Overpowered Wizard

Chapter 22: Some Good Gains

After facing Naomi’s anger, Zarian had Para guide everyone to a bathroom with a working sink, toilet, and shower. They washed their hands, cleaned off their faces, and picked off pieces of flesh and chitin from their bodies.

Then they dove into the food and drinks in the banquet room. The food was cold, but it tasted good after having bug-meat for a long while. It was nothing like Foodie’s cooking, of course.

Bianca burst into tears and made an oath to become stronger just so they could free Foodie and have more of her cooking. Zarian and the others understood the sentiment very well.

They grew comfortable sitting around a dining table and talking about their experiences in the White Spider Dungeon.

They hadn’t known exactly what they would face before going into a dungeon. Granted, they were sorely missing key information as outsiders, and the lore from Foodie had only scratched the surface. So Zarian was glad that the dungeon crawl had worked out the way it did.

“The System played music for you? While in a life and death match with a giant spider monster? Who was the boss of this place? It played MUSIC!?” Gilbert was struggling to comprehend the gamey nature of the dungeon. “That’s just downright silly!”

“Not as silly as this fool giving himself magical lobotomy and calling it training,” Naomi grouched before tearing apart into another sandwich, as if she wanted the meal to hurt while she ate.

Zarian shook his head at her, chuckling. Damn, that woman was intimidating.

She held me up and shook me for ten minutes straight. While giving me a Marine-style ass chewing.

At the very least, Zarian could recall bits and pieces of all that happened. His memory was foggy during the more routine dungeon crawl and mob fights, but the boss fight itself remained mostly crystal clear to him.

He owed Reiki another dance, which he mentioned aloud, holding nothing back.

“Zarian, we haven’t known each other long, but it’s been long enough.” Bianca gave him a small smile and placed her hand on his. “I don’t recommend pursuing a big spider monster lady even if she has some nice dance moves. Are you ready to handle hundreds or thousands of spider babies?”

Hannah broke out into a large fit of laughter, which was so uncharacteristic, Gilbert even erupted into a hearty bellow. It was contagious, affecting Bianca soon enough before Naomi let out a few chuckles.

Zarian grinned at them, enjoying the ambiance despite the horrors they’d suffered.

Then Naomi shifted the mood by tossing out the card she’d been holding in her hand for a while now.

It slid to a stop closer to Zarian and revealed some information, like a business card would. The text was in fine calligraphy on good quality paper.

Ekri the Tailor

Silk Felt Delights - Tailor Shop

White Silk District - Carrowmore

‘Look your best for every adventure. It could be your last.’

Naomi explained her encounter with a scarily powerful man-spider – a different take on drider in the Infinita Star System. Zarian and the others listened intently. Maybe the others might’ve noticed, or maybe not, but there were a couple of details that felt a little too vague in Naomi’s story.

Zarian had a hard time imagining Naomi and Ekri just sitting and talking and nothing else. He was a little curious if there was more that Naomi wasn’t revealing, since Ekri sounded fairly eccentric, but he didn’t press her on it.

“This is the second time we’ve met unfathomably powerful creatures in the evil alignment,” Hannah said. “This is the second time we’ve survived these encounters when we should be dead.”

“Is evil really evil here?” Bianca asked.

“Evil can take any shape or form,” Gilbert said. “I know we’re in a gamey, fantasy setting with these level ups and stats. But true evil isn’t always overt. The Devil can be the most patient creature there is when he wants to cause havoc.”

“I’m evil,” Zarian said, “and yet I’m just doing my thing.”

The others, except for Naomi, seemed to struggle with Zarian’s ‘evil’ claim.

Naomi looked intensely into Zarian’s eyes before glancing down at Ekri’s calling card.

“I didn’t get as much out of him as I should’ve, but if the Grimrock Warlock is as vain and troubled as he makes her sound, maybe we can use that,” Naomi said. “Insecurity can work in all sorts of ways.”

“It’s pretty simple to me.” Bianca took a sip from her mug. “Once the father passed, the mother lost it. Then she saw her daughter was following in her father’s footsteps and was probably going to do way better than her. So the mother had a freak out from worry, envy, jealousy, all the above. She had all her goblins corrupted at Grimrock, then she enslaved Foodie to keep her there forever.”

Zarian and the others gawked at Bianca.

“What? It’ll make for a good Telenovela,” Bianca said. “So, obviously, her greatest weakness is Foodie. Maybe her second greatest weakness is feeling old and ugly and on the verge of death, like most older women. No offense, Hannah.”

“I’m only thirty,” Hannah said.

