Overlord: Multiverse

Chapter 49: New World XII

Chapter 49: New World XII

(This chapter might be a bit unnerving for a few people who are not good with torture. So brace yourself, I guess. You can skip to ~End Torture~ to read the rest of the chapter.)

Hermione exited the portal. Before her, Thea sat on a throne made of white marble. She was reading a book.

Hermione: "Hey, T."

Thea: "Wassup, Mione. Doing all right?"

She answered without looking away from the book.

Hermione: "Yeah."

As Clementine's corpse entered the room, the portal closed, and Hermione let go of her leg. The vibration caused by her leg hitting the ground caused her breasts to shake due to the absence of a bra.

Thea glanced at her corpse and then toward Hermione.

Thea: "What I'm supposed to do with her? I am not into women, you know."

Hermione: "It's not for you, dummy. Lord Momonga wants you to revive her."

Hering his name, she jumped up from her seat and teleported near the corpse of Clementine.

Thea: "With Pleasure!"

She raised her hand and used one of her skills to revive Clementine without a loss in her levels.

A golden glow covered her corpse for a second. As the glow vanished, she opened her eyes and looked toward Hermione and Thea, looking at her.

Hermione: "Welcome back to life, Mongrel."

Hermione normally wouldn't talk this way with humans, but Clementine tried to attack her master. And anyone going against him deserves the harshest of the punishments.

Clementine: "What? Where am I? Didn't I die?"

She was confused because she was just revived. Seeing her confused face, Hermione had a grin on her face.

Hermione: "As much as I want to have more fun with you, I need to follow Lord Momonga's commands."

She grasped her hair and pulled her toward the portal she cast.

Clementine: "Hey! Let me go you bitch."

Clementine kept trying to free herself from Hermione's grasp but to no avail.

~Scene Change~

Hannibal was sitting in the torture room, writing something in his diary. He liked to keep notes about the torture methods he used and their effects on different test subjects.

A second later, a portal opened in the middle of the room; Hermione exited it, pulling Clementine by her hair.

Once outside the portal, she threw Clementine toward Hannibal and spoke.

Hermione: "Lord Momonga wants you to completely break her and make her docile. And while you're at it, try to extract information from her. Contact me when she is broken."

Hannibal: "It would be done, Dame Hermione."

He spoke in a respectful tone while bowing his head. Hermione nodded and began walking toward the portal. Before entering it, she turned toward Hannibal and spoke.

Hermione: "Be sure to record her experiment and share it with me later, got it?"

Hannibal: "Understood."

Hermione smiled sweetly and entered the portal that vanished a second later. Hannibal stopped bowing and moved toward Clementine.

Hannibal: "Mind telling me your name?"

Clementine: "What are you?"

She was scared looking at the crow-human hybrid.

Hannibal: "Oh, where are my manners. My name is Hannibal Lecter, the intelligence collector of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. And we're gonna have a lot of fun here."

Clementine, on hearing this, tried to move away, but because she had revived a few seconds before, she didn't have the energy to move.

Hannibal: "~Tch~ ~Tch~ We can't have that now, can we."

He moved and grasped her hair and brought her face near his.

Hannibal: "You'll be my new test subject. I have a lot of torture methods, I want to try."

He pulled her toward a wall and clamped her on it with the help of metal clamps.

She was now affixed on a wall in an X shape; her head was also clamped to the wall, so she couldn't move very much.

Hannibal: "Let's get this out of the way first."

He moved his hands toward her crotch and pulled away her lower armor and her undergarments. She was now completely nude.

Hannibal: "Let's get started, ma cobaye."

---------------------------(Start Here)---------------------------

~Scene Change~

We now cut to the scene where Hannibal is pulling out organs from still alive Clementine's belly.

Well, calling her alive would be an overstatement. Her eyes were half opened, but her pupils didn't have any life in them. Drook was coming from her mouth.

Hannibal: "And that's the 10th batch."

He looked toward her face and used one of his abilities to heal her. That included her mind as well.

Even though she was now healed, she didn't dare to move or make any noise.

Hannibal: "Good, you are being docile. It seems my new torture method is effective against people like you."

He then moved to the side and began writing the results of his experimentations on Clementine. It had been a day since she got here.

During this, Hannibal used a multitude of methods to break her, like skinning her alive and force-feeding her own skin.

In the end, even though she was a psychopath, her mind broke down. She basically became a vegetable, and Hannibal had to fix her multiple times. And now, his work was done.

~End Torture~

---------------------------(End Here)---------------------------

Hannibal: "It's time to contact Lady Hermione."

He contacted her, and a few seconds later, a portal opened near the middle of the room. Hannibal moved toward the affixed Clementine and removed the metal clamps holding her on the wall.

She fell down to the ground but quickly got up. She was still completely nude.

Hannibal: "Go through that portal, Lady Hermione is waiting for you there."

She nodded and moved toward the portal without any protest. She knew that if she protested, that would be the end of her.

~Scene Change~

Hermione was sitting in her office, which looked the same as the office of Dumbledore from Harry Potter.

