One Piece: Reborn as a Skypiean

Chapter 128 - Savior...

[Read 15+ chapters before release in P.A.T.R.E.O.N]–



Chapter 128

Title: Savior...


"Ancient Zoan— Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Nergigante." Amon sounded out lightly. "You probably aren't aware of this Dragon's species, but it's powerful, that I will say."

Reo, the person who was the recipient of his word, looked strangely excited. "A Dragon Zoan?"

Dragons are the strongest among the strongest.

Eating this meant he will be stronger, many times stronger than now. That way, he would be able to protect his people, sacrifice himself for them more efficiently. This was a great power boost.

But what confused him was his other line.

"But what do you mean by joining Beasts Pirate…?" Amon nodded at his question. "You want me to infiltrate Beasts Pirate from inside?"

"That should be the case."

"But…" Reo looked hesitant. "What about All-Star King? He looks like a… how should I put it, 'Evil Skypiean'?"

"4-years ago, you were the one who said to be careful of All-Star King."

This question made Amon laugh. "Meh, don't think too much of it, back then I was just paranoid. All-Star King isn't some kind of spiritual enemy of us or anything."

After visiting the moon, Amon learned some secrets. Secrets about King's race, it wasn't anything special or supernatural. "I will tell you about it on a later day, now eat the fruit and go fight Jack, help the Spade Pirates."

"Ah… okay."

Amon continued. "Even if you don't win, Jack will ask you to join him, accept it in the condition that he lets the Spade Pirates live."

Amon needed Ace to survive, he would then lead him to Wano and steal Oden's diary from Yamato, finally putting all the blame on Ace's shoulders.

'What will this cause…? Kaido's participation in the war of the best.' Amon made a sadistic smile in his mind. This time, he won't let Shanks stop Kaido from going there.

"Okay… but," Reo had one more question. "What will I answer if anyone asks me why I did this?"

"In the case of Jack, just tell him you want a good fight. In the case of the Spade Pirates, tell them, Deuce's 'friend from the underworld' asked you to help them. Add some more lines of your choice, just don't mess up "

A short silence occurred while Amon kept grinning.

Reo understood everything and nodded.

"Any more questions?"

He shook his head. "No," he then looked at the fruit in his hand. "Then I will eat this…"


Masked Deuce was an orphan. He lived a life full of tragedy. Not expecting a turn for good, he tried doing criminal activities many times, though he was captured and beaten by the people many times, he didn't give up.

He didn't even think of changing his lifestyle, but he was satisfied with the result. He had some rules and followed them, so to many children and the elderly he was a hero.

Doing these criminal acts, one day he got into the underworld. In his time there, he one day met a benevolent man, the man's age was unknown to him since he always wore a mask and was dressed in black clothing.

This benevolent man helped him, gave him new jobs, taught him about the world. So to him, the man was a figure who he never had, the figure of a father.

4 years ago, his 'father' went missing without telling him. He assumed he must be busy, so he waited.

While he was on the verge of believing the man left him for good, he returned. He explained he was in a critical situation and he will also be busy like this later on.

Deuce was happy enough that he didn't leave him, so he apologized to him for doubting him.

The man said this, "Since I will be busy from now on, you should try to enjoy your life. Become a free bird, go be a pirate."

That line triggered him. That's how his journey began, after hearing this from that man, he met Ace and started to travel together with him.

That man… was Amon.


Ace's body shook with the body of Deuce on his arms, he had stopped breathing already.


Ace screamed as his Conqueror's Haki leaked, knocking many people on the battlefield unconscious.

"Kehk… this kid." Jack was shocked seeing him use Conqueror's Haki, in the end, he decided he was too dangerous to be left alive since he saw his companion's death.

Jack, the Mammoth, rushed towards Ace with his legs aiming at his puny head.

Ace didn't even flinch seeing this, he didn't know why, but he felt like he could defeat him.

Ace swung his fist towards Jack, making him shocked seeing black thunder swirling around it.

'That…' Ace punch left a purple-black lightning trail. 'Just like Kaido-sama… he is coating his attack in Conqueror's Haki.'

This was talent, the talent of Pirate King's son. He was someone who learned Armament Haki coating a week ago, yet he was able to achieve something like this, even though he was doing it subconsciously.

Jack was suddenly alarmed, this attack would even hurt Kaido, so he couldn't be fine after receiving it.

In this timeline, Blackbeard might need more effort to catch Ace.




–Reo Pov–

The fruit tasted disgusting, but I was able to swallow it.

I can feel the new power inside me, it's as if another being has entered my body. I can switch bodies with that being, thus granting me unimaginable power.

