One Piece: God of Space

Chapter 574 Moon Base

Chapter 574 Moon Base

All the robots here are completely busy, moving back and forth quickly, and most of the time they are holding things inside.

But as the bald man walked further and further inside, at the very center of the entire factory, a device with an almost invisible head was staying here quietly, constantly moving back and forth here. Those robots were actually running towards this huge thing holding the documents in their hands.

“What exactly is this building?”

Chang Nuo couldn't help the doubts in his heart and asked curiously.

"God's damnation! An extremely powerful offensive weapon, it can destroy a planet with one shot!"

The bald man said as he walked.

"How long did this thing take to be built?"

"It didn't take long. It seems to have been built for nearly 800 years, but it's almost time to end."

"You said there are many people like you, why do I only see you?"

"Do you think there is only one base on the far side of the moon? There are many more behind!"

The bald man's words once again surprised Chang Nuo.

When he first landed on the moon, he had already sensed it, but not much appeared.

Or maybe those people themselves are hidden deep in the base, but the robots parked on the periphery, one by one, stay there like dead objects, motionless and without any breath of life, they may be mistaken for them by perception. Stone.

"I'm curious why you have insisted on building this thing for hundreds of years. What is your purpose?"

Changnuo asked again doubtfully.

"It doesn't matter why. In fact, even we ourselves don't know it, but our mission in this world is to keep researching and to build various weapons."

"So you are also studying the king of the pirate world?" Changnuo asked.

"So you little guy knows that thing? It's just that this thing is not what we study. This thing appeared as early as 800 years ago. At that time, we didn't have such a good brain at all. In fact, we can see it now These things were developed based on the King of Heaven and Pluto, and these things have evolved and developed until now."

The bald man explained patiently.

"You really explained some things that surprised me, but you can spend so much energy building these things here. Sometimes I really wonder, what is your motivation?" Chang Nuo said as he walked.

He was even looking carefully at this huge thing that, as they said, took eight hundred years to build.

To be precise, this thing with no end in sight is more like a cannon barrel. The deep and hollow place at the front end should be the site where the attack is launched.

"The name of this thing is Heavenly Punishment. It is about 5 kilometers long. The attack range has not been tried so far. The specific power is based on the simulation method. A sudden attack can at least wipe out the entire world below. Moreover, this thing Construction is expected to take up to three years.”

The bald man said.

"Why do you have to tell me so much? Are you not afraid that I will have other ideas?"

Changnuo asked with a smile.

"Do you think I can still worry about you leaving in this place?"

The bald man slowly turned his head, stared at Chang Nuo with a sinister smile and said.

"Maybe I don't think so. The high technology here is indeed very good. Do you really think you can trap me just by relying on the robots outside?"

Chang Nuo suddenly smiled and said.

At the same time, the sea-floor stone handcuffs on his wrists fell off instantly.

However, even after losing all his restraints, Chang Nuo was not in a hurry to attack anyone, even the bald man in front of him.

"How could you possibly break free?"

The bald man asked in surprise.

"This doesn't seem very difficult, does it?"

"Who are you?" the bald man asked immediately with a serious expression.

While he was asking this, he also pressed the red button on his arm at a very fast speed. In an instant, all the robots in the entire area suddenly put down the things in their hands, and all of them turned red. , eyes began to gather towards him.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but this time I came here and I did get the answer I wanted. To say I'm not surprised is weird. I didn't expect that there could be such a surprising place even on the moon. .”

Chang Nuo said in surprise.

"Hahahaha, even if you can break free and drive, so what? This is the moon, and there are more robots on it than you can imagine. Do you really think they can only move things?"

The bald man laughed and said, then quickly took a few steps back.

Immediately afterwards, all the robots began to rush directly towards Changnuo at the fastest speed. It must be said that the moving speed of these things was indeed beyond everyone's imagination.

They rushed over one by one like points of light, but what was powerful was not their strength, but their numbers.

Even in this base, it is estimated that there can be at least tens of thousands of robots staying here.

Most of their strength is close to that of a major, and their attack methods are slightly single. However, if there are some people with poor strength, they may not be able to match each other individually.

The advantage of these guys is not only their numbers, but more importantly, simple attacks have no effect on them. These are all mechanical existences. There are many red eyes outside, so there is no rush to do anything. When Chang Nuo kicked one and broke one, they would rush up quickly, pick up all the parts, and reassemble them together.

If this situation continues, no matter how powerful you are, you may end up exhausted here.


Feeling this huge number, Chang Nuo sighed while fighting, and at the same time, he was also looking for the weaknesses of these guys.

"Don't bother, these robots are not capable of autonomous control, and the unity of their operations is definitely not what you imagined."

The bald man stood not far away, watching the situation here with interest.

It is estimated that for him, this may be the only fight he has seen in his life. After passing the test, it was a boring job. Suddenly seeing such a situation really made him feel a little excited.

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