Overpowered Archmage Doesn’t Hide His Talent

Chapter 163:

Chapter 163:

Translator: MarcTempest

Proofreader: naturallyInconsistent

Chapter 163 The word regret. You understand now, don’t you?

All eyes were on me as I stood in the middle of the classroom. I quietly raised my mana.​“I’ll skip the formula explanation.”​The classroom became silent.

Everyone was curious about what was going to happen next.​The beastmen looked relaxed, as if they didn’t care.

The humans’ eyes sparkled with interest.

And the elves narrowed their brows, as if they were looking for any flaw.​Wind.​The element that elves loved by nature.​They had 41 different words to describe and distinguish the wind.

The wind was always present and important in their lives.​Swish─​My mana scattered a pure wind.

It was not strong enough to flutter the clothes, but gentle enough to ease the tension.

It was the “breeze”.​“It’s smooth. You handle it well.”

“Indeed.”​As the wind element softly caressed them, the doubt that had been spreading slowly melted away.​This was what everyone thought of when they heard “wind element”.​It was something they could encounter as soon as they opened the textbook, and something they were quite familiar with in their lives. But they all felt that it was very pure and clear.​In other words, it didn’t seem like a wind created by magic. It felt like a natural wind that they encountered.

“The mana is so blue…”

“It’s like a natural wind.”​Many of the audience began to enjoy the touch of the wind.

The wind element itself was very common, but they welcomed it if it caressed them so softly.​‘It’s simple.’​But the one who manifested it, Flan, felt differently. If he had to express his feeling, it was boredom.​He had to try hard not to put his subjectivity into this manifestation.

He had to show the most basic wind element first.

He needed to feel the default value before comparing and explaining the variations written in Perien’s paper.​As soon as the “breeze” disappeared, the audience’s mouths opened as if they had been waiting for this moment.​“As expected.”

“It’s Flan.”

“Is it practice or talent…?”​Praise and questions, eyes filled with curiosity and dissatisfaction.

All kinds of things mixed around Flan.​Except for a few very young candidates, no one made a fuss that would be considered rude. ​It was a manifestation that convinced only a fifth of them.​‘That’s right.’​Flan was also satisfied with this. He hadn’t given the answer to Perien’s question, “Do you handle magic well?” yet.​The elf camp was still looking at him with an uncomfortable gaze.

Perien was the same.

She didn’t frown, but she kept fidgeting.​Flan flicked his finger.​Snap─.​It wasn’t for the manifestation.

It was just to draw the attention of the audience to him again.​“Brilliance.”​He uttered three words.​Everyone stopped moving.

They listened and focused to understand what he was going to say.​“Brilliance is not a brainwashed impression. If something is truly brilliant, you don’t have to learn to feel it.”​Brilliance doesn’t need understanding. You feel it first.​Magic is meaningful because it is a miracle itself.

It is not something that you add meaning to by adding words.

This was Flan’s belief since he became a mage.​Therefore, a mage should be able to communicate only with magic. He should be able to explain everything with magic.​“But, the same goes for the impression of regret.”​Everyone blinked quietly.​Before they could figure out what Flan meant, he flicked his finger again.

The “breeze” wrapped around the classroom softly once more.​“I’ll skip the formula explanation again.”​He drew five formulas in his head and then manipulated the air.

The first impression of the wind element was plain.​But at some point.​The air that had rotated about half a circle in the classroom suddenly shot up.

It wasn’t very strong, but it had a ticklish force that seemed to make everyone stand up.​This wind was called “encouragement”.​“What is this…?”

“Wow.”​Sounds started to burst out from all directions.​A meticulous design, a circuit that was tied up, a mixture of mana…. He made them feel all of that with the texture of the wind. Those who felt it opened their mouths one by one.​Flan’s expression was still stiff.​‘Is this all?’​The second manifestation followed the style that Perien had written in her paper.

As he had said before, he felt that Perien had been in contact with the wind element for a long time.​But there were still more things that he regretted.​He liked the intention of expressing the emotion of “encouragement” with the wind, but he didn’t like the way.

At least, that’s how Flan felt.

“How did it change in the middle?”

“It started the same way, didn’t it?”

“Did you switch the formula in the middle? A transfer manifestation…?”

Ignoring the questions that burst out from everywhere, Flan muttered slowly.

“This was the kind of research that Perien wrote.”

Flan turned his head leisurely and looked at Perien.

The man’s red eyes and Perien’s dull eyes crossed in the air as if to challenge each other.


Perien, who had been half-opening her eyes all along, opened them fully.

The formula written in the paper was nothing but a picture or a letter. But now, she could perfectly manifest it just by looking at it carefully or recalling it in her mind.

Perien also needed some time to sort out her thoughts.

And then. Becky, who had been sitting quietly, murmured.

“It seems like you did better than what was in the paper…”

The elves’ sharp eyes were fixed on Becky.

Becky defended herself by quietly lowering the brim of her hat.

But currently, there was more than one person who had read Perien’s paper in the lecture hall.

“It does seem better.”“Is there a possibility that the interpretation was wrong and it changed?”

“It was so brilliant… Is that so?”

Flan’s position seemed to be explained enough for now. But Flan, who had proven his qualifications, didn’t seem to stop.

He just closed his eyes and concentrated again.

There was still one last manifestation left.

Not the wind element that everyone thought of, not the wind element that Perien reinterpreted, but his own.

“I talked about regret earlier.”

His calm voice swept the room.

Before long, most of the expressions were filled with anticipation.

“Just watch. There’s no explanation this time either.”

Before everyone could grasp the meaning of his words, Flan lifted his eyelids.

The red eyes that looked like jewels gradually revealed themselves.

Along with a very gentle manifestation.

It was the simultaneous manifestation of three magics.

「Breeze」, 「Encouragement」, two kinds of comfort that Flan modified, began to form a harmony.


“That’s impossible.”

Everyone felt it.

Flan’s last manifestation was slowly rising.

If it was music, the previous two manifestations were nothing but accompaniments.

Flan kept his promise and didn’t explain anything.

Brilliance and regret were feelings that didn’t need an explanation. And if you compare them, they would be more clearly revealed.

‘Much better.’

It was easy to recall the contents of the paper in his head. He just went through his own reinterpretation.

Encouragement is something that boosts courage or motivation.

To express such an abstract emotion with the texture of the wind, it was not enough to just use the rising current.


Before long, the lecture hall became a stage for one person.

It was an undeniable fact that Flan’s reinterpretation had a successful conclusion.


After the manifestation was over, the lecture hall was quiet.

There were many people who opened their mouths, but there was no sound.

“What the hell is this.”

The one who broke the silence was an elf’s bewildered voice.

It was the elf who had been chewing gum all along.

That became a signal and everyone opened their mouths.

“That’s amazing, I don’t know what I saw.”

“What are you talking about?”

Many of them laughed as if they were absurd. But their reactions were mixed with sympathy.

There was no disagreement on the point that it was amazing.

Flan looked quietly at the elf camp.

“Is that enough?”


The elves exchanged glances with each other and finally nodded.

They couldn’t deny it.

It was impossible to refute such a graceful thing. No, if they bit their tail, they would only lower their status.

But Flan was not satisfied.

“I’m talking to you.”

His eyes were directed at Perien.

“The word regret. You understand now, don’t you?”


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