Paradigm Parasite

Chapter 145: "Signs"

Chapter 145: "Signs"

Naturally, I passed the baggage check without any problems and was led to the dark elf settlement.

I did not ride Savage, but followed those leading the way on foot.

"Roe. Is that a weapon you're carrying?"

Lontnan is talking to me a lot, as if he feels guilty about what happened earlier.

I heard at that time that apparently outsiders are quite wary of us, and that their earlier attitude was also to see how I would react.

Is it true? I had my doubts, but there was no point in rehashing it.

I responded proactively to show that I didn't mind.

"Oh, a rather strange guy took a liking to me. He recommended it to me."

"Oh, yeah? 'By the way, can you swing that?"

"Swing it?"

"Yeah, right."

What are you going to do with something you can't use?

It must have been a bit of a laugh that Lontnan was nearly crushed by the weight of the Club Monster when he tried to check it during the baggage check earlier.

His expression was bitter, as if he thought he had embarrassed himself.

"Inez tells me you want to know about the High Elves?"

I reply with a nod of my head.

Lontnan sees this and gives me a quizzical look.

"Why do you want to know about them?"

"Because we may have to pass through elven territory in the future, and I want to have some knowledge of them. And while elves are well-known beyond the mountains, very few people know about the High Elves. I'm worried that I don't have any information about them. I'd like to get an idea of what they are like."

"I see. ......"

After saying that, he fell silent.

Hey, hey, hey. You're not going to tell me?

The village was located not far from the river.

It seems that people live in hollowed-out trees, and there are bridges between the trees and rope ladders hanging from here and there.

That's different from the Elven houses.

From memory, the Elves and High Elves used to cut down part of a tree and build on top of it to make a town.

There are a lot of unsolicited stares from here and there, as if strangers are unusual.

Don't look at them too much.

It's uncomfortable, isn't it?

"This way."

I was taken by Lontnan to meet the chief of this village.

They are trying to get a decision on whether we can stay in this village or not.

It's good for me because I'll be able to listen to what he has to say.

The place I'm shown is one of the biggest trees in the area.

I leave Savage with Inez and go inside.

It's spacious and warm inside, with a few tricks up its sleeve.

The furnishings and furniture are basically made of wood, probably by their own hands.

There are also carved wooden statues and other decorations, which give the place a rustic feel and a good impression.

We enter the room we were ushered into and meet the Dark Elves, the great men of the Dark Elves.

"Are you from outside?"

I nod silently.

"I am the head of this settlement. My name is Etien."

A large room ...... is it called the audience chamber?

There are a few armed men, perhaps as bodyguards.

Now, in the back, on a throne ......? Or rather, a dark elf sitting on an ordinary chair, whose name seems to be Etienne.

His gender is male.

He looks about late 20s? He's good-looking, as usual.

Elves and similar people seem to live a long life, so looks can be deceiving.

Is he dressed in the folk costume unique to dark elves like the rest of them wear?

Something Ainu-like. I don't know much about it.

They are more ornate and embroidered than other Dark Elves, and seem a little more expensive.

"Reports say that you stopped here on your journey, is that correct?"

I nod.

After saying that much, Etienne looks at me with quizzical eyes.

"Why aren't you saying anything?"

"No, I haven't had the chance to talk to many great people. I'm afraid I might be rude without knowing it..."

I can't be attacked if I accidentally say something strange.

Hearing this, Etienne laughs.

"I'm not angry with you, so you can talk normally."

"Thank you."

"Now, let's get back on track and carry on with the story. Where is your headed?"

"I have no definite destination. I travel where I feel like."

"Ah. Sounds like fun."

"Indeed, it is."

Well, somehow trouble happens wherever I go.

"Ha ha ha. I envy you for that. Maybe I'll give it a go when I retire."

"You should. ...So, can you tell me about the High Elves? I asked Lontnan there, but he didn't answer me."

"What, people are so impatient these days."

"I can't sleep when things are on my mind."

I've never slept properly.

Etienne chuckles again, then his countenance disappears.

"I'm happy to answer you, but you're going to have to be honest with me about what's going on. Don't you think it's unfair that I'm the only one telling you?"

... That sounds reasonable.

That's not fair.

"...I understand. I won't lie. But there are some things I can't say. I'd appreciate it if you'd understand that."

"Very well. Then let's ask each other one question at a time. I will answer them honestly. Is that okay?"

"That's good, that's easy to understand. Let's go with that."

"Okay, I'll ask you first, then, shall I? Why do you want to know about High Elves?"

I'm a bit lost.

How should I answer the question?

"There is a religious organisation called Gnosis. Have you heard of it?"

"Gnosis? That name doesn't sound familiar."

"I've had a bit of a row with them. I'd rather not get involved if I can help it. I heard before I came here that some of the High Elves are mixed up with these supposed Gnostics. I wanted to find out if it was true or not."

...I decided to be honest to a certain extent.

The people around me looked at me quizzically, but I ignored them.

Etienne frowns slightly, although his expression does not change.

"...... Are those the ones who talk about faith and other incomprehensible things, and cherish strange feathered necklaces?"


"Are you lying about being travellers?"

