Overpowered Archmage Doesn’t Hide His Talent

Chapter 31: How about trying the spell once?

Chapter 31: How about trying the spell once?

The next day, 11:50 PM:

It was just 10 minutes before midnight, and I was pushing myself to the limit on the training field.

The evaluation had been put on hold, and the professor had given the students a week of free time. Thanks to that, I was able to fully devote myself to training.


I opened my eyes, simultaneously capturing both mana and breath. Surprisingly, my body felt light. I took off my sweat-soaked top completely.

Perhaps due to becoming accustomed to the training methods of this world, I could feel that the mana circulating through my body was becoming purer day by day. Though progress was slow, the total amount of mana was increasing. I could confidently say that it was no longer pitiful to look at.

At that moment, a corpse entered the training ground.

"...Hey, Flan."

Looking closely, it wasn't a corpse but a girl with red hair. When I looked even more closely, it turned out to be Becky.

Though only a day had passed, her disheveled appearance was in stark contrast to yesterday's.

'A summary would be quite useful.'

The results of the original assignment and the writer's health were inversely proportional. I gladly accepted the stack of papers Becky offered.

"Did you summarize all eight books?"

"...I did go through all eight books, but I can't guarantee the content."

I nodded my head in deep satisfaction. Becky possessed great talent as an assistant.

“Anyway, I did it…? Hey, can I get the Trivia code now? Eh, huh?”

Becky, who was rubbing her forehead and staggering, suddenly widened her eyes.

"Fl-Flan... Your body..."

Pointing at my body with her index finger, she scrutinized me with wide eyes.

Strictly speaking, it should be me feeling embarrassed, but Becky's face was turning red.

“Originally…. Was your body always this good?”

Naturally, the smooth and vigorous flow of mana also affects the body of a mage.

Changes significant enough to be confirmed with the naked eye finally began to appear in this pitiful and wretched body.

Shoulders and biceps came to life, and the outline of the pectorals and abs started to take shape little by little.

Although it was just the beginning of growth, the difference was distinct compared to before.

“So to sum it up.”

I continued talking to Becky.

"Last time, and this time too. Did you observe my body?"



"W-what, what?"

Becky's face grew even redder.

"W-what are you saying? If you're exposing yourself like that, of course, I'll see! Do you think I'm some kind of pervert?"

Steam seemed to rise above her head as she waved her hands frantically.

I didn't have time to comprehend that eccentricity. Using telekinesis, I hung the summary I received from Becky in the air.

With my hand, I unfolded『How Healing Magic Became the Center of Controversy?』.

Earlier this morning, Trixie had placed this book in the designated location as per my request.

However, she didn't just leave it there. I immediately noticed a tracking magic cast on it and promptly removed it.

‘Tracking the location, huh...’

In a way, it was cute and also cocky. Since it was the first time, I considered it aegyo* and decided to move on.

Thanks to Trixie, my thoughts about "location tracking" continued a little longer.

‘Is it really necessary to do that?’

It seemed that there was no need to insert one’s own summons into Trivia.

I thought Trivia itself would serve as a location tracker if it were modified properly.

Nodding my head, I placed that thought in a corner of my mind for now.

'When I have the time, I will modify Trivia to my liking.'

'First, let's compare the contents regarding healing.'

I compare the summary unfolded with telekinesis and the content of the book unfolded by hand.

Every world has various variables. Just looking at what happened during this exploration evaluation was evidence of that.

Without the springs of essence, no matter how skilled one was in the air, they would eventually crash into the ground.

At the very least, it would result in fractures. At worst, death.

No matter how much one trained their physical body, a mage's body was not as robust as that of a knight.

If the body couldn't quickly respond to variables, flaws would undoubtedly appear. Thus, it was best to refine one's strength through recovery.

That was why healing magic was absolutely necessary. In this world where much remained unknown, it would be excellent insurance for me.

"...Nothing special."

Healing in this world was divided into just two ranks.

Superficial healing and source healing.

Superficial healing was a treatment that boosted energy and healed shallow wounds.

On the other hand, source healing was magic that healed the very "root" of the subject. Mental strength, memories, impaired body parts... It was forbidden and regulated for a reason.


Observing the technique, the level of difficulty for superficial healing wasn't high. I believed I could use it right away.'


“Yes? Heh, huh?!”

I put my hand on Becky’s nape without asking permission.

It startled her, causing her whole body to tremble.

Recalling the spell for superficial healing, I allowed the captured mana to flow smoothly into Becky's body.

"Huh... huh?!"

The tension that had built up in Becky's body gradually relaxed, and her complexion improved to the point where it could be seen with the naked eye.

She seemed to have felt it too, as she clenched and loosened her fist.

"What's this? Suddenly, my drowsiness completely disappeared."

As expected, it was a success.

Although I wanted to ask her to summarize a few more books now that she was awake, I refrained from abusing the healing magic in this way, as it could spark controversy.

I need to think more about which direction to research and how to utilize it to create a significant impact in this world. It was a topic I should ponder a little more.

