One Piece: Wild Hunt

Chapter 75: Mutualism

Chapter 75: Mutualism

Though it took a few days, news of Wapol's defeat and the existence of the Enma-tei gradually circulated through the island of Drum. Regarding the former, virtually everyone wanted Wapol to hang for his crimes. As for the latter, people from all over the island began making their way over to see it for themselves, using the ropeway system that had been opened to the public.

As part of his 'pay it forward' initiative, Thomas made it so that the people of Drum Island could make use of the Enma-tei's facilities at a discounted price. There were various rules and restrictions, but they could purchase a Bath Pass, permitting the use of the Enma-tei's hot spring, or a Communal Dining Pass, allowing them to dine in the buffet hall on the first floor.

While the citizens were initially trepidatious, especially regarding mixed bathing, the Enma-tei exploded in popularity virtually overnight. Not just because the food in the dining hall was delicious but because the Chiefs of each village could acquire food, water, and other goods at an incredibly discounted price.

Since the Enma-tei operated on the notion of Equivalent Exchange, gold and other forms of currency could be converted into just about anything a person could need, want, or desire. Thomas planned to charge a premium for 'imported' goods in the future, but the people of Drum Island wouldn't have to worry about that any time soon. Until conditions improved and the island became more prosperous, they would receive goods and services at nearly a tenth of their actual cost, a boon that would gradually diminish as the funds they 'supplied' ran out...




While wearing yukatas that looked a little outlandish on their oversized frames, Dalton, and the duo serving as his deputies/ministers, sat across from Thomas with serious expressions on their faces. They had spent the previous night as guests within the Enma-tei, a basic 'requirement' for any who wanted to meet with Thomas. However, while they had enjoyed the experience immensely, the trio weren't particularly happy since they knew most of the funds used to construct the otherworldly building came from the 'former' Kingdom's treasury.

Fortunately, none of the men were 'foolish' enough to call Thomas out for essentially 'plundering' their country. Such funds would never have made their way to the people so long as Wapol was in control, and they would still be suffering under the despotic man's tyranny if not for the arrival of Thomas and his group. Thus, while they couldn't help feeling vexed, they 'accepted' that the Enma-tei wasn't going anywhere.

Breaking the tense silence that dominated the atmosphere, Dalton, with a grim expression on his face, was the first to say, "I wanted to thank you. I have questions about their origin, but the supplies you have distributed to the villages have provided much-needed relief to thousands..."

Shaking his head, Thomas caught the trio off-guard by admitting, "You know as well as I do that the people 'deserve' those goods. The Enma-tei exists to ensure an equal and fair distribution of wealth and supplies while your country transitions from Wapol's reign to the next."

Unable to remain silent, one of the men accompanying Dalton, an old man representing the Isshi-20, asked, "Do you seriously expect us to believe that you plundering the treasury and much of the palace's armory was for the 'benefit' of the people...?"

Worried that the man's comments might offend Thomas, Dalton shouted, "Dr. Andrews...!" in a firm, chiding tone.

Before the man could respond, Thomas answered, "Yes, because if the palace were filled with treasure and enough weapons to supply an army, opportunistic asshats would be fighting to acquire both. I've removed that temptation and ensured that the people of Drum would be well-supplied until the next administration gets things in order. Could you do the same if the money was in your hands...?"

Raising his hand to silence his two companions, Dalton stated, "Make no mistake. We are grateful to you and thankful for the services provided by the Enma-tei. What I'm curious to know is what your plans for the future of Drum Island are. I can't imagine you just packing up and leaving after constructing such a large facility..."

Adopting a practiced smile, Thomas replied, "We all have our secrets. The important thing to know is that I intend to help the people of Drum Island prosper. So long as the next administration doesn't get greedy and try to impose sanctions on our operations, we will work alongside you to realize that goal."

Narrowing his eyes, Dalton's expression and tone hardened as he asked, "And if we oppose you...?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Thomas replied, "Unless you're attempting to centralize power to reinforce your dominion over the people, there's no reason to. As you've experienced, the Enma-tei prioritizes hospitality over all else. To ensure each of our guests can enjoy their stay to the fullest, we intend to operate outside the influence of existing governments as a 'neutral' organization. Anyone that attempts to violate that autonomy will pay the price. Simple as that..."

Though Thomas's response raised a considerable number of red flags, Dalton understood there wasn't much they could do to oppose him. The ease at which Thomas and his 'organization' were able to deal with Wapol made it clear they had tremendous military might at their disposal. And as far as he knew, their influence extended to multiple islands.

Exhaling a sigh, Dalton surprised his two companions by stating, "Though I can't help feeling reluctant, we will work alongside the Enma-tei for the future of Drum Island and its people..."

Nodding his head in approval, Thomas replied, "As such, you will always be welcome within the Enma-tei. Now, as I have other matters to attend to, my staff will see you out. Have a good day, gentlemen."

As the balance of power was stacked in Thomas's favor, Dalton and his men had no choice but to comply when he dismissed them. Once they were gone, his body became illusory before a young woman with golden blonde hair, rubicund eyes, fox-like ears, and a fluffy tail appeared in his place. Thomas wasn't particularly diplomatic, so he had Hitomi, Koharu's apprentice, meet with Dalton in his stead.

