Overpowered Sword

Chapter 283

Overpowered Sword Chapter 283

Level up with Black Red (283)

It is a fireball slightly larger than the head of an adult male.

A crystal of destructive power that can crush a tank with each shot and even turn a knight capable of using an ‘Auror Weapon’ into floating charcoal.

Fireballs poured out all at once from 48 magic batteries and fell like an unseasonable shower. A human wizard, even a 6th rank one, would feel like his blood dried up after performing this level of magic, but this was not the case for Rodelin.

Without overusing the core of the core body, it can be fired just by using the magic power attached to the external combat armor.

Once, twice, three times.

48 ‘Fire Bursts’ fall at intervals of just 4 to 5 seconds.

Quaaaang! Quang! Quagwagwagwang! Quaaaaaaaaa!

Although Rodelin is currently firing a series of cards without any reason, it was one of the cards that could definitely change the situation anywhere on the battlefield with 5th rank fire magic.

Even the very foundations are shaken by the explosion of immense power.

Even the magnificent walls of Area 13 were trembling.


One banshee that had been hit by the ‘Fire Burst’ was torn to pieces with a pitiful scream.

Even the Ghost-type Undead Banshee, which has perfect resistance to physical attacks, cannot nullify magic attacks. Among them, flame and lightning types worked especially well against ghost types.

However, if you were to ask whether guys like Ghoul Wights were okay, it would be natural, but that couldn’t have been the case.


The moment the armored ogre, once buried and then resurrected as a ghoul, sticks out its head like

a mole!

The fireball that fell precisely on top of him exploded on his head, creating a small crater. ‘Fire Burst’ is an explosive magic that is superior to ‘Fire Ball’ and blows up a radius of 5 meters.

If you get hit directly by it, even an A-rank monster will suffer fatal injuries.

[Furthermore, if a high-level monster like an ogre is turned into undead on the spot, its physical strength becomes weaker than when it was alive.]

‘What? why?’

Leon questioned those words with a puzzled expression.

There is a popular perception that undead monsters are more persistent than when they were alive, so what El Cid said went beyond common sense.

It was a common error made by those who did not know necromantic magic.

If all the corpses brought back to life through Necromancy had been stronger than when they were alive, the magic sect that dominated this continent would not have been the elemental world, but the black magic world.

[Think about it carefully, disciple. Muscles without blood cannot swell, and leather that has lost elasticity becomes soft. When even the instincts cultivated as a predator are overshadowed by hatred for the living, the strength of a high-level monster fades.]

‘Are you saying that the case is completely different from that of a low-level monster?’

[OK. When it comes to goblins, gnolls, orcs, just turning them into ghouls becomes several times more bothersome due to their toxicity and immortality. However, if it is at the level of an ogre troll, its strength will be slightly lower even if it is made into a wight.]

There are several types of ogres, but none of them uses poison. For those who smashed rocks with one fist and pulled out huge trees and swung them around, poison was just a nuisance.

The same goes for the troll’s regenerative power.

Even if immortality is added through necromantic magic, there is no significant difference compared to the regenerative power during life, and the skin mucus that is resistant to both blunt weapons and swords cannot be secreted in death.

Above all, fire, which was his weakness when he was alive, was the same as becoming undead, so he lost all his strengths.

[Still, as the number of low-level monsters turned into undead increases, it will become more dangerous…]

El Cid chuckled without finishing his sentence.

[I’m sure it’s worth 50 tons of gold, but that’s it.]

Rodelin’s fire support was literally like rain falling on land parched by drought, perfectly clearing the areas that the Holy Iron Knights and the Royal Guards couldn’t cover.

Not only the firepower that fires out over a hundred rounds every 10 seconds, but also the calculation ability to select the range and target is on a different level from that of a human wizard.

‘Albion didn’t call it a masterpiece for nothing. His performance in large-scale battles must be several times better than that of any master, right?

[Well, no matter how well the magic core was designed, it would not be possible to maintain that level of consumption.]

‘No, that is enough.’

Leon soon perceived with a transcendental sense the changes that had occurred within the castle walls, and realized that the unfavorable trend had been greatly reversed.

The heat and light that he was continuously emitting had almost completely melted the frozen gunpowder in the aftermath of the cold rays.

The dwarves, who had been unable to do anything but watch the struggles of the Holy Iron Knights and Leon of the Royal Guards, maintained their iron cannons with faster hands than ever before.


“jeon-! case history-! “Fire!”

The moment the iron guns placed on the walls of Area 13 regained their strength, the garrison commander’s loud voice rang out.

It was the beginning of a massive counterattack.


The sky fell.

The sound was loud enough for someone to mistake it for that.

Even though there was a gap of hundreds of meters, several of the Holy Iron Knights covered their ears, and even the monsters who had lost their senses due to ‘Berserk’ and ‘Frenzy’ were confused and struggling.

