Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 193: EP30: Face to face.

Chapter 193: EP30: Face to face.

The pain of every second reminds this ancestor of the soul-devouring clan about the horror of that Night. It was ravaged, its entire clan was ravaged by one attack.

An attack that brought them to fall and ruins.

An attack that inflicted him with 20 chips cycles of pain. Even lord aphelion would bow down to Night, as his attack only brought 200 mortal years of pain, yet Night attack has brought 20 chaos years of pain to the Ancestor of the soul-devouring creature.

The poor guy with a pride complex has just come out of Its rat hole to conquer a mortal world after deep planning and whatnot but encountered a fucked up person.

It had utilized 20 chaos cycles to collect 100 divine sources just to be sure that there will no problem in capturing a world of mortal, yet here it was, being thrown off Its path to glory by an expert, who has been hiding in the mortal world!

"Why... Why! Why! Why must you destroy everything I worked for? Why" It shouted unfair to the heavens with a disgruntled expression. Utilizing the prowess of the divine sources, he attracted whatever he could towards Feng Mei, he also fired off all its abilities towards Feng Mei.

A dazzling array of multicolored light burst out and enveloped the skies of the world and the vision of mortals, who stood still in awe. They have seen God, and they have witnessed the battle of God. A God that can pick up a planet with one hand and throw it like a ball.

Some dropped to their knees while paying towards Feng Mei. Some started dancing in a ritualistic way. The intelligent ones had already started nefarious cults in Feng's name to earn benefits or bait beauties into their bed. body. In the mortal world, good or bad, everything was going on.

The dazzling array of light lit up the skies. Then they went out of Earth's atmosphere and shot towards Feng with a wheezing sound that was silenced by Heroic War Music.

Space doesn't have a vacuum and sound can not be heard, but for some reason, Heroic War Music still resounded throughout the Fruity Way galaxy.

Soon after, space dwellers saw that whatever those rays o light touched would.be exterminated, be it meteoroid or energy bodies. Even Vaccum seemed to have been torn apart by those rays of light that the cautious ancestor of the soul-devouring clan has shot out after losing his mind and having his pride crushed from all four sides.

For Feng, these dazzling arrays of light also seemed dangerous. "What a legend. This is the first time when I saw a being using Filtered pule as Its final attack! This person has even exceeded my imagination. I would hire him under the mangaka company that I had thought about to open up after the Apocalypse and its mess finishes. Sadly, it's too much of a mess so I got to clean It"

Feng had a great idea of opening up a store where he will hire cheap ass workers. and force them to create illustrations of his past lives. He was deciding on hiring the soul-devouring creature as he seems to have a talent for such a job: It had covered the space in filtered puke, a task no other mangaka can perform. Though, something like that could have only happened if It didn't annoy Feng to the point that he had started to come to. hate him.

Feng wanted to erase the dumbhead that was forcing him to play volleyball for the past five hours.

The ray of lights hurled towards him, with a single wave of his hand, he deflected all of them. He wanted to deflect the filtered puke back to the source of the attack, the soul-devouring creature, but It was located in the same place as his companions, friends, and families, and future workers.

Feng knew that the filtered puke was a attack so powerful that it literally tore apart space. So, it is bound to destroy the planet if hurled towards them, that's why he deflected the attack out of the fruity way galaxy!

The deflected attack exploded after rushing into another galaxy. It was heading towards the previous Lust Holy maiden sect.

All the experts of this place rushed out as they sensed the upcoming dread. Their eyes opened wide as if they were about to pop out of their sockets. This attack was so fast and poweful that they will die if hit and they are unable to evade it even if they start moving right away.

"Headmistress, what should we do?"

"I dont know!"

"Lets leave, maybe we still have a chance to make it out alive!

Surrounded discipls shouted ina horrified tone.

" No, this sect is our foundation build over tens of thousands of year. Build vecause of the countless sacrifices of our ancestor. I am not gonna leave this place unguarded. I will defend it till the last breath. Any disciple who ant to go can go! I won't stop you or punish you!" The headmistress said.

"If headmistress wants to remain then we will also remain." Shkuted more than half of the disciple. They shared deep bonds with the headmistress, after all. She was her kother, sister, lover and some even shared deeper illicit relations with her.

"Gakalo!" The headmistress shouted and a magical array opened up. The magical array Gakalo was the last line of defence for the Lust Holy maidens Sect. The headmistress believed that this array can block the upcoming attack. She poured her spirit Qi into the array while shouting Gakalo.

The rest of the disciple who have decided to follow her in death also shouted Gakalo while pouring their energies into the spirit array Gakalo.

The attack crashed into the spirit array and a thundering voice echos throughout the Lust Holy maiden Sect, and the voice spread theough and throgh to nearby worlds, as well

The Gakalo formation also started to crack under the brutal frontal assault of the Filtered puke. Attack is the best defence, hence the hadmistress Fu ya jumped towards the array and slammed her hands at the filtered puke.

Funya was a gorgeous maiden who once trekked the eternal frozen ocean to save her current husband, who was no where to be seen near here. Her snowy white feet enduring the harsh cold which apepared.onher body after her hand clashed with the dazzling array of light. Her skin first showed signs of being frostbitten then she started to lost feeling. Her toes had swelled, taken over by a deadly pink color. Her pale skin didn't fare any better, bluish it was, the same color as the sea. She started bleeding from her orifices and pores, as the light couldn't be blocked by her palm. It has started to break her apart, and the formation was already somwhat destroyed. If she mived backward then the peoples she was defending will die, hence she mustered up whatever strength she could to move ahead.

Some of the light had been impaled in her shoulders and each of her footsteps left a blood mark on the frosty sheet of ice.

Fu ya with her determination only managed to ake three steps before she felt that she was gonna break.

Such was the power of the dazzling light that Feng labelled as filtered puke and slapped it to another galaxy.

Such was the might of the attack of the maddened ancestor of the soul-devouring creature!

This attack has fucked up the entire list holy maiden Sect. Their headmistress was breaking with ach second passing by.

Tearns streamed down her cheeks as she wailed, "Where are you?!"

Dight hwen she shouted, she was unable to hold on, but a swossh sound was heard as whoever she called out to has heard her voice.

The lord, her lover was already there to defend the glaxy from the attack that travlled faster than the speed of light.

With an Almight shout, he roared out Gemacia! And brandished his sword in the face of the attack that the Ancestor of the soul-devouring creature shot out and Fdng deflected.

Yhe dazzling lay of light split into thouands specks of light that disperesed with the choatic wind that raised because of the clash between the Saord of Gamacia and the dazziling arrays of light.

Some rays of light dropped on the clothes of Galactical lord Gamacia. In a mere moment, his unprotected Night wears turn to dust, the dust vanished were swept away with the chaotic wind.

Lord Gamacia was butt naked, his long-shaft exposed for all the holy galctical maidens in the surrounding to see. They blushed away as their face tilted side ways.

"Ahahahahahahaha, don't be shy, lassess. After all your headmistress will soon be jumping on theiz lord banana! Ahahaha"

The thirty or so holy maidens blushed even harder. Today, it was that day. A very lustful day. A day which lust maiden remember for their entire life.

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