Emerging from the neighboring room, after sliding open a bamboo door, Thomas, accompanied by Benienma and Koharu, remarked, "Good job, Hitomi. You can take the rest of the day off unless something requires your attention."

Bowing low enough that her forehead nearly touched the ground, Hitomi replied, "Thank you, Goshujin-sama," before quickly rising to her feet and excusing herself. In her wake, several chubby sparrows entered the room, hastily removing the tea sets, snacks, and cushions laid out for Dalton and his entourage before replacing them with new ones.

After observing the sparrows with intrigue for several seconds, Thomas redirected his gaze to Koharu, stating, "You'll be on your own until we get another Enma-tei up and running. Remember our arrangement and make sure everyone follows the rules. No 'disappearing' people, even if they're Pirates..."

Though the people who lost their lives in the Enma-tei would disappear from the memories of others, it was far from 'perfect.' Haki was Spiritual Energy mixed with Willpower, so anyone with sufficiently advanced Haki would be unaffected by the memory erasure. This included high-ranking Marines and members of the World Government, so Thomas didn't want to give them an excuse to stamp out the Enma-tei before he could spread its influence throughout the Grand Line.

Bowing in a way that intentionally emphasized her cleavage, Koharu replied, "Fear not. Everyone in the Enma-tei is indebted to Goshujin for providing us the opportunity to serve our sentence in the Mortal World. None of us are in a hurry to return to Hell, so we will respect Goshujin's wishes and serve to the best of our ability."

Reinforcing Koharu's statement, Benienma revealed, "Those summoned to serve in the Enma-tei must offer tribute to Hahaue. If they are ousted and forced to return to Hell, they will not receive a second opportunity."

Adopting a smile, Koharu playfully remarked, "We rather enjoy not having our skin peeled, tails ripped off, and bones used to create soup stock for hungry Oni. If anyone violates Goshujin-sama's orders, we will not afford them an ounce of mercy."

Smiling wryly, Thomas replied, "That's a mental image I could have done without..." before pulling an expensive-looking pocket watch to check the time. The Merry was scheduled to depart around 10 AM, so he had around twenty minutes to make his way over.

Returning the watch to his interior breast pocket, Thomas gave Koharu one last look, smiling as he said, "See you around, Koharu. The next time we meet, I'll seriously consider accepting your invitation for a drink..."

Narrowing her golden eyes, Koharu's tails flickered behind her as she said, "Then we shall be counting the seconds until our reunion. Be well, Goshujin-sama. And may fortune favor you during your travels..."

Exhaling a chuckle, Thomas remarked, "Well, I 'do' have EX-Rank Luck..." before providing a playful wink and turning around to depart alongside Benienma. The past few days in the Enma-tei had solidified his decision to part ways with the Straw Hats, not because he didn't enjoy spending time with them, but because he felt like he could accomplish infinitely more as a business magnate than a Pirate...




Seeing Thomas arrive alongside Caenis and Benienma, Nami teased, "I was half-expecting you to stay behind."

Rolling his eyes, Thomas directed his gaze to Vivi as he replied, "I'm not the type to break a promise. Not if I can help it."

Adopting a radiant smile, Vivi walked forward to grasp Thomas's hand, whispering, "Thank you..." in a faint tone. His help was no longer strictly necessary, but after experiencing the wonders of the Enma-tei, Vivi was certain her country would benefit tremendously from having one near the heart of their territory, particularly within Rainbase. Just the Enma-tei's ability to convert gold into food and water was a tremendous boon for a Kingdom encircled by deserts.

Instead of responding to Vivi with words, Thomas planted a chaste kiss on her lips, prompting the nearby Ruby to remark, "Oh my~!" while Illya covered her face in embarrassment. At the same time, Nami reacted with an eye roll before walking off to instruct everyone to get ready to depart. They only had about seven days' worth of supplies, and Alabasta was at least ten from the Drum Kingdom. Caenis's ability to manipulate sea and ocean currents negated this factor, but Nami elected to operate the ship on the premise that they wouldn't always be able to rely on her presence. After all, once they concluded things in Alabasta, they would need to sail on their own merits...




Around four days into the journey to Alabasta, Thomas was killing time on the quarterdeck with Vivi when a News Coo flew down from overhead. He had purchased a premium subscription that provided monthly updates for all Pirates with active Bounties, so, seeing the New Coo carrying a thicker than normal parcel, Thomas quickly made his way over to see if there was any news related to the Four Emperors, the Wild Hunt, or himself.

Fortunately, while their actions on Drum Island would typically earn them a sizeable Bounty, the fact that Wapol had cut his Kingdom off from the rest of the world meant there was no way for the news to spread quickly. News Coos also tended to avoid islands with harsh climates, so there was little chance of them flying over and finding out something had occurred.

After flipping through numerous listings related to the Four Emperors and their Commanders, Thomas's brows perked up as the Bounty Poster of a fierce-looking woman with hot pink hair entered his view...



[Photo of Drake standing on the bowsprit of her ship]

Dead or Alive

Francis Drake

Bounty: 1,638,000,000 Berries

Crimes: Francis Drake is charged with the crimes of sinking thirty-seven marines warships, consigning 11,928 courageous Marines to their deaths, and severely injuring three Vice-Admirals.





(A/N: That's one way to make your debut as a Pirate...)

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