“Yes, yes, senorita, you’re so young.” Bianca smiled brightly.

Hannah looked like she wanted to kill Bianca, and Zarian didn’t blame her.

As for the insecurity weakness of the Grimrock Warlock, Zarian didn’t think the info seemed to change much of anything.

Granted, maybe the point wasn’t to gain some secret weapon that would solve all of their issues. Maybe the point was having a psychological weapon in their back pocket that could get into the minds of their future enemy.

Their conversations carried on for a few hours, flowing from one topic to another. Zarian talked in length about his grimoire experiments to dual-cast spells, which led to his ill-advised lobotomy training, and then the fight with Reiki.

The others were amazed how his Honored Outsider status could provide some extra perks from the System. That and he had the attention of the gods.

Shadowfell was a known element prior to entering the dungeon, but now they knew for sure she was paying attention to them, or to Zarian, at least. That was a little nerve whacking. Her own tears could twist creatures into bigger monsters than they were already.

The outsiders seemed immune to that. What if Shadowfell tried to remove their immunity or do worse?

Hisscreep was a new factor, one of the other Evil Gods. Naomi mentioned how Ekri prayed to that god, so maybe Hisscreep was popular among spider folks.

Then there were Purgehunt and Purehome, a god and goddess of good. They’d disapprove of Zarian’s actions against the boss. Maybe they didn’t like how he won or became friends with Reiki toward the end.

“The lore in the Infinita Star System is crazy,” Zarian said. “Because those are some badass names that tell you a lot about them. How much you’ll bet that Purgehunt and Purehome are married?”

It wasn’t much of a bet. They could all draw to that conclusion and guesstimate that those two might be the most puritanical of the gods. Zarian having their disapproval concerned Hannah and Gilbert the most, even though the big man admitted he didn’t think they were true capital G ‘gods,’ but magical idols claiming as such.

Bianca waved it off. “It’s whatever, right? Evil is not exactly super evil here. So maybe good isn’t exactly super good here.”

“Ahem,” Hannah coughed into her fist.

Bianca’s expression turned wooden.

“Ahem,” Hannah coughed into her fist again.

Zarian looked between the two women. He glanced at Gilbert, but he was paying attention to something in the corner.

“So, Zarian, we haven’t known each other long, but I think it’s been long enough.” Bianca smiled nervously.

“What is it?”

She told him the class she wanted to pick. It was called Light Bringer Child, an epic class that would change Searing Flash to Searing Flash Array and provide one uncommon trait and one rare trait along with two skills of her choice. It sounded great to Zarian until she mentioned how it was aligned with good.

“Well, I want to say congrats to you guys even if I’m repeating myself,” Zarian said. “I’m glad you went all out and grew so much.”

“It was only a few levels,” Gilbert muttered as the only one who didn’t have a class or an option to select one yet. He was Level 9.

“The hard work and new attitude matters more,” Zarian said.

“The new attitude especially.” Naomi sipped from her mug. “The moment you all appeared here, you looked more like killers. And based on your stories, you three really pushed it.”

“Would’ve been nice to have more experience and more levels, but the minimap saved our bacon a bunch, so I can’t complain,” Gilbert said.

“And I won’t complain if you want me to choose a rare neutral type!” Bianca said.

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“Choose the epic class. It sounds like a good fit for you, pun intended.” Zarian chuckled.

“Oh, thank god, Shadowfell, or whoever. I really wanted it.” Before anyone could correct Bianca on who she should thank, she selected the epic class.

Zarian watched her flinch in her chair and take in a sharp breath. Then she slunk back and zoned out, now focused on picking her new skills and looking over her information.

Meanwhile, Zarian felt something from her that … wasn’t exactly to his liking. She felt more strict now, more controlling, more oppressive.

She felt like a potential enemy.

Bianca blinked rapidly a few times. Then she focused sharply on Zarian and stared him down. Her gaze held an intensity in it that was almost triggering.

She frowned at him.

Zarian held a neutral expression on his face.

“Interesting,” Hannah said, breaking the silence. “Now that we have one good aligned and one evil aligned, we can see the dynamics play out.”

“It feels like you’re going to throw me in the slammer, Bianca,” Zarian said. “What did I do to deserve your judgment?”

“It feels like you’re going to burn down a church and take candy from a baby,” Bianca replied. “I need to stay vigilant, just to be sure.”

Zarian blinked. “I have taken candy from a baby once when I was five. I guess I’m guilty as charged.”

Bianca glared at him for a while before breaking into a fit of giggles and waving it off. “Okay, so it feels like there’s this big, evil presence across from me. But once I get past that, it becomes … normal-ish. Still all dark and evil, but I can get used to it.”

