Overlord: Multiverse

Chapter 45: New World VIII

Chapter 45: New World VIII

~Enri's Memories~

I was born in the Carne Village. My mother and father were normal farmers. From a young age, I lent a hand with household chores and tending to the fields. Life was serene, even with the daily chores.

My little sister, Nemu, entered the picture when I turned six. Despite the ongoing farm and household duties, our days flowed peacefully.

I also had a uncle who lived near our house and helped my father with farm work.

He had a son who was 2 years older than me. Because my uncle was familiar with E-Rantel, he'd take the yield of the Village to the town to sell.

That day was like any other. My uncle had hired some adventurers from E-Rantel, and they were helping him load the produce of the Village onto the carts.

After loading the carts, they departed from the Village. It took 1-2 days to reach E-Rantel, meaning they would return after 3-4 days.

The whole Village awaited his return because almost everyone had asked him to buy something. But he didn't return even after 6 days.

So, the Village chief of that time went to E-Rantel and submitted a missing person application at the Adventurer's Guild.

It took 2 weeks before we received the information of his death. It turned out that he was killed by a band of bandits on his way back from E-Rantel.

I was just eight years old then, and it was at that very moment when I grasped the importance of power. His death struck me like thunder because I was rather close to him.

"If only he was strong, he would be alive today," I thought while trying to sleep one night.

What would I do if my parents got attacked?

"Weakness is a Sin." I thought while doing some farm work.

The years passed, and I kept trying to train. When adventurers came to the Village, I would ask them for instructions on how to wield a sword, use Magic, etc.

I kept training away from the prying eyes. I didn't have an aptitude for Magic, so I stuck with the sword. Every night, when everyone went to sleep, I exited the house and trained using a wooden stick.

But my training amounted to nothing when the time called for it. The knights from the Baharuth Empire attacked our Village and killed my parents and aunt in front of my eyes.

I had to run away with my little sister, but even that was futile, as I was attacked by the enemy's sword. While I was down, drawing my last breaths, only one thought was coursing through my mind.

"Weakness is a Sin. If I had another chance, I would strive even harder to be strong."

With closed eyes, I awaited the enemy's sword to cut me down. But it never came. I opened my eyes, and then I saw him.

A man with a strange mask on his face and two giant swords on his back was followed by a massive white wolf, a lady clad in black armor, and a maid with cat ears.

The white wolf made quick work of the knights, and the man healed my wounds. He then instructed the maid to take me somewhere.

After they left, the maid signaled me to follow her inside a purple hole in the air. I was scared, but I didn't have a choice.

I followed the maid inside the hole; on the other side, I saw a massive throne room.

A skeleton with piercing red eyes and a floating orb in his belly was seated on the throne.

At the time, I didn't know that the skeleton would become my Master. His name was Momonga, and he took me and my sister in as his disciple because he saw potential in me and my sister.

It had been a few days, and I'd been training under my new Master, and the results were apparent.

While training, Master told me that the knights attacking my Village weren't from the Baharuth Empire but Slane Theocracy.

On that day, I swore to myself;

"I would not go and mourne on my parent's grave until I made the Slane Theocracy answer for what they did."

According to my Master, it was possible to resurrect my parents if their body was intact. Sadly, the knights destroyed their bodies beyond repair.

Yet, Master promised that if I passed his final test, he would take action to resurrect them. I owed him a debt of gratitude and would do everything in my power to fulfill his wishes.

~Memories Ends~

I was standing beside the naked body of Enri. It had been a few hours since the incorporation of the fake memories. I also changed her sister's memories.

Now, I was doing the final touches; even if the technique was near impossible to break, I couldn't be too sure. So, as a countermeasure, I was casting another technique on her that would inform me if she ever thought of betraying me.

It would also inform me if she has a doubt about her memories.

In my past life, I had seen many great people die because of betrayal. So, I didn't want to take a chance.

After applying the technique, I left her room. She needed a good rest for the fake memories to settle in.

~Scene Change~

Gazef was kneeling before Ramposa III, the monarch of the Re-Estize kingdom. He was seated on the central throne.

To the right of his throne, Barbro Andrean Ield Ryle Vaiself, the crown prince of the kingdom of Re-Estize, sat on his throne. He had blonde hair and a rather big physical build.

To the left of the central throne, Zanac Valleon Igana Ryle Vaiself, the second prince of Re-Estize, was seated on his throne. He was a short and portly individual with short blond hair.

To his left, Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself, the Half-sister of Zanac and Barbro and the third princess of Re-Estize, was seated on her throne. She was a young girl with long golden hair, silky smooth and supple as it draped over the back of her neck. She has vibrant, dark blue eyes that shine like sapphires, filled with warmth.

Some of the nobles also stood in an orderly manner before the king.

Gazef: "And fortunately, with the help of Sir Ramses, I was able to defeat the tropes from the Slane Theocracy and the War Demon."

Ramposa: "This man, Ramses. He sounds like a powerful existence."

Ramposa spoke with curiousness in this tone.

Gazef: "He is, my King."

Gazed spoke with admiration and gratitude in his tone.

Ramposa: "Did you invite him to the capital? I want to personally meet him and reward him for saving you."

