Overlord: Multiverse

Chapter 21: Yggdrasil XIX

Chapter 21: Yggdrasil XIX

Punitto: 'Momonga, they have found the World Item.'

Momonga: 'Where is it?'

Punitto: 'Under the throne. According to the Ancient One, the Player with the Halberd is the World Item's owner. I have told Touch to kill him.'

Momonga: 'Good.'

I looked toward Touch, who was fighting with the guild's leader.

Momonga: 'Do you need help, Touch?'

Touch: 'No, I'm fine.'

Touch kept attacking the guild leader with various attacks. In the end, he decided to use his utmost powerful offensive skill.

Touch: "World Break!"

It was the final skill of the 'World Champion' job class. It could ignore the enemy's defence and inflict damage equal to the user's Physical Attack * 1.5.

It was a must-kill skill that only a defensive-type World Item could stop. And according to Punitto Moe, the guild had a buffing-type World Item; known as the "Virtuous Shroud."

It could continuously buff the allies of the user of the World Item.

We had the opportunity to eliminate the owner of the World Item by ensuring that the inflicted damage within a single second surpassed the protective buff granted by the World Item.

We weren't cancelling the effect of the World Item to do so; we needed another World Item. The fact that Touch Me could kill the leader was a gamble.

We didn't know what amount of damage was needed to kill the owner in a single strike. Even Momonga didn't know about it.

The reason was; the longer this World Item remained active, the higher the buff would be. But this World Item required Yggdrasil Gold to function. So, it was possible; the Human guild only activated this Item when the clan of Nine's Own Goal infiltrated their base.

Momonga: 'Let's see; what happens.'

As Touch's blade struck the guild leader, he vanished into motes of light.

Momonga: 'He did it. Now, it is time for revenge bitches.'

As the Human Players watched their leader vanish into motes of light,; their faces fell.

My clan members went to the offensive; the moment guild's boss died. With no more buffing from the World Item, it was easy to defeat the Human Players.

After 5 minutes, all the Human Players had died. The throne room was now littered with their items. But our revenge was just getting started.

I looked toward Ulbert, Qwert, and HeroHero, and they nodded. I nodded in response, and we 3 left the throne room.

Out of the 30 members, only 10 participated in the attack on the throne room. Punitto Moe left 10 Players outside for backup while 10 Players were on the spawning platform of this guild.

Spawning Platform was a divine-class item; that enabled Players of the same guild to resurrect in the guild base when they die. We decided to exploit this.

By 'WE,' I meant, Ulbert, Qwert, HeroHero and I. We decided to kill the Human Players until their levels dropped to 0 or they exited the game.

Ulbert: "Let's go, Momo!"

We found the Spawning Platform while ascending the floors.

We reached the Spawning Platform in under a minute. Because all the traps were now disabled, it didn't take us long.

Once we reached the Spawning Platform, the remaining 10 clan members were already killing the Human Players. We, too, joined the massacre.

Every time a Human Player died, they lost an item and 5 levels.




We kept killing them.

The sad thing was, to exit the game they,; first needed to be alive to open the console and select the exit button.

But we kept killing them before they could select it.

But after a few waves, they stopped appearing.

Ulbert: "What is happening?"

I received the message from Touch Me.

Touch: 'I have destroyed the Guild Weapon; you should also come to the throne room.'


Momonga: "Touch has destroyed the Guild Weapon."

Because; Touch Me destroyed the Guild Weapon, the guild was disbanded, and all the features of the guild base also stopped functioning. That included the Spawning Platform.

By breaking the Guild Weapon, the Human Guild was destroyed. Now we were able to take control of the mine.

Ulbert: "THAT BRAT! He can't even let me have some fun!"

Qwert: "I'm with Ulbert on this one. First, he gives the mines to another guild without asking us. Second, he wasn't ready to attack another guild. And third, he wouldn't even let us have fun! Who does he think he is!"

Momonga: "Let's calm down. Let's go to the throne room and ask him about it."

We left the Spawning Platform and went to the throne room. Once inside, Qwert and Ulbert started profusely bickering with Touch.

Qwert: ""I f*cking joined this clan because I thought we represented Heteromorphs. By your actions, Clan Leader, I don't know how we are going to represent them. All you think about is yourself. Just how hypocritical could you be."

Touch: "I didn't do anything wrong."

Qwert: "You didn't?"

Qwert asked in a mocking tone. I tried to calm the situation, but it continued to get worse.

Touch: "If you are so annoyed by me, why not leave the clan then."

Qwert: "You know what, I will!"

Qwert then used his console to leave the clan and exit the game.

Momonga: 'All according to plan.'

This was my plan all along. You see, Touch Me held the position of clan leader, and there was a significant possibility that he might assume the role of the guild leader of Ainz Ooal Gown.

