One Piece: Wild Hunt

Chapter 92: Setting Sights on a New Island

Chapter 92: Setting Sights on a New Island

After an afternoon of reviewing migration forms and approving expense requests, Thomas decided to take a break in the Imperial Suite's private bath, a large, square-shaped tub that could easily accommodate 40-50 people with room to spare.

As everyone living in the Imperial Suite had access to the bath, Thomas was unsurprised to find Robin and Astolfo getting their backs scrubbed by two of the suite's rotating personnel, a duo of fairly young-looking kitsune with fox ears and tails. Thomas was originally against having them work in the bath, but, as the girls could apparently accumulate 'merits' by serving high-ranking guests, he eventually relented.

Noticing Thomas's presence, Astolfo adopted a bright smile and called out to him while Robin waited for him to approach before calmly inquiring, "Another tiring day~?"

Having gotten used to communal bathing, Thomas sat beside Robin and Astolfo without batting an eye, answering, "We're getting pretty close to 100,000 residents." in a casual but audibly fatigued tone. He really wasn't cut out for administrative work, but he was doing his best to lessen the burden on Vivi. She had been given the position of Viceroy by her father, making her the 'official' Governor of Erumalu. Compared to her workload and responsibilities, his were fairly light.

Nearly as soon as Thomas sat down, a marginally more mature-looking kitsune entered the bath, hurrying over to help wash his back. This was typically Benienma's 'responsibility,' but the dutiful sparrow was currently away, serving as one of Vivi's bodyguards while she hosted an economic conference.

While the somewhat nervous-looking kitsune gave his back a thorough cleansing, Thomas carried on a conversation with Robin and Astolfo. The former had originally offered to serve as his assistant, filling the same role for him as she did with Crocodile, but Thomas ultimately refused. Instead, he made her the acting Okami of the second Enma-tei, utilizing her insight as a member of the Underworld to bring their practices and policies up to speed.

Once their bodies were thoroughly scrubbed down and rinsed, Thomas and the two girls entered the bath while their attendants went to ready sake, ice, and Tamago. Instead of sitting apart, however, Thomas relaxed with his arms spread wide, allowing the duo to nestle close to him. He and Robin had yet to have sex, but she would occasionally 'surprise' him with her Devil Fruit's abilities. Once, after learning it was his birthday, she even sprouted a mouth on her palm, using it to give him the most confusing yet stimulating hand-turned-blowjob he had ever received...

While tracing her finger along Thomas's chest, Robin asked, "Since we're about to reach 100,000 residents, does that mean you'll be leaving soon?"

Nodding his head, Thomas replied, "I want to set up a few more Enma-tei before our relationship with the Underworld worsens. One of the islands Astolfo scouted has a modern setting and an underground fighting arena. It's also fairly close to Karakuri Island, the birthplace of Dr. Vegapunk, so I plan to check it out and see if I can't acquire some modern or 'futuristic' goods."

Even without Thomas referring to it by name, Robin immediately knew which island he was referring to, remarking, "You must be referring to Tokyoku Island. There is a substantial Marine presence in the area, and I heard the people there aren't very welcoming to outsiders."

As he had already done his homework on the island, Thomas replied, "That's true under normal circumstances, but they make an exception for those attempting to enter the Underground Fighting Arena. So long as you can pay the entrance fee and are willing to sign a waiver, they'll let pretty much anyone enter the country. Then, once you become famous, you can move about as you please."

Having heard the rumors of Tokyoku's passion for celebrities and idolatry, Robin didn't attempt to dispute Thomas's statement. Instead, she asked, "Who will you take with you? I initially assumed you would sneak into the country with Astolfo, but it seems you have something different in mind."

Hearing Robin's words, Astolfo blurted out, "I'm going with you...!" in an assertive tone. The thought of being left behind was unbearable, so she immediately adopted a pouty expression to pull at Thomas's heartstrings.

Exhaling a faint chuckle, Thomas pulled both girls closer as he muttered, "As if I could leave you behind..." Then, before Astolfo could respond, he silenced her with a kiss, soothing and exciting her simultaneously.

With Astolfo temporarily becoming as meek as a kitten with a full belly, Thomas caressed her head as he responded to Robin, stating, "Caenis already has a substantial reputation, so I was thinking of registering her for the arena while playing the part of a Sponsor. What do you think...?"

Blinking in surprise, Robin admitted, "I honestly expected you to seize the spotlight for yourself. Haven't you been looking for an opportunity to test your strength?"

Adopting a wry smile, Thomas said, "Be that as it may, my greatest asset is the people who support me. If I can help Caenis attain her Ascensions, I'll have a lot of leeway moving forward."

Returning a smile of her own, Robin mused, "How thoughtful..." before resting her head on Thomas's chest. Then, in response to his previous question, she stated, "It's a reasonable plan. While the Emperors of the Underworld are presumed to possess great strength, no one knows their actual capabilities. If Caenis claims the title of Champion yet treats you with deference during 'negotiations,' it will drastically affect how others perceive you..."

Inserting herself into the conversation, Astolfo remarked, "It also gives Caenie a chance to beat up bad guys. Then, once her excitement reaches the peak, Master can give her a big, fat reward..."

