Paradigm Parasite

Chapter 139: "Surrender"

Chapter 139: "Surrender"

How am I supposed to handle this situation?

I was on my way back, leaving the orc capital to the energised Radieve and Dylan to deal with, and taking the Trust and guards with me on the Savage.

A group of trolls and dwarves appear, weapons at their feet, waving banners with 'Please listen to me' written in human and subhuman languages. Their expressions are desperate.

The ones without flags were kneeling down to show that they didn't want to fight.


No matter how you look at it, the requirements are the same as the goblins from earlier.

Why do these people come at the same time?

In the meantime, I tell people to kill everyone who tries anything strange and I'll go out in front by myself.

It was a hassle, so I decided to start talking quickly.

"Are you guys also emissaries of the discussion?"

The dwarves' faces lit up as they came closer to me.

"Yes, that's right! We are here on behalf of the dwarves and trolls! We wish to discuss our mutual future if possible! I promise you no harm would be done!"

The Dwarf's expression is desperate as he says this in a manner that makes it sound as if he's trying to make a scene.

The trolls behind him are all nodding silently, whether they understand what is being said or not.

...It's already a hassle, so why don't we just call all the representatives?

"Ah, I understand what you're saying. I'll contact you later and bring the delegates to the designated place."

"Right! Thank you very much! I appreciate it!"

The group made a blatantly relieved expression and after placing the magic stone for communication, they thanked me repeatedly and left.

...What was that all about?

If you want to talk, you should have told me earlier...

Then I suddenly realised.

Ah... are you saying that they came in a hurry to make a peace offer because they were starting to lose?

Then why didn't the orcs come?

Well, it doesn't matter.

I throw my thoughts away.

It's what they said, so at best, let's blow ...... it up and let Fatima take care of it.

If it's going to be amicable, all I have to do is make a couple of simple requests. did this happen.

A few days later.

The place is in the middle of the former wilderness, now an orchard.

Fatima and Trust on either side of me at a table made from a big stump, Riley behind me.

Across from me are representatives of goblins, trolls, dwarves and a few guards.

I tried to impose on Fatima because it was too much trouble, but she started saying things like 'I can't be the representative in place of Master Rothfeldt', so in the end, I ended up sitting in the middle.

...Well, okay.

I exhale lightly and concentrate on the people in front of me.

"Well, first of all, let me thank you for coming all the way here."

The reaction of the people in front of me is firm.

I guess they're waiting to see how we're going to react.

"Before we start talking, a warning. Don't be boring. Just answer that you can't tell me what you can't tell me. ...Well, you can ignore me, but in that case, we're done talking. With everyone, of course."

Nobody says anything.

I take it on my own that they understand.

"Now, before we start talking, ...... are you sure you represent each race?"

Each nodded and introduced themselves.

The first one is the king of the goblins - Abdullah.

He stands out with his dull-coloured armour and expensive-looking cloak.

His gaze is sharp as he looks in my direction, and I get the feeling that I am being judged.

Next is the king of the trolls - Azide.

His face is turned this way, but his gaze is not fixed.

Is he in some kind of daze?

Finally, Bedzif, the representative of the dwarves, but his gaze is dawdling and he is restless.

There is a deep tone of anxiety in his expression.

It is Abdullah who first broaches the subject.

"We have one demand. We ask you to stop any further incursions."

Well, of course.

The goblins are too busy hunting elves to worry about anything else.

The other two nod in agreement.

"That's fine, but what are you willing to pay for it?"

In the meantime, Fatima and I have rehearsed in advance, and we've tried to be as prepared as possible for the possible developments.

So far, it's all within the realm of the imagination.

So, the other side offered us a -.

From the goblins, inviolability of the orchard and its vicinity.

The rest is an offer of assets from the treasury.

The bottom line is that they will pay us, so please don't take it any further.

From the trolls, a labour offer as there is no money to pay.

The rest is inviolable, just like goblins.

In addition to inviolability, the dwarves regularly provide a certain number of armaments.

I was curious and asked how much they could pay, and Abdullah offered me a sheaf of papers.

I took it and looked it over lightly, it's a list of goods for payment, but it's a huge amount.

Magic tools, gold nuggets, furnishings, luxury goods, etc....

Then I tilted my head and wondered.

The treasure room I saw some time ago comes to mind.

No matter how little I look at it, I don't think the items in there are enough to cover it...

...Have there been more since then?

Does that mean you've forced yourself to take it out?

I feel like I've done something wrong.

Yeah, I'll stop complaining about the amount.

I hand the list to Fatima.

Fatima receives it and starts to check the list, but for some reason Riley looks uncomfortable as he casually walks behind her and tries to peek in.

