Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

13. Three years later

13. Three years later


Ever since Tomoka’s little mistake, as she calls it, her alone time has been reduced to almost zero. Himiko has been watching her like a hawk. It’s a miracle she can go to the bathroom without her mother watching her. Well, she can thank her dad for that one. 

Things changed throughout the last three years. For starters, her house became a maximum security prison with her as the prisoner. Himiko the warden was strict and would sometimes be overbearing. Nagi the technician had set up seals throughout the house to keep her monitored. It cost a small fortune but in both of Tomoka’s parents' minds it was worth every Ryo.

It wasn’t as bad as it might sound. Yes, she would be watched over all the time but they wouldn’t interfere with her activities unless she tried something dangerous which she didn’t. The seals were lock type seals that would prevent her from escaping through the windows. It wasn’t like she couldn’t continue her training in other ways. 

However, today something did change. It has been a week since her fourth birthday and her parents had finally decided to officially train her. The reason? A month after the arm explosion incident Tomoka asked them to train her since “she wanted to be a great ninja”. 

They refused, the scare of that day still haunted. Not to mention that Tomoka was still too young to start training. She would pester them about it at least once or twice every week. In the end they agreed to train her but only after she became four years old. 

Today was the day Tomoka would start her official training. As of today Tomoka’s chakra pool was at the high chunin rank. Not only that but she could withstand a little over half a tail worth of Kurama’s chakra.        

“Alright sweety, normally we would start by unlocking your chakra but since you don’t need to we can move on. For starters we will start training your chakra control before teaching you jutsu.” Himiko was still worried that something might go wrong and her daughter dearest would be hurt again. But she decided to put her worries aside for now. 

“First you will do the leaf training. Using your chakra to try and stick leaves to your body. If you use too much it will be propelled away, use too little and it won’t stick. When you manage to stick five leaves for a whole minute we will move on.” Nagi was also present in case of an accident. Normally, what they were doing was quite safe but he didn’t want to take any chances. 

“Okay!” Tomoka acted like she was enthusiastic about her first task but inside she was sighing… hard. This was the very first exercise she attempted and as of now she could keep twenty leaves attached to her for the whole day without even noticing. 

Not wanting to waste time pretending she was progressing slowly, Tomoka took five leaves and stuck them to her face. This action surprised both her parents. They couldn’t help but  gawk at their daughter effortlessly doing their task like it was nothing. A minute later Tomoka had completed the task and was eager to continue. 

“*Cough* Alright, you made it. So for the first jutsu we will be teaching you, how about the clone jutsu” Himiko wanted to keep Tomoka safe so the clone jutsu was a good idea as it was nothing more than an illusion. 

“Wait! I don’t think that’s the best honey” Nagi could only look at Tomoka with a wry smile. What if their girl attempted to sneak out again by using a clone?

“Dad, I know what you are worrying about. I promise I won’t use the clone jutsu to sneak out” Tomoka had to make a move, otherwise her parents would end up teaching her no jutsu out of worry. 

[They became pretty overprotective huh]

‘I can’t blame them really. And you are one to talk. Ever since then you went from a grumpy fox to a worried fox. “Tomoka, that’s dangerous we should stop”, “Tomoka, you are too young you could damage your body”, “Tomoka I don’t think-”’

[Alright, alright I get it. But you are not normal. Any other kid attempting what you have should be crippled or dead by now.]

‘Oh please, what I do is nothing compared to what Rock Lee will be doing in the future, not to mention what Might Guy is for sure doing right now’

[You keep mentioning those two but I can’t help but feel like you are pulling my leg]

‘Oh don’t worry, you’ll see’

It is worth mentioning though that both Lee and Guy began their intense physical training later in life at around the age of eight. If either had attempted to train like Tomoka did at her age the results would have been crushed dreams and crippled kids.    

Truth be told, it was Tomoka’s special constitution that had not only saved her every time but also made her stronger. She had gone through a rigorous physical training she made for herself. Said training consisted of a hundred pushups, a hundred pullups, a hundred situps and a ten kilometer run every day. Doing all that without her parents noticing had been extremely difficult but worth it. 

The previous training was one of the milder ones she did. Her sense of pain had been highly distorted by her time in the chaos of time and space. Right now she could have her arm cut and say “tis but a scratch”.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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