I wanted to become the guild leader, so; I decided to help the clan in any way I could. But this situation was perfect for my plan.

I deliberately added fuel to the fire. Causing Qwert to leave the clan. Touch Me was a righteous man; he believed what he does is good. Now, in his mind, he will blame himself for today's situation.

And when the new guild is formed, there is a great chance he will step down from the position of the leader. And I was already famous in the clan, so members suggesting me as the new leader was also high. And because of today's situation, some remaining members will detest Touch Me.

I was ready to go to any length to become the guild leader of Ainz Ooal Gown.

After the situation at the Human Guild calmed down, we pillaged the guild base and looted everything.

After pillaging it, we returned to the mine and claimed its ownership. After that, we all returned to the clan's base.

I decided to wait for a few days to tell them of Nazarick. It was a part of my plans.

~Scene Change~

I was in the real world. I was wearing a modified hazmat suit that also acted as armour. I was wandering the slums of the city at night in search of some things I needed.

After thinking long and hard about what to do with Ulbert, I decided to risk it. I didn't want to bring another Player into the new world. The only exception was if Ulbet turned out to be my brother from my past life.

At first, I wanted to bring Ulbert into the new world and then try to unlock his memories. But, after giving it some thought, I decided against it.

I had a plan when the server shutdown began, and I didn't want Ulbert to ruin it. There was also a possibility of a fight for the leadership of the guild when transferred to the new world. There were also some other factors.

So, I decided to unlock his memories before going to the new world. This way, the chances of failure would be low.

To accomplish my tasks, I needed a lot of corpses of intelligent life. In other words, I needed human corpses.

Because I kept exercising and eating good food, my physical capabilities were beyond a typical resident of the slums. I also equipped some guns to simplify my task.

Momonga: 'Let's get started.'

I entered a decrepit 'house.' Calling it a house would be an overstatement; it was just a concrete box with a half-broken door.

After entering it, I began my search and eliminated anyone I came across inside. In the end, I found 2 people inside; they both were sleeping. I decided to kill them.

After bursting their head open with a bullet, I carried their corpses to the truck I had parked earlier.

This wasn't my first time in the slums. I was collecting corpses for a few months. In this world, no one cared if a few baggers or people went missing. So that made my task a lot easier.

After depositing the corpses inside the truck, I reentered the slums and continued my task.

After 2 hours of collecting corpses, I entered the truck and drove away from the city.

After driving for an hour, I reached a destroyed building in the middle of nowhere. I parked the truck beside the building and unloaded the corpses.

It was hard, to say the least. I transferred the corpses inside a refrigerated room, where the bodies from my previous expeditions were also present.

I had to get this room custom build on the dark web.

This entire plan to unlock Ulbert's memories took 6 months to finish. Inside the refrigerated room, corpses were arranged in a particular manner.

After depositing the corpses, the last part of the plan was a go. The last part required Ulbert to be present here. So, I had to kidnap him from his home and bring him here.

Which I had already done. Ulbert was kept in another room of the building. I turned the refrigerators off and went to another room in the building.

Inside was a weak man with black hair and eyes. He was tied to a chair and a clothe stuffed in his mouth.

Ulbert: "Hmphhf!"

I opened the door and dragged the chair to the refrigerated room. All the while, Ulbert kept trying to free himself.

Momonga: "It is futile, Ulbert."

Ulbert: "Hmphhf! Hmmmphhhhf!"

Momonga: "I am sorry for doing this to you. But I must know the answer."

Ulbert: "Hmphhf! Hmmmphhhhf!"

I ignored him and continued toward the refrigerated room. Once inside, his eyes opened wide at the sight of the corpses.

Ulbert: "Hmphhf! Hmmmphhhhf!"

I placed the chair in the middle of all the corpses and removed the clothing from his mouth.


Momonga: "Sorry, Ulbert. But this is important."


Momonga: "Calm yourself, Ulbert. Everything will be alright."


I ignored him and walked to the entrance of the room. Once there, I began drawing a sigil on the ground with my and Ulbert's blood.

I collected his blood when I kidnapped him.

Momonga: "Please let this work."

Even though the Earth didn't have any supernatural energy, it doesn't mean that it cannot be created.


The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another.


The technology of the Earth was advanced enough that I could buy a nuclear battery. It was a massive battery, which stored a ton of energy, able to power a building for 5 days straight. It had cost me quite a penny.

I attached the two wires from the battery to the edges of my sigil and exited the room. Once outside, I switched on the battery and waited for the process to end.

Momonga: 'Please work.'

To Be Continued...

A/N: Don't worry, After receiving many comments about not wanting Ulbert in the new world, I would not take him into the new world.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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