Online Game: Don’t Heal the Others

Chapter 141 - An Empty City

“We are finally leaving that place!”

Their efforts had worked. Xiaofeng was finally relieved. This task was so difficult that he had almost used all his drugs. It was time to replenish his stock.

“Mr. Archbishop is both amazing and intelligent!”

Led by Captain Bolton, all the squadron leaders and team leaders gathered around Xiaofeng and praised him with excitement and astonishment.

“No wonder Goddess of Light conferred the title of Archbishop on you. You’re strong and amazing!”

“Mr. Archbishop has enormous Divine Power. This is a blessing for the Temple of Light.”

Bishop Renault and other four bishops also came forward and expressed their gratitude.

It was obvious that they might have already been killed without Xiaofeng’s help. This adventurer had stalled for half an hour, which could indicate his real strength.

“Shut up! Hurry up and finish the task. I’m very busy.”

Xiaofeng directly ignored their compliments. The monster siege war of the Midsummer Guild had already started an hour ago, so he was eager to finish this task and watch the fight.

“Mr. Archbishop, do you have any important tasks?”

Bishop Renault asked. Xiaofeng had been urging them since the morning.

“Yes, so you’d better finish the task as soon as possible.”

“We’ll immediately take action to test the City of Gloom. Please create an assault formation and get ready!”

When Captain Bolton issued this order, the Paladin Order, which included more than 1,000 paladins, immediately created an assault formation with Captain Bolton as the arrow tip.

“Be careful. There is a Faerie guard of the City of Gloom up ahead.”

Xiaofeng used the holy light skill to increase the HP of the Paladin Order before he spoke.

“Don’t worry. Thanks to Mr. Archbishop’s healing skill, we could even fight with the advanced Dark Legion.”

Captain Bolton was not joking. In fact, Xiaofeng could increase the HP by 50% per minute, which could help them win as long as they were not seckilled by the monsters.

“Be careful. Don’t kill the guard. I want to kill it and get the drops.”

Captain Bolton was embarrassed after hearing Xiaofeng’s words. He had been determined to kill the 30th-level Faerie BOSS and get the drops and the prize.

“Let’s get started!”

The Paladin Order rushed over at the City of Gloom but suddenly stopped when it was close to the gloomy city gate. A huge figure formed by the mist suddenly appeared in front of them.


“The dirty light power is so disgusting! You are all hypocritical believers! How dare you break into the City of Gloom! You’ll be killed!”

The huge skeleton soldier, that was as high as a building, screamed. The mist gathered around it and finally covered its body. Everyone present could feel the pressure.

“Be careful! It’s difficult to deal with!”

Captain Bolton spoke with grief. The guard of the City of Gloom had similar attributes to his. As the strongest person in the entire Paladin Order, he hadn’t expected that the city guard would be as powerful as him.


“Hey! You’re an intruder!”

A huge figure of damage appeared on the head of the guard before he had even finished speaking. Its HP bar dropped dramatically as it screamed angrily.

“Hurry up and take action! Don’t waste time!”

Xiaofeng immediately took several steps back after attacking the BOSS. He didn’t want to be killed, so he immediately asked Captain Bolton to take action.

Xiaofeng, who was in a hurry, didn’t want to be killed at the entrance of this city either.

“Oh, okay! Let’s get started! Attack the guard!”

Captain Bolton and the other NPCs were stunned. They hadn’t expected that Xiaofeng could cause such high damage on the guard. They immediately rushed over at the city guard after realizing what had happened.

Unsurprisingly, the city guard was no match for the Paladin Order. Besides, Xiaofeng was standing behind, providing assistance.

Xiaofeng was standing far away from them to avoid the damage of the Undead Soul. However, he could use the holy light on anyone he could see. Thus, he used the skill from time to time, killing the city guard in a few minutes.

“Please stop! Let me kill it!”

Xiaofeng shouted before using the holy light to empty the HP of the city guard.

“Hey! You’ve killed the Guard of the City of Gloom, which was a 30th-level Faerie BOSS! You’ve earned 100 fame points and 5,450,000 experience points!”

“Hey! Congratulations! You’ve reached level 18 and earned 1 free attribute point you can allot.”

The white light appeared and Xiaofeng earned the reward for killing the BOSS. Because Captain Bolton and the other NPCs had also participated in the fight, the experience points he earned were fewer than when he had killed the guardian of the dungeon.

However, this was enough for Xiaofeng to level up and reach level 18. He was two levels higher than Ximen Chuixue, who occupied the second place on the level list.

Unlike the guardian of the dungeon, the guard of the City of Gloom had dropped extraordinary items.

“It’s mine!”

Xiaofeng rushed over at the items for fear that Captain Bolton and the other NPCs might compete with him, leaving Bolton speechless from embarrassment.