Gazef: "I did, but he declined for the time being because he had to inform his Master about the War Demon. But, he did say that if he is ever in the area, he will definitely visit."

Ramposa: "I see."

???: "The nerve of him to decline the king's reward."

Marquis Boullope spoke with a loud voice. He was the leader of the Nobility Faction. This faction comprised members who pledged allegiance to the royal family only in name, adhering to a superficial loyalty.

???: "I concur."

Ramposa: "That's enough, Marquis Boullope."

As Ramposa spoke, all the nobles quieted down.

Ramposa: "Everyone is dismissed. You should also go and rest up, Gazef."

Gazef: "Understood, my king."

One by one, the individuals within the throne room filed out. Ramposa slumped on his throne and closed his eyes.

~Scene Change~

Renner was sitting on a chair sipping her tea. A young man with blonde hair, blue eyes, and clad in pure white full plate armor stood beside her like a good pup...Ahem, like a good bodyguard. He was Climb, an orphan saved by Renner. After he was rescued by Renner, he swore unwavering loyalty to her.

Right now, Renner was deep in thought. Her thoughts were consumed by the narrative that Gazef had shared with the king.

Renner: 'The Dark Lord, huh. According to Gazef's description, he can control demons. So, the chances of him being a demon are also great. If I can form a contract with such an entity.'

She turned her head toward Climb and smiled. Renner was a Yandere. She harbored an unyielding desire to spend her life with Climb. Her dream was so all-consuming that she was willing to go to any lengths to make it a reality, even if it meant betraying her kingdom and aligning herself with their adversaries.

Seeing her smile, Climb also smiled.

Climb: "I hope the tea is to your liking, Princess Renner."

Renner: "The tea is perfect, climb."

Saying this, she turned her face away from Climb and smiled sinisterly. Right now, her true nature was on full display. She had soulless eyes deprived of any warmness and a sinister smile on her face.

Renner: 'I have to find a way to contact him.'

~Scene Change~

Momonga was sitting on his chair inside his office. He was using the Mirror of the Remote Viewing to observe the throne room of the Re-Estize kingdom.

Momonga: Just as expected. Now, the upper echelon of the kingdom knows about the Dark Lord.

This was crucial for the initial part of my plan to work. I needed the world to fear the Dark Lord.

And I had the perfect plan to do that.

~Scene Change~

Momonga was now standing in the colosseum on the 6th Floor. He was accompanied by Narberal. In the original series, she was level 61. But I made her level 100, just like her other sisters.

Now, her status looked like this;



[Name: Narberal Gamma]

[Creator: Nishikienrai and Momonga]

[Backstory: One of the sisters of the Pleiades]

[Floor: 10th]

[Race: Doppelgnger]

[Racial Class(s): Doppelgnger(15), Greater Doppelgnger(10), Origin Doppelgnger(5)]

[Available Levels: 0]

[State Points: 0]

[Level: 100]

[Sense of Justice: -250(Chaotic Evil)]

[HP: 75]

[MP: 90]

[Physical Attack: 83]

[Physical Defence: 85]

[Agility: 95]

[Magic Attack: 83]

[Magic Defence: 85]

[Resist: 100]

[Special: 100]

[Job Class(s): High Wizard(10), War Wizard(5), Elementalist: Air(15), Elementalist: Lightning(15), Armored Mage(10), Fighter(15)]

[Flavor Text: ...]


Enri brandished a sword in front of him, with each swing delivering tremendous force, stirring up dust clouds in the process.

Momonga: She has improved a lot.

I thought while looking at her. Because we were now in the New World, where MP, albeit scarce, flowed freely in the air, I could use many techniques from my previous life.

To quickly raise her cultivation, I used a secret technique from my past life.

This technique allowed the transfer of cultivation base from one body to another. So, I used one of the stored bodies of the Players. I decided to use the corpse of a half-baked warrior, with all his stats in the high 70s.

The technique took 2 days to complete, but in the end, she received his complete cultivation base. She had stats in the high 70s and could use 7th-tier spells.

According to Enri's fake memories, I used a secret technique to slow down the time around her, and she practiced for many years to obtain this power.

Now, according to Yggdrasil's standards, she was relatively weak. Still, in the New World, the only humans who could compete with her was the Captain of the Black Scripture and the Extra Seat of the Black Scripture, Antilene Heran Fouche, more commonly known as Zesshi Zetsumei.

The original purpose of training her remained the same. However, I was using her for another purpose as well. I wanted to see how the leveling system worked in the New World.

You see, the Six Great Gods first brought the Tier Magic system. I suspected they used 'Ouroboros' to implement a half-baked leveling system from Yggdrasil in the New World. The Eight Greed Kings did something similar.

Because the Leveling PTP, I knew from my previous life, was one of the strongest Paths out there, going toe to toe with the Qi Cultivation Path.

I called the New World's leveling system half-baked because there is a limit placed on everyone in it that hinders them from rising in power. On the other hand, the original Leveling PTP didn't have this type of restriction.

I wanted to correctly implement the Leveling PTP into the New World, but that required me to either become the World Master of the New World or to reach Rank 7.

To Be Continued...

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