Out For Karma: Mass Effect

[Book One] Chapter 16: Difficult times

[Book One] Chapter 16: Difficult times

Chapter 16: Difficult times

The return to the Normandy has been uneventful if not boring. Rick had carried Benezia all the way back to it with no problem. Shepard’s team had actually encountered Kaidan’s. Apparently the latter coming back from the hot labs and killing the rachnis were attacked by the guards who, as Rick had guessed, were told by Benezia to get rid of them. Those morons hoped that the rachnis would do the job. They were wrong. Kaidan’s team, instead of reaching the secure lab like Shepard’s did, went through the guarded area with all the rest of the guards and drones. That took time but they dealt with every single one of them. They had been dejected to learn how Shepards and the rest “sneak” past everyone. In the end, everyone was more than happy to leave this planet and hoped to never go there again.

Currently Shepard was having a long awaited talk with Rick in her quarters. She wanted answers and had been patient until now. No more. She was blunt and went straight to the point.

“How do you lose a Mass Relay?”

“With a supernova.”

“I was hoping for a more detailed answer.

“Four thousand years ago, give or take. A star near the Mu Relay went supernova. The relay was sent off its orbit as indicated by the lack of debris. That’s where it’s interesting; the supernova covered it with hot gas and stellar dust basically camouflaging it to all radar and scans. The only way to find it was to visually look for it. Which the Rachnis apparently did. They had the time, the resources, and the genetic memory to keep up with the search generation after generation after all.”


“No other questions?”

“Well you already answered the one I had about the queen knowing the location, soooo… How come you became an expert on rachnis between our first encounter with them and now?”

“Extranet on the tram.”

“So that’s what you were doing.” she said in realization as she remembered him fumbling on his omni-tool.

“You’re good then?”

“No, I’ve got two more. The first is: How do we find the conduit in the cluster that the relay will send us to?”

“I don’t think we have any other choice but to search every planet. For now.”

“Alright, I thought so too. My second question is: What did you use to knock Matriarch Benezia out?”

“Anti-Thorian gas.”

“What?! Really?”

“Yes. When we were on Zhu’s hope, before we left, I went to see the scientist you rescued to know more about it, she directed me to her mother who told me that, the gaz do not actually have a direct effect against the thorian’s spores but somehow put to sleep the part of the brain they have an effect on. Since that part is asleep no command could reach. It’s a bit more complicated than that but I think that’s enough to understand.”

“So far, yes. That’s what happened to her too? That part of her brain went to sleep?”

“I believe so. I mean, two instances of brainwashing; it was worth a try. Though the method is different, the thorian’s way was organic, what Sovereign did… I think it’s synthetic, like sound waves?”

“Sovereign? Not Saren?”


Rick began to talk about his thoughts on the vision the Eden Prime gave both of them. His understanding and his deductions from what he saw and what he didn’t. Bringing forward the theory that Sovereign was actually a reaper and Saren just a puppet indoctrinated. Shepard listened attentively, making the connections between the elements of the visions bit by bit, led by Rick’s way of explaining.

“So a reaper is already here and the conduit is definitely not a weapon. I know that it was an option that had been almost discarded but now you’re sure.”

“Yes, pretty much. If it was a reaper weapon, they would have put it in a safe place and Sovereign would already have it. If it was a prothean weapon, they would not need it.”

“So while it doesn’t confirm your idea of a way to go from somewhere to another place, it’s still the best explanation we have for what the conduit does. But why would both Saren and Sovereign want it in that case?”

“I don’t know and that’s what’s driving me mad. I’m missing something, not in my analysis but in what I know.”

“I see.” replied Shepard who began to think about the whole ordeal. “We’re going to the citadel for R&R, and to see if there is any lead on Saren.”

“Have you decided on what to do with Benezia?”

“For now, we’re keeping her sedated. I didn’t warn the council about her survival, only that she had been brainwashed by Saren and was defeated.”

“Oh?” He exclaimed in surprise. That was not the way she usually goes about things.

“You were right. It could be dangerous both for everyone and for Benezia if it was known she’s still alive. I would share the information in Anderson but no one else which includes the council.”

“Finally fighting against authority, huh? I’m so proud!” he said in a joking manner.

“Nothing like that or at least I don’t think so.”

“Had you told them she was alive they would have found a way to blame you. The same if she was dead.”

“I figure. When I told them I let the queen go, the turian councilor was worried she would start a new war. I get the feeling he would have blame me for genocide had I done otherwise.”


With nothing more to say Rick stood up from his seat and made his way out but was interrupted by Shepard.

