Paradigm Parasite

Chapter 112: "Knight"

Chapter 112: "Knight"

"Helga! Elisa! Thank God you're okay."

It was while I, Elisa, was treating Helga when Sister Jelchi came running into the hiding place with a bloody look on her face.

When she saw Helga's injuries, she sprinkled some of her magic medicine on her wounds.

"I'm glad she's okay, too."

"......The other girls..."

I look away from her.

"I'm sorry. This time it was my fault."

Helga shook her head and hugged Jelchi, who looked down at her with sadness.

"Don't blame yourself. It was only because Jelchi-chan was up there restraining that man that we were able to escape safely, you know? So for now, let's rejoice that we are safely reunited."

"That's right, sister! It's thanks to you that we managed to escape!

Jelchi smiled at our words, and then quickly tightened her expression.

"Thanks. Thank you...hmmm. First, let's think about what we're going to do. First, we need to gather the girls who are scattered around town. It's difficult to move in the capital now that we've been beaten up so much, so I'm going to leave once and meet up with Guardio and the others."

"I heard Gaudio-san left, but what happened?"

"There was a problem in Nordia. He's going there with Signoret."

"If that problem isn't solved, Mr. Guardio can't come over here..."

Jelchi shook her head.

"I'm sure that will be fine. I have an excuse to call him back. I don't want to take too long, so Helga can rest here while I and Elisa gather the others."


"It's okay."

She forced Helga to sit down and took me with her out of the hiding place.

"Elisa. We'll split up and go around. We'll be ready and out of the capital by nightfall. Can you go?"

I nodded emphatically, "Of course."

We parted after she gave me specific instructions for the rest of the day.

Thinking in my mind about the most efficient way to get around the city, I left my sister and headed for my friends.

The Royal Capital is a big place.

It was impossible for me to visit all the bases by myself, so I told my companions to call out to the other bases and ran.

Despite all the commotion, the city had not changed.

The people's comings and goings are the same.

Nothing...has changed.

Seeing the town like that, I feel a kind of anger.

Why are the people in this town smiling while I'm in so much pain?

Why are these unimportant people still alive when Lorena and the others are not?

My thoughts and emotions, clouded by exhaustion and frustration, are seeking an outlet.

How many bases have I visited?

The sun is setting and night is almost upon us. Time is running out.

Suddenly, I think.

If only that hadn't happened...if only those people hadn't been there, I would be having a hot meal with Lorena and the others right now....

No, let's not think about that.

If I should think about it, I should think about something more hopeful.

If we leave the capital and join up with Mr. Gardio and the others, we will be able to take a respite in terms of strength.

She said she had an excuse to call him back.

Then, if things go well, someone stronger might come.

If that happens, we might be able to defeat those monsters.

Maybe we could avenge Lorena and the others... no, we would!

Yes, it is unforgivable that those people are alive and well while everyone else is dead.

My hatred is boiling.

I'm beginning to feel comfortable with it.

Burning anger helps me forget my fatigue and gives me the energy to move forward.

Was it because I was thinking about that?

My reaction to it was delayed.

Something pierced my shoulder and I felt a sharp pain.

My feet got tangled up and I fell on the spot, rolling a short distance.

I looked at my shoulder and saw a small knife. It was probably a throwing knife.

I stare in the direction from which the knife flew.

I was seen.

I thought that they had found me, but what I saw was a group of men in dark red full-body armor.

"Huw! I hit it! Hey, buy me a drink after this, will you?"

"Damn it. Don't get hit, you slut! Now you're making me buy you a drink!"

"It's quite a feat to hit it from this distance."

I knew he was a knight of this country by his suit of armor and the crest on his shoulder.

I pulled out the dagger on my shoulder and looked at the blade.

...Good. It doesn't look like it's been poisoned.

What the hell are these guys...?

"You guys, what are you doing all of a sudden!"

I raised my voice and the knights began to laugh vulgarly.

"Hey, hey, hey! Hey, girl! Why don't you listen to your own thin chest?"

I wondered, and the knights slowly spread out and moved to surround me.

"You're Darzain, aren't you? Oh, lucky me. I've heard that all the girls in that store are like that."

"We can take Darzain's scum to the higher-ups for credit, or to Gnosis for a reward. If it's a woman like you, we can sell you off to the slavers. There are so many ways to use it, I'm not sure what to do with you."

"Dreams are so many."

They were saying whatever they wanted, but I knew what they were trying to do.

It seemed that our identities had been exposed by the fact that the store had been destroyed.

Did they target us because they wanted credit?

Obviously, the knights in front of me were of a much lower quality than the "Knights in Yellow Armor" I saw during the day.

If you look closely, the parts of their equipment that looked blackened were rusted.

They do not even take proper care of their weapons.

I see, these guys must be at the very bottom of the knightly order.

I'm not sure why these guys became knights...oh, speaking of which...

I guessed it from the atmosphere of the knights.

They are former sinners.

I have only heard stories, but it is said that there is a system in which they are allowed to work in the country in exchange for a remission of their crimes.

