Paradigm Parasite

Chapter 135: "Winged beast"

Chapter 135: "Winged beast"

I made three types of monsters.

The general-purpose Shrigala and the other two types.

One of them was prepared as an air force - but...

...This is terrible.

The orc settlement in front of me was in a terrible state.

The orcs are resisting desperately, but their numbers are being reduced one after another.

I could see them raging in the air.

Distinctive beak and wings.

Form is close to that of the dinosaur Pteranodon, with a total length of 8-10 metres.

They would appear much larger if they spread their wings.

The surface is covered with black, fine scale-like material.

In addition, it has two eyeballs each on the left and right side, giving it a fairly wide field of vision.

It has a brain for using magic in its torso, so it can use magic to a certain extent.

It was named Kongamato. Its origin is an unidentified creature resembling a pterosaur that appeared around Africa.

The number prepared was 20.

It was good that I made it, but for some reason it could hardly fly.

The word aerodynamics popped into my head while I was making it, but there was no way I could apply it to something I only knew as a word, and although it did fly in the end, it took a lot of effort.

...Magic is so great.

In short, they are flying using [Flight] in conjunction with wings.

The wings are only an aid, and the main focus is magic, which is an unbelievable distortion for a living creature, but as long as they can fly, it's fine, so I completed it as it was.

The result is the disastrous situation in front of my eyes, but the performance is wonderful because of the time and effort that went into it.

I can see a part of it swooping down and catching an orc with its feet, then swooping up and throwing the orc away.

It's a hell of a thing.

Most of them die instantly because of the hard ground below, and even if they are lucky enough to survive, it's hard to continue the fight.

Other individuals venture to carpet bomb the area with magic.

It's also terrible.

The magic is [fireball], but they are repeatedly bombarding from the sky with pounding bombs.

Few Orcs can use magic, and they do their best just to defend themselves.

The battle is completely one-sided.

I looked beside me and saw Riley and his men, Shrigala, looking at the battlefield with boredom.

Dylan was muttering, "What the hell I'm struggling with...", but you can complain to Fatima.

I don't care.

At this rate, we'll be done within an hour.

This is an orc settlement.

They didn't expect us to attack this far.

It took them a long time to regroup after the surprise attack by Kongamatoh, and I think they're a little short on a sense of urgency.

The troll settlements are quite a distance away, so we'll leave them for later, and once we've dealt with the orcs, we'll go to the dwarves.

If we can keep them at bay, the supply of weapons will stop and it should be a lot easier.

However, this area is Orc territory.

They have only been here for a relatively short time, having established roots in the Tierdras Mountains.

Well, in decades, anyway.

So their territory is the shallowest.

This inevitably means that the first place they will attack will be here.

There are still plenty of settlements left, and the higher orcs haven't come out yet.

Basically, they're not as bad as trolls, but they're idiots.

But they have a lot of toughness and power, and we can use them to bring back to life the ones we think we can use.

It's going to be a simple extermination job for a while until the big ones come out.

It's easy.

All I have to do is pull out the memories and talk about the enemy positions and the terrain around here.

All I have to do is let Dylan and Alex take command and let Shrigala and the soldiers do the rest.

But I can't command, so even if they ask me to do it, I can't do it.

It seemed to be over while I was thinking about this.

The orc settlement was completely silent, with smoke rising from everywhere.

At first it was all boho-boo-hoo and may.

As the plant zombies headed off to deal with the aftermath of the war, I tapped Riley on the shoulder.

"You're next. Take them out."

As I say this, Riley smiles ferociously.

His eyes light up with anticipation of the carnage to come.

I'm glad I chose him, after all.

He is a man with a strong fighting spirit, and he believes that hurting others is supreme.

It was obvious that if I assigned him a role like this, he would move with glee.

The people who were under his command before his death were similar to him, albeit in different degrees.

People who take pleasure in taking from others.

Such people are strong when they no longer feel any kind of fear.

The result is the Shrigala in front of us.

Now, the next target is the fort.

Next, show me some mounted combat.

Orcs arm themselves one after another with the armour and hammers provided.

This is a fort that makes use of the terrain used by the orcs.

It is a natural fortress that utilises the bottlenecks in the mountain paths, and is also their shield that has repelled numerous raids over the years.

The orcs were waiting for the enemy to come close to them.

The first goblins they encountered said they were human, but they seemed to be of a different colour.

It is said that the enemy manipulates the dead, not only goblins and trolls, but also the corpses of their own orcs.

When they heard this, anger welled up in their hearts.

Those who make their own people do things they don't want, even after they are dead.

They are furious that this should not be allowed to happen.

The goblins report that they have not heard from the scouts they have released and they will be here soon.

They clutch their weapons tightly.

They are specially made by the dwarves.

With these, they can crush any number of vile humans that come their way.

The terrain was very suitable for them to fight.

A narrow passage between sheer walls.

Moreover, the slope is so steep that it is difficult to pass safely except here.

In other words, if you want to advance, you have to break through this fort head-on.

Orcs are very good at fighting head-on, and it is unthinkable that they could lose.

