Paradigm Parasite

Chapter 101: "Temptation"

Chapter 101: "Temptation"

After staring at each other for a while, the man exhales, as if defeated.

"I get it. This is the reason I've been looking at you."

He points to the red eye.

"This one is the essence of the creature. According to the people at Tuke's, it's called 'the essence of Eidos" seen from the outside. And you look just like the apostles I saw before...or even crazier."

I see.

I'm very interested to see how crazy you are, Eidos....

Perhaps "soul" and "karma" are the same thing, but I don't care what you call them, you should unify the way you call them.

The point is, this guy is in a position where he could be attacked by an apostle, and he thought I was an enemy because I looked like an apostle who appeared in front of him.

At any rate, I understand why he got involved with me.

Now it's my turn to respond....

What should I say?

"I'm going to ask you again. What are you?"

The man asks a series of questions.

I was a little lost, and then I turned to ...... and said.

"I'm just an adventurer. At least I don't have the title of apostle."

I decided to be casual.

I show him the plate I wear around my neck.

"You're trying to smoke me out, aren't you?"

"I just don't know how to answer that question myself."

I don't think it would ring a bell if I said I was a reincarnated person, and I don't have the right to tell you.

The man gives me a probing look.

"Then I would change the question. Are you human?"

"I am a human being. In terms of race."

This is true.

"Are you related to Darzain or Tuke?"

"I've been tangled up with them before, but I'm not involved."

At least I don't have time to get involved with people like you.

"...Well, that's all right. I doubt it, but I don't think you're one of them."

The man clicked his tongue and walked out of the hut.

What was it?

I didn't understand until the very end, but at least I got something out of it, so that was good.

When I went outside, the sun was setting. The library...tomorrow.

But still, it's Eidos, isn't it? I don't know what to do about it.

For the time being.

"Let's go back to the inn."

"I'm sorry. Could you say that again?"

"Ha. The surveillance failed, and six of the nine men were killed."

Impulsively, I almost killed the man in front of me, but I managed to stop myself.

I - Gerch took a deep breath to calm down.

"You sent them out with confidence that they were not partakers, but skilled in concealed forms, and now this is the result? What are you doing?"

There are so many things that have been irritating me lately that I feel like I'm losing my mind.

The mission that seems to have been so reckless, the continuous failures, the loss of subordinates, and to top it all off, the departure of Guardio, who was jointly in charge of the mission.

What is this? Is Algrini testing my patience? Is this a new kind of patience contest?

The departure of Guardio is especially painful.

He left his men behind, but now I'm the only one in charge.

It's frustrating, but Gardio is much better at this kind of leadership than I am.

Essentially, my specialty and that of my subordinates is recruiting and information gathering using our abilities.

Combat and covert action are the domain of Guardio and Jennette, and I don't think it's my place to be involved....

I returned my attention to my subordinate who was shrinking in front of me.

"So, what have you found out?"

Let's switch. I need a little information now.

"Yes, ma'am. The target's behavior itself was the same as usual, but only today he was heading to the favela with someone."

"Not a fellow party member?"

"Yes. I've never seen him before, at least I'm told so."

That's unusual.

The target is generally not actively talking to anyone other than his own people.

Based on our investigation so far, it is unlikely that there is anything behind the man, and we are almost certain that it is an individual.

...although that title is something that cannot be ignored....

There are several possibilities.

First of all, it could simply be a friend who has been hiding in plain sight.

In that case, it would be dangerous to carelessly touch him.

I once made a move on that man's associates and was mildly depressed when I recalled the ...... results.

Next is the kind of merchants.

In the case of using what they took from Tuke for some kind of trade.

Frankly, we would be grateful if that were the case.

We could take it after the thing was out of the man's hands.

"Since the surveillance has been hit, he will be on the lookout for us, so we might as well attack the person who made contact with him."

We might be able to use them as hostages, or we might be able to use our abilities to entrap them.

"Helga! Are you there?"

"Yes, yes! What is it?"

I shouted and Helga, one of my subordinates, came into the room while replying.

She appeared with her ample breasts shaking as usual.

"I have a guy I want you to check out."

"I can go. I'll take Lorena and Elisa with me."

"Yes, please. And..."

I look at my subordinate who has come to report in front of me.

The subordinate hurriedly hands Helga a stack of papers summarizing the report.

Helga reads through the contents, saying, "Mmm-hmm."

When she finished reading the report, she handed me back the bundle of papers and asked me with a mild smile on her face.

"By the way, how far do you want me to do this?"

"If you think you can do it, you can intercept them and get information out of them. If you can't, just keep an eye on them."

"Yes, yes. I understand."

With a small wave of her hand, Helga left the room.

I lightly rolled up the stack of papers in my hand.

If he entered this town in a legitimate way, we can easily find out his identity by checking him out.

What is it...what is it...his name is Roe. Blue 3rd level adventurer.

