Overpowered Archmage Doesn’t Hide His Talent

Chapter 104: Why can’t I see his future?

Chapter 104: Why can’t I see his future?

Chapter 104 Why cant I see his future?

It was the second day of the expedition.

The royal palace, which had been busy every day, was unusually quiet today.

The presence of the second princess, Aurora, was oppressive.

This place resembled the grand hall of the palace, where only the privileged could enter. 

Various officials lined up, separated by a carpet that only the noble could step on.

The second princess, Aurora, sat on her throne.

The reason why they gathered here today was simple. 

It was because of the second princesss wish to watch the expedition together.

But a simple wish became a command when Aurora had it. 

The palace was silent as they looked at the records. 

Only the second princess occasionally made a sound, enjoying herself.

Of course, it was not that the officials did not find it fun, but no one dared to make a noise in front of Aurora.

Currently, the second princesss eyes were fixed on the knights who were rolling around in the harsh land of Verkel.

How pathetic they look.

Aurora snickered.

Its amusing to see those who are supposed to be noble rolling around like that. Im having fun. Am I a bad person?

Its only natural to enjoy seeing those who will be called heroes someday showing their humility.

Auroras knight, Ban, answered.

Youre just sugarcoating it. Its fun to see them struggling without even enough food. I am.

The food for the expedition has a short shelf life. And the land of Verkel has a characteristic that drains the energy of the body

The combat food that could be purchased at the store had an expiration date, and the land of Verkel had a characteristic that drained the energy of the body.

Aurora already knew all of that.

I know. I know everything. But Im just having fun.

Ban nodded quietly.

Your Highness.

And then he handed her a small wooden board. 

Aurora slowly turned her eyes that had been fixed on the records.

This is the score status.

Show me.

It would be better if you looked at it together.

Do I really need to do that? Just tell me the score of the magic department. Thats enough for now.

Auroras main interest in the expedition was the magic department. 

No, to be precise, it was Flan.

He used the exception clause of the Misty Cliff to earn points, and he revealed the fantasy map to everyone.

These unexpected actions were enough to attract the second princesss attention.

Currently, the first place is Celestial Blessing. The magic department barely earned any points on the first day.

Is that so?

Aurora blinked once.

My interest is growing. Hes being too relaxed. He might end up doing something good for others. I cant figure out what hes thinking.

Maybe no one knows except him.

The second princess nodded.

Thats right. Thats what makes it interesting.

Aurora was said to have a miracle.

She was good at wielding a sword and learning magic. 

It was natural for her. 

However, the reason why she was not called talented but miraculous was.

Why cant I see his future? Im curious about the clever move he has in his mind.

She had the ability to see the very near future of a specific person. 

It was a power that could not be expressed by a normal explanation.

But that power was blocked by Flan.

It was the same for others. 

She could see the future that they would experience in a few minutes, but the future related to Flan was all black and invisible.

While she was thinking that, she noticed the officials holding papers of different colors.

Ban opened his mouth, following the princesss gaze.

These are predictions.


They are betting on the outcome of the matches. Makes it more fun.


The commoners also enjoy this kind of thing.


Would you like to try it once, Your Highness?


Ban, the taciturn knight, was one of Auroras amusements. 

She waved her hand with a pleasant smile.

You guys have fun. I dont like it because its childish. Thats something the third one would like.

Princess Yushia has already achieved a 10,960-fold result.


Auroras eyes, which had been bored, lit up a little. 

The second princess tilted her head slightly.

And she reached out her hand.

Hand it over.

Ban stared quietly at Aurora.

His golden eyes looked like they were inherited from Yushia, but if you looked closely, you could see that they contained something completely different.

A fierce competitiveness.

That was the name of the fuel that filled her eyes.

The forest of Verkel.

Run, run away!

Knight Vanessa shouted with all her might. 

Next to her, one of her teammates was also running as hard as he could.



But it didnt take long for her to see her teammates shoulder being pierced. 

Vanessa swung her sword wildly in horror.


The result was finally a success.

The notorious high-difficulty monster. 

The witchs spirit. 