"...... Not a bad amount. but too feeble to give up the teardrops. Are you sure you haven't misunderstood the premise? Aren't you forgetting that we could attack down here and take it all if we wanted to?"

Abdullah does not change his expression, as if to say that this is to be expected.

"Then we goblins will be under yours... how about that?"


The first thing that comes to my mind is that I would like to take it there in the end, but I didn't expect him to say it himself.

"We will give you everything we have. But!"

Abdullah slammed his hands and forehead on the table.

"But! I ask you to wait a moment! I know it's absurd! At ...... least wait until we have destroyed those filthy elves!"

It was a blood-curdling scream.

Hey, hey. Does this guy hate elves that much?

I know he's prepared to talk nonsense and break up the conversation.

But is it really worth going that far to say?

I don't understand what makes him go this far.

You've already gone beyond hating them, past the point of insanity.

I look at the other two and both shake their heads and say they don't know.

I'm curious, but let's put it aside for the time being.

Let's get the other stuff out of the way first.

"What about the dwarves and trolls?"

"......, no choice. All right. We Dwarves shall be under your command."

"If you don't like it, fine."

"...... make us your men, please."

Bedziff bows his head with a bitter look.

I looked at the remaining Azide.

"Oretachi. I've decided. I've got something good for you. I'll go under. I'm not complaining."

"Can you ensure that your men are aware of this?"

Both nodded.

Well, it's not a bad place to drop them.

There are limits to the use of corpses.

The phyto-zombies are only corpses, so if you keep using them, the plant parts will completely erode them into a tree-like state and they won't be able to move.

In the long run, it's not a bad idea to increase the number of living people under our command.

At first I thought I could just shoot the commander class with roots, but on second thought, that's not necessary either.

It's not like I'm going to manage them, and I'll be leaving here soon, so it's none of my business!

I turn to Fatima and she nods in agreement.

It doesn't seem to be a problem.

"Well, now that we've settled things, we can talk about the details later, you two can go home today. The rest, Abdullah, you stay."

The trolls and dwarves pull out, leaving us and the goblins alone.

"I want to talk to you alone. Take them all out."

Fatima didn't hear that, did she? She gives me a look that says 'I'm not listening', but I ignore it.

She did so for a while, then let out a small breath and left with the others.

Abdullah told his guards to leave and they did as well.

Now it's just me and Abdullah in the place.

There were some things that were bugging me and I wanted to check a few things.

"Well, Abdullah. Do you understand this language?"

I used Japanese.

Hearing this, Abdullah's eyes widened in surprise.

I knew you knew it.

I've been wondering about it.

I've seen a little bit of the goblins' memories, so I know a little bit about the situation around Shudras.

The goblins see the elves as enemies, but they don't understand why they see them as enemies.

The perception is that they are fighting because 'the king started it'.

Well, it is easier to procure food and other supplies in the forest, but that is no reason to attack so harshly.

In addition, looking at Abdullah's reaction earlier, it appears that he has a grudge against the elves no matter how you look at it.

The conclusion is that the war between elves and goblins was sparked by Abdullah's personal grudge.

There is no incident in the history of Shudras that could have aroused such resentment by the goblins towards the elves.

Finally, Abdullah started this battle as soon as he became king of Shudras, which at the time was a mob stronghold.

Given the above, Abdullah has interacted with the elves before and holds a grudge against them for some reason.

In other words, this guy in front of me became king in order to destroy the elves.

This is no ordinary obsession.

And I remember the combination of elves and goblins.

These are the children that Death Worm said Mr Kofuji was taking care of.

"Then it seems you must be the goblin Mr Kofuji was talking about."

"You know about Hironori-sama!"

The Japanese language also came out of Abdullah's mouth as he responded.

Is it a hit, after all?

According to the story, they've been together for a long time. I wouldn't be surprised if it works.

"Ah, I spoke to one of his men."

"His subordinates... you mean his dependents! Then Hironori-sama..."

I shake my head.

"I'm afraid he's dead."

"I see... That was such a fierce battle. There was no way he could have survived...? Where is his household now?"

"Guarding his tomb."

"His tomb is at ....... Hironori-sama..."

Abdullah holds his eyes and looks down as if he is holding something for a while.

You're somewhat emotional, but you're starting to see what's going on anyway.

"Does wanting to destroy the elves have anything to do with you and the other one that got away?"

Sorry, but you'll have to cry when you're alone. Frankly, I don't even want to see it.

I ask a question to keep the conversation going.

"That's right. Both brothers were raised by Master Hironori, the man who now rules the Elves. I must fight to destroy that traitor."

Abdullah's response was caustic.

He gnashed his teeth, his eyes burning with hatred.


How unsettling.

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