One Piece: Wild Hunt

Chapter Character Status as of ish

Chapter Character Status as of ish



Name: Thomas D. Jensen

Species: Human, Mana Progenitor

Gender: Male

Age: 36

Height: 221.8cm

Weight: 127kgs

Blood Type: O

Likes: Anime, Manga, Beautiful Women, and Thick Thighs

Dislikes: Himself

Talents: None

Natural Enemy: Himself


Strength: E(15)

Endurance: E(19)

Agility: E(14)

Mana: EX(*)

Luck: EX(*)

NP: Unknown

[Class Skills]


[Personal Skills]

Wayward Traveler(EX), Mana-Mana-no-Mi(EX), Self-Doubt(D), Monstrous Strength(C), Cooking(D), Reinforcement(D), Material Transmutation(D), Lesser Regeneration(D)

Wayward Traveler(EX): A unique but ultimately useless Skill denoting the bearer as someone who has transcended their original world and chanced upon another by happenstance.

Mana-Mana-no-Mi(EX): The bearer has a unique constitution capable of generating and emitting a functionally infinite amount of Mana.

Self-Doubt(D): The bearer is plagued by a lack of confidence, sabotaging themselves and diminishing their capabilities.

Monstrous Strength(C-): The bearer is capable of drastically increasing their strength, speed, and durability but lacks proper control, causing him to damage himself in the process.

Cooking(E): Barely qualified to help prepare ingredients, dechi.

Lesser Regeneration(D): After consuming highly nutritious food over a lengthy period, the user has gained the ability to regenerate faster than an ordinary human.




Name: Francis Drake

Species: Human, Heroic Spirit

Gender: Female

Age: N/A

Height: 162cm

Weight: 55kg

Blood Type: O

Likes: Alcohol, Largess

Dislikes: Men of Justice, Planning, Tone-deafness

Talents: Hard sell, Accounting

Natural Enemy: Marine Admirals, Herself


Strength: D(22)

Endurance: C(35)

Agility: B(48)

Mana: E(10)

Luck: EX(-)

NP: Golden Wild Hunt(A+)

[Class Skills]

Captain(A), Magic Resistance(D), Riding(B)

Captain(A): The ability to discern the aptitude of crew members.

Magic Resistance(D): Cancels Single-Action spells. Magic Resistance of the same degree as an amulet that rejects magical energy.

Riding(B): Denoting the ability to ride mounts and vehicles. If limited to ships, the Riding Skill will improve by one rank.

[Personal Skills]

Voyager of the Storm(A+), Pioneer of the Stars(EX), Golden Rule(B), Galloping Golden Rule(A)

Voyager of the Storm(A+): The talent to sail vessels recognized as ships. Because the ability as a group leader is also necessary, this unique Skill also has the effects of both Charisma and Tactics.

Pioneer of the Stars(EX): The unique Skill given to heroes that became turning points in human history. All difficult voyages and challenges which are considered 'impossible' turn into 'events that can be realized.'

Golden Rule(B): The measurement of one's fortune to acquire wealth.

Galloping Golden Rule(A): A variant of the Golden Rule Skill that allows the wielder to break through blockades and encirclements.




Name: Miyamoto Musashi

Species: Human, Heroic Spirit

Gender: Female

Age: N/A

Height: 167cm

Weight: 56kg

Blood Type: A+

Likes: Training with Swords

Dislikes: People who trample on the pride of others for fun, People who attack her when she's hungry

Talents: Swordsmanship, Gambling

Natural Enemy: Sasaki Kojiro


Strength: B(42)

Endurance: B(43)

Agility: B(45)

Mana: E(10)

Luck: B(44)

NP: Six Realms Five Rings - The Divine Figure of Kurikara(A), Oar Wooden Sword(C+++), Ganryuu-jima(EX)

[Class Skills]

First Mate(A), Magic Resistance(A)

First Mate(A): Denotes the wielder's dependability as a combatant and commander onboard a ship.

Magic Resistance(A): Cancel spells of A-Rank or below, no matter what greater magecraft it is. In practice, the Servant is untouchable to modern magi, so it would not be an exaggeration to title the Servant a 'Magus Killer.'

[Personal Skills]

Fifth Force(A), Heavenly Eye(A), Emptiness(A), The Book of Five Rings(-), Battle Continuation(EX)

Fifth Force(A): A stance that instantly maximizes one's power, the main advantage of using two swords.