“Same, but from the other side of the coin,” Zarian explained. “She’s a do-gooder, and it’s kind of over the top and way too strict. But as long as she lets me be, we can coexist. It’s definitely a little trippy when everything was fine earlier.”

Gilbert let out a big whoop of a breath. “Okay, well, this good and evil alignment stuff has a major effect on us. I’m definitely sticking to neutral, because I thought you two were going to fight like cats and dogs, and I don’t want any of that nonsense messing with me.”

“This is still troubling,” Hannah said. “I don’t know how advanced Infinita’s societies are in the humanities, but if it’s truly based on medieval fantasy, many people would murder and torture for the most ridiculous reasons. To have these two morally opposing forces compelling their sides to want to fight each other is social manipulation of the grandest order. Almost like a chess game between those who claim ‘good’ and those who claim ‘evil’.”

“What’s the end goal?” Naomi asked.

“It doesn’t have to have an end goal,” Zarian said, grabbing another sandwich. “As long as the gods or whoever is in control remain in control, they can perpetuate this as long as they want.”

“You think so?” Hannah asked.

Zarian shrugged, took a bite from the sandwich, and swallowed. “Yeah, I think so. It’s just like how our old world operates. People up top are doing all they can to control the people at the bottom. Making them choose sides and work against each other blinds them to what’s above.”

“Foodie said that gods have died from the Sixth Divine War of this era,” Hannah said.

“I didn’t say they can’t be petty and self-destructive. And you just said it, the ‘Sixth’ Divine War, which means this had happened multiple times. I don’t need to be a genius to think we’re pieces on a board between egomaniacs.”

Zarian chewed on his sandwich some more before speaking again.

“Granted, I like this version of the board better compared to the old one. I have powerful magic that I can grow. Maybe I’ll get to smack a god or two down the road.”

“Zarian, you’re so blasphemous. So bad,” Bianca said, shaking her head with a smile. “Still kind of cool, though. No amount of goodness in me can blind me to that.”

“Okay, this is getting too deep and weird and Anti-Christ for me. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but let’s go back to the silly magic game stuff,” Gilbert suggested.

Zarian and the others agreed, although Hannah looked like she wanted to dive deeper into the morals and philosophies and stakes. The big picture stuff.

She was the most curious about how all of this worked overall with the System. Zarian was curious, too, but down-to-earth magic stuff was really fun and hard to deny.

He led everyone to the magic chests waiting in the corner and flipped them open one after the other without ceremony. Bianca looked at him like he stole tithe from a church and made out with a nun.

Apparently, he should’ve been more ceremonious with the treasures.

I’m going to enjoy being evil if Bianca keeps giving me those hilarious do-gooder expressions. Zarian smiled at her, and she shook her head and gave him a tut-tut.

Inside one treasure chest, they found what looked like a shrunken tower shield. Zarian pulled it out, and the shield expanded to its full size. Apparently, the treasure chests used warped spatial magic to contain any sort of loot.


Zarian tried to take the chest into Para’s dimensional storage, but the object resisted, staying welded to the floor. Damn, the System had thought ahead of Zarian’s cheesy attempt.

Other clever people must’ve tried this trick and did so much irreparable damage the System patched it.

The disappointment didn’t last for long. Zarian took out all the items from the three treasure chests. It was a nice haul.

“This one’s yours, Gilbert,” Zarian said, after explaining its info.

“Thanks chief.”

The next set of loot was a long-sleeve top and bottom with armored plates attached to silky material:

“I find it curious that this scaling mechanic is involved in so many areas of our new lives,” Hannah said. “Is it because as we grow stronger, our abilities and equipment can keep up with us until we find better replacements?”

“Or if you have a really strong stat, you can min-max your way into being a menace with the right abilities and gear,” Zarian said. “I like designs like these. The System encourages unique styles by rewarding specialities instead of generalists. Everyone’s going to have a weakness. Everyone’s going to have advantages. Makes it more fun that way.”

Bianca opened and closed her mouth, uncertain of what she had to say.

“Yes, Bianca, this means you’re my biggest weakness right now.” Zarian smiled at her. “I’ll adapt and overcome. It’ll be good for me. With your help, maybe I can get better at dealing with you tyrants of light.”

“Hmph! Well, if you think you can handle it, I’ll flash you whenever!” Bianca declared.

“Pause,” Gilbert said. “Whose the suit going to?”

Everyone looked interested. Their current clothing was nothing more than dirty rags.

“Hannah,” Zarian declared, passing it to her.

