Online Game: Don’t Heal the Others

Chapter 322 - Breakthrough

Xiao Feng didn’t stop at his feet, but every time he took a step, a shock wave spread under his feet. There were fully 3 waves, all of which swept the Saint Angel who were hunting behind.

“- 2! Critical Strike!”

“- 2! Critical Strike!”

“- 2! Critical Strike!”

The damages were almost zero, but the effect that Xiao Feng wanted had already appeared, and another 3 layers of ice moraine hung on the Saint Angel.

At this moment, half an hour had passed, and the health points of the Saint Angel had dropped very quickly, leaving only the last 50% and was less than 2 million.

The Saint Angel with less than half of health points was even more violent, and there was pale and translucent flames burning around his body, and his speed had been increased by more than one level! Xiao Feng had promoted all his senses to the extreme. Under the skeleton mask, his red eyes were dazzling. Xiao Feng was not allowed to make any mistakes at this time, even the slightest error would let him fail!

But there was also good news. The slowing effect on the Saint Angel had been superimposed by more than 10 layers. Although it was weakened a lot under the suppression of the Saint Angel’s absolute strength, it had not disappeared. After superimposing more than 10 layers, the effect had begun to manifest, that was to reduce the speed after the Saint Angel’s rage to the normal speed, which could be said as amazing!

And the slowing effect of Dragon’s Twine was also able to be added up! The longer the battle, the more advantage there would be for Xiao Feng!

However, Xiao Feng still dared not relax, because any mistake was fatal. He took out a bottle of purified water in his left hand and drank to replenish the amount of magic points, while waving the Sage Staff, casting all kinds of skills, regardless it was buff skill or healing skill, on himself, only looking forward to trigger the Awakening of Savvy once.


In the rear, the Saint Angel roared again, which made Xiao Feng’s heart sink. He glanced back, and it turned out that the Saint Angel was preparing for the big move again. It was the big move when the health point was reduced to 50%, needless to say that the horror was also known!

Sure enough, he saw the Saint Angel thrust the huge sword into the ground! Then the ground collapsed centering the sword, and soon it shrouded a larger area than the main city square. Xiao Feng did not escape and was shrouded in it.

At the same time, from the cracks that the earth collapsed and cracked, countless holy rays of light spewed out like magma, instantly turning this land into a purgatory!


“Ding! You encounter mortal wounding! The Holy Resurrection works! Health points restored to 100%!”

Xiao Feng was swallowed up in an instant, with more than 700,000 damages floating on his head. He was instantly spiked and forced to surrender the resurrection mark.

Xiao Feng’s escaping ability could indeed be described as non-human, but it must be established under conditions of enough escaping space. He could only be forced to receive the damage from the super AoE skill like the ground burst.

But at the moment of the resurrection, Xiao Feng’s face changed, because the gush of light above the ground did not stop. It was almost a conditioned reflex, and Xiao Feng did not hesitate to cast the last life-saving skills!

“Dragon’s Power!”

The 10-second invincible skill of the Dragon Suit came out, almost at the same time, several damages floating above Xiao Feng’s head.




Sure enough, as Xiao Feng expected, the Saint Angel’s skill was actually a continuous skill! Damage occurred every second!

And based on the value of each damage and the duration of the skill, the total damage of this skill was probably higher than that of the spear dropped from the sky!

It was not the time for Xiao Feng to be distracted. He turned back and threw a Spear of Holy Light to the Saint Angel, and then quickly escaped from the earth’s cracking area in an invincible time of 10 seconds.

Now the last life-saving skill was also used, the Holy Resurrection skill was still in the cooldown process. It could be said that Xiao Feng had reached the point of exhaustion, which made Xiao Feng’s heart sink.


A strong wind came from behind with a sense of crisis. Xiao Feng swept away and found that the Saint Angel once again used teleportation. He had appeared behind him and his huge sword came towards him!


Xiao Feng twisted his body at once, avoiding the attack by almost being touched by the tip of the sword, he was very embarrassed.

Who knew the Saint Angel once again used the same technique.technique? His sword fluttered in the air, but then revolved in place. The sword aura reappeared. Numerous and irregular huge sword auras came in all directions.

The power of this skill was too amazing, Xiao Feng relied on the Dragon Shield to barely survive in the past, and now not only the Dragon Shield was in cooldown, but he had also used the Dragon’s Power. The key was none of the several resurrection skills was left. It was almost doomed to face this skill again!

Xiao Feng’s eyes were dimmed, standing still on the spot, then when the huge sword was about to cut himself, the space ring on his finger suddenly glowed. Then Xiao Feng’s body disappeared in place in the blink of an eye, leaving the Saint Angel like a big top.

The place that Xiao Feng appeared was Muguang Forest, which already turned into a big hollow valley now, like there was a nuclear explosion happened. The skill of that spear dropping from the sky was too strong.

Xiao Feng left a space marker here before, in order to act as a last resort. The space ring was used as a last resort to achieve long-distance transmission.

And Xiao Feng could also feel that the hatred of the Saint Angel still did not disappear, and it was still on him!