Heavenly Eye(A): A Mystic Eye ability that permits the resolution of a desired result as 'inevitable' by way of committing the entirety of the user's existence to the act of achieving the outcome.

Emptiness(A): The highest order a swordsman can attain. The ultimate mental state. It corresponds to the concept of Suigetsu of the Yagy Shinkage-ry. One is nothing, thus invincible. Only a swordsman who has reached the infinite mental state can perceive this.

The Book of Five Rings(-): A book made by Miyamoto Musashi, compiling the mental state he attained during his lifetime and his cultivated techniques into the book right before his death. Divided into the five volumes of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void, this book was the culmination of the human being called "Musashi". The Book of Five Rings gives an outline of the Niten Ichi-ryu and explains its ideology as an art of war in the Book of Earth, explains concrete techniques in the Book of Water, talks about the art of war in the dimensions of tactics and strategy, and - just like the above-mentioned - explains the fundamental understanding of the Niten Ichi-ryu by means of a repudiation of other schools. Finally, it has been said that Musashi's own understanding of "emptiness", as well as the above-mentioned technique of "confrontation", has been written down in the Book of Void.

Battle Continuation(EX): Tries every dirty trick in the book to survive. Playing dead not to lose a fight is one of her fortes. She confuses the enemies with her speeches and pulls off amazing comebacks from disgraceful escapes. She is a shameless realist to the core and seems to use, "If I win at the end, I'm the winner, right? That's why I have to run away now! After all, if I'm dead, I can't win at the end, can I?" as a convenient excuse for it. This is who Girl Musashi is.




Name: Chiron

Species: Divine Spirit, Centaur

Gender: Male

Age: N/A

Height: 179cm

Weight: 81kg

Blood Type: AB+

Likes: Teaching Others, Archery

Dislikes: Poison, Sloth

Talents: Archery, Teaching

Natural Enemy: Hydras


Strength: B(45)

Endurance: B(45)

Agility: A+(50~100)

Mana: B(45)

Luck: C(35)

NP: Antares Snipe (A)

[Class Skills]

Second Mate (A), Independent Action(A), Magic Resistance(B), Divinity(C)

Second Mate (A): The ability to manage and regulate a crew onboard a ship.

Independent Action(A): It is possible to take action even without a Master. However, to use Noble Phantasms of great magical energy consumption, backup from the Master is necessary. At Rank A, it is possible for a Servant to stay in the world for about a week without a Master.

Magic Resistance(B): Cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by greater magecraft and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for them to be affected.

Divinity(C): An existence born between the Great Earth God (Cronus) and a Fairy. Just before his death, the body declined into a human body, and as a result, suffered a large Rank-Down from his original rank.

[Personal Skills]

Mind's Eye (True)(A), Consecration of Eternal Life(EX),Wisdom of Divine Gift(A+)

Mind's Eye (True)(A): Capable of calm analysis of the abilities of the opponent as well as the battle conditions even when in danger and deduce an appropriate course of action after considering all possibilities to escape from a predicament.

Consecration of Eternal Life(EX): A skill derived from the legend in which Chiron became the constellation Sagittarius after offering up his immortality. By transforming into a collection of stars, he becomes the one who protects people from the scorpion of the heavens.

Wisdom of Divine Gift(A+): Other than those characteristic of heroes, almost all other skills of proficiency B~A Rank can be displayed. Also, with a Master's agreement, other Servants can be granted Skills. However, this does not apply to Skills that originated from a different region or period.




Name: Beni-enma

Species: Oni, Heroic Spirit

Gender: Female

Age: N/A

Height: 130cm

Weight: 25kg

Blood Type: AB

Likes: Rice, Children

Dislikes: Bullying the Weak, Starving

Talents: Cooking, Cleaning, Discerning the Truth

Natural Enemy: Modern Sensibilities


Strength: D(20)

Endurance: E(13)

Agility: A++(50~150)

Mana: B(42)

Luck: B(45)

NP: Judgment of the Ten Kings - Journey of the Wicker Basket(A), Suzume Gaeshi(C)

[Class Skills]

Cook(A), Magic Resistance(A), Independent Action(A), Presence Concealment(A), Inn Creation(B), Ventriloquism(EX)

Cook(A): Able to discern whether or not a food is edible while also being able to combine ingredients to make delicious and nutritious meals.

