Paradigm Parasite

Chapter 41: "Sacred Mountain"

Chapter 41: "Sacred Mountain"

"... so that's what it was..."

That night.

When I returned to my room, I was talking to Heidi, who had returned earlier, about what had happened during the day.

She had noticed that she had been followed, but since no harm had come to her, she had left it alone.

"It's a terrible story. We can do..."

"That's enough."

I interrupted Heidi.

"I'm sure they're good people and I sympathize with their situation. But that's it. They are not citizens of the Oratorium, and we have no obligation or duty to help them."

Heidi nodded with a sad face.

She seems to have understood, but I doubt if she is convinced.

"Besides... Even if you were going to help, what were you going to do about it?"


This is it.

Before saying anything, I asked for a concrete plan, but... well, it won't come overnight, will it?

"I'll tell you something first, just to be sure. Beating up on that little boy ain't going to change anything."

"I know. I know."

Hey. Why are you upset?

I let out a heavy sigh.

"Well, it's a tough call either way. First, we've got to get past the guys who are flanking that kid."

"The guards? Are they that strong?"

"That's the Gnostic "Knights of the Holy Temple". It's going to be very difficult to deal with them."

The Holy Temple Knights.

They are the greatest strength of the Order.

The Gnosis organization provides a certain amount of benefit to its followers.

The believers (the followers are required to make an offering) receive discounts and various services at the stores operated by the Order.

And if you pay a certain amount of annual dues in the name of offerings, you will be recognized as a highly ranked believer.

If a believer has a high rank, he or she can receive a knight from the Order if he or she applies for it.

Well, they drop a lot of money on them. They'll at least send an escort.

The Holy Knights are a unique order of knights that the Order fosters and is separate from the state.

There are different ranks, from the lowest to the highest: Holy Knights, Temple Knights, and Cathedral Knights.

The threat level is not that high up to the level of the Holy Knights, but those above the Knights of the Holy Temple are very troublesome.

They are given special armaments by the Order.

The cronies I saw were wearing full-body armor.

The "White Armor."

In addition to absorbing magic below a certain level, it is made of a special metal that makes it lighter and sturdier than it looks.

Frankly speaking, I would like to have it because it looks useful.

It is the standard equipment designated by the Order, and anyone who wears it is without exception a Knight of the Holy Temple.

The knights of the Holy Temple are all very different from each other, so not all of them are extremely strong, but they are all above a certain level of ability.

If we fight them properly, we may have a hard time, and if we beat them badly, the Order, having lost face, may send out more dangerous people to fight us.

To put it bluntly, I can't see any risk in messing with them.

...Let's get back to the story.

The lord of Medream is a devout believer and probably pays a high annual membership fee to buy safety.

The knights of the Order are stronger than most mercenaries and adventurers, and since they carry the signboard of the Order, they will not betray you.

They are the safest guards you could ask for.

I see, so the lord of this place is a Gnostic..."

"I'm sure the amount of money they're offering is much higher than those of the Gnostic believers when they have the Temple Knights instead of the Holy Knights."

I continue talking, looking Heidi in the eye as a way to convince her.

"To mess with these people is the same as messing with the cult. If you are going to do something, keep that in mind before you do it."

I'm going to implicitly tell her to stay out of my life.

If you want to kill yourself, do it without me.

"...... got it."

"I'll change the accommodations in two days. No complaints, right?"

Heidi nodded with a complicated look on her face.

Early the next morning.

I told the old man at the inn that I did not need an escort and went outside.

The old man looked worried, but it was still the second day, so I guessed I would not be attacked.

I told him that and asked him to leave.

Frankly speaking, I didn't want him to bother me.

I don't know what use the drunken guy would be....

Heidi said she would go to the market to buy some weapons and tools, and headed north to the market.

I went to sacred mountain as planned and am in the middle of hiking now.

The path is paved, so it is easy to walk.

At the foot of the mountain, a small horse-drawn carriage service is available (for a fee), so even old people with weak legs and backs can feel at ease.

Walking while looking around...what can I's like that.

There are teahouses here and there, so there is nothing tasteful about it.

But as I approached the summit, the area began to sound more like it.

It is probably because it is simply quieter than the atmosphere.

Following the signs, I headed for the church.

After walking for a while, the church came into view.

I knew it was a church, but seeing it in person was a different experience.

The vertical structure with stained glass windows. This area is just like a typical church.

...Churches are not so different everywhere.

The churches in my former world...well, I don't remember the details, but I think it was something like this.

There is a cathedral used for events and a small cathedral that is open to the public, and the cathedral is off limits to non-believers.

The cathedral is off-limits to non-believers, while the small cathedral is more of a tourist facility.

There are several holy knights patrolling the grounds.

I head for the small cathedral. The building itself is huge despite its name.

Even though it was early in the morning, I could see quite a few people going in and out of the building.

I get in line and pass through the entrance.

I walk through the space where the seats are lined up and go inside.