“By the way, I got an answer from Admiral Hackett about your and Tali's project. The alliance is interested in your designs, both of them, especially the one for the sniper rifle. The one for the shotgun too but for more elite soldiers. I know N7 wants a prototype very soon.”

“That’s great. Did they agree to our terms?”

“Yes. They do have a condition though.”

“Testing themselves our prototypes, I’d gather. Vids could have been modified.”

“Yes, that’s why Admiral Hackett and a few other important people will be on the citadel when we arrive.”

“I’ll get Tali into the loop, she need to steel her nerves for that meeting.”

Shepard nodded and Rick reached the door but instead of leaving stopped and turned his head.

“I won’t get arrested right? Because it smells like a trap to me.” he said, making Shepard laugh a bit.

“No. Not that I am aware anyway.” she replied as he walked away seemingly satisfied with her answer. She didn’t say it aloud but if it was a trap she’d use her authority as a spectre to bail him out. He was too important to the mission at hand to let the alliance catch him.


Rick directly went to the med-bay to have a look at Benezia and spend some time with Liara. Her mother was still alive but her condition was nothing to be happy about. Entering the room, she saw Chackwas reading something on her terminal while Liara was looking at her sleeping mother, holding her hand.

“Any news?” he asked the doc.

“Yes. I did a brain scan of Matriarch Benezia and the results are… not good.” at her answer Liara’s face became full of distress.

“You see that part of the brain here?” Karin pointed with her finger at an area of the image of the brain displayed.

“Yes. It doesn’t seem healthy.”

“It isn’t. Those dark spots there?  I believe those lesions may be responsible for her… brainwashing?”

“Can anything be done?” and hopeful Liara asked.

“I don’t know. The brain is the more complicated and delicate of the organs. Some things, it can heal from, some it can’t.”

“How do those lesions work anyway?”

"I don’t know either."

Everyone in the room stayed silent. Chackwas was studying the results more, Liara looked after her mother and Rick began to think. There was something for him to find. Clearly those lesions were the source of Benezia submissiveness to Saren but how would they engrain it in the first place? Lesions are just damaged tissues. Damaged tissues don’t work properly. From that, it was impossible for them to have a direct effect, no the information to obey the turian must come from healthy neurons which must have been reprogrammed. That gave Rick an idea of what was going on.

“Liara, would it be dangerous for you to meld with her? To see if you can reach her.

“I don’t think it would be dangerous but a bit harder because she’s not awake.”

“Want to give it a try?”

“I suppose so, it’s not like I have anything to lose anymore.” she said with resolution.

She moved from her position by her mother’s side to be above her head. Leaning her forehead against hers she began to meld. For a few minutes Karin and Rick looked at the two asari, waiting in anticipation for what Liara would find. At the five minute mark Liara straightened up.

“She’s there! She’s still there!” she exclaimed in joy.


“She’s weak but she’s holding on.”

“Did you have a… How should I say this…A look around?”

“You mean if there was someone else with her? Like a mind imprint? Then no.” she replied after seeing Rick nodding at her questions.

“But there are whispers. Like records of commands. Mother said that it was the effect of indoctrination.”

“Does she have any idea on how to make them stop?”

“Sadly, no.”

“Doc, would the lesions heal themselves with time?”

“It’s possible but I wouldn’t count on it.”

“I see… In that case last idea; Liara do you think you could rewrite her memories? I mean, those whispers they’re just information, stuck in her mind that plays over and over right? If we can’t make them stop, probably because the part of the brain that could, is the part damaged, then maybe we can change the message?”

“You want my mother to still be brainwashed but just differently?” Liara asked dumbfounded.

“If we can’t undo it, that’s the only thing I can come up with. Something like “‘Be your usual self?’ maybe ?”

“There is merit in the idea. She’d still be brainwashed, yes but to be herself. In that case can we really say she’s brainwashed?” Karin thought out loud.

“Food for thoughts for later. The objective here is to get her out of Saren’s control.”

“I… I’ve had to ask her about this. I’m not even sure if what you’re thinking of is possible.”

“Well, if that green asari could transfer the cipher into my mind, meaning actually writing the information into my own neurons, by melding, then you could do that too. She was a few centuries older than you though, so perhaps that could be an important factor?”

With this last bit of information, he wished her good luck and left the med-bay to speak with Tali in the engineering area. As usual he had bumped her hip with his to get her attention.

“Are you ready to swim in credits?”

“I… don’t know, I never thought about doing that. What’s this about?”

“Gingerbread upstairs said that the Alliance was interested in our work. They will be on the citadel for a live demonstration.”

“That’s… Great!” she said in excitement.

