One Piece: Reborn as a Skypiean

Chapter 11 - Rokushiki!

Chapter 11


–General Pov–

[A few days later]

Amon was preparing to leave his hut for the newly appointed 40km run.

Before going out of the hut, he used [Observation Haki] to sense if there were any kind of deadly trap placed outside the door…. Confirming the safety, he slowly walked out of the hut. 

He looked very weird with his 1.4 meters tall body carrying the big bag beside him. He was currently walking towards the exit of the village, to the upper-yard. That's why the bag was important, it's filled with all kinds of life-saving dials, after all. There were exactly 26 dials in there, only to save his life in critical situations.

Like if he unexpectedly confronted God's army, a strong Pirate ship, or a strong white-white sea creature, this will help him get out of any critical situation.

Walking through the road, a few kids around his age caught his sight.

One was running with another one chasing after him. The one ahead had a boiled fish in his hand, while having an anxious face as he was being chased by another kid.

"Hey, give me back the food!"

"Huff… No! You ate yesterday anyway. This white-sea carp is mine!"

"Bastard! Mom said to share it with me!"

It's a strange sight, kids were fighting each other for food. 

Amon kept walking without paying any attention to them, this was a normal sight to him.

While walking many useless thoughts were wondering inside his mind, 'I know these two who are running... They are brothers with 1 year of age difference… The older one is called Roy and the younger one is called Rei. And like most kids in the tribe, they sometimes have to starve for a day or two… Not me though. Being a Kalgara descendent has its own perks, as I get 5x more rations than normal. The others can starve to death for all I care.'

Ignoring them, he continued walking towards the exit, while keeping an eye out. 

Like said previously, the village is inside a dome-like structure, with the ceiling made of solid Island-cloud. The exit of this dome is in the opposite direction of the giant beanstalk. 

Amon had his [Observation Haki] at full capacity so that he could avoid any adults. Since children under the age of 8 aren't supposed to leave the village, it was better to not catch any adult's eye. 


After a few minutes, Amon was spotted near the upper-yard's side area. He was skating towards the territory with the Shooters in his feet. 

After a few moments, he reached the land. He then jumped to the ground from the sea-surface, it was flawlessly executed with the special custom shooter of Bob that Amon reaped last time.

After landing, he took off his shooters, he liked to feel the touch of soil in his feet. Placing the shooters in his bag, Amon stretched for a while.

As he said, "Well, it will take less than a half-an hour for the running to finish... But I am about to perfect [Soru](Shave). So I will have to train for a few more hours…"

Among the Rokushiki(6 powers), Amon can only perform a weaker version of [Soru], also rip-off version of [Geppo] that only lets him double jump a few times. Finally, an ultra rip-off [Tekkai](Iron Body) which lets him harden his outer skin for 3 seconds. 

Amon learned [Soru] and [Geppo] naturally because of his daily habit of sprint. 

He was able to perform [Soru] from a year ago, and [Geppo] from only a few days ago. The late is mostly because of his small legs. However, he learned [Tekkai] by accident, or more specifically, from the constant attempt to perform [Seimei Kikan]. Because since he didn't know how to perform it, he kept doing what he thought was right. Like tightening all his body muscles and pushing the strength towards his wings, or the part of body he wants to move.

Doing that for countless times, though he wasn't able to perform the technique he was aiming for, he at least gained something else. One of the Rokushiki, Tekkai!

Amon cleared all his thoughts and prepared to start running.

"Huuuuh!" Releasing a heavy breath, Amon dashed ahead, still with the bag beside him.

Today wasn't the first day Amon came to the upper-yard, in fact, he has already come here countless times before. However, he still wasn't completely used to the terrain of this land.

As he thinks while running, 'From my estimation, the upper-yard's area in a whole should be around 4000 km²… as expected from something called City of Gold.' Just, according to Amon's estimation, the size of the upper yard should be just around Dubai city's.

Ignoring his wandering thoughts, Amon kept up running on the messed up terrain of Upper-yard, while sometimes jumping from one tree to another.

Amon was running without any problem while parkouring through the rigid places. Jumping above trees, and even avoiding any kind of living being, may it be God's Militia or any other creature, he was trying not to pick any unnecessary fights.

While running, he was sometimes kicking the ground at a very fast pace, vanishing from the spot for a second, only to appear a few meters away. 

He was trying to perform [Geppo], however, since he didn't have much experience in using it, all of his efforts were turning into [Soru]. 

Yet, he didn't give up and kept kicking the ground...




A few minutes passed, and Amon can be seen jumping in thin air. It was very unstable, and it looked as if a baby was learning how to walk for the first time. 

Also in this state, only by looking closely would a person be able to tell that he wasn't doing that using his Shooters, instead, he was doing this with his own legs' power!

"Hah… haha! This is more fun than I expected!"

Amon had a happy smile on his face, however, unlike his smiles in the tribe which are fake most of the time, the current smile he was redirecting wasn't fake. He was truly feeling happiness from the bottom of his heart. The feeling of freedom was sweeping inside his whole existing.

"I feel like a free bird…How nice it would have been if this never stopped-AHHH!"

He wasn't able to complete his sentence as he started to fall down. However, luckily he still had his shooters on, so he was able to replicate the same action using them.



"Damn… that was close… Hahaha, but that was fun!" Amon said with a hearty laugh. He was experiencing the feeling of conquest. This new feeling wasn't that bad after all. 

However, "...However, I can't slack off." The small achievement wasn't enough to get over his mind, as he said this with a serious grin.

After that, he started to try his best at learning [Geppo]. Kicking the ground as fast and hard as he could, at that pace it wasn't supposed to take that long for him to learn [Geppo] and master [Soru]...




A/N: A short chapter… but okay? ? 

When this book reaches 500+ stones, it will receive a new chapter.


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