You must know how far Xiao Feng could run in half an hour at his speed, but he had not left the scope of hatred of the Saint Angel!

But this was also what Xiao Feng wanted, because his ultimate goal was not to escape, but to kill the Saint Angel, otherwise he would have teleported to Holy City and took refuge.

After taking a deep breath, Xiao Feng stood on an earth slope and was ready to fight, waiting for the Saint Angel to turn back and fight with him. With the speed of the Saint Angel, it would only take 10 minutes at most.

But 10 minutes was enough. Except for the resurrection of the sacred body, and the cooldown of the Dragon Power had not been reached, all other skills could be ready. Xiao Feng would then usher in the second battle with the Saint Angel!

Although Xiao Feng was not in full condition, the Saint Angel also had less than 50% of the hatred points, and there were also more than 10 layers of deceleration of Dragon’s Twine on him, which was an advantage for Xiao Feng!


Soon, the time of 10 minutes was not long. Xiao Feng, who closed his eyes to relax, opened his eyes fiercely. Not far away, the figure of the Saint Angel had already appeared at rage, and he was waving a huge sword, approaching Xiao Feng quickly.

Xiao Feng waved the Sage Staff and added on himself. Although he knew that under the damage of the Saint Angel, there was no difference between with or without buff, he just did this to comfort himself.

“Shadow Word!




Then Xiao Feng pointed to the Saint Angel and cast Shadow Word. But when Xiao Feng was about to turn around and continue to escape, he finally heard the wonderful system prompt.

“Ding! Awakening of Savvy triggers! Your Shadow Word has cooled down!”

God knew how many skills Xiao Feng refreshed, just in order to reset the cooldown of Shadow Word. He not only drank two packs of magic points drug, but also used function that converting health points to magic points of the immortal earrings Circle of Life. And until now, Xiao Feng just heard the prompt that Shadow Word’s cooldown was reset once.

Xiao Feng who was touched almost froze in the same place, but fortunately, he reacted in time. The duration of the first Shadow Word was not over, he cast the second Shadow Word to the Saint Angel.

“Shadow Word!




Immediately, the damages on the head of the Saint Angel doubled. Two consecutive Shadow Words, plus a previous damage rebound, giving the Saint Angel a damage of nearly 10% of his health points.

Then Xiao Feng began to run, of course, he also did not forget to use the Dragon’s Twine to catch the Spear of Holy Light. At the same time he controlled the Saint Angel, he gave it another layer of deceleration.

There were still a few transmission times left of the space ring, meaning that Xiao Feng still could use this method and control the Saint Angel from a far distance a few times. With the Holy Resurrection to save his life, and the Dragon’s Shield was cooled down, Xiao Feng was bound to take the upper hand if he continued to do that.

The only thing to be prepared for is the Saint Angel’s Teleportation Slash, because it’s unknown whether its teleportation ignored distance or not. If he could catch up with the space movement of Xiao Feng, then Xiao Feng would still be in danger!

And the fact proved that Xiao Feng’s guess was fulfilled.

After 10 minutes, after Xiao Feng used the space ring to move again, as soon as he appeared, the void behind him also broke, and the Saint Angel had also crossed the distance, waving his sword towards Xiao Feng!

Xiao Feng’s resurrection mark was knocked off before, so just in case, he cast the space movement to pull away and save time for the cooldown of his skill. But he was caught up in a moment!

As a last resort, Xiao Feng had to grit his teeth to use the space ring to move again. He once again came back to Muguang Forest, but so, there were only two times left for the daily space movement of the space ring, and the Saint Angel had fully 30% of the health points!

Xiao Feng was silent. He had already seen the advantages and was leveled in a blink of an eye. He still had the last two opportunities to do space movement, if he could not achieve the effect of saving the time for the cooldown of the skill twice, as long as he was caught up by the Saint Angel’s teleportation at any time, he would fail!

The battlefield of the Ice Town, Shengshui City had entered the fever. With the Antiquity Guild as the main attack force, the pressure from the joint attack of 4 major guilds was too great, and the number of people was twofold compared with people in the Midsummer and in the War Spirit Hall!

All sides were attacking at the same time, without a one-minute buffer, every second was a high-intensity battle!

In Midsummer and the War Spirit Hall, the fighting power of the two guilds was backed by the Ice Town, while they needed to defense the attacks from all directions, the pressure was extremely great!

However, with the support of the Treasure Pavilion, the scene of Midsummer Guild resisting to Glory Guild and the Doomsday League was reappeared. Although there were many enemies, their fighting strength was always tenacious!

“The Antiquity’s rushing team came in! We can’t stop them!”

“They’ve broken through our lines! It’s approaching the guild encampment!”

Soon, however, this balance scene was quickly broken, accompanied by a group of top players led by Ximen Chuixue coming through. Under the sword’s auras, the defense lines of the Midsummer Guild and War Spirit Hall were torn apart in a short time. A group of top players rushed into Ice Town, and nobody could stop them, followed by countless Antiquity players from the path they cut through.


After hearing this news, War Spirit Sky’s face changed greatly, and he looked at Liu Qiangwei beside him at the first time, was about to say something but stopped.

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