“Yes, but there will be a lot of higher ups, will you be okay with that? I mean they’re military old people. Chances are, some of them won’t be very nice to you if not down right xenophobic.”

“I’m a quarian Rick; I’m used to people looking down on me.”

“You shouldn’t be.”

“Not everyone is as open minded as you are. So no, I’m not worried about their attitude towards me. I’m more worried about what you’ll do to them in that case.” Tali joked, though she was probably right.

“I guess I’ll have to give you my weapons before the meeting then. Accidents can happen in demonstrations like those.” he joked back as he left for the cargo bay.

He joined Ashley who as usual was cleaning weapons. He just leaned against the lockers next to the workbench and watched her doing her thing. They intended to find a room and not exit it until the last minute of their R&R in the citadel. Their quick tryst in the shower has been an exception as Ashley wanted to respect as much as she could her place of work. They both needed to vent, especially after Noveria.

“There’s been a slight change of plan.” Rick’s announcement made her stop what she was doing for a few seconds before she started back.

“Define slight?”

“Tali and I are supposed to present our prototypes to the big wigs in the Alliance. I’d gather it would take half a day at best, to answer questions, the demonstration and the negotiation. Then perhaps some sort of celebration with the crew later in the evening.”

“Alcohol then? Not quite as good as sex but I’ll take it.” she said with a smirk.

“What are you going to do in your new found free time?”

“Good question. I’ll have to think about it.”

“Want some advice?”

“Why not?”

“You should use it to buy a good deal of lube.” he said nonchalantly before walking to his makeshift bed to take a nap, leaving a slack jawed Ashley frozen in place.

The implication behind his words made her mind reeling. She wasn’t a stranger to anal sex but with the right mood and the right partner. Rick was way bigger than everything she had there. The idea terrified her as much as it exited her.


At their arrival on the citadel, Anderson himself was there to welcome them.  The meeting would take place in one hour for now, in one of the c-sec academy shooting ranges. The time was short for them to be presentable but not impossible. Shepard was surprised that she was asked to be present.

“You’re the one who tested the prototypes and forwarded the information, they want you there.” as the answer Anderson gave her.

She went back to the ship to change her clothes to her official uniform. Meanwhile Rick looked at Tali and without actually saying it decided to stay the way they were. They just waited for Shepard to come back all dressed up and weaponless.

“Are you both ready?” Anderson asked the two tech experts.

“To bleed dry the alliance?Ab-so-lutely.” Rick replied which earned him a smack on the head from Tali who chose to speak up.

“As ready as we can be, sir. I did work on the appearance of both prototypes to make them more presentable so we’re good on that part and we have the blueprints at the ready.”

“Good. I’m still surprised you got your patents accepted so fast.” the captain said.

“Me too. I didn’t quite believe him when Rick said he could get one in a day.”

That answer made Anderson do a double take on Rick. Ha has not been aware of that. Patents took months to be accepted and reviewed as they were so many.

“How?” he asked the man.

“I know people, who knows people.” was the cryptic answer the captain got.

“Still, a day?”

“Most people work faster and go beyond when a huge sum of money is involved.”

“Please tell me you didn’t promise money out of our profit?” Tali asked, suddenly worried.

“Not yours, mine. That’s alright, I’m not really in need of money.”

“How much?”


“How much did you give up?”


“69%?! That’s more than a third of the total profit!” the quarian exclaimed in shock

“Meh, it’s alright. Depending on the price we agree on the deal 15% of the total profit could be still considerable. Not like I’ll have a use for it anyway.”

“Is there any way the alliance could get in touch with that person?” the captain asked. If scientists in the alliance could have their patents approved faster that would be a huge benefit.

“Possibly. I’d have to ask. It would be a backroom deal though. Not sure the alliance could shoulder the fallout if it gets discovered.”

That last tidbit of information worried Anderson a bit. He would have to discuss this with Hackett later.

Shepard was back in her impeccable uniform and was ready to go. She met Rick starring with a quizzical look.


“Seeing you in this uniform like that… I just want to shoot you.” he replied before picking up the two cases containing the prototypes and making his way towards the elevator, followed quickly by Tali.

“I gather things didn’t go better between the two of you?”

“It did and… that’s new actually.” Shepard replied, perplexed.

“You’ll tell me later in my office, now, we should go.”

Shepard nodded and joined her team members with Anderson. The trip wasn’t long and they arrived at the meeting location nearly forty five minutes early.

Tali and Rick were preparing; checking the weapons, assembling them, disassembling them, cleaning them until they were satisfied that everything was in order. On the side the redhead talked with her superior.

