang Hyuk shook off the idea and recovered all his investment. This was right.

If he become greedy here, it would be an excessive greed.

When the investment was completed, Sang Hyuk became a great powerhouse with assets of dozens of billions of won from a small rich man with 2 billion. Since Sang Hyuk had already created a privately owned corporation called ‘SH General Investment’ from the start, the money was accumulated in the corporation.

Of course, he donated a billion won for the Typhoon Talas in the name of the corporation and gave the corporation a good image from it.

Sang Hyuk was not a person who would only leave the money in the corporate account. Especially when he learned  the fun of real investment, he never intended to stop rolling the snowballs.

“For the time being, there is no daebak (jackpot) thing as Super Typhoon Talas. But even if it is not daebak (jackpot), there is one sure information.”

The information of daebak (big hit) such as Super Typhoon Talas was limited. Especially Sang Hyuk’s memory was very poor for the things out of the game, so at least for the time being, there was no useful external information available for several months.

Instead, there was one sure thing.

That is…..

“Within the next two months, GL Company will release the G-900 series, which will be called the best encapsulated VR device over the next few years. And once it released, GL will become the first in the industry in half a year.

This information was so familiar because it was directly related to Sang Hyuk.

To be honest, this was not a large daebak information. And it did not make much money in a short period of time like Super Typhoon. But instead, it was a good to bury his money for a while because it was a profitable information for sure.

From that day, Sang Hyuk began to buy shares in GL. Of course, GL was second in this industry at this point, so the stock price was much cheaper than KH, which is the number one in the industry.

Chapter 117 [Episode 60] Reality Like A Game 2 – End

Editor’s Notes: Remember the snowballs reference in a previous chapter?  The author is using snowballs rolling down a snowy hill, growing larger as it rolls further as a metaphor for using a little knowledge for vast returns.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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