Overpowered Witch Reincarnation

Chapter 20: Miss Witch is a Black Mist Killer

Chapter 20: Miss Witch is a Black Mist Killer

Leaving the feast through a portal, I soon arrived in my domain. It didn’t take long for Sine to run up and hug me as I entered the manor.


This time the small bat she had summoned before rested on her shoulder, making a cute high-pitched “kyuu.”

Sumire remained at a distance further back, while I patted Sine’s head and gave the bat chin scratches.

“Did you two have fun while I was gone?” I asked.

Sine nodded her head and hugged me tighter.

“She wouldn’t stop asking ‘where is witch’ while we tried to decipher your books,” Sumire said, finally coming closer and leaning on the wall. “Anyway, how did it go?”

“It seems I have to take you both back to the—”


“Wait, let me finish, Sine,” I said, becoming eye level with her. “I have to take you back with me. I will be going as well. They won’t listen to me unless you both come, but of course, I will leave the decision up to you.”

Sine shook her head.

“Sine, don’t you see you are causing trouble for Eerie?” Sumire asked. “It’s not like you won’t see her anymore if she is coming along.”

Sine pouted but grabbed my hand. “I won’t let witch out of my sight.”


The dining hall went silent when we arrived back. That was all except for King Tallow. He began laughing heartily. “See, I told you she’d bring them.”

Mary nodded in agreement, looking smug. “She is Eerie, after all.”

“Oi!” The black haired axe man bounded over to stand before us. He looked to Sine who still held my hand. “What’s the big deal, anyway!?”

The priestess in white robes—from the throneroom before—bounded over. “Calm down, Jugon!” She walked over and hugged Sumire. “I am just glad you are alright!”

“I am glad to see you, too, Riri.”

The soft reunion was broken by the king’s clapping. “Splendid! Now, there will be no reservations, I suppose?” He looked pointedly at the heroes, one at a time.

That was when I noticed the last two heroes—the only ones that hadn’t made a ruckus. One was a small boy with freckles, glasses, and black hair. He slumped in his seat and made himself small.

The last one was a boy with a similar build and no freckles. His presence was almost nothing in comparison to the others. If they were a party in a game, I could bet on him being the rogue.

Following the King’s question and a long silence, the blonde haired one spoke. “How do we know that she didn’t do anything to them? Just look how tightly Sine is clinging to her! She wasn’t like that with anyone before!”

“Yea! He is right!” Jugon said.

“None of that even matters!” Duke Granford’s yell stopped the commotion. He looked towards King Tallow and took a knee. “Your Majesty, please, I have a request.”

“What is it?”

“I would like to ask of this witch...No, Miss Witchhat, if she could save my daughter!”

“Miss Witch can do anything,” Sine said.

Sweat started to pool on my brow. This child threw me to the wolves! I looked towards Mary, but she smiled, giving a thumbs up. “It’s true! I can attest to that.”

“Then…” Duke Granford stood up and ran over, grabbing my shoulders. “You really can! Please, I will give you anything you desire.”

“Hoh…” The king stood as well, walking over. “I would like to bare witness to this scene as well.” He looked back to the heroes. “And if she does save his daughter, I presume that will prove her trustworthiness.”

Jugon huffed. “Whatever! If something happens, don’t go crying to Riri!”


With trepidation, we trudged to the Duke’s manor. My hand shook. Just what were they expecting of a traveling actress witch? I felt Sine grip my hand tighter and whisper. “Don’t worry. Witch can do it.”

I sincerely thanked her, but my heart felt heavy. Actresses weren’t supposed to be responsible for people’s lives! Especially not children, yet that’s what they all expected of me.

I shook my head and focused on the growing mansions of the noble district. They would easily make way for us. Not only was the King here, but so was his guard. They gradually became larger and larger for each station.

The Duke’s definitely proved to be the largest—a white stone building, towering over the landscape. The garden was immaculate, and there was a stone fountain out front. The two guards at the metal gate surrounding the place let us in without a fuss, but even the grandeur of this paled in comparison to my own home.

However, I did notice my own home was distinctly lacking in the welcoming maids that opened the door for us. I took a mental note of that as we began walking up the stairs.

My stomach turned with each step, and time slowed. With enhanced hearing I could hear the labored breathing already. I could tell that this was a serious gig. And something deep inside me stirred—a memory.

There was a memory of a white room filled with blood bags. A memory of people so close to death in a hospital ward.

The only thing to snap me out of it was Sine squeezing my hand tightly. And much to my surprise, the other hand was squeezed by Mary.

“Hey, Eerie, there is no need to be so tense,” Mary said. “Remember you wanted to be an actor? Think of this like the greatest act.” She paused as we reached the top of the steps. “And whatever happens, I will be your friend.”

“Witch can do it.”

Only a few of us were allowed entry into the room. Most of the heroes had to stay outside. Riri, Me, The Duke, and The King were the only ones allowed in front of Granford’s sick daughter.

I noticed the problem right away when I put magic into my eyes. A dark aura clung to her and when I put my ear to her mouth, her breaths were becoming more and more faint. She would not even live another week if I didn’t do something.

But the aura brought another memory—not one from Earth. It was a memory from here. A sick plant in the forest had this same aura, no doubt about it. I grinned. This was definitely something I could do.

I pulled out a small green wand with a large gem at the end. Focusing magic into it created a hovering, green circle above the Duke’s daughter.

“That won’t work…” Riri started to say.

But I wasn’t done. On top of that was layered another green circle. And then another. And another. And another. Until they broke through the ceiling of the manor. In that instant, I stored the rubble into my inventory as the onlookers began gasping.

The circles kept going higher and higher until they pierced the clouds. It was like a giant green mist pierced the sky and settled on the Duke’s daughter.

“Are you sure this is safe!” He yelled, but it was too late.

The circles each rotated a cascade of healing magic. After all, if the problem was a sickness that which was this intense, then I just needed to create an equally intense healing spell.

It was over in seconds. The green beam annihilated the black mist. Not only that, but every nook and cranny of the city filled with black mist was annihilated.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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