Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

52. Uchiha vs Uchiha pt2

52. Uchiha vs Uchiha pt2

Iruka was having a difficult time with his current task or to be more specific with Tomoka. After his initial scolding for the usage of chakra in the bukijutsu test he finally took in the whole situation. A kid no older than eight years had used chakra coating on her weapons. That is simply insane especially since he himself is unable to do such a thing, At least not without a weapon made from chakra metal. 

To put it simply, in Iruka’s eyes the girl might as well be a genin already. That reminded him of similar instances of such prodigies in the past like Itachi or Kakashi. Not wanting to think too deeply about it he decided to push that notion to the back of his mind and continue with the test. It's not like she could be as skilled in other areas right?

“Alright, next will be the ninjutsu test. Since I don’t expect most of you to actually know any yet I will ask those of you who don’t to make a group to my left. Those of you confident enough to try please stand to my right.” 

As instructed everyone moved to one group or the other. As expected, all kids from civilian families stood to the left while all from clan families stood to the right… except for a certain lazy Nara and chubby Akimichi. There were some kids that, like Tomoka, didn’t belong to a clan but instead had shinobi parents who also stood to the right. 

“Alright, I will be calling you one by one and I want you to use a ninjutsu, any will do” The goal of this test was simple. Iruka wished to observe the kid’s chakra control and reserves. Of course doing so with trained shinobi would be impossible for him, however he could do so easily with  kids. 

Once again names were called one after the other. Until the first interesting name was called and would you guess but it was the blond boy. Naruto walked forward before waving some hand signs for an air jutsu. In a moment Naruto shot out a wind bullet, a very weak one mind you. 

Seeing Naruto’s performance, Tomoka could do nothing but sigh. She had drilled that one jutsu into his skull for the last two years and he still botched it horribly. The amount of wasted chakra in its execution was enough to shoot ten or more of the same bullets with twice the power. 

Iruka had noticed the flaws in Naruto’s execution of the jutsu. His eyebrow and lips twitch with annoyance. The damned kid had wasted around half of what Iruka had for a chakra pool. With a cough to refocus his thoughts Iruka decided to call the next kid before he went into a rant. 

“Next, Sasuke” Like before, Sasuke went right after Naruto. After all, Iruka was simply calling them by list. 

Hearing his name Sasuke walked forward with confidence and pride, that is until his eyes landed on Nozomi. In an instant Sasuke’s brows furrowed into a frown, he couldn’t understand how that failure of an Uchiha had surpassed him in Bukijutsu. However, a moment later he came to a conclusion.

‘Of course. Since she can’t use fire she sunk all her time into Bukijutsu while I had to train my ninjutsu. No wonder she managed to beat me’ With the confidence that brought this thought Sasuke proceeded to weave the famous fireball jutsu of the Uchiha. 

As the kid exhaled a fireball the size of a basketball flew towards a target. As it hit a small explosion followed as the target got bathed in flames. Satisfied with his performance Sasuke couldn’t help but send Nozomi a smug grin. 

“Well done Sasuke, next is Nozomi” Like before Nozomi walked forward with calm steps. She had been nervous until a moment ago when she saw Sasuke's fireball. Even though yes it was powerful for a kid his age, it was nothing compared to what she had to deal with from Tomoka. 

Once she received the green light from Iruka she began her performance. Her hands moved with incredible speed and precision out of pure habit. A second later she was finished and exhaled.

‘Air style: APER’

From her mouth a tiny ball of liquid was propelled forward with amazing speed Striking the target next to Sasuke’s. As the liquid bullet impacted the log it pierced through it like a hot needle through foam till the halfway point. What came next was a loud bang as the compressed air expanded rupturing the log from within causing it to explode.

This very jutsu was something that Tomoka had made after mastering the air bullet jutsu. She called it the Armor piercing explosive round or APER for short. 

Iruka could barely believe his eyes. The little Uchiha had used an extremely lethal jutsu like it was nothing. Her control had been top notch having little chakra waste. Though he could see she was slightly winded from the exertion he would be scared if she wasn’t. After all, this jutsu might as well be a B tier jutsu, maybe even A tier. 


This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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