“Besides Admiral Hackett, who can they expect?”

“Helena Müller from N7, representing the ICT. The rest are mostly people from the fifth fleet coming with Admiral Hackett. Some captions with their XO here just to watch y in the higher ups I know of Rear Admiral Mikhailovich, Rear Admiral Stenton, and… Rear Admiral Shepard.” Anderson said the last bit with a bit of hesitation. Hearing that her mother would be here, Shepard immediately turned her head towards the man to see if he was joking. He was not.

“Will that be a problem for you?” He asked.

“No. Not if she doesn’t start one.”

“How long has it been since you talked to her?”

“78. And if I had any say in this, until the day I die.”

“She’s your mother.”

“She’s a monster. I still can’t believe that after Torfan, after… After… I can’t believe she’s not behind bars or has been dishonorably discharged.” she said, unable to bring herself to talk about the worst crime the woman did. Something that Anderson understood well. In fact he was agreeing with the commander on the subject. What happened on Torfan didn’t sit well with him. He still wonders how mother and daughter were so different, their appearance aside. One was the Lion of Elysium and the other the Butcher of Torfan. You couldn’t do more opposite than that.

“She knows how the system works and knows the right people that’s how. What happened on Torfan is considered a great victory by the Alliance against the Batarian .”

“It was a mindless slaughter pure and simple.”

“True but that doesn’t make her your mother any less.”

Torfan may have been the hideout of some space pirates, mostly batarian, but it was also the home of their families. On Hannah Shepard orders, no one had been spared.

The talk stopped as Rick and Tali joined them, Rick handing his shotgun and pistol to Anderson.

“What’s that for?” Anderson asked, taking them in his hands.

“Precautionary measures.” the man replied.

“Yes, it’s probably for the better. One xenophobic remark from any of them and the alliance will be short an officer.” Shepard explained further.

“I’m really short tempered with authority, obnoxious people, the alliance and xenophobic people.”

With probably four of those coming in a group here Anderson understood that it was probably for the better. He put the pistol at his side and kept the shotgun in hand, having nowhere else to put it. They had only had to wait five minutes when Admiral Hackett entered through the door leading a line of alliance officers. Clearly they were early which was fine with Rick as the sooner it was over the better for him. By his side Shepard was looking at the group searching for her mother, who came in last. No one could say they were not related, the same emerald eyes, the same red hair, perhaps hers were a bit darker. She was not ready to meet her again; she didn’t even know what to say. Fortunately she didn’t have to think about it as she felt Rick flare his biotics. On instinct she grabbed his hand and he powered down immediately. She didn’t expect that. Looking around, neither did Anderson or Tali. She wondered if this was intimidation tactics or if this was something more.

“No need for a display of power, young man.” Admiral Hackett said.

“For you perhaps but intimidation is a sure way for a party to be taken seriously when negotiations begin.”

“My apologies Admiral, his negotiation skills are not the best.” Shepard said, trying to defuse the situation. She could feel through her hand Rick’s body being really tense. Something was clearly wrong here.

“My track record shows otherwise. Didn’t the alliance get the best deal in the Plutus system, thanks to those skills?”

“Ha! He got you there, commander, though between a flare of biotics and getting my head vaporized by a shotgun I’ll take the former.” Hackett replied amusedly.

The admiral was taking in the man’s presence. The man who made a joke of the alliance database security, its security team and probably most soldiers in the navy if Shepard’s reports on his capability in and out the field were true. Which he believed they were.

“I know we’re early but since everyone’s here why not start?” Hackett proposed.

Rick nodded and signaled Tali to take the lead while untangling his hand from the commander’s. Exhaling a big deal of air he went to stay by the quarian side. She was doing the presentation perfectly, showing one weapon, exposing the original problem and the purpose of the new handle she and Rick had come up with then showing the other. When it was time for a demonstration, the ICT representative, N7 Helena Müller, volunteered. Tali gave her the specially made gauntlet explaining its utility when the woman asked what was its use. 

It went exactly how it went when Shepard was the one testing the shotgun. First with two hands then with only one. Müller was impressed with the simplicity of the system. She already was, after seeing the video but having a feel of it and of a recoil made her mind. The same happened when she tried the sniper rifle and even asked if she could leave with it.

She gave her approval and assurance that the ICT would be making their own deal should the one with the alliance fall through. Two by two each member of the audience took a spin on the prototypes

“That is fine work you did there. Plenty of advantages and the only flaw is the training necessary for it, which isn’t much of a flaw actually.” Hackett commented.

“Thank you, sir.” Tali replied.