However, the monsters’ state of confusion did not last long.

This was because the shells, which fell a few beats later than the roar, mercilessly pulverized the body.

“…That’s outrageous firepower.”

Geoff, who saw the scene before his eyes, stuck out his tongue.

It was almost on par with the 5th tier fire magic ‘Fire Burst’, but there was one big difference between bombardment and magic.

It was the presence or absence of shells.

As the iron ball, which may have weighed several kilograms or more, struck faster than an arrow, the monsters in orbit exploded, scattering blood and pieces of flesh.

As soon as the artillery units begin to do their job, the advantage of force is immediately overturned.


‘I know!’

Leon flew up one step ahead of El Cid’s warning.

It’s Hrimturs.

Seeing that the second light attack was counterattacked, it seemed to realize that it should not target only Leon, and fired the light at a wider range than the first attack.

The density of force has been drastically reduced, but even at that level, the blood inside most living things freezes.

The cold rays must be offset from the front before they spread.


Raise the output of 〈Prominence〉 beyond its limits.

As the heat became infinitely concentrated, the sword body became incandescent. Even a sword made of mithril would have melted before it could last a few seconds, but the holy sword is the power of the goddess itself, which even Roderick could not destroy in the past.

Even with Leon’s power as a transcendent, it was impossible to overload the sword’s capacity.

‘If all the heat concentrated in one point were spread at a uniform density like that ray…!’

I understood the principle itself.

The question is, can the principle be reproduced with a single sword? Leon shook off his hesitation with the experience and training he had accumulated over the years.

I have already learned how to compress Auror Blade.

Sun Sword (太陽劍)

Hongryeongi (紅蓮二式)

A sphere of light that rises from the sword play.

There were only a few people who could know that the tiny sphere contained tremendous power. One wrong swing could set the horizon on fire.

Leon swung it once with a sword that was exactly symmetrical to the path of the cold ray.

At the same time, a ‘flare’ erupted like a wave of light.

Hua Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!

and the cold ray collided.

Heat and cold.

The atmosphere that overlaps between them freezes, thaws, contracts, and expands. The shock waves swirling in a hell-like environment tore even the monsters on the ground and swept away all the clouds in the sky, revealing an empty sky.

That was it.

The light that attempted to freeze all living beings in Area 13 was canceled out by a single sword strike and disappeared into thin air.


On the other side of the distant street, Hrimturus and Leon’s eyes met and their hostility towards each other escalated even further.

Still, I didn’t try to fight any more.

Today’s skirmish was merely an exploratory battle.

“The enemies are retreating!”

As someone said on the castle wall, the monsters that did not know how to take care of themselves, let alone retreat, were slowly retreating.

Most of them had been completely exhausted for a long time, so they fell while retreating and never got up again.

“…That’s it for today.”

There was no one on Jugend’s side who wanted to chase after him.

Area 13’s defense was high, but its attack power was insignificant compared to that. It was clear that if they engaged in a close battle with that number of monsters at a distance where they could not receive support from the bombardment unit, they would suffer great damage, let alone win.

However, when the Holy Iron Chain Knights and the Royal Guards chased after them, they were exhausted from fighting in an unfavorable situation.

[Because it’s a search war, they probably won’t have much time to spare, right?]

‘Starting tomorrow, the three of them will move together.’

There are as many as three monsters that you cannot let down your guard even if you face them one by one.

A giant wrapped in a frost storm.

8th rank warlock lich.

A troll shaman with three heads.

It didn’t take that long to complete the matchup in Leon’s mind about who should face whom.


When Leon came down from the sky and landed on the castle wall, a dwarf came running out of the distance to greet him. Looking at the armor style that was more ornate than that of the defenders and the cape fluttering behind his back, he could be judged to be a commander-level figure.

Sure enough, he introduced himself while bowing politely.

“Nice to meet you, warrior. “My name is Laudum, the garrison commander in charge of the defense forces of Area 13.”

It seemed like he had received some information from Area 1 in the meantime and knew the personal details of him and his colleagues.

Laudum wanted to immediately hand over command of the defensive forces to Leon, but the role was too much for Leon, who had not received training in Jugend’s military system and tactics.

Also, even though he had the authority to fight on the front lines, he was no better than a bright apricot.

“I hope that Lord Laudum will continue to lead the defense forces as before.”

The most important thing was the strategy from the next day.

Laudum, who had heard everything about the arrival of the Three Demon Lords and the Monster Wave reinforcements from Leon, said with a serious expression.

“It means you have to survive on your own for at least two days.”

“That’s right. Besides, today’s battle is ultimately a search battle, so starting tomorrow, they will try a strategy rather than a direct attack.”

“Can you give me an example?”

“Well, please wait a moment.”

Laudum was also a strong man who reached the highest level of Expert level, but the enemy leaders were monsters of a level he could not imagine.