"Come on, let's get her and figure out what we're gonna do with her."

"But first, let me get laid. I haven't been to the store lately because I don't have any money."

"How can you hold a woman like that?"

"No? No? How can you hold such a poor woman?"

A knight is a knight, despite all the vulgar things he says.

Move to surround me so that I don't escape.

He seems to be mocking me, but at least he's not slacking off on his vigilance.

What do I do?

I threw away my crossbow when I ran away from the store.

I have only one dagger in my hand.

With this, it would be difficult to take on a knight in full body armor.

I have to escape somehow....

"You guys! What are you doing!"

While I was thinking about this, someone came walking quickly with a loud voice from behind them.

From the sound of his voice, it was a young man. His footsteps sounded heavy, with a metallic clattering sound peculiar to armor.

What appeared was a huge full-body armor.

Compared to the people surrounding me, it was at least two times larger.

The design of the armor was also unique.

The color was white without any stain.

The overall impression was angular and rugged, but it was offset by the luxurious decorations.

The most eye-catching feature is the Gnostic emblem carved in the center of the chest.

It appears to be a custom-made piece tailored to the owner.

To be given this kind of armor is....

"Cathedral knight..."

One of the knights surrounding me muttered in dismay.

It is definitely one of the strongest among the Gnostic Sacred Knights.

It was over.

It's hard to escape with just these guys, but now that the Cathedral Knight has come out as well, I'm completely trapped.

"It's not very nice to have a bunch of big men surrounding a single girl, is it?"

The knights were a bit taken aback when the knight of the cathedral said that quietly, but they didn't seem to have any intention of backing down.

To which he retorts with a touch of desperation.

"Oh, it's none of your business! We're just trying to keep the city safe!"

"That's right! Gnosis, back off!"

The knight of the cathedral twists his head, "Ummm," before continuing.

"Then she's, uh.... What's she about to be caught by you guys for?"

None of the knights answered.

"You're not going to tell me? Is there a reason you can't tell me?"

I knew why they were keeping quiet.

They don't want anyone to take credit from them.

If they tell the truth, the Cathedral Knight will take me with him.

They don't like that. But they don't have the brains to talk down the knight of the cathedral.

So they have to shut up.

"I'll take her. You don't have a problem with that, do you? Let's go."

The knight grabbed my arm and started to walk away, but the knights blocked the way.

"Don't be a fool! I don't know what you are, but you can't just come in from the side and take the prize from us!"

"Then give me a convincing reason. What did she do?"

The knights are trying to convince him to hand me over to them again, but their mannerisms are too far removed from a knight.

This is no better than a bandit.

The knight of the cathedral also thought something similar to me and covered his face with his hand.

"Shut up! You should just leave the woman and disappear without a word!"

"Really? The knights of the country are all such thugs..."

The knights pulled out their swords one after another.

"No matter how good the knight of the cathedral is, you're only one person."

"Hey! If you don't want to get hurt, give us the girl!"

"Oh, so this is how it's going to turn out..."

The knight of the cathedral takes his hand off mine and walks up to the nearest knight defenselessly.

A nearby knight clicked his tongue and slashed at him, but the moment his sword hit the armor, it snapped.


The knight was stunned holding the broken sword.

I was surprised too. I thought it was just going to get knocked off, but broken?

What's with that armor?

"Then it's my turn."

The knight of the cathedral lifted the knight, who was still stunned, lightly with one hand and threw him down nearby as if he were throwing away trash.

The knight who was knocked to the ground grunted low in pain.

The others were frozen in surprise.

I was the same way.

It is not an ordinary arm strength to throw a full body armor lightly with one hand.

I wondered if it was the armor's ability, but I guess it was irrelevant to the knights in front of me.

If they were to be hit with such arm, it would be dangerous even if they were grabbed.

"Are you still willing to take me on? If so, I'll draw my weapon, too."

He points with his thumb at the weapon pointed at his back.

"Damn it! Remember this!"

"Too many promises, too few words."

The knights helped their comrade up and left with their tongues clicking.

"Are you all right?"

The knights were out of sight when the knight of the cathedral turned to look at me.

I couldn't make out his face because of his helmet, but I could tell by his tone of voice that he was worried.

"Oh, thank you."

He is my enemy, but I owe him a favor.

Besides, it would not be good to be suspicious by behaving strangely.

"No, don't worry about it. It's the end of the world that people like that can call themselves knights."

The Cathedral knight looks in the direction from which the knights have left, saying.

"Good. It looks like they've gone. If you want, I can take you home..."

"Oh, no. I'm fine."

He is very friendly for his appearance.

I'm sure his offer is completely out of the goodness of his heart, but I'm not going to accept it.

From where I am now, it seems that there are no more bases to go around.

I should get back to the favela, or else I would be late for my departure.

"I'm sorry! Thank you for saving me! I'm going now."

"Oh, hey..."

I said quickly, bowing my head, and ran out.

I know I'm behaving badly, but there's no time to waste.

I had to get back to the others as soon as possible....

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