Magic Resistance(A): Cancel spells of A-Rank or below, no matter what greater magecraft it is. In practice, the Servant is untouchable to modern magi, so it would not be an exaggeration to title the Servant a 'Magus Killer.'

Independent Action(A): It is possible to take action even without a Master. However, to use Noble Phantasms of great magical energy consumption, backup from the Master is necessary. At Rank A, it is possible for a Servant to stay in the world for about a week without a Master.

Presence Concealment(A): Hides one's presence as a Servant. Suitable for spying. It is possible to disappear completely and become nearly impossible to be detected. The rank of Presence Concealment drops considerably when preparing to attack.

Inn Creation(B): Beni-enma is the Proprietress of the Enma-tei, so she is able to use money to manifest, furnish, and maintain the Inn she once operated in Hell.

Ventriloquism(EX): The result of training to be able to speak even if her tongue is cut off. Nullifies "Skill Seals" placed on her.

[Personal Skills]

Mind's Eye[Fake](A), Star Basket[Large](EX), Star Basket[Small](EX)

Mind's Eye[Fake](A): A natural talent to foresee/sense and avoid danger on the basis of an innate 6th sense, intuition, or prescience. The accuracy of this instinct can be augmented by experience. The ability also grants an effect of offering resistance against penalties caused by visual obstructions.

Star Basket[Large](EX): Secret no. 1 of the Hell Sparrow Sewing (Sword-Drawing) Technique.

Star Basket[Small](EX): Secret no. 2 of the Hell Sparrow Sewing (Sword-Drawing) Technique.




Name: Asclepius

Species: Human, God, Divine Spirit

Gender: Male

Age: N/A

Height: 170cm

Weight: 60kg

Blood Type: O-

Likes: Medical Advancements, Difficult Diseases, Illnesses, Obedient Patients

Dislikes: Idiot Patients, Idiot Gods

Talents: Can fix you, no matter how broken you become

Natural Enemy: Disruptions of any kind


Strength: D(20)

Endurance: D(26)

Agility: B(41)

Mana: A(50)

Luck: D(12)

NP: Resurrection Fraught Hades(B)

[Class Skills]

Doctor(A++), Territory Creation(A), Item Construction(EX), Divinity(A)

Doctor(EX): Can identify and cure virtually any disease/illness.

Territory Creation(A): As a Mage, he can create a "workshop", a territory advantageous to him. Because he possesses an A-rank skill, it is also possible for him to create a "temple" which surpasses a "workshop". Naturally, such a place is nothing but a consultation room, a treatment room, or an operating room for the sake of medical practice to him.

Item Construction(EX): Although he can only create items related to medicine, the items he creates are of extremely high quality. These items are, in most cases, more or less effective on his target injuries or diseases. However, the same cannot be guaranteed for everything else.

Divinity(A): Possesses high divinity as a son of Apollo.

[Personal Skills]

God of Medicine(EX), Child of Apollo(A), Serpent Bearer(B)

God of Medicine(EX): A skill that proves his existence as the founder of the concept of "medical care", which has been handed down until present times, and as the god of medicine. In one myth version, the first to use herbs for treatment was Chiron, but the one who studied and developed that knowledge and the first to practice clinical medicine was Asclepius.

Child of Apollo(A): A skill that proves his lineage to the Greek god Apollo. Apollo is the god of many fields such as archery, performing arts, prophecies, and the sun. He is also the god of plagues as well as healing, a manifestation of duality. Asclepius would very much want to forget about this skill. However, if there are patients he can only save through the power of this blood It's likely that, while clicking his tongue, he will not hesitate to make use of this power.

Serpent Bearer(B): He employs a serpent which is a symbol of Immortality and also used in medical care. In Ancient Greece, serpents were regarded as sacred messengers of the gods. Asclepius, killed by a thunderbolt thrown by Zeus as punishment for resurrecting the dead, became the constellation Ophiuchus/Serpent Bearer after deathsomething he may or may not have wished for. "The Rod of Asclepius" has a serpent wrapped around it and is still used as a symbol of medicine today.




Name: Astolfo

Species: Human, Heroic Spirit

Gender: ???

Age: N/A

Height: 164cm

Weight: 56kg

Blood Type: O-

Likes: Everything in the World

Dislikes: Creatures appealing with teary eyes...

