One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 29: Fighting a Top Power

Chapter 29: Fighting a Top Power

_________ POV Enel_________

Ever since coming to this world, I wanted to witness it. The strength that this worlds best wield.

I've never been much of a battle junkie. But I was always fascinated by fighting. I even trained as a fighter, although not for a very long time.

To be fair, all of my time was consumed by my main profession, so I barely had time for working out, let alone practising MMA every day.

It hasn't been long since I've come to this world. Maybe around 5 months if you put it all together.

I trained like a madman in the first three months, doing my best to get my body up to snuff in order to properly use the speed that my devil fruit gives me in combat.

Even now, I am far from being able to use actual Light speed when attacking with my staff, I don't know if I'll ever be. But I am still able to go faster than most people, excluding Kisaru and maybe the Yonkos and Yonko-level fighters that weren't touched much on the show.

People like Shanks and his crew, and even Mihawk are enigmas, and I have no way of knowing how I compare to them.

I can always constantly toss around lightning with no regard for anything, I'd probably win most conflicts with that regardless. That was also what the old Enel had been doing, mostly.

But what happens when I eventually run into someone that can resist my ranged attacks for long enough to get close to me?

What if Someone like Kaido, in his full dragon form, appears? I'm sure that monster can tank quite a few hits, he was specifically known to be annoyingly durable.

Hell, Garp himself would probably be able to withstand quite a few hits with his legendary Armament Haki.

That's why I decided that it's best to work on my body. To make up for my weak points by completely eliminating them.

I'll leave the sack of heads that I collected on a piece of floating wood somewhere farther away from the Beast Pirate's ship.

Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to do much if I also have to worry about the other Beast Pirates present, so I'll take them out of the fight early on.

Jack himself isn't someone I have any confidence in beating without the full use of my devil fruit, but I need to at least see how long I can hang on before going all out.

I want to test how far I've truly come against an enemy at a higher level than myself. If I want to improve my Haki, then this is the only way to do it.

_________ POV Narration _________

And so, the two figures stood face to face as the rain hit both of their bodies.

Jack the Drought far surpassed Enel in height, being around 8.3 meters(27'3") in height when standing straight.

He looked down at the Rear Admiral with a curious gaze. All of his crewmembers falling at once didn't bother him, he was much stronger than them.

What bothered him was how Enel did it...

"... The reports said something about a metal manipulation devil fruit of sorts..." Jack muttered as he remembered bits and pieces from the file Doflamingo sent him regarding Enel.

He sneered a bit as he now realized that likely all of the information he received was wrong. He decided that he would bring it up later with Doflamingo, to squeeze more money out of him.

"Well, they aren't entirely wrong..." Enel said as he started twirling his staff to his side, waiting to see what Jack was going to do.

"Heh, bullshit!" Jack quickly took out his two curved blades from his tusks, he looked at Enel with a hint of excitement.

"Lightning boy, you better not disappoint me!" The huge man rushed Enel with the greatest speed he could muster.

A speed that Enel considered quite lacklustre.

Jack swung one of his blades down with a lot of strength. Enel simply sidestepped the attack and jumped on the top of the blade.

With his superior speed, he ran up Jack's blade, as well as his arm. Enel had reached the pirate's head in an instant.

Jack's eyes widened as he noticed Enel's speed a bit too late.

His staff was tilted backwards as Enel struck the large man with his staff, using all of his strength and momentum in one blow.

Jack's head moved back a bit as the mouthpiece that he was wearing cracked. Small pieces of metal spread around the deck of the ship.

Enel quickly jumped backwards as Jack took a step back and regained his bearings.

The large pirate rubbed his jaw a bit as he looked at his adversary with a bit of anger.

"You little bastard!"

With a grunt, he swung both of his blades towards Enel. The entire ship trembled as Jack let his rage control whatever reasoning he had before.

Enel used his staff to push himself backwards, extending it into a tendril in the same process.

The golden tendril wrapped around Jack's attacks, forming a spearpoint at its head and going directly for the large Pirate's chest.

Jack scoffed as his chest turned completely black. "As if a puny attack like that can pierce my skin!" The golden spearpoint seemed to struggle against Jack's skin as sparks arose from it.

Enel scowled a bit as he pulled his staff back, bringing the tendril back to him.

Or at least he tried to. Jack quickly grabbed onto that tendril when noticing Enel's intentions.

"Running away? I don't think so you little shrimp!" He quickly pulled on the golden tendril, not allowing Enel to move one step, as his other arm was already swinging a curved blade towards Enel.

In truth, Enel could've always just let go of the staff, or simply detached the part that Jack was holding onto. But he decided to take a different approach.

With a small twirl, he channelled lightning into his staff. Jack's body was completely paralyzed just as he was about to hit Enel.

Jack himself felt his muscles spasm as the gold he was holding electrified him and burnt his palm a bit.

The gold itself was being melted by the high amount of electricity soaring through it.

Enel didn't stop there though, he quickly wrapped that molten gold around the giant's arm, completely using up his staff as he only had a small string of gold left tied to his wrist.

He continued to run electricity into Jack's body as the pirate shouted out loud and tried to power through the attack. Enel noticed that he had managed to finally regain control over his body.

Enel crouched under Jack's blade as it came striking into the deck of the ship once more. That strike managed to sever Enel's connection to the gold as well, giving Jack some breathing space.

Enel kicked slightly upwards at Jack's outstretched hand, and a flying slash rushed towards the heavily muscled arm, only to be stopped by Jack's thick muscles and armament haki.

The flying slash was deflected upwards and hit the main mast of the ship, cutting it in two as part of it fell onto the Ship, creating further tremors.

