Paradigm Parasite

Chapter 159: "Number of lives"

Chapter 159: "Number of lives"

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The High Elves are somehow tampered with by the Grigori and information cannot be extracted from them.

At that point, it was no longer worth keeping them alive.

It seems that even if we brainwash them, they can't use their abilities as High Elves, and if we let them do something bad, they could die on their own, so there's no use for them at all.

As a result, it seems that the decision to kill everyone was the right one.

I contact Alex and tell him that the High Elves are useless and we don't need prisoners.

... I think we're done for the day for now.

I've told Abdullah in the main camp to take control of the village, so it won't be long before he comes here.

As soon as we meet up with them, we should make plans to cut into the main camp.

...Just to be safe, we need to make sure that the people who attacked the west are thoroughly disposing of the corpses.

If we leave them too long, we won't stand a chance if they are sent away again.

Let's do what we can.

We must destroy troublesome things as soon as possible.

The location changed to the temple in the southern village.

Statues and objects that might be related to Grigori were destroyed as a precaution, and the building was cleaned of corpses and other dirt.

Currently, there are three people gathered here: me, Radeeb and Trust.

Abdullah is currently on the move and will arrive by nightfall.

I would have originally wanted to call Alex, but he is the only one who can use [Communication] among the people waiting in the west, so I have him on standby.

Kongamatou can also use it, but they don't speak the language, so they are excluded.

"According to reports, it seems that the western villages have been overrun."

I'm telling you exactly what I heard just now.

But there were some problems.

The number of corpses doesn't seem to match up. The trouble is that the High Elves are among them.

I checked and it seems that some of the women and children had apparently escaped to the centre.

I wondered what they were doing, but I was going to finish them off in the centre anyway, so it wouldn't be a problem.

I just told Alex not to worry about it.

"Damage seems to be some Goliveringay hit. Congamato and the goblins are undamaged."

Radeeve lets out an 'Oh'.

If anything, he's done a good job when he's won with so little damage.

"Quite right, our elite, even if they are newcomers! It's a natural result! Of course, it's all thanks to the leadership of Mr Roe!"

What is this guy?

The Radieve is lifting me up like crazy.

The first time I saw him, I thought he was a bit of a pussy, but he was a very good boy.

Is that him? Does he want to be my drummer?

...It's annoying and I honestly want him to stop...

It was the same with Fatima, what's so sad about having to be praised by your own limbs?

The Trust behind me looks at Radeeb with cold eyes.

He's probably making fun of that guy on the inside.

Back to the story.

Still, I'm surprised that you managed to finish off the Goliveringay, albeit somewhat.

The elves did a surprisingly good job.

...Well, those gorillas were originally going to be used up, so it doesn't matter how much they're reduced.

The men who attacked here and there have been reduced, albeit somewhat.

Those who were still breathing will be repaired and thrown back into the front line.

The final loss was about 10 per cent. The loss of Tatzelblum is a little painful, but it is also within our expectations.

It's an acceptable sacrifice.

We don't want to give them time, so we will attack in the west and south at the same time this evening.

Grigori would like to ...... extract information if possible, but it will be difficult in the current situation.

What we can do is to destroy the temple and all the other elements where they might spring up.

When the angel appeared, we saw the statues in the temple glowing.

Perhaps they needed it to come out.

If you destroy everything that looks like it, at least they won't bother you for a while.

I sigh inwardly.

...But why are there so many people who are so depressingly involved with me?

I wonder when this rush of Dasein, Gnosis, Grigori and the rest of this shit will stop.

I just want to wander around this world at my leisure...

I'm just going to go and find them and smash them to bits...

Such a thought crosses my mind, but I shake my head and kick it out.

Idiot. If you do that, you'll make an already troublesome situation even worse.

What are you going to do, make more enemies for nothing?

...Let's concentrate on Grigori for now.

I regained my composure and continued the meeting on the central village attack to be held tomorrow.

Goriberingay, Gorigrauer, Shrigala, Gevaudan, Kongamato, Tatzelblum, Mosman, Monos, first and second class goblins.

Abdullah, Radib, Alex and Trust.

The rest is me and Savage. Plus the trump card.

This is the force we're going to throw into the Elves' main camp this time.

There are some orcs and trolls, but I didn't count them because I brought them along to help with crafting and carrying. The reason is that they are slow and if they are dropped, it's the end of the line, so in some cases they could be a drag.

Fatima, Dylan and all the guys who aren't here are away.

Normally, Dylan would have been more capable than Alex, but since we are up against an opponent, I've brought the one who is not willing to die.