...While contemplating such matters, I suddenly felt a burdensome gaze.

Becky was still looking at me. Break through that too.

“What is it?”

“No, I’m not going to tell you what it is. Hey, um…. Flan.”

Becky continued, scratching her cheeks.

“Perfume…. Aren’t we going shopping together?”

“I’m busy.”


Becky exclaimed loudly.

"We were supposed to go together! I even came out like this today, knowing we would buy perfume...."

“I’ll give you gold coins, so you can buy it yourself.”

“Hey…. That’s too much….”

Tears began to well up in Becky's deer-like eyes.

"Don't cry. It affects mana consumption efficiency."

"Oh, no... Are you crazy?"

I briefly reflected on the events of the day.

First of all, I finished all the training I could do today.

It doesn't seem as difficult as I thought to research healing magic, and relying solely on whips to handle assistants was a mistake.

I checked if there was any time available to give her. I don't spend much time on meals, so I have about thirty minutes to spare.

In the end, I nodded.


I called her name softly.

"What? Why? It's fine... I'll just buy perfume myself... It's fine."

Becky was already pouting. For reference, this also affects mana consumption efficiency.

“Let’s go.”

"It's fine. I'll go back to the dorm alone..."

"I said we're going to buy perfume."

I simply said that.


In an instant, Becky's face brightened up like a sunflower soaked in water.


The next day, Violet was having a busier day than ever before.

First, she had to come up with an alternative test to replace the postponed exploration assessment, and she had to adjust the students' upcoming schedules.

There was only about a week left. That was not all.

In order to report the abnormal phenomena that occurred in the labyrinth, she was currently attending a meeting as a guest with the Knight Department.

‘…Even if I had ten bodies, it wouldn't be enough.’

Violet let out a deep sigh. Supporting her aching head with her hand, she barely managed to hold on. Then, Sephia swiftly approached and sat down in the adjacent seat.


With a whimper, Sephia immediately lay face down on the desk.

"I'm going to die like this, really! It's the time when guild activities are at their peak, so there's no time to breathe... Hand me this student's information, and Hand me that student's information."

Violet didn't have the leisure to accommodate Sephia's complaints at the moment. Sephia poked her sister's side mischievously and spoke in a mischievous voice.

"By the way, sis~."


"Are you okay? The magic labyrinth."

When Violet glared at her, Sephia burst into laughter.

"Ahahahaha, sorry, sorry. Of course, I know it's not okay. I was just excited because I found something interesting. Look at this, it's from the person in charge of the labyrinth construction."

A few sheets of paper quietly appeared on the table. They were documents that detailed the changes that occurred inside the magic labyrinth.

"Sis, this is about the three remaining students. Didn't they say that it was 1 hour and 31 minutes after the evaluation started?"

“That’s right, why?”

"Look here... The document says that the entire foundation of the labyrinth collapsed 1 hour and 28 minutes after the evaluation started. So, doesn't that mean the three students managed to hold on for 3 minutes?"

Violet shook her hand and her head at the same time.

"I must have miscalculated the time. That's right."


"I miscalculated. My mind must have been too distracted. Do you know how deep the lower floor is? 3 minutes? Don't say ridiculous things and be quiet."

Violet nodded as if she understood her mistake, but Sephia's smile didn't fade.

"Hey, how could my sis make a mistake in calculating time? There must be something going on here!"

"Not at all, there's nothing. Do you know how many things I have to focus on right now? So don't act all impatient."

"Ah, sis..."

Sephia leaned her shoulder against Violet and pouted.

"Then, can I look into these students a bit?"

"You're going to investigate?"

"They might be really impressive. The guild keeps asking if there are any talented students around."

“I don’t think that’s the only purpose, is it? I know you, don't I?"

"Oh, did it show? I thought I'd investigate while I'm at it. I heard there are quite a few humans making deals with villains these days."

At that moment, when the conversation was heating up, the mages who were sitting down began to stand up.

Violet and Sephia also stood up. It seemed that the representative from the Knight Department had finally arrived.

"She is always late, always."

"Why are you saying that again, sis? Hasn't the knight's department reached out to you a couple of times?"

- Tsk

Violet clicked her tongue and opened her eyes with an annoyed look.

"Let's start the meeting. The agenda is about the frequent abnormal phenomena that have been occurring recently."

Someone near the podium announced the start of the meeting.

At the same time, Violet's gaze was drawn away.


It was the first word that came to Violet's mind when she saw her.

She had a dignified and confident stride, resembling that of a fierce beast.

Her hair was so black that it seemed to shun even the light, and her eyes were filled with flower-like pupils surrounded by burning embers.

Wearing the attire of a knight alone in the spacious conference room, she exuded an air of ease as if this place were her own home.

That damn nonchalance dug into Violet's mind and scratched her nerves randomly.

The Dean of the Mage Department, as well as the only mage who had achieved 6th rank among the eight magic ranks, Cornette, was the first to speak.

“You’re late, Scarlett.”

“I was doing some training.”

"Our mages also didn't have extra time to spare and arrived early."