Talents: Idiotically high, hysterical strength

Natural Enemy: Themselves, Judgmental People


Strength: D(16)

Endurance: D(19

Agility: B(48)

Mana: C(31)

Luck: A+(50~100)

NP: Hippogriff(B+~B++), La Black Luna(C), Luna Break Manual(C)

[Class Skills]

Navigator(C+++), Magic Resistance(A/D), Riding(A+)

Navigator(C+++): While not typically suited to the position of Navigator, the Rank is increased exponentially due to the wielder's Luck and natural ability.

Magic Resistance(A/D): Astolfo would naturally have this skill at Rank D, however, thanks to their book Noble Phantasm, its rank has been greatly increased. Due to this, all magecraft at Rank A or below is canceled. As a matter of fact, modern magi are incapable of hurting Astolfo.

Riding(A+): Astolfo possesses an inordinate affinity for riding. As such, they are capable of managing even beasts with the rank of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast. However, this doesn't apply to Dragonkin.

[Personal Skills]

Evaporation of Reason(D), Monstrous Strength(C-), Independent Action(B)

Evaporation of Reason(D): Reasoning is disappearing. It is impossible for them to keep secrets. They'll carelessly chatter about their team's weaknesses and True Names, forgetful of important things, etc. A kind of extreme curse. This skill also serves as "Instinct." During the battle, Astolfo is able to, to some extent, feel the optimal course.

Monstrous Strength(C-): Temporarily magnifies Strength at the cost of dealing damage to the user.

Independent Action(B): The ability to act independently for a period even if the Magical Energy supplied by the Master is severed.




Name: Atalanta

Species: Heroic Spirit, Human

Gender: Female

Age: N/A

Height: 166cm

Weight: 57kg

Blood Type: B+

Likes: High Places, Children, Foot races

Dislikes: Those who harm children, Achilles, Jason

Talents: Archery, Running, Hunting

Natural Enemy: Golden Apples


Strength: D(26)

Endurance: E(14)

Agility: A(50)

Mana: B(47)

Luck: C(32)

NP: Phoebus Catastrophe(B-B+), Agrius Metamorphosis(B+)

[Class Skills]

Sniper(A), Magic Resistance (D), Independent Action (A)

Sniper(A): Skilled at using the ships long range armaments to take out foes from afar

Magic Resistance (D): Nullifies spells that were done in one step (a Single Action). A Magical Resistance of the same degree as an amulet that rejects magical energy.

Independent Action (A): One is able to act even with the absence of their Master. However, in a situation where one decides to use Noble Phantasms and the like that requires an enormous amount of Magical Energy to consume, backup from their Master is necessary.

[Personal Skills]

Crossing Arcadia (B), Aesthetics of the Last Spurt (A), Calydonian Hunt(A)

Crossing Arcadia (B): She can move while jumping over every obstacle on the field, including enemies. "Arcadia, my far-away homeland, I shall jump stone by stone across the steep mountain range that leads to you."

Aesthetics of the Last Spurt (A): Once an enemy takes the initiative, and after confirming their actions, she can act to anticipate them. Even in footraces, she always made her opponent run ahead. "Go ahead. I shall pass in front of you afterward like a squall."

Calydonian Hunt(A): Grants a drastic increase to the user's Speed and Accuracy at the cost of being cursed.




Name: Caenis

Species: Human, Divine Spirit

Gender: Female

Age: N/A

Height: 174cm

Weight: 59kg

Blood Type: O-

Likes: Birds, Dominating others, The Sea

Dislikes: The Sea, Poseidon, Romance

Talents: Water Control, Swimming, Spearmanship

Natural Enemy: Poseidon, Arrogant Gods


Strength: A(50)

Endurance: B+(40-80)

Agility: A(50)

Mana: D(21)

Luck: B(40)

NP: Lapithai Caeneus(A), Poseidon Maelstrom(EX)

[Class Skills]

Shipwright(A), Magic Resistance(C), Mad Enhancement (EX)

Shipwright(A): Knowledgeable and skilled in ship construction and maintenance.

Magic Resistance (C): Caenis states that Aphrodite's song punches through her Lancer Saint Graph's Magic Resistance like it's nothing.