To be honest, this battle is not without any chance of victory, but it will be a tough one.

I'm predicting a loss ratio of 80 to 100 per cent either way.

In short, most of the people we have brought with us are bringing with the intention of letting them die.

Well, even if we lose and are wiped out, the oratorium will rotate with those who remain.

There is no option but to run away, by the way.

Because sooner or later they will come after me.

That is why we crush them here.

We will crush it until it is at least physically inaccessible and, if possible, until it is no longer willing to be touched.

There is no change there.

After that, it didn't take long to organise the information in the name of a meeting.

In fact, although it was called a meeting, the content was an assessment of the enemy's strength and confirmation of the terrain.

The rest was just confirming the spoils of war, the number killed, etc.


There is no way I can do such a difficult thing.

I'll leave that to those who can.

The attack on the central village is to be led by Radeeb.

Since Abdullah is planning to go to the front, it seems that he intends to leave overall command to him.

I heard from him beforehand, so there is no problem with the change of command.

I'll have to wait and see at first.

The time to go out in earnest is when Grigori comes out.

Well, they've got a lot on their minds and I'm going to lash out a bit too.

In the meantime, I have to thank Madrail for the body on behalf of that angel.

"No, I'm in trouble."

I - Rikhard - scratches his head when he hears the report that has come up.

His attitude remains the same as usual, but he is in a great deal of hurry.

In front of me are all the High Elves of this village and more than a dozen of their seriously wounded compatriots.

They are the survivors of the western village.

The attack took place in the west and south of the village at the same time.

If it had been only in the south, it would not have been such a surprise, but the west was unexpected.

The attackers were a group of Goriberingei and a new species of flying monster, which had never been seen before.

It is unconfirmed, but there may or may not be goblins mixed in.

The south is unknown.

The reason is that no one was able to come to report.

Perhaps we should assume that everyone in the southern villages has been killed.

"Even so, I wonder how they managed to get hold of Goribelingei."

If we only consider the circumstances, the goblins must have devised a way to use them...

The timing is wrong at any rate.

As soon as Roe showed up, this is what happened.

It was clear that the man was probably involved in some way.

There was the question of how he got away with it in that state, but before that, how did he cross over to the goblins?

It was obvious that he was out of the ordinary, but that deformity... what on earth did he bring to the goblins in such a short period of time?

The southern villages must have been destroyed by the same method.

In that light, we should assume that all the Goriberingay living in this neighbourhood have been suppressed by them.

...Is it tough to repel them in a straightforward way?

In addition, the wards have been neutralised somehow, and it is also painful that we could not detect the intrusion.

Thanks to this, our initial response was fatally delayed.

According to reports, they didn't realise it until they were within visual range.

Is this the result of relying on wards and traps?

I grit my teeth inwardly.

The question is how to respond .......

There are dozens of Goliveringay just known.

To be honest, even this is more than we can handle, and then there are the mysterious flying monsters.

I'd like to think that we can manage if we gather our forces, but if that xenomorph Roe is pulling strings behind the scenes, I don't think this will be the end of it.

The existence that Grigori wants - this is my personal opinion, but he may be closer to Grigori than we are.

That's why -sama said he could be enough.

No wonder they want him.

To put it bluntly, it's hard to win when you can barely survive in the normal way.

The options are surprisingly few, and the odds are in our favour, but the sacrifice we have to make is - we have to do it.

... we have no choice but to do it...?

Shake your head and make up your mind.

"Unloading. Are there any volunteers?"

As king, I give the order for my people to 'die'.

"I will go."

Madrail is the first to raise her hand.

She raises her remaining arm and looks at me with strength.

"Madrail... you..."

"I'm the most useless one here. Then you should use it."

With that, my compatriots flip-flop and eventually all raise their hands.

"I'll go with you."

"I'll go too! Avenge my wife!"

All who volunteered.

That's how many lives we're going to use up to protect this village. How many of them will remain?

The 'descent' is literally the lowering of the Grigori's messenger into his body, the greatest power available to the High Elves.

But it is also a double-edged sword.

Bringing them down is nothing less than gaining immense combat power, but at the cost of the person's life.

Their power is too powerful, and the more you use it, the more it destroys you.

If used properly, several times.

It is a forbidden power that will surely destroy you even if you use it sparingly.

The power wielded by -sama last time was adjusted so as not to kill her, which is why Madrail was safe, but this time it was the other party.

They will surely die.

We will cut down our compatriots who have been with us for a long time, who are like family.

I know it is necessary, but my heart aches terribly.

I shake it off and tell them.

"I'm sorry. I will use your lives. Please die for your village and for us."

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