Zha Zha

My thoughts were cut by the sound of sea waves.

We were now close to the seashore. I can tell with my observation Haki that the Mammoth has already noticed us.

Time to transform.




Hearing Ace's spiteful cry, Jack frowned.

He was already too far to back off now, Jack raised his front leg and decided to block the attack with his fore-foot. His bone should be strong enough to block this novice's attack.

Jack's forefoot and Ace's glowing-red fist clashed with each other!



Jack didn't have Conqueror's Haki, but his armament was strong. He used it against Ace's punch. The steam had heated up to form a fire fist yet again.


Jack's elephant fore-foot cracked like glass, blood dripped down, his face distorted but he didn't fall back.


Ace also used his other fist and punched forward, Jack stopped it with his other front foot.


Another impact, the island shook, Ace surpassed his limit, however, Jack noticed something important.

'He is… unconscious?!'

Yes, Ace was unconscious, but he was still fighting.

His crewmates and the few awake Beasts pirates were shocked to their cores.

But Jack saw this as an opportunity, he swung his trunk!


Ace was hit from his left side and was flown meters away in a second. He was concentrating all his force on the front, so his side was weak. Jack took this chance.

Ace fell meters away from the spot and laid down unconscious, his glowing fists returning to normal.

"Huff… what is his identity," Jack asked himself. In no way this was a normal pirate.

"It's better to kill him right here and now." Jack decided.

He was a threat, he gave his forefoot a permanent injury.

In anger, he walked towards the Ace who was unconsciously lying on the ground.

Looking down, he raised his leg to crush Ace's small skull under his leg.

He jabbed his leg down, however.

It was stopped by a black arm of a beast.

"This is enough."

Hearing the deep voice, he looked at the culprit as his eyes grew. The look reminded him of the dragon he just killed.

He instantly looked back where Deuce's body was kept, he was shocked seeing it still there.

Then who was this…?

"I have come to stop this fight."

It was also a Nergigante, but he had a few changes in his body, he had four black wings instead of two...

"In the name of my lord."

It was Reo.


Amon was surprised that Reo's Dragon form granted him 4 wings, after all, All-Star King's still retained only one pair of wings upon his transformation.

'Being a half of wing-human and half of that race, shouldn't King also retain 4 wings if Reo is doing so?'

It was something to think about, but without any way into it, Amon gave up thinking.

'Maybe because he isn't a pureblood…?'

'Or he just doesn't use 4 wings since his Zoan body is small?'

Amon ignored the thoughts about King and Reo and focused on Ace.

Amon was sitting in the borders of the volcano while eating snacks. He looked quite displeased.

'Ace… that fucker. His genes are too good.'

For years, Amon has been trying to coat Conqueror's Haki on his body as if Armament just like Kaido and Luffy did in chapter 1010 manga, but he has been unsuccessful.

'Again, why.'

Always facing a border, Amon was a little angry. Though it didn't matter. 'I can do better than that, I can coat Armament in my lightning. That can be used as an alternative for this.'

To begin with, the effect of Conqueror's Haki coating made a trail of black-lighting. Amon can just make his lightning become black using Armament… it should have the same, or at least a similar effect, right…?

'Fuck this…' Amon threw his snacks in the volcano behind.

Kaido said, 'Even among the Supreme Kings, only a few chosen people can do that.'

So, did that mean Amon wasn't chosen?

Frankly, he didn't care.

'I need to train Conqueror's Haki more. It may be I don't have a talent for this like Luffy and Ace, but I will learn it.'

People say Conqueror's Haki is there from birth, one can't acquire it in any other way. Amon didn't believe that was the case…

Amon knows the best Haki teacher, Rayleigh, who never said Conqueror's Haki can't be learned later on in life This meant there is a high chance Kiado's statement is wrong too.

Maybe 10 more years? Or 100 years? Or 1000 years?

Amon doesn't plan to live a short life like a human, his obsession with absoluteness won't allow that. This meant he still has a chance to learn this.

'Nothing is impossible.' This was a saying in his previous world, but the statement is true in this world more.

'I need to make Raki train it… maybe she can unlock it too?'

Shaking his head while laughing jokingly, Amon then focused on the fight, not before bringing some more snacks from a nearby island of course.



Bam! Bam! Bam!

A fight was taking place between Jack and Reo who has transformed into a dragon!

His four wings were attacking Jack without giving him any time to dodge, and since all of the wings were spiky, they were enough to immobilize his defense.

"Argh!" Jack was slammed with the dragon's tail and thrown a few meters away.

He was slammed to the ground but managed to get up not so long after.