At this point, Enel noticed that the ship they were on simply wouldn't be able to last for long if they kept going.

But he didn't want to stop yet. With a grunt, his rings and accessories turned into the same ornate golden spiked gauntlets, which then quickly turned completely black.

Enel was quick to arrive in front of the giant that was still recovering from the previous attack.

With a shout, he started punching Jack's chest with fervour. Each punch seemed to push the rain away slightly, each punch was faster than the last, Jack was slowly being pushed back, but his chest was still barely even getting scratched.

Enel got a sense of danger then, he quickly used Soru and disappeared from Jack's range, as the pirate slammed both of his hands in his previous location.

One of the hands was still covered in molten gold, which at this point also turned black.

"You little coward! I dare you to try and face me!" Jack was beyond enraged, Enel had dodged every single one of his attacks, there was simply no way for him to touch the Rear Admiral.

Enel smiled a bit. "FINE! I'll take you on!" Enel decided to finally try to take an attack with his body, knowing that he would never improve his Armament Haki fast enough if he simply dodged everything.

Jack flashed him a crazed smile, he brought both of his hands above his head and brought them down in a violent manner.

Enel turned his arms upwards, both of them coated in Haki and clad in gold, attempting to stop the Giant's attack.

The second Jack's fists made contact with Enel's palms, a shockwave was released that seemed to almost push the clouds away.

Enel could feel his bones cracking as the golden gauntlets that protected him almost immediately burst.

The ship underneath him cracked uncomfortably, he then felt himself falling, the deck of the ship had finally given way, the part underneath him broke and he was sent tumbling to a lower level.

Jack laughed out loud as he looked at Enel's state.

"Haha! You weren't that much after a-" His words were stopped by something heavy.

He was kicked to the side of his temple, Enel had suddenly appeared beside him, taking him by surprise and sending him flying through the other three masts that were still standing on the ship.

And with that, the ship was already almost done.

With regret in his mind, Enel looked in the distance at Jack, his eyes held a calm gaze as he studied his opponent one last time.

His kick had managed to deal some damage, Jack's mouth guard was completely off, his temple was bleeding slightly, and there was blood coming out of his nose as well.

Enel sighed regrettably, in the end, he wouldn't get to see much of Jack going all out.

Jack himself wasn't expecting Enel to be able to hurt him at any point.

He had only landed a single hit, and now his entire arm had slight burns on it, and he was also kicked rather heavily in a moment of carelessness.

The injuries were still nothing to the large pirate though.

He used his free arm to quickly peel off the molten gold from his skin, without the electricity coursing through it, it was also starting to cool off.

While pulling off the gold, he also pulled off some skin from the parts of his arm that were somewhat burnt.

Armament Haki had protected him from having his entire arm burnt off.

Jack scowled at the gold as he tossed it on the ground. He hadn't expected such a high temperature to come from mere gold.

Enel's powers were getting more and more confusing for him, as he glared at the Rear Admiral hatefully.

It was rather unfortunate that he had no way of knowing gold's melting temperature, which was comparable to that of Magma.

Enel could've gone much further, but he stopped as he still wanted to keep using his staff, and gold was rather expensive.

After all, gold was one of the few metals that could evaporate under high enough temperatures.

"A rather sorry set of circumstances you seem to find yourself in..." Enel mocked Jack a bit, as he wondered how to end the fight properly.

One of his arms shook slightly, but Enel was otherwise uninjured, the ship broke at the perfect point, which made Jack's only landed hit rather ineffective.

"I don't want to hear that from a little rat that can only dodge around! If you let me hit you once more you are dead!" Jack shouted, enraged by Enel's words.

"Maybe your words would have more of an intimidation factor if you actually had any chance of hitting me by yourself..." Enel ended up crouching down on a broken part of the mast as he calmly looked at Jack.

'I could keep fighting this guy for a few days, and I still won't get any closer to killing him at this rate. At least not by going this easy on him...'

Jack was enraged even further when seeing Enel's relaxed attitude, but he took a deep breath, and he calmed himself down. He quickly rushed at Enel with his greatest speed.

He brought down his sword towards Enel, this time his gaze was a lot more focused as his blade turned completely black.

Enel flexed his left leg, preparing to simply dodge to the side again, that was when he noticed it.

The moment he flexed his leg, Jack's attack shifted more to the right, attempting to cut off his head as he was dodging.

Jack was finally taking things more seriously, he actually started using Observation Haki.

Something that was impossible to survive without against an opponent faster than yourself.

Enel let his body go soft, as he looked at Jack's blackened blade almost reaching the space between his brows, aiming to split him in half.

Jack smiled sadistically as he looked at his blade sink into his enemy, completely splitting him in two as dust and splinters spread everywhere on the ship.

At this point, the Mammoth, Jack's ship, was already starting to sink.

Jack released a boisterous laugh as he was about to retrieve his blade and turn around.

Then he felt a strange weight on his blade.

His gaze turned towards his opponent again, only to see Enel squatting on his blade in a relaxed manner.

"H-how-" Jack took a step back, making Enel fall off his blade.

"Future sight... Well, it's not perfect, but using Armament Haki won't work with me..."'At least not when using such obvious patterns...' The last part was left unsaid.

Enel had parted his body right at the moment Jack had attacked. Making it look like he had been split in half by the haki-clad blade.

Jack might've had the stronger Armament Haki, but Enel's observation was also leagues above that of Jack.

If things continued like this, they'd be in a stalemate for who-knows-how-long.

Enel was also smart enough to realize that.

'It's about time I end this...'


Hope you liked the chapter! Another one coming today :))

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