Adventurer? Not a merchant?

I look over the brief biography, but there's nothing interesting...hmm?

In the request history, I see a slightly worrisome description.

Defeating a new species of monster that attacked the city.

The location is Tirani.

By accomplishing this request, he has risen from Yellow Level 2 to Blue Level 3 in one fell swoop.

In the remarks column, it also says that he worked together with a red 3rd level adventurer, so I can just say that he got some extra help, but the problem is the description after that.

Update history of the recognition plates. The latest is of course here - Urs Laguna, but before that is Oldia.

A chill ran down my spine.

Oldia...isn't that where Algrini said it was?

And if you look at the time period, it was just before the incident....

Gardio or Signore might have said something about being lucky and probed, but what I felt was unease.

I wonder why I'm attracting such strange people when I'm on my way to losing my true target....

Although I was worried about Helga, who I let go, she is a "second-ranked tetrarch," despite her appearance. She will do well.

From the report, there is a high possibility that this man named Roe is a survivor of Oldia.

If we go well, we might be able to get some information from him.

With my business done, I let all of my men leave the room and leave myself alone.


I lean back deeply in the chair I am sitting in, exhale deeply, and close my eyes.

I'll definitely take a rest after this matter is settled.

I'll retreat to the countryside. I'll definitely do that.

"...I'm going to get some sleep."

I decided to take a nap first.

When was the last time I slept properly?

...I want to sleep on a bunk bed for goodness sake.

[Mc Pov]

The sun had set and I was walking down the dimly lit street toward the inn.

Despite my gait, I felt heavy.

I was worried because there was a possibility that Darzain might have spotted me again.

If I believed the man's words, a few people had escaped.

If I couldn't kill them all, they would report me to their superiors.

And then what?

Even if it's just a matter of being an apostle or something, I've gone to the trouble of doing something that's going to get me noticed, even if it's just a consequence. The odds are pretty high that they'll come to me.

There's a difference between being attacked out of the blue and being recruited....

...Just when I thought I didn't want any trouble, this happens.

The future is uncertain, but there is no use in being pessimistic.

First, I will see what the other side will do.

Their goal is that weird chuuni guy, not me.

If they lose interest in me, I'll do what I have to do and leave Royal Capital.

I'd like to kill them all like I did with Oldia, but... it's probably futile.

If anyone who can see me sees me, it will be the same thing all over again.

...I guess there is nothing I can do unless I solve the fundamental problem.

If I don't somehow learn how to fool their eyes, I'm going to be screwed in the near future.

As I was walking and thinking...


I bumped into someone.

The other person lost her balance and was about to fall, but before she could do so, I grabbed her arm and pulled her back so she wouldn't fall.

Oh no. Did I concentrate too much on my thoughts?

I was so focused on the suspicious guy with the magic that I seemed to have neglected my steps.

"I'm sorry. Are you hurt?"

"Oh, I'm fine. Thank you."

The first thing I noticed about the person I bumped into was her huge breasts.

The next thing I looked up and saw was a woman with a gentle smile on her face - a gentle face with lowered corners of her eyes.

From the looks of it, she doesn't seem to be hurt, so we're good to go.

But still, a woman walking alone at this hour of the day is ...... none of my business?

I bowed lightly and was about to walk away when she caught me by the arm.

"What is it?"


The woman suddenly started fidgeting.

As I was wondering, she pressed her chest against my arm while her cheeks were tinted.

"Actually, I'm...well, I'm in that kind of business. I was just looking for a customer. I guess this is just a coincidence..."

She glanced at me with a red face as she said this.

Her first reaction, her voluptuous body, and, as if to make matters worse, her breasts pressed against me.

"How about it? I'm not used to it, so it might not be very good."

"I'm not interested in ....... I'm sorry, but could you find someone else?"

If you have all this, most men will fall for it.

Well, it won't work on me.

If I may add, your moves, they're too polished.

From bumping into me to touting me, it's as if you've got it all down to a tee.

You definitely have a script. The bump must have been part of the script.

...And that's why you're selling spring to the fools who fell for it.

Damn. I haven't met anyone decent lately.

I gently pulled off the woman who was clinging to my arm.

"Wait, please wait~"

This time, she jumped into my chest.

"Please don't say that. I'll do my best. Okay?"

Then she breathed softly on me.

I frown. Something smells sweet.

It's just like the one the plants were emitting sometime ago.

Is that it?

Is this some kind of seductive smell?

They even use this stuff? Royal Capital, what a scary place.

"Look elsewhere."

No matter how much money I have in my pocket, I don't want to go with a woman touting this kind of shady business.

The woman who was refused turned her head down after her face scrunched up as if she was shaken.

I guess she was surprised that the strange smell didn't work.

I pulled her off and this time she moved away without resisting.

I took one look at her and headed back to the inn this time.

The woman remained face down.

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