"To touch the toes of honorable knights, magicians shouldn't have any extra time to spare."

"The swordsmen learn swordsmanship but not manners, as it seems."

The female knight named Scarlett exchanged a brief glance with Cornette.

It was a momentary clash, but it was enough to freeze the air in the conference room and make it chillingly cold.

Scarlett, also known as The Knight of the Flames. Even Violet, who had no interest in knights, had heard that title before.

The knight who calmly surveyed the hall directed her gaze at Cornette and began to speak.

"I am someone who values etiquette more than anyone else. However..."

The corners of her mouth rose significantly.

"It only applies when dealing with knights. I have no obligation to show courtesy to a bookworm like you."

The pupils of a predator targeting its prey gleamed. Though Violet was only slightly affected by that gleam, Professor Audrey lowered her head and fell silent.

Every element that made up the current situation didn't sit well with Violet.

The agenda of the meeting, the female knight who looked down on everyone around her as if she was their owner, and the mages who were unknowingly squirming.

But Violet couldn't blame those around her. If her opponent was the Knight of the Flames... anyone would have reacted the same way.


Cornette clicked his tongue disapprovingly and looked at Scarlett.

"Be careful with your words at all times. Just my one 'spell' is enough to obliterate the entire Knight Department."

“I think it would be fun to try it right now. How about trying the 'spell' once?”

The knight and the Dean laughed at each other without waiting for anyone else to speak.

A faint smile was present on both sides, but the watching mages couldn't even breathe a sound due to the suffocating pressure.

It was Cornette who once again broke the silence.

“Let’s have a meeting. Have you read the report on the anomaly?”

"It seemed like a childish prank."

"A childish prank?"

The Dean's eyes curved like a crescent moon.

The professors of the Mage Department swallowed their saliva at Cornette’s face, which didn’t contain any harmful particles.

They knew that smile was a signal that the Dean was quite angry.

"A childish prank... Well, it seems to be considered a serious matter."

"It must be serious for weaklings."

Cornette’s head turned slightly.

"Scarlett, the knight of the flames. It's true that I've heard rumors that she's as impolite as a child... But you can't catch words."

Despite the sharp words, Scarlett remained indifferent.

"The world must have been too peaceful until now. Ah, that's right. It seems that those who try to solve all problems with a single method are showing up."

Scarlett calmly continued her words.

"Magicians who rode the wave of a peaceful world have shown their abilities against weaklings without facing a worthy opponent."


“It’s not even funny to have a meeting like this.”

“Sir Scarlett.”

Cornette dried his face with a long and elegant hand. There was no kind smile on his face after wiping it.

"How painful it must be to face an incompetent magician. Excuse us, we will hold our own meeting."

With a cool and firm face, the Dean continued his words.

"You should go to the training ground and behead a scarecrow or something."

A chilling and sharp air seemed to permeate the place, freezing everyone in their tracks. It was a moment when cold sweat trickled down their backs and they clutched their collars.

"Blah, blah, is that how magic is performed?"

- Thud!

Scarlett slammed her sword onto the ground.

Scarlett and Cornette’s gaze collided in the air.

"There seem to be quite a few scarecrows here."

Only the other professors felt as if they were about to meet their demise in the face of their confrontation. They all groaned under immense pressure.

"Hah, this is just ridiculous."

Cornette let out a shallow sigh.

In this world, not only magicians were born with something blessed.

Those who were born with "mana" in their bodies were given the opportunity to control magic, but those born with "inherent abilities" could become powerful knights in their own right.

An example of that was right in front of Violet's eyes.

The Knight of Flames...

Scarlet Judith's unique ability was the dying flame.

Like the magician’s meteor, she couldn't summon explosive flames, but her embers burn forever.

There was never a moment when the embers were completely extinguished.

In other words, Scarlett possessed an eternal flame that would continue to burn even after death.

In this way, while mages exerted their full power to achieve the results of magic, knights effortlessly exhibited their "inherent abilities" as if it were natural.

"Shall we start the meeting?"

"Yes, let's."

Finally, Scarlett and Cornette took their seats. The frozen air slowly melted away.

Violet, who had been observing all of this, clenched her fists as her only form of resistance. Her nails dug into her own palm, drawing drops of blood, but she felt no pain.

‘…… Damn it.’

'I hate knights.'

'No, I loathed them.'

The knights, who looked down upon the weak while relying on their innate abilities beyond mana sensitivity, were detestable to Violet, and she couldn't bear it.

The structure where knights reigned over the strong was disgusting. Someday, she would witness the overthrow of this imbalance of power.

‘...Damn it, damn it, damn it.’

But it was always just empty wishes. The words spoken in the wind would fly away, never to be realized.

With Violet's power alone, she was at a disadvantage.

Moreover, the reality that even the combined strength of all the mages in the Mage Department couldn't make a dent in the balance of power was frustrating.

‘Someday... someone will definitely...’

That was all Violet could silently chew on.

--- End of The Chapter --

[TL: Aegyo: It is a word used in South Korea to describe a way of acting cute and charming. 

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