She somehow managed to knock it down, but Vanessa was not happy at all.

She looked at the current situation with a troubled mind.

The regular knights who appeared from somewhere took care of the injured teammates. 

They all failed the hunt, but it was a hundred times better than losing their lives by forcing themselves.

Thank you very much

The regular knights had already disappeared without a trace, and Vanessa bowed her head at the place where they had been.

How did this happen?

She sighed deeply. 

The joy of surviving was not that great. 

After all, she was also battered.

To make matters worse, her stomach growled, and her hunger clock rang. 

Vanessa rummaged through the almost collapsed temporary shelter and took out a combat ration.

She had no time to be depressed. 

She reduced her meal time to a minimum. 

She tried to find a way As she was looking at the combat ration with that thought.


Vanessas eyes widened.

The combat ration that should have contained something was empty. 

She wondered if she had seen something wrong, so she turned it upside down and shook it.

But the result was the same. 

It was empty.


Then she remembered one of the rules of the hunt.

The combat ration of the hunt will disappear automatically after 30 hours.

Im going crazy!

Vanessa clenched her face with her palm. 

She thought 30 hours was too much, even if they evaluated the survival skills of the representatives fairly.

The strength of the monster, the strength of the other knights, the food shortage, the characteristic of Verkel that made the body tired quickly.

It was too much for Vanessa, who had passed the preliminaries by a hairs breadth.


But Vanessa pulled herself together. 

For the sake of her teammates. 

And for her own future. 

She needed to do her best until the end.

She started walking like that. 

The image of the fantasy map that she had memorized in her head was already faint, but she endured, believing that the way she was going was right.


She was walking resolutely when she suddenly stopped. 

At the same time, she widened her eyes and looked ahead.


There it was.

A box wrapped neatly with a ribbon was in front of her. 

It was clearly one of the supplies that the regular knights randomly placed around Verkel.

But her joy didnt last long.

Where should we go from now on? 

This place is dangerous. There are witchs spirits here.

The supplies had already been taken by other knights.

Vanessa looked at their faces.

Familiar faces; it was Celestial Blessing, and Blue Cloud, the team led by Kian.

What, isnt that Vanessa?

Then Kian noticed Vanessa.

Why are you wandering around alone? Its dangerous.

The faces of Celestial Blessings members were full of joy for taking the supplies, and a sense of superiority for being ahead in the competition.

Do you have any food food?

Food? Of course we do. Do you need some?

Vanessa nodded urgently.

Ill give you points. If you exchange them for food

Oh, we dont need points.

Thats a lot of points. I caught a witchs spirit

Then. One of the knights next to Kian interrupted.

Enough, have you ever seen the magic department?

The magic department?

Celestial Blessing is looking for the magic department. He said he would give us a lot of points if we just share the location.

Ive never seen it.

As soon as she answered, the interest on Celestial Blessings faces disappeared. The knight coldly snapped.

Leave here in three minutes. After that, well only ask how youre doing with our swords, so you better know that.

She was angry, but Vanessa had no choice but to follow his words. She couldnt face four of them right now.

She walked and walked.

My throat is dry

Staggering, she just hoped for a miracle.

The second day of the Hunting competition.

We were busy moving from early in the morning.

Louis was surprisingly skilled at trimming the ingredients, and Becky was still sitting on a chair and knitting.

Trixie said she would clean up the surroundings.

She set the range and started working with her magic. It was still clumsy, but the nearby space turned into a camping site.

Its better now.

After getting rid of everything that was Beckys shelter, Trixie showed a proud expression.

I made a long wooden table. 

The four of us could eat here.

Trixie asked me.

What are we going to do today? Yesterday, we didnt do anything except catch a few nameless ones.

I nodded.

Our goal today was to go to the dangerous area.

The points we could earn in the dangerous area were much bigger than in the normal area, and until now, we were just waiting for the teleportation magic circle to be completed.


I designed this magic circle as a problem. It would activate when the three representatives solved it.

And explaining all this was a waste of time.

Just eat your breakfast quietly.

You never say anything easily.

Youll find out soon.

