One Man Army

Chapter 149 - [Episode 76] All of them to Hades! 2

Chapter 149 [Episode 76] All of them to Hades! 2

“Let’s go to the next safe area before we look at the items.”

Sang Hyuk smiled cheerfully as he gazed at the items that used to be piled up on the deck of the Dark Dragon.

Gye Baek began to put them into the Ink-Black Dragon’s warehouse, and Sang Hyuk grabbed the steering key and they moved away from the fierce battlefield to the next Sky Island.

This time, the honor to be the first to choose the items, was obviously for Sang Hyuk. Gye Baek and Dark Knight had no complaints about this distribution, and the reason was simple.

The criteria for Sang Hyuk’s selection of items were unimaginably high by Gye Baek and Dark Knight’s standards, so actually just by sharing what Sang Hyuk has left for the both of them was more than enough.

This time too it was the same again.

Sang Hyuk picked out only three of the numerous items dropped by Reverse One’s elite users.

All three were unique items, but they were items which were useful for Sang Hyuk. However, this item was the most important among them.

Twilight Dagger [Unique]

– Dagger that connects the sun and moon. It can be obtained at a very low probability from normal monsters, which appears between the day and night.

[Basic Stats] Vitality +10

[Special Stats] All defense properties increases by 10%.

[Special Effects] <Sun and Moon (A): Attack Power increases 7% during the day and Defense increases 10% during the night.>

[Special Details] Sky and Earth, Light and Shadow (Deactivated)

Sang Hyuk has been looking for this Twilight Dagger for a long time and now he’s finally found it.

All three items needed to be assembled to create the ‘The Key to the Temple of the Seven Dragons’. He was relieved and happy. The Temple of the Seven Dragons was known to be in the Middle Layer, so if he had obtained the Twilight Dagger later, he would have had to go back to the Middle Layer to enter the Temple of the Seven Dragons.

[Universe Dagger, Twilight Dagger and Yin-Yang Copper Mirror are all collected. You can combine these three items to create a new item. Would you like to combine? (Y/N)]

When he took out all three items, he heard the system message.

The Universe Dagger has long been filled with universe force and the Yin-Yang Copper Mirror has been fed enough Magic Stones to fill the yin and yang forces.

The Twilight Dagger connected the Universe Dagger and Yin-Yang Copper Mirror, so there were no prerequisite conditions for its use.

Sang Hyuk chose ‘YES’ without hesitation.

Jiiiiiiiing, flash!

With his choice, The Key to the Temple of the Seven Dragons was finally created.

The Key to the Temple of the Seven Dragons [Event]

– The key that can open the Temple of the Seven Dragons, the temple where seven dragons sleep, each of a different type. Every day of the week, a different dragon appears. Although they are the ‘Jewel Dragons’ which have a lower rating than ‘colored dragons’, but regardless, dragons are dragons which are power incarnate.

[Basic Stats] None

[Special Details] When you inject magic into this small accessory shaped like a sword, the sword glows and the tip points to the place where the Temple of the Seven Dragons is hidden. The closer the distance to the temple, the brighter it shines. (Only works in the Middle Layer)


Sang Hyuk, the creator of the Key to the Temple of the Seven Dragons, smiled happily and nodded. As a test, he placed the sword on his palm and injected the magic, and the sword floated up slightly, pointing to a specific direction and shining a light.

‘The distance is still quite far.’

After Sang Hyuk confirmed that the Key to the Temple of the Seven Dragons worked well, he put the sword in his virtual bag.

* * * *


“I said to find him NOW!”

A man slammed his fist on his desk in rage.

“I’m sorry. But the environment is different from what it used to be that things are much more difficult.”

Ten years ago, it was easy to solve something even more difficult. Even a murder contract was not impossible. But in 10 years, South Korea and China have been changed a lot.

South Korea has transformed after the massive scandal involving the President in 2017.

The next government substantially reformed the Office of the Attorney General, followed by the national police.

Originally, South Korea had the best internal security in the world but with these often drastic reforms, it was really different.

In addition, China has improved a lot over the past decade, especially as relations with South Korea have gotten better, and in areas such as anti-smuggling and joint investigations have become considerably tighter.

As a result, it is now much harder to buy people with money.

“Do you think I don’t know that the world has changed? But I didn’t ask you to kill him, I just asked you to find him. It’s okay to pay more money just to break only one of his arms or one of his legs… and is that so hard to do?”

The man didn’t even think this was serious in the first place. Ten years ago, his position was less secure, and there was a real danger he could have been hit by a backlash, but that was then, this is now.

And frankly, no matter how angry he was, it happened inside a game, and he had no intention of making it more dangerous to himself in real life like the tail wagging the dog.

No matter how despicable Chen Kai was, he was not a man who would risk himself to that extent.

All he wanted was minimal retribution.

This was the only way his mind could be at ease…He intended to do the minimum retribution for his satisfaction.

But, even that didn’t go as he wanted.

“The people who will do that sort of thing, I have been saving their contact information for a long time now, and I have put together all the scenarios…. but the problem is that the target cannot be identified.”

“Did you ask a professional hacker?”