Hackett was in and the negotiations began. The alliance wanted to buy the patents but Rick and Tali refused. They would loan the use of their idea for ten years at a certain price, with a three year monopoly in the manufacturing and selling. After those ten years, the alliance would own the pattern but pay some royalties, smaller than the original installment for the next twenty years. Another point of negotiation is that Tali and Rick would always be recognized as the authors of those patents.

“In the long term, the alliance will pay  more than the price you’re going for, however the installment each year is smaller than a drop in the ocean and it’s even smaller after ten years, making your profit higher.” Rick argued to Hackett who wanted to buy it pure and simple. To make the balance tilt in his favor he added something he hadn’t planned to say, yet.

“Besides, once we’re done developing a new system to deal with the heat production, this fast reloading method will be more useful than ever.”

“A new system dealing with the heat?” the Admiral asked, clearly interested.

“It’s still in the works but let’s say that the highly inefficient current one will be abandoned without any after thought.”

“I need more than that, son.”

“To make your decision? No. You just want more, and that’s all you’ll have for now. Honestly, this is a really good deal you have here. Maybe not the one you had in mind but a good one. We’re not asking for a lot, in fact we’re pretty reasonable in terms of credits. It’s just the time part that bothers you. We’re not greedy, don’t be either.”

On the side Tali was completely frozen in panic. She had absolutely no idea what Rick was talking about with this new cooling system of his. A flood of questions entered her mind. Shepard just hoped that Rick hadn’t just blown everything up with the way he talked with Hackett.

The admiral in question took a long look at the man negotiating in front of him. Wondering if he let that bit about a new system intentionally slip to sway him or if it was pure bullshit. From Shepard’s reports it wasn’t his way to lie but the possibility was still there. Thinking again on the deal itself, he had to admit it was almost too good to be true. They were talking about a few millions credits here. Yet they were not interested in it, instead they’d rather get a smaller sum, if hundreds thousands of credit could be considered as such. In the end, after thirty years they would have paid three millions more than the original price they were proposing. In perspective it was not much; four million the first decade and four more the two next.

Extending his hand the admiral was short in his words.

“We have a deal.”

Rick shook the offered hand firmly.

“Good. Tali will give you the blueprints.” he said.

On the side Shepard elbowed the quarian who was still shock frozen and signaled with her head the deal that had been made while whispering the word blueprints. In no time Tali moved and went for the datapads in each of the prototype cases and gave them to Hackett.

“Good negotiation skills indeed.” the admiral commented.

“You’ve seen nothing yet. I didn’t even use my ace in the hole.”

“Now, I’m curious.”

“The turian hierarchy.” Rick said in a low voice that only the admiral could hear.

“From what I heard they would have been very interested.” he added in a very pleased tone.

Hackett looked at the man again and began to understand the depth of his character. He knew how cunning he had been when he helped the alliance to get their spectre but this? It never was a negotiation to begin with. It had been a done deal the moment the alliance showed interest in what he made. The time spent arguing was just for show, there was no need for it. He only had to say the turian hierarchy was interested, whether it was true or not, and the alliance would have paid whatever price, within reason, he would have asked. The scars of the first contact war still run deep in the old men and women at the top of the alliance after all, despite the more open approach at collaboration between the two species. That young man knew that from the beginning and just entertained them.

Rick left Hackett thinking while he went to put back the weapons into their case with a smile from ear to ear. Thankfully it was hidden by his helmet. He gave the cases to the N7 as a gift, gave Hackett a datapad with the contract in it, grabbed Tali and left.

Anderson and Shepard joined Hackett, still pensive.

“He played us.” said the captain.

“Sir?” exclaimed Shepard not understanding.

“Played us? He made us dance on the palm of his hand while making us think it was our own idea.”

“I don’t get it.” Shepard said.

“Commander. I’d rather face an entire fleet of dreadnought than face his man’s mind. The entire exchange was just a show. He only had to say that the turians were interested and he would have walked out of there a very very richer man than he was when he did.”

“He was just scared of the alliance.” said a voice coming from the side.

Turning their heads the trio saw the Butcher of Torfan walk towards their group.

“He made a more than reasonable demand, which was overly advantageous for the alliance because he was scared of what we’ll do to him and his quarian friend if he didn’t agree. He’s weak.”

At the word “weak” Shepard fought to not let a snort escape.

“If there is one thing Rick Wald is not, Rear Admiral, it’s weak. The only reason I can think of why he chose to do this is…”

“Because he wanted to outsmart us and let us realize it on our own.” Anderson finished her sentence before adding some more.