A portal opened, and a few seconds later, Clementine walked out of it. As soon as she saw Hermione, she went to her knees.

Clementine: "Gr-Gree-Greetings, Lady Hermione."

Hermione had a faint grin hearing it. She nodded and spoke.

Hermione: "Stand up."

Without wasting any time, she stood up. Her eyes were fixed on the ground, not daring to look toward Hermione.

Hermione: "You're certainly acting docile. Excellent, you'll assist my Lord in his endeavors, won't you?"

Clementine: "If that's your will, I will do whatever you ask, Lady Hermione."

Being a part of the Black Scripture in the past, she at least knew some manners on how to address her superiors.

Hermione: "Excellent; I might ask Lord Momonga to make you my personal maid or something. Well, for now, Go and change into appropriate armor. I will then brief you on your task."

As she spoke, she picked up a bell and rang it. A second later, the door opened, and a maid came in.

Hermione turned toward the maid and spoke.

Hermione: "Take her to the armory, give her a clearance of level 4, and let her choose her armor, clothes, and weapons. After that, bring her back here."

The maid bowed and left the room; Hermione then looked toward Clementine and signaled her to follow the maid. Clementine bowed and left the room.

This was a test to see whether she would try to run. Aria was watching her every move from the Control Room. If she tried to attack the maid or run, she would be teleported to Hermione's office.

~Scene Change~

Khajiit was traveling through the forest of Tob. It had been a few days since he was turned into a Night Lich by his master.

Night Liches were powerful monsters in the NW, capable of destroying countries because they had the ability to cast spells of 6th-tier and beyond. They were seen as natural disasters in the NW. And now, Khajiit was one of them.

Two days back, Clementine teleported near him, startling him. At first, he wanted to report to his new master, but the telepathic message from him stopped Khajiit. According to his master, Clementine was sent to help him take over the cult.

They had been traveling together for two days, and he had noticed major changes in her demeanor and way of talking. She spoke in a polite tone and didn't seem to have psychopathic tendencies. This greatly shook him.

He tried asking for the reason, but whenever he would strike up a conversation with her, she shuddered and didn't speak anything. Because of this, he decided to ignore her and focused on the task given to him.

Their first destination was some ruins near Re-Uroval. This ruin was one of the major strongholds of Zurrernorn, inside which 4 of 12 core members were housed. Out of which 1 was an Elder Lich.

Now, killing them all was easy for Khajiit, but that went against his master's orders. He needed to subjugate the cult, not destroy it.

He could kill the core members and the leader and later replace them with his own men, but why go through such an effort when he could kill them and raise them as subordinates of his master. His master had already instructed him to do so.

After a few more days of traveling, they finally reached the ruins, which were infested with low-level undead.

Khajiit and Clementine were stationed a distance away from the ruins. He turned toward Clementine, his purple eyes piercing her very soul.

Khajiit: "Are you ready to attack."

She didn't speak but simply nodded her head and took out her Stiletto. He also nodded and raised his hand toward the undead surrounding the ruins.

Khajiit: *Boost Magic: Flame Throw*

He used a 6th-tier spell that manifested a torrent of flame that traveled toward the undead. Because they were low-level undead, the spell was able to destroy most of them.

Without waiting for an indication, Clementine jumped toward the remaining undead and began killing them with her weapons.

When she was in the Black Scripture, she was known by the title of 'Windstride' and was in the realm of heroes. So, killing a bunch of low-level undead wasn't a problem for her.

In only a matter of seconds, the undead surrounding the ruins were all dead. Then, they began walking toward the entrance.

Khajiit: "Brace yourself, one of the leaders is an Elder Lich."

She again nodded, and they entered the ruins.

The inside was like a rundown corridor, being lighted by torches on the wall. They kept traveling along the corridor and, after a while, entered a huge hall where many cloaked figures were standing at the far end.

They were surrounded by hordes of undead.

???: "Welcome, gentlemen."

One of the cloaked figures who was standing in the middle spoke.

???: "Might I ask who you are?"

Khajiit recognized his voice; he was one of the core members and the one who was the Elder Lich.

Khajiit: "Have you forgotten me, Thanar. I am Khajiit, your friend."

The remaining members began to murmur after hearing this. They all knew that Khajiit was trying to become an Elder Lich by converting E-Rantel into a city of undead.

Thanar: "So, you succeeded in your endeavors and became an Elder Lich, but let me ask you something."

He spoke this part in a calm tone but spoke the next part with venom in his tone.

Thanar: "Have becoming an Elder Lich consumed your intelligence. Why are you attacking us?"

Khajiit laughed at this and spoke after a second.

Khajiit: "There are two things you got wrong."

He then raised his hand, showing one finger.

Khajiit: "First, I am not an Elder Lich. I am a Night Lich."

He then raised another finger.

Khajiit: "And now, my intelligence is even greater than before."

Thanar: "Are you trying to mock me? No one can become a Night Lich directly, one must first become an Elder Lich for that."

Khajiit: "That is normally the case, but I became a Night Lich through a special method. And I am willing to share that information. But would you be able to the price for that."

To Be Continued...

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