Otherworldly Merchant

Chapter 137: Evil Fingers

Chapter 137: Evil Fingers

Stop talking nonsense! Dont you have to stay home to take care of Chu Chu? Go home. I dont need that many men here tonight. I will visit your house soon and we can drink later.

Li Mazi hesitated for a while. Im worried that something bad will happen to you.

Then came a long moment of silence.

I quieted down. I didnt expect that Li Mazi, a clumsy and sloppy guy, could have such morals at a critical moment like this. Left with no choice, I let Li Mazi stay.

No matter what happened tonight, I thought I was well prepared. With Li Mazi and Er Kui here, I was certain that there wouldnt be any unexpected problems!

I quickly explained the situation regarding the beggars oldest son to Li Mazi. His jaw dropped in awe.

Hey, I suddenly remembered the grain pouch. If we didnt sell it and this damn fatty got ahold of it, would he have stopped eating? If the two otherworldly items cancelled each other out, perhaps this damn fatty could have gotten better, Li Mazi suggested.

Er Kui was irritated that Li Mazi kept referring to his brother as the damn fatty. He rolled his eyes at Li Mazi. My brother is fat. So what? Did he eat your stuff or wear your clothes? You shouldnt go too far.

Li Mazi now recognized they were brothers. One was strangely fat and the other was like a stick. This significant difference made Li Mazi laugh.

Er Kui was even more annoyed. He jumped and was prepared to attack Li Mazi. I had to walk forward to separate them.

Er Kui felt his teeth itch with rage. However, he refrained himself because I was there.

At this moment, the fat man was sleeping soundly in the living room. He looked like a fat pig that snored in his sleep.

I brought Li Mazi and Er Kui to the sofa. We sat down and waited.

I occasionally talked to Li Mazi and checked the mirrors. If some otherworldly item was pestering the fat man, it would be shown in the mirrors.

However, as time ticked by, my heart began to worry!

It was strange that the mirrors didnt reflect anything. Moreover, even if there was wind, none of the mirrors moved.

I vigilantly checked on the sleeping fat man. He was still slumbering. Er Kui was dozing off with his head on the sofa. Li Mazi was playing games on his phone.

Everything looked normal as it should be.

However, since it was so normal, I had a bad premonition.

I lowered my voice and called Li Mazi. Li Mazi, dont you feel anything strange?

Li Mazi put his phone down and looked at me cluelessly. What could be strange?

Did you feel a gust of wind? I asked.

Li Mazi nodded and said, Yeah, I did. What about the wind?

Why didnt the mirrors move?

Well, it could be a light wind and the mirrors are heavy? Li Mazi answered.

Oh. Then I scanned the walls. I still had doubt in my mind. Eventually, I stopped and looked at the jade thumb ring.

The ring was placed on the tea table in front of us. It looked like an ordinary accessory. I picked it up and studied it. Nothing was strange. I placed it back on the table and turned to look at the sleeping fat man, deep in thought.

He was still sleeping sweetly and soundly.

Yet, I couldnt calm down!

I could conclude that something was wrong but I didnt know what the problem was.

Then, I walked towards the fat man and heartlessly slapped his face. However, he didnt react. He still slept soundly.

I couldnt do anything else but call for Er Kui. Er Kui was the same. He was sleeping in a slumber deeper than anybody else.

Li Mazi, somethings wrong! I screamed at Li Mazi. Stop playing with your phone and wake them up!

Li Mazi turned to look at me with an impatient face. Then, he continued to play with his phone.

Li Mazi! I screamed one more time.

This time, he didnt even turn his head to me and continued to play with his phone.

Holy moly, I know something is happening! This is not Li Mazis usual behavior! Usually, when he senses danger, he will jump and hide!

I took a deep breath and was prepared to take down all the mirrors in the room.

It seemed I had brought a big rock and dropped it on my own feet.

I had set up the Uncrossable Spirit-Expelling Mirror but it had been in vain. And, it seemed my formation had facilitated the thing in the ring, like pouring more water to a fish. I had to take these mirrors down as fast as possible.

However, before I could reach the mirrors, a big beam of light shone right at my eyes. The light blinded me.