"What is your identity…" Jack was curious as he asked Reo.

"I just want to fight you, I don't hold any malice towards you," Reo replied with what Amon taught him. "Also, I am quite angry you killed one of my fellow dragon fruit users."

"Huh…? You mean that other dragon guy?" Jack asked as he got up straight on his feet. His eyes suddenly went cold. "So you want revenge?"

Reo noticed it and laughed. "Not really, it's nothing serious. I am just angry you killed another dragonkin such as me. If he lived, we could have trained together." Reo used some of his made-up lines. "Now, you should satisfy my battle lust."

After a short silence, Jack laughed too. He didn't hate this man anymore.

He decided. "Alright, I will give you a fight, but you have to promise if you lose you need to join the Beasts Pirates, how does that sound like?"

Reo, the dragon, grinned. "Seems fair enough."

Saying this, he rushed towards Jack, this time Jack again started to take advantage of his experience and familiarity with his Zoan form. Even though Reo was a good fighter, which granted him the power to last long against Jack, now the tables had turned.


Amon grinned lightly. "He is good. He changed the atmosphere around Jack with just some words."

This was fascinating. "Let's wait until he gets defeated… he might have a plan already."



This time around, Jack was more aggressive. He was very vigorous and easily pinned Reo towards the losing side.

Until now, he might have had the upper hand because of his Zoan being overall more powerful than Jack's, but now, it all came down to experience.

After all, Reo in his human form was somewhat weaker than a Scabbard of Oden, and Jack could thrash two of them without much difficulty. Although Reo was many times stronger now, he didn't have enough experience to control that strength.



Leaving another hit in Reo, the gasping Jack opened his mouth.

"Since you are gonna join, why not stop here? It's clear I am the winner."

Reo nodded, albeit barely. He was breathing heavier than Jack. "I… understand."

Saying this, Reo started to transform back. His 7"7 feet small stature made Jack amused as he also transformed back.

"But I have a request, think of this as a gift for a newbie."

Reo demanded, Jack nodded after a brief silence of surprise.

"Leave the Spade Pirates be…"

"..." A frown appeared on Jack's large face. "Impossible, their captain is too dangerous."

A short silence later, Reo chuckled. "Why? I think you are very strong, why are you scared of them?"

Jack was infuriated. "Watch what you say, I might change my mind."

Understanding provoking him won't work, Reo made a change of plans.

"Okay, okay, I am sorry. But it's a request… I have pride, as a fellow dragon fruit user," Reo continued. "As you have already perceived, my fighting style is quite lacking, meaning I am a newbie with the fruit."

Jack sat down on the ground, he was tired. "Yes, that should be the case. Or I would have to use my full power."

"Yes, that's what I was saying," Reo stated. "From where I am from, we see these types of things as spiritual connections."

"I believe me and that man, eating the fruit around the same time must have a reason, so I want his companion to leave. It's like seeing your little brother's friends. I just don't want them to die, it's a selfish request."

Obviously… Jack was still against it.

"You have a strange view of things, people with wings are strange even if the wings are white other than the black that I am familiar with," Jack commented.

He glanced at Ace. He was barely breathing, his companions were the same. 'They would probably disband the crew… it's fine I guess.'

Jack was dumb. He wasn't good at making decisions, so it was clear he would listen to this promising newbie. He might become one of that groups with six promising talents.

"This wish, I will grant it."

Besides, for a person with a severe inferior complex like him, granting such a request made him feel good about himself.

Reo smiled. "Thank you, I will be loyal to the Beasts Pirates and Kaido, to you as well." His smile widened. "Jack-sama."

Jack noticed how he didn't refer to Kaido as 'Kaido-sama', but referred to him like that. He felt proud.


Jack was gone, Ace was still unconscious. Reo managed to deliver a small piece of paper with some words on it, delivered by a Birkan of his crew.

After reading the paper, the Spade Pirates were silently laying or sitting on the ground, before an unknown person's footsteps made them raise their head.

He was wearing a face mask and a black shiny jacket reaching his knees, he had his hands in the pockets of his jacket. Just like Deuce, he had blue shoulder-length hair.

The Spade Pirates recognized him. Even without the small message left by Reo, they heard enough of him from Deuce to know… who this was.

"Hello," The man's voice was gruff and cold, almost as if he was an old man, but his partially visible skin made that thought vanish.

"You probably know already. I am a fool Mr Fool."

It was an alias, an alias of Amon.

'I hate hiding like a rat, but Kaido is my biggest problem to date.'




This chapter was proofread by Discord members and edited by @Retuculum and @Shortmotor!


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