Mad Enhancement (EX): The tyrannical hero, Caenis possesses a special Madness Enhancement in her current manifestation. Normally, she retains her senses, but if her anger passes a certain point, she turns into a storm of spears that one can not reason with at all. Not only is she capable of murdering even her Master, she actually has the tendency to proactively terminate her manifestation by killing her Master.

[Personal Skills]

Divine Core of the Sea God(B), Monstrous Strength(B+), Spear of Pillaging(B), Favor of the Sea God(A)

Divine Core of the Sea God (B Rank): The Heroic Spirit Caenis didn't originally have a Divine Core, but the sea god Poseidon gave that Saint Graph a special grace. As a rare exception, Caenis, who was summoned as a Servant, possesses a pseudo-Divine Core, and possesses a Spirit Origin not as a Heroic Spirit but as a Divine Spirit

Monstrous Strength(B+): After suffering indignation at the hands of Poseidon, Caenis swore to never be a victim again. As her anger increases, her strength compounds.

Spear of Pillaging(B): Caenis, known as a Tyrant in her previous life, is able to cause tremendous damage to her surroundings. When her hatred is kindled, this effect is increased by several orders of magnitude.

Favor of the Sea God (A Rank): The absolute defense brought with immortality. Conceptual defense. It would originally be a constantly active-type Noble Phantasm, but in this work it's manifested as a skill. Thanks to this boost granted by the Sea God, she feels powerful enough to go around calling herself a Divine Spirit.




Name: Ludwig von Beethoven

Species: Human, Heroic Spirit

Gender: Female

Age: N/A

Height: 144cm

Weight: 47kg

Blood Type: B-

Likes: Music

Dislikes: Discord

Talents: Music, Reading Lips

Natural Enemy: Scratchman Apoo


Strength: E(12)

Endurance: E(14)

Agility: D(22)

Mana: B(42)

Luck: B(47)

NP: Marvelous Concerto(B)

[Class Skills]

Musician(A), Territory Creation(B+), Item Construction(C)

Musician: Able to captivate an audience and inspire her allies.

Territory Creation(B+): As Beethoven plays her music, the sound gradually spreads to encompass an area, bolstering the strength of allies while weakening enemies.

Item Construction(C): Beethoven is able to produce any instruments and materials she needs to create music.

[Personal Skills]

Harmonization(A), Mind's Eye[False](C)

Harmonization(A): Can attune to sounds, transmit them to others, and amply them.

Mind's Eye[False](C): A natural talent to foresee/sense and avoid danger on the basis of an innate 6th sense, intuition, or prescience. The accuracy of this instinct can be augmented by experience. The ability also grants an effect of offering resistance against penalties caused by visual obstructions.




Name: Chloe von Einzbern

Species: Human, Magus, ???

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Height: 133cm

Weight: 29kg

Blood Type: B+

Likes: People she's compatible with and can give her plenty of magic energy

Dislikes: Illya's moping

Talents: Kissing, Analysis, Curse Deconstruction

Natural Enemy: Illya, Herself


Strength: D(23)

Endurance: C(38)

Agility: B(42)

Mana: C(34)

Luck: C(35)

NP: Triple-Linked Crane Wings(C), Rho Aias(C)

[Class Skills]

Magic Resistance(C), Independent Action(C)

Magic Resistance(C): Invalidates Magecraft with chant 2 verses or less. Unable to defend against large-scale magecraft such as greater magecraft and ritual spells.

Independent Action(C): The ability to act independently for a period even if the Magical Energy supply from the Master is severed.

[Personal Skills]

Impossible Existence(-), Mind's Eye[Fake](B), Projection Magecraft(B), Kiss Demon(B), Mana Leak(C)

Impossible Existence(-): Chloe von Einzbern should not exist, but, due to several overlapping miracles, she is able to.

Mind's Eye[Fake](B): Danger avoidance by means of intuition and sixth sense. Possesses the intuition to omit the verification process and immediately derives the most optimum course of action.

Projection Magecraft(B): A type of Magecraft that reproduces imagined weapons for just a few minutes.

Kiss Demon(B): Detects someone suitable for Magical Energy supply and, without missing the right timing, assuredly executes it. She has the ability to drain people of their natural energy through the act of kissing, leaving them weakened and unable to act.

Mana Leak(C): Though her existence has been stabilized, she is constantly leaking Magical Energy.


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