I was startled and quickly covered my eyes with my hands.

However, right at this moment, the strong light vanished. When I opened my eyes to look again, I didnt see my reflection in the mirror. Instead, I saw fingers! A lot of fingers!

Those fingers appeared one after another and covered all the mirrors!

At a distance, they looked like countless wiggling worms that could get out of the mirrors at any second!

My vermiphobia was awakened! I instantly had goosebumps all over my body.

I immediately turned around and tried to run away. However, as soon as I turned around, I saw that the main door of my antique shop was now a giant mirror. It touched the ceiling, which reflected countless fingers that were trying to reach me.

I took a deep breath. I couldnt believe that everything I was seeing was real.

What should I do? Where could I escape to?

Instinctively, I touched the Sirius Whip on my waist. I felt that the thing hiding inside the jade thumb ring was about to show itself

However, at this moment, I suddenly felt something squishy getting inside my pants. Whatever it was, it was gently touching my thigh.

I jolted back in fear. I stooped and saw many fingers crawl out of the mirrors. They were like a rising tide swarming toward me.

Thousands of fingers wanted to bury me!

I was scared out of my wits. I screamed then jumped onto the sofa, kicking Li Mazi in the process.

I knew he wasnt Li Mazi

After my kick, Li Mazis body shattered like a pile of sand. His body fell to the ground and turned into a heap of bleeding fingers.

Can someone tell me what the heck was going on here?!

I gawked and dropped my jaw in fright. All the fingers started to creep toward my feet.

Leaving me with no choice, I took out the Sirius Whip and lashed at these fingers!

Apparently, all the fingers in front of me were just a hallucination. My whip could actually turn them into a pile of mush. However, more fingers kept on generating from the mirrors. If I kept whipping them, I could only take care of the top but not the root of the problem.

I had to find a way to break the mirrors!

In such an emergency situation, I bit my middle finger and smeared my blood on the Sirius Whip. Then, I tried my best to lash the mirror in front of me.

I didnt expect it to work for real. The bloodstained whip created a narrow path amidst the sea of fingers.

I didnt hesitate and directly jumped into the path, forcefully hitting the mirror with my whip.

Shortly after, I broke the mirror. The countless bloody fingers that were underneath my feet were gone.

When I broke the final mirror in the room, all the fingers vanished. The room was restored to quietness...

I supported myself by placing one hand on the wall. I gasped for my breath. Then, I turned around to check on the fatty and the other men.

The situation in front of my eyes was disperate.

The fat man was like an enraged boar that pinned Er Kui on the ground. He had bit and torn Er Kuis clothes. Right now, he was about to bite Er Kui by his throat!

Er Kui didnt have the strength to resist and was lying on the ground. His bloodshot eyes gazed at me while some hoarse sounds escaped from his throat. Help Save me

Shoot, that crazy fat man now wants to eat human flesh! He wont even spare his own brother!

I immediately stormed forward and kicked the fat man aside.

I saw the steel wire on the ground. He had broken the steel wire to escape!

My plan had failed. I knew I couldnt stop the fat man alone. Immediately, I dialed the old beggars number and asked him to send his people to clean up the mess.

The fat man gazed at me greedily. His mouth was bloody because he was chewing something. I could hear his chewing and swallowing sounds.

I then looked at Er Kui and felt dizzy.

Er Kuis forefingers were bitten off. His white bones were exposed. Blood streamed from his wounds. In a horrible agony, he couldnt stay conscious.

Li Mazi? Li Mazi? I now remembered Li Mazi. I didnt know what Li Mazi was doing. Then I saw him crouching in the corner of the sofa.

Curiously, I went to him and patted his shoulder. Li Mazi turned around to see me.

I wished that he didnt turn around. As soon as he did that, my entire body chilled, and I shook in fear.

Li Mazi had his forefinger in his mouth. He sucked and chewed on it as if he was eating a lollipop. His finger was now a mess of flesh and bone, ready to be bitten off! However, it seemed like he didnt feel the pain as he was grinned at me.

I shivered in fright!

If something bad happened to Li Mazi, how could I answer to Chu Chu and Li Meng? I didnt hesitate and hit Li Mazi in the face with the Sirius Whip!

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