“He’s clearly not interested in the money as he said before the meeting. Hell, from what your people found out, Admiral, he is already rich and yet he was living a simple life as a tech expert on Eden Prime. No, what he wanted was for us to know that he may be one man but he was the one in control during the negotiations and that the alliance was not a worthy opponent to him.”

“And we lost that fight, quite badly. Even before it began.” Hackett clarified with a sigh before looking at the younger Shepard.

“I don’t envy your position commander. Not in the least.”

“There are some problems from time to time but it is easy to work with him. And to be fair, I am the source of those problems, sir.” she confessed.

““Oh?”” both Anderson and Hackett said at the same time, both raising an eyebrow in surprise.

“Jane, as a commanding officer it’s your duty to get your subordinates in line and to do what they are told, reprimanding them if you have too. You’re a commander now, you should know that.” said her mother in a gentle tone. Well, gentle for her. That surprised Shepard a bit actually.

“It’s more complicated than that.”

“Perhaps this conversation would be better taking place in my office?” Anderson proposed to which Hackett agreed.

“If you don’t mind Admiral, I request permission to be present.” said the older Shepard, making the younger send eye signals at Anderson. Hackett took a moment to answer, the case of Rick Wald was something he didn’t want to leak, not without a lot more information on the man. On the other hand Rear Admiral Shepard, was experienced and could give a new point of view of how the commander could deal with him.

“Very well, permission granted.” He said to the commander's dismay.


“You crazy bosh’tet! Do you know what you did?!” yelled Tali hitting him with her fists.

“Earned you 200 K a year for the next ten years then half that for the twenty after?”

“No! I mean yes! But no, you asshole!”

“It’s four millions credits in total, you’d be the richest quarian in the galaxy.”

“I don’t care about the money! You nearly made my heart stop! That’s what you did! And what’s that about a new cooling system?! You never told me anything about it!”

“That’s an idea I wanted to talk to you about after this meeting actually. Now, can you climb down my back please? You’re not heavy but people are beginning to stare.”

Tali looked around and, effectively, people were beginning to look at them. She could not stop herself and had jumped on his back the moment they left the c-sec academy. Embarrassed, she quickly jumped down on the ground and started to walk fast to leave the area as soon as she could.

It was noon and they went to lunch in a restaurant on the presidium. It wasn’t high class but it was still in the presidium so it wasn’t some small one. In fact they had been refused entry by the maître d’ when he saw that Tali was a quarian. When Rick had politely began to speak loudly about xenophobic restaurants and whose species would be discriminated against next, the volus immediately changed his tune and let them in.

“You didn’t have to do that! We could have gone to the wards.” She said embarrassed.

“You’re right, I didn’t. I wanted to celebrate our success.” he replied while looking at the menu.

“Which we could have done in the wards.”

“A small restaurant for the most successful Quarian of the fleet? Not on your life.”

Tali didn’t quite know what to say as she didn’t have the words. She just became rich by normal standards, extremely rich by her people, and she was now sitting in a restaurant all her people, her included, only dreamt of ever being allowed to enter. All thanks to the man in front of her. She didn’t know how to thank him. Sure, she pulled her weight in the project but it was all because of him. She didn’t miss either that he subtly said that he didn’t bring her here because of necessity but because he wanted to. Right now? She just took the menu in front of her and opened it. Now was the time to eat, she’ll find a way to thank him later.


“I’m going to be blunt. Is what is written on those reports true?” Hannah Shepard asked her daughter and Anderson, waving a datapad in her hand.

“Yes, Ma’am.” replied the man.

“Then my assessment of him was completely out in the field. That man is dangerous, we should not let him be free.”

“He’s useful.” replied the Captain.

“And he didn’t do anything illegal, we can’t arrest him like that.” chimed in the commander.

“Hacking the secure database of the alliance is illegal. Murder is illegal, a commanding officer at that! He’s a threat! He should be dealt with immediately.”

“I’m surprised you know that murder is illegal.” Jane replied in a jab.

“Watch it, I’m still your superior officer, mother or not.”

“Enough.” Hackett intervened calmly. He had been watching on the side for a while now.

“Wald is dangerous, yes. A potential threat? Undeniably, especially since he’s not really supportive of the alliance.”

“That’s an understatement, Admiral!”

“But he never acted against it, that CO aside, which honestly is a service he did for us, and like Anderson said, he’s useful and has a thirst for vengeance on Saren. We can and will use that. The commander is doing a pretty good job about it already. Once Saren is dealt with, we will re-evaluate what to do with the man, understood?”

“Yes, sir.” the Rear Admiral said not agreeing in the least, but orders were orders.