Come on, come and get twisted up by us, they gloated.

The time came soon after.

A shout of report from the guards.

The orcs roared with the will to fight.

The enemy - goblins and trolls. And their brethren... and those who had been their brethren.

They have mysterious weeds growing from their bodies and come forward with empty eyes, each with a weapon in his hand.

At the sight of them, they become even more enraged.

The burning rage is expressed in action.


They open the gates of the fort and run with a roar.

Their feet are not so fast, but there is a short pause before the clash.

The dead do not move against the orcs' charge.

Distance closes.

Still, they did not move.

Just as they were about to close the gap, the heads of the leading orcs flew off.

The suddenness of the event stopped the followers in their tracks, but those in the lead, who could not see what had happened, could not stop.

As a result, they fell over, involving those who had stopped.

Then the whole group finally realised that something was wrong.

They see the heads of those at the front have been cut off.

The orcs wonder. The creature has a shape they do not remember.

The torso was human. But the head was that of a beast.

What is strange is not only that, but also that they are astride something.

The thing they are straddling is also strange.

The shape is very similar to the Lupus, a monster they used to hunt in the wilderness, but the size is different.

It is apparently the same size as themselves.

Its fur is black as if condensed darkness.

Both have red eyes, which shine unnaturally brightly.

The orcs are shaken up, but the relatively calm ones wonder.

Where did these guys come from?

It was a coincidence.

One Orc suddenly looks up and shouts.

Others followed its gaze...

They were there.

The beast they were riding was attached to a sheer wall.

At that moment they realise.

The dead in front of them were a decoy.

They were running along the wall and surrounding them while they concentrated on what was in front of them.

The beastheads in front of them let out a resounding howl.

The besieging enemies attacked from above all at once.

The nightmare for the orcs begins.

I had a bird's eye view of the battlefield from the sky.

This one looks good too.

The third type of monster I created was a wolf of the same size as a horse.

I named it Jevordan.

The origin of the name is a place name, but it is based on a beast that is said to have appeared there.

In my previous life, I was ignorant of many things, but I was strangely interested in unidentified creatures, so I have a lot of knowledge about this kind of thing.

...I guess I won't have to worry about naming it for a while.

Well, I digress, but looking down below, it seems that the Shrigaras are using the Jevordan very well.

Jevordan's greatest strength is that it can move over any terrain.

They can move their claws in and out of their paws at will, so they can stick to walls.

They can even climb vertical walls if they want to, provided they can get their claws up.

...but there are drawbacks.

The ride.

It shakes so violently that a normal person will have an emotional encounter with the contents of his stomach in a few minutes, but if you can overcome that, you can achieve a very high marching speed.

If it's just simple speed, it's better than Savage.

We'll position the zombies in front as decoys, and then surprise them from the left and right walls when they come charging in.

Riley and his men were happy to cut off the heads of the orcs.

Some of them even changed their armour to stuff they'd taken from the goblins.

Some were chopping off heads with hatchets, some were stabbing them with spears, some were chopping off heads from one end with thick blue dragon swords... but that's Riley, isn't it?

One of them is slightly better equipped than the others, so it's easy to spot him.

By the looks of it, it won't be long before this one is cleaned up too.

I don't feel anything in particular when I look at the orcs who are being overrun.

In the past, I used to feel a faint hint of comatose pleasure at these kinds of scenes, but that too has disappeared.

I wonder if the cause was the elimination of that thing.

That disgusting piece of filth that I dealt with in the frontier prison that I can't even recall.

The inexplicable outpouring of emotions that welled up from within me... that must have been the source of it.

Is that the result of the current situation?

How can I interpret this situation...?

I think I'm doing what I normally do, but when I look back at what I said and did, I feel uncomfortable.

I was aware that my emotions were thin, but they have become even thinner since I came back from the frontier.

When I was over there, I wasn't aware of it because I didn't have anyone to talk to, but after talking to Fatima, I began to see the true nature of my discomfort, albeit only a little.

The decisive moment was when Fatima told me about Heidi.

I cut her off from telling her that I was safe - that I didn't care about her with all my heart.

The criterion is simple: trouble or no trouble.

If I tell Heidi in the Royal Capital, she will try to come over here.

In the meantime, what about me? Wait?

I'm not joking.

It's too much trouble to wait when we're thinking of going to the Elven Forest afterwards.

Then leave her alone.

She's not a child, she'll do it on her own.

...I made the calculation instantly...

My brain unanimously came to the conclusion that I should leave her alone.

The result is where we are now.

In other words, I no longer see that much value in Heidi.

I used to care about her a little as a companion, but as a result of losing the source of my feelings, I've decided whether or not she's a pain in the ass.

I have had this tendency in the past, but this time, as far as I was concerned, I didn't even worry about it.

In all likelihood, the symptoms are getting worse.

I sigh inwardly.

It's a problem.

It was exhilarating in its own way to erase it, but if it disappears, it will be a nuisance whether it disappears or not.

Feeling heavy.

It is uncomfortable not to feel anything.

This discomfort was not relieved by the sight of the orcs being overrun below.

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