Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 189: EP30: One Hand Supports The Crumbling Heaven (b)

Chapter 189: EP30: One Hand Supports The Crumbling Heaven (b)

Everyone in the world was devasted and they had lost all sort of hope that has arisen in their when Feng has used his punch to dissipate the Doom Clouds all over the world, even the most powerful of beings on Earth has lost their confidence. 

The most powerful weapons of the human race have lost their functions. Every normal and epic battle Mech has stopped functioning and they could stare as their end descended from the skies.

"Don't give me!" A bald man whose upper body was naked shouted at the entire army that has lost hope. The man's hand was bulging with veins as a Gatling gun was placed on his wide shoulder.

His voice thundered throughout the battlefield. Don't give up!

The bald man was one of Feng's believers that's why he didn't give up.

Rtatatatatata!" He shot at the pesky zombies while marching to his death. Seeing this brave man, army morale started to return. Soldiers trapped in their battle Mech hat has stopped functioning decided to kick their way out of their Mechs. The cockpit glassy wall shattered as they stepped out with Rifles and other types of guns in their hand. Some laser gun has also stopped functioning while the other still functioned so they used them to tear apart the zombies.

"If we die then so be it! But Brothers I will keep on giving my all until the end!" Strong man bing soo shouted as his Gatling gun made the most heroic sound ever.

The four supremes were utterly shocked by the monstrosity in front of their eyes. For a while, they could only gaze as the end descended from the opened skies. Right then, Aneurin and Grandpa Feng powered up their mechas. The most powerful mechas in the world, and rushed towards the giant in the skies. The Fifth supreme still has not received her Mech Ocean while the last supreme was locked down in a battle against the zombies that killed the Supreme Borealis.

Their 100+ meter wide sky-reaching Mechs seemed like small ants when compare to the meteoroid that was half the size of Earth. Also, their speed was so slow that they won't be able to reach the meteoroid in time. Plus, even if they manage to reach the meteoroid at most they will die first then the rest of humanity will follow.

"Heck, no matter how fast we try to move we still won't be able to reach the meteoroid!" Old man Feng smashed his fists on two red buttons and his Mech blasted forwards, breaking the wind barriers!

Aneurin was silent as he used the little bit of his divine energy to boost the speed of his Mech, too.

But the calculations their mind reflexively made were contrary to their hopeful expression. They know that they won't be able to reach the meteoroid on time. And if somehow, by some miracle, they reach the meteoroid. The tiny arms of their precious Mech would only be able to slow the meteoroid by a fraction of a second.

Darkness clouded the world. In the middle of this darkness was Yama's invitation. Also, this invitation came near each second.

Desperation clouded the eyes of the useless mortal on the lands while the will to defy death burned furiously as the useful mortal refuse to give up.

The odd was against us so what! Kill us and we will die! Until then even if death is certain we will fight!

This was the purest will to defy what is destined. A will to go against heaven. Only in the most desperate of times did some of the humans showed this will. And Feng felt it.

The universal Ranking board of physiques has stopped providing him with energy as he had overused it. Now, Feng could only use his own energy to stop this attack but he only had enough to stop the descension of the meteoroid. Other than that, he couldn't do anything. To hurt this shit back into space, he would need energy!

The energy he didn't have and no else could provide him with it!

He was standing on top of the truck on the f train, all alone. He gazed at the Metroid is exceptionless eyes. Even if the entire world is destroyed his body won't be scratched even a little bit. At most, he will wander the universe, travel through the starry skies until he reaches a world he thinks is suitable to be inhabited by the tenth emperor of evil. Such thought revolved in his mind as he stood there in all his lonesome when suddenly!

The dragon seed in the depth of his body resonated with their wills!

The seed that was birthed with the intent to save! 

This seed resonated with the wills of the humans who haven't give up!

This will roared like an almighty dragon and a long-lost feeling started to shake Feng's ca heart. Feng finally realized the truth of this legacy art that the elder-immortal origin dragon has given him.

Kill to protect!

Protect to kill!

Two sides of the same coin: Hatred and Kindness.

Prideful killing is a sin while killing to protect is another path. But both paths will one day intersect at one point. They are on the same coin, after all.

As the tenth evil emperor, Feng has chosen to kill pridefully because he hated Tian Wu with a heart. After transmigrating back to Earth he had jokingly chosen the second path, kill to protect.

This path wasn't boosted solely by Feng. He wanted to protect the mortals. This was his side. One side of the coin. From this side, only half the power of the art could be drawn. The other half of power could.be drawn when that which he wants to protect want to live no matter what.

The mortals whether they believed in Feng or not fought the army of death even in the face of certain. This was what the Dragon seed needed to germinate.

When darkness and death have shrouded the land of the living.

When all hope was lost.

When the mortal desperately fought the undead with tears streaming down their eyes

When the harbinger of death laughed due to pleasant thoughts.

A miracle occurred!

The dragon seed that has become one with Feng's Sun and Moon Deva of Chaotic Divinity body germinated.

A dragon was birthed!

Everyone was surprised once again as Heroic War Music played all over the fruity way galaxy. 

The soul-devouring creature flinched in horror. 

'How could it be? Boss music... No! I am the boss so the universe has played this boss music for me!' it though unable to believe its thought.

Legend has it when a heaven-shattering being fights, boss music of his choosing is played!

The twelve universes themselves provide energy for such an event to occur. This is the way a heaven-shattering being is honored in the multi-verse.

The soul-devouring creature believed that the universe has recognized itself as a heaven shattering being, yet he has never done such a thing.

It was just a foolish being unable to understand the ant-like existence it was

Only seeing will lead it to believe. And, it saw that a dragon rose towards the star.

It wasn't the only one that saw that a dragon has risen to the skies. Everyone in the planer vicinity saw it. Everyone in the world saw it. Everyone attracted to Fruity Way galaxy because of Heroic War Music saw it.

A fearsome and mighty dragon rose towards heaven and nothing in its path could stop it!

Feng in the form of a dragon rose towards the star. The meteoroid that was gonna crash on Earth and shatter it into pieces was being pushed back by his hands.

No...not a hand!

It was a single pinky finger!

Feng glanced in the direction if the soul-devouring creature, and it felt

Disdain! Absolute disdain!

The Almighty held nothing but Absolute disdain in his eyes!

It was as if the almighty could squish it like a bug. A single finger and it will be destroyed.

Feng was mid-air and flying away from Earth when another meteoroid came crashing down.

The soul-devouring creature wasn't gonna put up with such shit!

It was gonna kill this shitter that dared to shit on its plan.

It was gonna destroy Earth no matter what it costs.

Feng felt that his pinky finger will feel tired if he doesn't use another finger. So he used his ring finger to support the overweighted shit above him.

The two meteoroids combined were comparable to Earth in size. But they were then Earth.


Because Earth is 70%+ water while these two shitty rocks are 100% solid!

Why shitty? Because they are brown. Also, the color of shit is brown! 

That's why these meteoroids are shitty.

This situation was also shitty!

In this shitty situation two beings called. out to each other with shitty thoughts. Heck, they both had entitled each other as a piece of shit!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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