Punctuating her words, Astolfo grasped Thomas's semi, gently kneading it with her fingers as she narrowed her eyes and licked her lips. Her 'switch' had been flipped since Thomas kissed her, so she was eager to move the discussion from the bath to the bedroom. If not for the rule prohibiting it, she would have already pounced.

Never one to disappoint his women, at least when he had the option to avoid it, Thomas planted another kiss on Astolfo before releasing his hold on the two girls and responding, "I've got time..." in his best attempt at a smoldering tone. Fortunately, as his mastery over his Adaptive Trait had increased quite a bit in the past few months, he could even give someone like Vin Diesel a run for his money if he wanted.

As an indicator that his efforts weren't for naught, Astolfo closed her eyes and trembled. When she subsequently opened them, a glossy sheen was present as she whimpered, "I don't think I can wait much longer..."

Finding Astolfo's behavior adorable, Thomas planted one final kiss on her forehead before turning to Robin and asking, "How about it? Want to come along?"

Though she appreciated the invitation, Robin ultimately shook her head, answering, "I still have work to do. I only came to bathe because Astolfo asked me to accompany her. Feel free to invite me again the next time our paths cross like this..."

Adopting a faint smile, Thomas replied, "Something to look forward to..." before promptly rising to his feet with Astolfo tucked under his left arm. She enjoyed being carried like a Princess, but she 'preferred' being thrown over his shoulder or carried like a sack of potatoes as she wriggled about, laughed, and cupped her cheeks with a silly grin on her face...

Following Thomas's and Astolfo's departure with her eyes, Robin waited until they ascended the stairs to the second floor before exhaling a tired but audibly steamy sigh. If Thomas had pressed a little harder, she would have readily accompanied him. Unfortunately, while he had become more assertive, he wasn't quite as bold as she would like him to be.

Interrupting Robin's thoughts, the kitsune carrying sake approached her to ask, "Does Okami-sama plan to stay in the bath, or should we take the sake to your room?"

Regaining her smile, Robin replied, "The heat appears to have gone to my head, so please prepare a cold compress. As for the sake...please place it in a bucket of ice and set it near my desk."

Bowing respectfully, the kitsune attendant replied, "As you will, Okami-sama," before quickly scurrying off to carry out Robin's orders. As she and the other kitsune did so, Robin exhaled another prolonged sigh, this time sinking into the bath until she was blowing bubbles beneath the water...




In preparation for his visit to Tokyoku Island, Thomas informed both Vivi and the King, the former completely clearing her schedule so they could spend at least a week together before his departure. He wasn't planning to be gone for more than a few weeks, but Vivi insisted they spend time together since there was no way of knowing what incidents might occur on his journey. If he received news that the Straw Hats were in need of assistance or encountered a powerful foe with an Install Card, his return could be delayed by weeks, potentially even months.

As he enjoyed relaxing and spending time with Vivi, Thomas didn't even attempt to argue with her. Instead, he gave her a ring made of the same material as Poneglyphs, assuring her that, no matter what happened, he would always return to her. Alabasta may not be his place of birth, but so long as he knew Vivi was waiting for him, Thomas considered it his home.

Spurred by her indestructible ring and Thomas's promise, Vivi practically locked him in her room for the better part of their week together. Caenis and several others came to check on him, but that just resulted in them getting pulled in to join them.

Fortunately, not that he minded knocking Vivi up, one of the first spells Thomas had learned from Chiron was a contraception spell. He looked forward to becoming a father one day but didn't plan on having kids until he was nearing the end of his journey. He might have considered it if Vivi asked him to impregnate her, but other than insisting that he cum inside her, she never 'expressly' mentioned wanting to become a mother.

Just in case, Thomas had some of his semen frozen and preserved so that Vivi could bear his child even if something happened to him. There was no guarantee that she would want to, but after spending so much time together, Thomas was fairly certain she would at least consider it. She and Benienma had become friends, and, during their time together, the ever-faithful sparrow had gone to great lengths to implant the notion of preserving his lineage in the dutiful blunette's mind...




After tying off some loose ends, Thomas, accompanied by Caenis, Astolfo, Artoria, Illya, Chloe, and Ruby, boarded Meng Zhi's flagship, the Feilong. It was a three-masted ship with unique red sails, but its most prominent features were its pagoda-like quarterdeck, draconic bowsprit, and the more than one hundred cannons lining its hull. It also had wheels and numerous ports for oars, so it could even sail through the Calm Belt if Meng Zhi felt so inclined.

As he would be entering Tokyoku as Caenis's sponsor, Thomas decided to enter via the port rather than trespassing using Astolfo's Hippogriff. Their chosen route would also take past Amazon Lily, so he intended to offload Illya and Chloe, at least for a short while, as they sailed into the Marine-infested region. Karakuri and Tokyoku were only a few hundred kilometers away from both Marineford and Impel Down, so sailing through the region with two of the world's most infamous lolis was practically pleading for an Admiral to race over and apprehend them...

Coincidentally, Tokyoku and Karakuri also happened to be near Sabaody, a place the Straw Hats 'had' to stop at before entering the New World. If a major event such as the Paramount War occurred, Thomas wanted to be in a position to act. Though, considering he hadn't received even an iota of news pertaining to Blackbeard, his expectations were low...




(A/N: Inb4 Thomas 'forgets' to pick up Illya and Chloe on his return trip...)

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