Leon, looking down at the view of Area 13 from the top of the castle wall, came up with a few strategies to attack it from the monster’s perspective.

What if they are monsters that can use thousands of troops like expendables and replenish them at any time?

What if you could win by disabling your defense just once?

‘It could distort even the most fundamental framework of military strategy.’

Leon said.

“We must inspect underground areas that can infiltrate into the city and prepare a thorough defense posture in the sky.”

“Commercial…are you saying?”

I wasn’t surprised that it was as expected as far as the underground area, but when I pointed up to the sky, Laudum also looked devastated.

I’m not trying to discuss caution against flying monsters.

When I made the absurd assumption that monsters could literally rain down from the sky, he made a face. Still, Leon confirmed without adding a single word of exaggeration.

“I have experienced the shelling of Area 13 once, so I will not attempt to attack from the front. “I was also exposed to the method of neutralizing artillery units with cold rays.”

“Ha, but. How can monsters come to heaven?”

Laudum explained, pointing to various parts of the city.

“The anti-aircraft guns are equipped to a level where they can repel even a hundred wyverns flying in. “If that’s what you were concerned about…”

“There’s no other option.”

Leon cut off the conversation resolutely.

“First, evacuate residents throughout the area to a safe area and renovate all facilities except the core facilities. “With the dexterity of Jugend craftsmen, there is a lot that can be done in a day.”

“…If the hero says so, I will follow without further doubt.”

Although I was not convinced by his instructions until the end, the hero’s reputation made even the stubborn dwarf bow down once and enter.

It was also thanks to his performance today.

He blocks thousands of enemies single-handedly and even cuts down attacks of light that were trying to wipe out the entire area with one sword. That heroic appearance was enough to encourage even the smallest amount of trust.

While the dwarves took on their untimely workload with bewildered expressions, he quietly stared at the horizon.

Where the corpse-turned monsters had turned into undead and left, only traces covered in acid blood and the rotten smell remained.

This was the most annoying thing about Necromancy.

This means that expended troops can be reused, even if only temporarily.

‘We must quickly defeat either the lich or the giant.’

The three-headed troll shaman was also a powerful enemy, but his performance on the battlefield was not great compared to those two. It is probably a type that exerts greater power in small elite battles than in large-scale battles.

It might be okay if he comes directly to the front line, but if he’s just leading from the rear, it’s not worth giving priority to.

“Even if I’m not there, Ellahan and the Holy Iron Knights will be able to respond to the Lich, but…”

Frost Giant Hrimturs is another story.

Leon could sense it as soon as he saw him.

It can’t be defeated without him. Among the three monsters, the one that embodies natural disasters in the form of violence. The cold ray is only one of its tools, and the destructive power it can produce with its gigantic body is beyond imagination.

If you just rush into Area 13 without hesitation, you will be able to break through from the walls to the center of the city.

‘I guess I’m the only one who can stop that.’

Before I knew it, the western sky was turning red.

Today ends and tomorrow comes.

Tomorrow is sure to be many times harsher and more difficult.

* * *

It was the very next day.

In a way, can we say that it was as Leon expected?

Area 13 was exposed to an attack that had never been considered before. An attack method that could not be imagined even though the country had tactical and strategic weapons that were several levels superior to those of other countries.

Garrison Commander Laudum was finally able to understand what Leon said yesterday. Humans and monsters are not only different in appearance, but also in their fundamental ways of thinking. When you think it makes no sense, that part is a loophole.

Even after realizing it all, Laudum had no choice but to speak out.

“How can you do something so ridiculous…!?”

It wasn’t like this when I saw a giant over 50 meters tall appear from beyond the horizon. It was the same when I saw the unidentified rock he was carrying.

A grayish-white stone block the size of a small hill.

I just thought that if that rock was thrown at the castle gate, it would definitely be a threat.

It was then.


Leon, who recognized the identity of the rock before anyone else, flew up at high speed, but was one step late.

The rock that left Hrimturth’s hand flew into the sky of Area 13. The sword light of the flashed several times and immediately shattered the gray-white giant rock, but the firepower was too insufficient to wipe out its bulk.

Fragments of the shattered rock fell inside the city of Area 13.


…Pluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuued, and

countless scattered rock fragments, or rather bone fragments, stick together and turn into thousands of skeleton soldiers.


A representative example of low-level undead that can be created with .

Rattle, rattle, rattle.

However, the 8th rank warlock painstakingly infused his power and even poured resentment and curses into the three-headed troll shaman’s bone fragments.

The result was truly terrifying.

The grey-white bone fragments turned black when they became skeletons, and acquired a strength that could not be easily broken even with an Auror Weapon. Thousands of skeleton soldiers each one stronger than an apprentice knight.

Rattle, rattle, rattle!

An army of skeletons released in the middle of the city began to run, raising their bone swords.

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