“I asked him, but as you know, not many facts about him have been made public…. And if you are talking about breaking into Raon Soft, this is impossible because even the world’s largest hacker group has officially giving up on penetrating their security…there are too many difficulties.”

The money was enough, but there was no one he could pay and get the job done.


The man no, the Lord of the Red Blood, sat back in his chair frowning at the impression that Sang Hyuk was invulnerable.

“There is nothing to be done.”

Chen Kai was a businessman who had a very large real estate business in China. He tended to believe that everything could be solved by money, because his wealth was almost equal to a conglomerate’s assets.

“Should I continue to investigate?”

“Of course! Bring me the results whatever you get!”

Chen Kai sat down and turning his chair.

[email protected] it, the old days when money can do anything was so good……’

Chen Kai, the lord of the Red Blood, felt very bad. He may have a lot of money, but he was definitely scum.

The seven giant unions or guilds in Reverse One suffered a massive blow which is hard to explain.

They all lost the Blessings of the Sky-sea effects.

In order to survive even a little bit in the Continent of the Sun, they had to level up as fast as they could in the Middle Layer. When they arrived at the Continent of the Sun without properly leveling up in Middle Layer, they would have to be satisfied with just arriving, but in order to survive on the Continent of the Sun, they would have to go back down to Treenark or the Middle Layer and level up to a certain level.

And they also lost the Sky-grade ships. Of course, they didn’t lose it forever, but actually it can be said they lost them because their fleet won’t get out of the spirit virtual space for about half a year.

Other than that, compared to the previous two, losing items or karma was trivial.

Rather, the bigger blow was the loss of their ‘Confidence’.

It was shocking and traumatic one-sided defeat.

If it was like this, it seemed difficult for Reverse One to continue.

Of course, DD, who has a will of iron, was actively trying to prevent the dismantling of Reverse One, but no matter how hard he tried, the limits were clear.

The good news was that the power of the seven largest coalitions was completely different from the usual standards.

They each had a great foundation on the real world beyond the game, so even though they had fallen into hell, but their guilds were not broken.

Rather, when they fell to the bottom, they increased their investments towards the game. The strong will of the Reverse One’s guilds was unlike the other guilds that had crumbled apart after dealing with the One Guild.

Sang Hyuk would consider the Seven Giant Alliances like cockroaches, but this was one of their abilities.

All seven coalitions discarded the Sky-grade Ships which were completely wrecked and had to stay in spirit virtual space as they are and rushed to produce new Sky-grade ships. And even though they lost the Blessings of the Sky-sea, they were not frustrated because they still got some of the experience they needed from the Middle Layer and learned some important tips.

They once again organized the fleet.

Of course, this time, they didn’t configure the fleet solely for the purpose of catching up with the One Guild.

Because first of all, Reverse One had to live, so the first thing to do was to recover from the blow struck this time however you can.

DD’s Dark Dragon was the only one to protest the decision. No matter how much influence DD had in the major decisions in Reverse One, he couldn’t do it this time.

However, it was not possible to leave Reverse One.

In the end, DD realized that he had no choice but to step down and quietly disagree.

* * * *

Team Rush who smashed Reverse One, their only competitor, was still sailing smoothly, even though they had entered the windless zone.

Obviously the Sky Whales and pirates from the windless zone were powerful, but not only did they have enough experience, but they also leveled up and earned titles and items, which were much stronger than expected.

Sang Hyuk still showed the strength that destroys common sense while Gye Baek and Dark Knight also demonstrated the world-class abilities and they proved that they were good enough to be members of Team Rush.

Of course, if they sail through the windless zone and enter the storm zone, even if they are the team Rush, they would have to stay alert, but they only needed to worry when the time came.

Anyway to pass through the windless zone, they would take at least a month or more.

“Coming to South Korea you said?”

Gye Baek looked at Dark Knight with a surprised look.

[Yeah, I wanted to come since last time.] (TL Note: He used the informal speech.)

Now Dark Knight, Gye Baek and Sang Hyuk have become good friends and have had comfortable conversations with each other.

Especially since Dark Knight became good friends, he spoke more than he did before.

“Are you coming for a short vacation?”

[You can say it’s a long vacation. ]

“Wow, great! The three of us have to get some beer and chicken when you come.”

Gye Baek was excited because Dark Knight was coming.

“When will you come? Should I pick you up at the airport?”

[The day after tomorrow. Pickup is ok. I’ll contact you after I unpack my luggage. And…….]

Dark Knight seemed to have something more to say, but he stopped talking in the middle.

“Huh? And what?”

[No, just don’t get surprised when we meet later.]

“Pfftt, why should we be surprised when we meet up?”

[Alright, that’s it.]

Dark Knight nodded at Gye Baek’s words and answered.

“Have a safe trip. And that day, let’s just take a break and let’s get together and relax.”

Since Sang Hyuk also accepted Gye Baek and Dark Knight as friends so he wanted to chat with them all night while having drinks.

“Then we definitely have to get the next port before the day after tomorrow. Immortal, what are you doing? Step on it!”

Gye Baek laughed cheerfully and shouted.

And Sang Hyuk, likewise, smiled and floored the accelerator.

Being with trusted friends.

That was a really fun thing.

Chapter 149 [Episode 76] All of them to Hades! 2 – End

Edited by Userunfriendly

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