“Good. Now commander, you said that you had problems with him and the problems came from you, what did you mean by that exactly? You’re an excellent commanding officer and yet you can’t handle him? That worries me.”

“Sir, I don’t think anyone could handle him, not without being equally smart, or smarter.”

“Explain.” her mother ordered.

“I guess it’d be better if I begin with my report of the mission on Noveria”.


“Good day, Ma’am. Can this one help you with anything?” asked the hanar clerk as Ashley entered the shop.

“I… I’ll take a look around first, if you don’t mind then come back if I need help.”

“Certainly, please do know that using any products is forbidden.”

“That’s… do people really try them?!” she asked bewildered.

“You have no idea ma’am. This one caught plenty doing so. You’re using it, you’re buying it.”

Ashley nodded in understanding and went through the store. It was an old one. Nowadays, stores were just a booth with a clerk presenting a catalog of booths or a simple terminal where people would pass commands and wait for what they had bought to be delivered. However considering the nature of the shop and its location it was no surprise that it had aisled and products on display. She quickly found out what she was looking for and took a moment to choose the one she would buy.

“Strawberry, blueberry, cherry, banana.” she read out loud the flavor. There were even some flavored from alien fruits.

After a moment of thinking she took the strawberry one and turned around towards the cashier. Along the way she found three more items that interested her and took them, though the third one was not acceptable for her and intended to ask the hanar for another model.

“Do you have a bigger size?” she said blushing as she showed the big jellyfish the object she wasn’t satisfied with.

“This one does. What size are you looking for?”

“The size of my friend, so about this?” She said, indicating a length and a width with her hand.

“Krogan size then.”

“I don’t know about that, I’ve never been with a krogan. My friend is human.”

“By the enkindlers! A Human?”

“Eeeeh…. Yes?”

“Nevermind. You’ll find what you are looking for in the dildo’s aisle, in the krogan section. Three aisles on your right, end of the aisle.”

“Thank you.” Ashley replied before going.

“A human…”


They all have a different reaction to the young redhead report. Hackett was sighing out of understanding, her mother was frowning in displeasure and Anderson was waiting impassively for the advice his superiors officers would share. He had his own of course but he wanted to wait it out.

“The problem doesn’t lie entirely with you. It lies on his shoulder too.” Hackett began.

“I insist you should have reprimanded him.”

“He’s not a member of the navy, it would have gone over his head and he wasn’t wrong to do that. Only the way he did it was.” Anderson commented.

“That’s correct. At least this time you both hashed it out in private. It shows that he’s ready to work with you but you’re not ready to work with him.”

“That’s what I realized, as well.”

“That’s nonsense, you’re the commanding officer, what you say goes. You can’t have any of your subordinates usurp your authority.” Shepard senior said.

“That’s also correct but your situation is unique and has never been seen before. He is and isn’t your subordinate at the same time. He’s more like a colleague or a partner. And to be fair to you, it’s not something you’ve done, it’s just who you are. You were right when you said that probably nobody could handle him if they’re not at least as smart.” the admiral said his piece.

“So the only way is to meet him halfway and trust him? I mean I already do, for most things, but acting in my stead… It doesn’t feel right.”

“That’s because you don’t know him enough.” Anderson gave his two credits.

“What kind of man is he at the core? You know what he is; smart, cunning, competent, honest but who is he as a person?” he explained.

Shepard junior, took a moment to think about it.

“A good man. He’s always doing his best for others, fiercely loyal to the people he acknowledged and would not mind dirtying his hand for them. He was ready to shoot anyone who would have made a disparaging remark to Tali’Zorah back at the meeting, deal or no deal, Admiral or not. That’s why he gave you his weapons, Captain, because the deal mattered to her and he wasn’t about to ruin it.”

“Ah! So that’s why you were armed.” interjected Hackett.

“He’s also compassionate in his own way. He didn’t have to save matriarch Benezia but…”

“Wait a minute! The matriarch is still alive? You said he defeated her.” her mother intervened.

“Yes, from my understanding, he gassed her.” added Hackett.

“He used the anti-thorian gas from Feros. Basically he believed that since the comportment of the matriarch was the same as Zhu’s hope’s colonists, it would knock her out. He was right on that.”

“So he saved her for the Dr. T’soni?” Anderson asked.

“Yes, they are friends.”

“That was a dangerous decision to take that wasn’t his to begin with.”

“Yes, but he was right to do so. The matriarch was, is, brainwashed but he apparently found a way to make a normal again.”

“A way to reverse Saren’s indoctrination?!” Hackett inquired dumbfounded.

“No, more like reroute it?”

