Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 8: EP2: It's a whole new adventure when a legend goes out the front door!

Chapter 8: EP2: It's a whole new adventure when a legend goes out the front door!

Month May - Day 19

Feng Mei has decided to head out of his house to face the devastated Muffin city after a night of sleeping soundly. He wanted to head out to train himself in the open field.

He wanted to train in the Art of Dragon dance. The mystical art for which he nearly became a breeding machine.

Feng picked up his glaive and walked towards the front door of his house. His two servants followed behind him. Dacula was equipped witg a huge military backpack and his eyeglasses. While Chandni had nothing on her.

Feng Mei didn't know that he will start a great legend by merely going out his house. No one imagined that a legendary tale will be birthed from a mere mortal going out the front door of the house. Not even the masterminds or mastermind behind the devastation knew. 

Who among the mastermind could have thought that a mortal basic act of walking would later on mount terror in their entire being. The echo of his footsteps will take away their breath. One breath a step!

Currently the soon to be legend was depressed over the death of his little lily.

Little Lily was the name of Feng Mei flower pot.vHe named it little lily because the flower pot was small and the flowers in the flower pot were purple lilies.

He had placed little lily at the right side of his house front door. The flower pot was crushed under a huge black rock(meteorite which Dracula split into two). Only a single dry purple petal managed to escape its fate of dying.

Feng lowered his head and a sad sigh escaped his mouth. "Little lily you have accompanied my house front door for a long time rest in peace may your soul find a place in heaven!" he said and bent down to pick up the last dried petal. Feng picked it up and placed it in the pocket of his black hoodie.

He uplifted his conscious and tried to move toward the demolished streets. But he realized that he was facing a bigger problem, right now.

He has unknowingly trapped his body between the two rocks(meteorite which Drafula has split into two) and the house door.

He had trapped himself between the two rocks while bending down to pick up the dried purple petal. It was totally unintentional.

His body fat was stuck at his house front door and he was unable to move.

He could force his way out but Feng was afraid that he would rip off the skin attached to his white tummy, if he did that.

All this happened because of two Huge rocks (that looked like they were siblings birthed from the same mother) that had somehow crashed right at the right and left side of his house front door an unknown time ago!

He deduced that these rock is probaly the most smallest one in the families of meteorites that have assaulted Earth. Feng also justified that this meteroite that was split into two is the cause of the earthquake which he felt while he was sleeping, more than a week ago.

Feng know that only Dracula have the power to split a meteorite into two. 'Goddamn I really need to modify my servant A.I. But it is also all my fault. This all happened because I have installed a program called T-humane in both my A.I.' Feng cursed without actually saying it out loud.

The program was intended to bless an A.I with a soul. Though, both his servants didn't know about that. The program will bring about an humane change in the A.I. It will become human through interaction with its owner and its surrounding.

But Feng had been neglecting his robot for years. Furthermore his robot had also not interacted with humans. Hence, their T-Humane program was still in the initial stages.

Feng realized that he had two socially retarded A.I to take care of. The two robot have learned about the world only through anime and internet. Animes where every main character has a plot-armor and internet of this era was full of stupidity. He determined that his robots barely have any common sense!

Feng needed to properly guide them to make them humane and complete the teue purpose of T-humane progrma.

Feng two servants were waiting behind their master. Their master was showing them his arse.

They saw their master take out his phone from his 3XL trousers and poogled.

"What to do when your body Fats is stuck in between two rocks right at the front door of your house"

Sadly even Google(google) didn't have any information about his dilemma!

"Master do you need help?" asked Dracula. He was perplexed after seeing his master who has started to moan out loud.

Feng was desperately wiggling his ass in hopes of escaping the vicious clutched of the two rocks. He wanted his stuck body back inside the house, at all cost.

"Yes I need help! Please do something about it before uncle James eats me alive" Feng shouted at his servants. He attempted to escape the vicious clutches of the rock by wildly flexing his body.

Uncle James was the owner of the Saminos pizzeria chain from where Feng Mei used to eat his pizza. Ucle james used to be a handsome and dashing middle-aged man. Though now his face was gray and rotten. His mouth was filled with decayed teeth as yellowed and full of pulpy bits of bloody flesh dropped out from his guts along with his intenstines

God have mercy on his soul, Uncle james have basically turned into a zombie.

He was moving with half-shrug shoulder and making Hiss! Hiss! sounds. Uncle James was dragging his body towards his luxurious meal. His dear customer Feng Mei.

"Chandni activate battle mode," Dracula gave her permission.

"Affirmative" An strict military lady voice came out of the sweet housemaid Chandni mouth.

Her mechanical eyes turned red and a huge white metal box appeared behind her.

It wasn't a mere white metal box but a rocket launcher and a speed accelerator.

"Mission Thousand years of pain: At the count of 3 we both will strike master at the bullseye" Dracula mentally passed the bullseye location over to her.

The bullseye was Feng Mei ass.

"Affirmative" Chandni replied and moved back a distance of some feet.

Feng Mei was not ready nor aware of the pain he was going to feel right now.





1 Go"

Dracula kicked right on the bullseye and Chandni also rushed and hit her master ass with her mechanical hand. They both performed their action at the speed of lightning and hit the targeted area at the same time.

Feng Mei was send flying towards Uncle James.

"Ahhhhhh" Feng Mei shouted due to pain. He felt that his ass had busted by the assault of his servant.

Feng Mei body crashed onto the decaying Uncle James. Uncle James was crushed beneath Frng Mei and his godly weapon 'Fat'.

Uncle James being a pizzeria man was stubborn as hell and he refused to die. He maded 'Hiss' 'Hiss' sounds and tried to bite Feng mei.

Feng hurriedly rolled to the side. He didn't eant to be bited by a zombie. Feng Mei had seen many zombies movies. He knew that a person transform into a zombie if he is bitten by a zombie.

He stood u and gazed down at Uncle james.

"Hello Uncle james you are looking handsome today goddamn I will miss your tasty pizza," Feng said in melancholy. He raised his pole.

Uncle James prouded an ear-shattering sound. He was aggravated because his meal had escaped. His shout attracted the zombie wandering nearby towards Frng Mei .

Feng earbuds almost exploded because of Uncle James attack. Feng swung the glaive and cut off uncle James head. He had no regrets. After all, Feng Mei was a killer in the 'Eastern Immortals Western Gods star cluster'. killing was breathing for him.

Uncle James head rolled on the street and his the ear-shattering wail ceased.

"A great pizzeria owner indeed. He even went off with a bang, summoning a party of undead. Guess I gotta load my hand and move my hips."

Feng praised Uncle James as he happily looked at the wave of zombies. The zombies were moving towards him, slowly.

Dracula and Chandni were short and small in structure. They easily moved through the narrow passageway in which Feng Mei was stuck.

"Master, we are here to help," The two robots declared.

Feng smirked at them. 'Aiyoo, my foolish servants don't know my greatness. Sigh, even the galacticalbking of assasins would have fallen to my feets, if i was still at my peak'.

"You guys don't need to help me at all! Just look at the awesome performance this young master will generously perform for you both."

Feng said as he rushed into the wave of zombies.

He excluding battle intent that only a true warrior can posses. Hus face expressed excitement.

His emotions and eagerness to battle was clearly shown through the twinkles in his eyes and weinkles on his fat face.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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