However, Xiaofeng was disappointed to find that there was no purple light of an artifact. In fact, he would rather get a single artifact dropped by the guardian of the dungeon than collect numerous common items.

The drop was extraordinary, yet most of the items were useless. Nearly every piece of equipment was at level 30, so they were all useless to Xiaofeng, even though there were many pieces of golden equipment.

In addition to gold coins and advanced materials, there was also a valuable guild token and a piece of immortal equipment.

“What? Wait! This is not a piece of equipment!”

Xiaofeng took the immortal equipment in surprise. This was not a piece of equipment.

Skeleton Mask

Type: Faerie

Equipment Type: fashionable accessory

Type of Equipment: Face

Equipment Requirement: Male


Charisma +1


Blocking Detection: It can conceal the personal information of the player. Anyone below the Faerie can’t find the information by scouting.

This was actually a fashionable accessory! It was a piece of decorative equipment that looked like a mask made of silver face bone. It was shiny and one of the eye sockets was glittering with silver flames. It looked awesome!

“Why is it a fashionable accessory…”

Xiaofeng put on the Skeleton Mask. He looked overwhelming in combination with the Dragon’s Skull. However, he was still dissatisfied.

Nevertheless, he knew very well that this immortal fashionable accessory was more valuable than ordinary immortal equipment.

Most fashionable accessories didn’t have any attributes, but this Skeleton Mask added one point of Charisma and could conceal his information. Other players wouldn’t be able to discover his identity even by using advanced scouting.

This fashionable accessory had to be of great importance. At this stage, when most players had similar equipment and levels, the fashionable accessory, which wouldn’t take any space, could add some attributes to the owner. This was an advantage that might help the player win the game.

This accessory had to be rarer than ordinary immortal equipment, and its drop rate also had to be lower. Xiaofeng was most likely the only player who was dissatisfied with it. However, the only thing he wanted was strong immortal equipment.

“Well, forget it. Maybe I’ll find an artifact in the underground city grave.”

Xiaofeng whispered to himself, ignoring this fact. When he looked up, he saw that Captain Bolton had already entered the City of Gloom.

“Mr. Archbishop, we didn’t find anything special!”

Xiaofeng was the commander of the Paladin Order in name, so a female paladin squadron immediately came over and reported to him.

“What do you mean?”

Xiaofeng asked curiously before he entered the City of Gloom. After the guard of the City of Gloom had been killed, the mist in the city gate had disappeared. Xiaofeng walked over and looked at the inner city in astonishment.

There was nothing in the City of Gloom. Despite looking around, Xiaofeng could only see a vast plain.

“What happened? Why is the city empty?” Xiaofeng asked in confusion.

“It seems that the Mist of War exists to hide the City of Gloom. This city hasn’t been built yet. We can go back to hand in the task,” Captain Bolton said before complimenting Xiaofeng once again.

“The Archbishop is amazing! You must be guided by the God of Light. You can disrupt the plan of the Dark Legion in the City of Gloom and the Muguang Forest. You must have a prophetic eye!”

Xiaofeng looked at the empty City of Gloom. He didn’t know what to say. Maybe he had finished the storyline task too fast. However, based on the scale of this city, he believed that the dark forces would take drastic measures.

“Well… Let’s change direction and go back.”

Xiaofeng shook his head and issued an order. It would be great to hand in the task. He was eager to go to the encampment of the Midsummer Guild. After looking at the City of Gloom, which seemed to be a huge monster in an abyss, he left with the Paladin Order.

They used the same scheme to leave this place. After two hours, the Paladin Order finally left the Dark Land.

Xiaofeng didn’t choose to backtrack to the Sunset Town this time. The defensive war of the Midsummer Guild would come to an end in an hour. He immediately turned around and rushed toward the plain where the encampment of the Midsummer Guild had been built. This was also the way to the Tianlong City. The Paladin Order could wait for him for a while before returning to the main city with him.

The Paladin Order, which was led by Captain Bolton, immediately agreed to his request without any hesitation. Xiaofeng had a great place now. Bishop Renault and the other leaders returned to the Bright Mountain through the Transmission Formation. After all, they were not as strong as the paladins and mages.

The Vast Plain was not far away from the Tianlong City. Thanks to its open views and excellent transportation, it was an excellent place for players at the current stage to level up. Some areas of the plain could also produce materials for sub-professions. Besides, it was also not far away from the 15th-level instance zone of the Tianlong City. Unfortunately, although this was an excellent place, monsters and enemies could break in easily.

Still, Midsummer Rose was not worried at all. She believed that the Midsummer Guild was strong enough to fight against the intruders. That was why she had built the encampment in a plain. In fact, this was the first siege war in the whole server and no one knew the specific details of this war. Most of the players present had gone there for the experience. However, she was daring and ambitious enough to be the first one and set an example!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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