A few envious glares went in her direction. Hannah looked at Zarian with eyes wide with surprise.

He shrugged back at her. She was the only one who hadn’t gotten a magic item yet. She needed the most protection, too. She’d chosen a utility class to support the entire party instead of choosing a class that would’ve improved her direct fighting capabilities.

“Thank you … Zarian,” Hannah said. “You’re, um, too kind.”

Zarian waved her off and moved onto the next.

“Gilbert, it must be your birthday. Here’s another one for you,” Zarian said charmingly.

“Evil,” Bianca whispered, eyes narrowed.

The big guy looked nervously at the spider-shaped amulet held by a thick, silky rope dangling from Zarian’s hand. He looked at Zarian as if waiting for a trap to spring.

“I’m getting way too much, chief,” Gilbert said.

“Nonsense!” Zarian leaned closer and patted Gilbert’s muscular arm. “Look at you. Big. Strong-looking. And the way you like to fight up front is admirable. Yes … yes … you truly are my tank.”

Zarian forced the amulet onto Gilbert as the big man held his head low. With that out of the way, Zarian told the others to rest up.

They were going to run the White Spider Dungeon again as a full group. He even planned to have them see Reika.

They took turns showering, Bianca going first since she was the youngest. When Zarian and others heard her shout in pure glee about the high pressure and temperature control runes, they had another round of drinks.

“Sir, let me help you with your hair next time,” Naomi said from across the bunk room they were sharing.

Zarian and Gilbert took one side while the ladies took the other. There was a pull curtain in the middle of the room to separate the sexes, which was a thoughtful addition from the dungeon.

“Oh, good idea! Want to do our hair, Hannah?” Bianca asked.

“I’m honestly terrible at that. I’ve always paid heavily at my salon.”

“I did a lot of odd jobs all over and hair is one of them. We’ll work it out together.”

“I can do my own,” Gilbert grunted.

“Should I take your silence as a no, sir?” Naomi asked stiffly.

“Sorry, I was just thinking of the last time I had my hair taken care of. Been a while, y’know? So, the answer is yes, if you don’t mind.”

Eventually, the others fell asleep except Zarian, who remained awake and deep in thought. A lot of incredible things happened over the course of a day. And there was more waiting for them, which had Zarian both excited and bothered.

Ariana should be here, experiencing it all with him. Thinking of her was the reason Zarian hesitated in opening his achievement.

He felt a part of himself was missing after years of Ariana being there during the few good times and the many bad times.

She’s somewhere out there. Once I find her, I’ll tell her everything in detail.

Feeling a little better, Zarian moved his attention toward a new addition to his profile other than the achievement. The new part of his profile had shown up during the boss fight. He still had the notification for it.

He pulled it up:

Zarian smiled. There was a lot to like about the Star System. Being able to advance skills after proficient use was a fun feature.

Unfortunately, all progress was lost once the skill was altered or changed under a class selection.

Hannah’s Basic Enchantment sacrificed all of its levels to get Enchantment, Level 1. Bianca’s Searing Flash suffered the same consequence when it became Searing Flash Array, Level 1.

However, their new skills were probably more advanced than the old versions. It was a net win overall.

Personal Level 40 would introduce them to their first class advancement selection. Zarian wondered if any of his current skills would get replaced. Or would he get new skills added to his profile?

“What happens when you max out your alpha skill section?” Zarian asked under his breath, staring up at the ceiling. All he heard in response was Gilbert’s rumbling snores.

Moving on, Zarian finally opened up his newest achievement.

SSS Dance with White Silk Reiki (Epic): Your performance with Reiki drew the direct attention of the gods even while still a newbie. With this epic achievement, you are granted a new skill: Summon Spectral Spiders!>

Amazed, Zarian pulled up his entire profile to see how much he’d grown in the Infinita Star System.


Origins: Zarian Darkrun, 21 yr-old Human, Honored Outsider.

Class: Dark Wizard Apprentice (Epic).

Level: 27

Alignment: Evil +1

Traits: Dark Affinity (Rare), Overpower (Epic), Identify (Rare).

Alpha Skills (3/3): Straight Darkness +1 (Level 10), Grimoire of Dark Arts 101 (Level 7), Parasite Cloak (Level 9).

Beta Skills (1/12): Summon Spectral Spiders (Level 1).

Willpower: 84

Strength: 22

Agility: 30

Wonder: 53

Mysticism: 190

Free: 0

Achievements: Honored Outsider (Divine), SSS Dance with White Silk Reika (Epic).

Spells: Bloody Lifesteal (Uncommon), Raise Advancing Skeletons (Rare).


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