Shepard began to explain Rick’s idea. How it was possible because Benezia still had a part of her mind intact and how it happened in the first place by comparing the indoctrination by the thorian and rachnis’s way of communication.

“Brainwashed into her normal self then. That’s… an interesting idea he came up with. A shame it seems only possible for an asari matriarch but that does give us some leads on how to fight against it.” Anderson stated.

“We don’t know if they will succeed.” Shepard senior said.

“No, but the proper measures will be taken if it fails I gather?” asked the admiral to which Shepard nodded then added more.

“Why have you phrased it that way in your report?”

“He advised it actually and I agreed. Matriarch Benezia is powerful with many friends. We couldn’t let people know she was still alive while we were working on… fixing her. Certainly not the council.”

“You should have killed her then. Much less work.”

“That’s your answer to everything.” replied the youngest Shepard with a scowl.

“It works.”

“Ladies!” intervened Hackett before the argument could escalate. He was well aware of the state of their relationship. It wasn’t something very well known but not that secret either.

“You did well in that regard, commander. That can give us an advantage and if not we lose nothing. Now, I think you were talking about who you thought Rick Wald was.”

“Yes. His attitude, words and actions are cold but in hindsight it’s anything but. No matter how logical or rational his actions are.”

“Do you think you would be wrong with trusting him with your life or the life of someone important to you?” asked Anderson.

She took a moment to think about it.

Would he do his best to do so? Would he try to think of the best course of action to save innocent lives? To save mine, despite his negative feelings towards me?

“No.” she replied

“Then you have your answer. Trusting is never easy, we all know that here but you just have to…”

“““Follow your guts.””” all her superiors officers said in unison. She looked at her mother in surprise.

“I don’t like it, I don’t like what I read and heard about him. I don’t like him. But if your guts are telling you to trust him then trust him.” Shepard senior said.

“My advice to you commander, is to talk about a mission beforehand. Share what you hope for and what your intentions are, the results you want to achieve in detail. That way you will not be surprised when he acts on his own or very little.” spoke Hackett.

“I’ll do that, sir. Thank you.”

“Is there anything else we should talk about? Something you didn’t say in your report?”

“Actually… yes.”


“Rick, I live in an enviro-suit! I don’t need clothes!”

“Nonsense. Just because you do, doesn’t mean you can’t wear clothes above it.”

“True, but there is no point!”

“The point is for you to look pretty, to feel different and good about yourself. You don’t need to limit yourself to what’s necessary anymore, centerfold.” he said, entering a clothing shop while dragging his quarian friend by the hand


“So he believes Saren’s ship is actually a reaper? That’s worrying.” said Anderson.

“Is he sure?” Hackett inquired.


“We need to prepare, especially if one is already here.” Hanna said.

“You believe me?!” Shepard asked in surprise, making her mother frown. She had not expected that from her.

“Of course I do. Everything in those reports point to it being true, no matter how unbelievable it is.”

“The question is, why does it need the conduit if it’s a prothean creation?” wondered Hackett.

“Rick doesn’t know. He said that he’s missing some information to understand the big picture. Information that Saren has since he’s searching for the conduit.”

“Then the mission did not change. You need to find Saren and stop him before he finds the conduit.” the admiral declared.

Raising up from their seats everyone made their way towards the office’s exit. The Rear Admiral however grabbed her daughter by the arm and held her back a moment.

“Be careful with that man.”

“If I did not know any better, I would think you care.”

“I do care. I already lost a child, I don’t want to lose another.”

The answer from her mother triggered her anger unexpectedly. She blew up on her, letting go of everything she had held back for the past thirteen years. She let her mother have it.

“Don’t you dare! Don’t you dare talk about him! You have no right! You never care for him! You didn’t even raise him! I did! So don’t you dare say that you cared about John! You never did!”

“That’s not true!”

“It is! How long did it take you to notice he was gone? How long?”

“Too long. I admit, I wasn’t much of a mother to him but that doesn’t mean I never cared or loved him. Everyday, I curse myself for what I did, for what I thought of him and people like him, how I wish I could go back and punch myself in the face and do something differently. Every. Day. For the past thirteen years. You don’t need to lecture me on what wrong I did. I’m perfectly aware. He was my flesh and blood, my son and I failed him like no mother should have.” her mother replied in a mix of shame, sadness and dejection, cutting off her daughter’s momentum and onslaught.

“Be careful, please? And I know I don’t say it often but… I’m proud of you and I love you.”

Hannah Shepard took her daughter into her embrace and kissed her on the cheek before leaving.

Alone in Anderson’s office, Jane Shepard had tears rolling down her cheeks. She had a lot to think about.

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