"No, I'm not lying. And one question at a time, right?"

"Yes, that's right. Then I will answer yours. As to your question, I have no knowledge of the name Gnosis, but I know who these people are."

I silently urge him on.

"I'm going to change the subject a little, but let's talk about the history of our Dark Elves."

Elves and Dark Elves were a species that shared a common origin, but some of them became Dark Elves through repeated interbreeding with other races.

...So, is it half-elves rather than dark elves?

Originally, the elves did not live in this forest, they moved here hundreds of years ago and took root.

At first they lived together as one clan, but one day a few elves claimed to have had an epiphany and started to build an unfamiliar building called a temple in the settlement.

At first, everyone is baffled, but then a number of people start saying they have received revelations and similar things.

It seems that they have received knowledge from God and have been appointed to a great task.

The number of those who received the revelation increased day by day and the settlement was steeped in its teachings.

However, for some reason, no Dark Elves have received the revelation, and they are bewildered by the transformation of their people.

At first, they were unconcerned by the triviality of the revelations, but one by one the enlightened ones revealed their unusual knowledge, and the life of the community improved to an unnatural degree.

Their knowledge ranged from edible nuts and wild plants to architecture, paper production and literacy.

Although they too benefited from this, they felt disturbed by the situation that seemed to have come to them.

As a result, a strange gap in tempers developed between the Dark Elves and the Elves, and everyone's mood gradually began to cold down.

The relationship slowly deteriorated and was never repaired, and both sides parted ways and went on to live as separate races.

"Since then, there has been no contact between the Elves and the Dark Elves."

"Did you part soon after you came to the forest?"

"No, not that long ago. It was long after we came to the forest."

...I see.

"I understand the ...... story, but I don't think it explains the High Elves?"

"Not so fast. The story is not over yet. The elves who directly received the revelation I just described had their bodies transformed. Their ears became longer, their magical qualities increased and their physical abilities greatly improved. They called themselves High Elves and their children also became High Elves. That's how they came to be."

Evolved from Elves to High Elves after an epiphany?

That's a very fishy story. Is evolution something that can be done so easily?

This is not a game where you can cancel evolution with the B button.

Etienne, perhaps sensing it from my expression, added: 'It's true!'.

"That revelation sure smells fishy. No wonder the Dark Elves stayed away."

"Right? At the time it was refreshing for me to see a settlement that was coming in handy too, but I couldn't help but notice that the elves looked like they were drunk on something. And I don't know if it's a reference, but the people who had that revelation were talking about 'Grigori'. Does that ring a bell?"

...Grigori? 'Not the same as gnosis?

"No, it's not. I've never heard that name before."

I don't even remember it.

What do you mean?

"I'm sorry, that's all I know. Was that helpful?"

"Oh, thank you. I'm just checking, is this Grigori stuff common knowledge amongst the elves?"

"No, only the High Elves know about it. I don't think ordinary elves know."

"How do you know all this?"

"When I was told to stay, I listened to a few stories. I don't know much about them except their names."

...I see.

Grigori... they look a lot like Gnosis, but I don't know what's going on...

Well, I'll have to look into it.

"Okay, now it's my turn. ...... But first, everyone! Excuse me, can I have a moment alone with this man?"


"It's all right. Please."

The guards looked at each other and left the room as instructed.

Lontnan was reluctant to leave the room, although he persisted to the end.

"Now there is no one else to ask. It will be easier to answer."

"What do you want to ask?"

"What are you?"

The room falls silent.

"I'm not sure I understand your question."

"It means exactly what it says. You are not just a man, right?"

...Why do so many people have strange intuitions?

"...before I answer your question, I'd like to ask you why you thought that."

"What, it's a simple story. I have encountered people in the past. Your presence is close to that of a person, but... what is it? I sense something alien, like a mixture of several beasts."

A presence, then.

"When I felt the presence, I was a little afraid of what kind of monster was on the other side of the door."

Pardon me.

The last time it was Eidos? How am I supposed to fool them in the future?

I'll have to answer the question anyway.

"...I admit I'm not normal, but I'm human, after all. This is not a lie, okay?"

"You expect me to believe that?"

Etienne looks at me with suspicion.

I shrug it off with my shoulders.

"I'm sorry, but that's how I perceive myself. That's why it's troubling to hear you say you don't believe me."

My body is an earthworm, but I think of myself as a human being. ...... in case you're wondering.

Etienne stared into my eyes for a moment, then relaxed.

"All right. I'll believe the word of yours."

"Thank you for understanding so quickly. Now, next, is there any kind of accommodation here? I'd appreciate it if you could put me up for the night if possible."

To be honest, I've run out of questions, so I'd like to cut this short.

There's no sign of them doing anything to me, and I've lost interest in the dark elves.

"There's no accommodation of any kind, but there are a few spare rooms down here. You can use any of them. Oh, and I'll give you a meal, no charge. Maybe you can tell me about your travels then?"

He seems to have guessed my intentions and is on board.

"It's a small price to pay for a meal and a place to sleep."

"That's a deal. I'll have them prepare it for you."

Etienne raised his voice and called those waiting outside.

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