No, what

Just as she was about to ask something.

Its the way Mr. Guidance wanted.


Trixies eyebrows twitched once.

There was a moment of silence, and Trixie stood still and rolled her eyes. Then she coughed a few times.

Hmm. Really? Then you should have said so.

Humming, she quickly got rid of her regrets. I had nothing to say as I watched Trixie singing a nasal song.

Everyone~ What are you talking about?

This voice was Louiss. He came over with a basket full of trimmed ingredients.

Trixies attention moved to the basket.

Did you already trim them?

Yeah. Choosing the menu was the hardest part. Thanks to the points we got at first, the ingredients were so diverse.

Yeah, I guess so.

The fierce struggle for food security was a story that did not apply to us at all.

We had a lot of food supplies that we had secured from the store in the first place, and I had secured the water myself by purifying the river water.


Louis started to grill vegetables and meat together. 

He had been busy since dawn and hunted a steel wild boar.


Becky appeared as if she was naturally created. 

She looked at the food with the happiest face in the world.

And exactly twenty minutes later.

The three of us sat around the table I made. 

Meat and vegetables. 

It was a common combination, but it had a different meaning because we ate it in Verkel.

It might be the last supper, in a way.

Im going to eat well!

Becky stabbed a piece of meat with a fork with a good spirit.

It went into the girls mouth in the blink of an eye.

Gulp gulp.

Every time she moved her jaw, Beckys eyes became brighter. Her clenched fist trembled.

So So delicious

Huh? I only took out the burnt ones for myself.


Becky swallowed what she was chewing with a frozen expression.

Looking at Becky with a pitying expression, Trixie picked up a few washed vegetables.

What she had in her hand was a carrot cut into rectangles. 

She chewed it like a rabbit.


But after chewing the carrot a few times, Trixie asked Louis with a surprised expression.

Did you season this? You shouldnt have.

Louis smiled and answered.

I didnt. Its just that Flan touched it a little bit.


Really. Flan only touched it a few times, and it made the vegetables fresher.

It wasnt hard to improve the cleanliness and freshness. 

I had to take care of it because it would be annoying if I got diarrhea.

You must have learned from Mr. Guidance.

Trixie started to chew the carrot again. 

She moved her jaw faster than before.

While the meal continued for a while, I was looking at the magic circle on the floor when Becky suddenly called me.

Hey, Flan. Arent you going to eat?

I nodded quietly.

I didnt like eating with others in the first place, and checking the magic circle was the top priority right now.

Hahaha You should have left something and asked.

Louis pointed out Becky while laughing.

There was nothing left on the table that could be called food. Becky had eaten it all.


Becky scratched her head awkwardly. 

Trixie said a word while chewing the carrot.

Thats why you gain weight.

Louis is amazing. He hunted the steel wild boar without confusing it with Becky. And he grilled it.

Why are you doing this to me?

But then, something happened.

I suddenly sensed a faint aura. 

It belonged to a knight who was staggering weakly.


And the next moment.

The three of us exclaimed in unison. 

Something had emerged from the bushes, breaking through the foliage.

What, what, what is that? A ghoul?

Is it a ghoul? It looks like a knight, though.

Is it not a ghoul? It looks like a corpse

As Becky and Louis were babbling, I examined its appearance. 

It was a knight with brown hair.

She looked battered and bruised, and she approached us with a limp. She seemed like a sleepwalker.

Who are you?

Before I could finish my question, she collapsed.

Water. Water. Please, just a sip of water

I snapped my fingers. 

A canteen of water appeared in front of her.


The knight widened her eyes and gulped it down. 

She looked so pitiful, I decided to throw her a leftover ration as well. 

I had to get rid of them before they expired anyway.


She gasped when she saw the ration.

She looked back and forth between me and the ration, sitting on the ground.

She picked it up hesitantly, as if she couldnt believe it, and asked.

Youre giving me this precious thing?

Think of it as a gift from the enemy. Youre in a sorry state.

But this is so valuable

I pointed my chin to the back.

She finally saw the three of us sitting around a long wooden table, enjoying a feast.


She froze like a statue.

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