At the end of the wide space in the center of the building, there was a huge symbol on display.

A pillar with 12 angel wings.

The design is different, but it is said that the faithful can receive a pendant in this shape.

Incidentally, it is said that it glows when you put magic power into it. It is a very useful item.

After admiring all the symbols, return to the central square and enter the passageway on the left side as seen from the front.

At the end of the aisle, go up the stairs.

The small cathedral looks like a cross surrounded by circles, with towers at the left and right ends.

This tower is called the "small tower."

After climbing up, I went outside.

This is a passageway leading out of the church, and is the part of the circle surrounding the cross seen from above.

You can enter from the left and right towers and get a panoramic view of the city.


I couldn't help but let out a breath.

It is a wonderful view. There are no tall mountains in the vicinity, so I can see quite far.

Looking to the north, I could see Mt. Shudras, though only faintly.

...It's a nice view.

It's a really nice view. It makes me realize how big this world is.

Next time, let's head further south.

There is the Royal Capital, and there are many more places and things I want to see.

I continued to look at the scenery until the sun was high in the sky.

The crowd was growing and it was getting cramped, so I decided to call it quits and head back down off the mountain.

By the time I got down from the mountain, the sun had fully risen and the town was buzzing with activity.

So, what am I going to do now?

As I was walking around, I was in a good mood and thinking about my plans...


A voice called out to me from behind.

As I turn around, he grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me into an alleyway.

I am pushed against the wall of the building.

I turned my head to look.

There were three guys who looked like they had a bad reputation. They were holding knives with smirks on their faces.

"Hey, hey, hey, brother give me the money. You've got to pay up."


What can I say? Is this what it feels like to have cold water poured on you?

I was surprised that I could feel so uncomfortable when I was walking in a good mood and someone poured water on me.

"I'm sure you're a fool, too. Taking people's advice..."

That's enough. Shut up.

I muffled the sound with [Silence I] and grabbed the arm of the guy who was holding my shoulder and ripped it off his shoulder.


"My arm... my arm..."

The guy who had his arm ripped off broke his leg to prevent him from running away.

I used [Ice Freeze II] on the leg of the guy who was the furthest away to block his movement.

The rest of the lucky ones, I grabbed by the head and slammed them against the wall like crushed fruit.

You're lucky. I could have killed you instantly.

The rest of the guys looked at me with astonishment.

"Well, why don't we continue this in the back?"

The two remaining guys screamed, but they didn't leak out.

I let out a heavy sigh.

Oh my God. I really can't believe it.

Those three guys were paid by You-Know-Who to threaten me.

I'm sure of it, because I took their memories, and before I ate them, I hurt them and crushed their hearts.

I bit and ate the dead fool right in front of him, and while he was shitting himself and blabbering on about the little boy, saying he was just doing me a favor, I ignored him and dismembered him from the legs up.

I froze the wounds to prolong their lives and enjoyed them slowly.

It only took a few minutes, but they must have experienced a lifetime's worth of pain and despair.

I feel a little better now that I've done what I had to do, but I don't feel great.

What the hell was that kid? He's a joke, attacking the next day.

Was that it? Are you trying to say you waited until the next day to do it?

How insufferable is he? doesn't matter.

There's no trace of the body, and all traces of the body have been completely obliterated.

There won't be another one for a while.

There was a time when I thought that....

Before I could dry my tongue, the next one came along.

The content is exactly the same pattern. When I walk, I am taken into the shadows, and intimidation is done.

It became lunch after I turned off the sound in the same way and tormented them.

The second group of people seemed to have been told to clean up the mess within the time limit.

Ha ha ha.

What is it. There's no limit to impatience, is there?

Another group appeared just as the sun was setting.

This was indeed not funny.

Is that what this situation is? Is this going to continue until we disappear from the inn?

If they're this far on me...they're probably on Heidi's side, too.

I was going to go back to the inn soon, and I might as well check to see if she's still alive.

Well, the purpose of these people is intimidation, so I guess she won't die, but I wonder what happened to her.

"Damn it!"

I - Triplett slammed the liquor bottle I was holding against the wall.

The bottle shattered, and the amber liquid stained the wall in spots.

"What the hell is going on? Why isn't anyone coming back to report?"

It is nighttime.

The sun has completely set, and the outside is shrouded in darkness.

... and yet....

Why didn't the people I sent during the daytime come back to report?

I'm sure they're just trying to get rid of the stray dogs who stayed at that old man's inn.

And what are they doing against only two people, a small fry-looking man and a woman?

The guys I sent first are the roughnecks I've always used, and they always did their job promptly, so I called on them first, but they didn't report back to me even at noon!

Are you kidding me? How slow are you! I hope they're not slacking off!

It was so late that I put in a request to another group of people.

I don't know any slow-asses who make me wait.

I told them to finish up by evening, but they didn't come back until after dark.

Screw you! Can't any of these guys even do what they are told?

I had no choice but to send in another group of guys.

But they didn't come back either.

So I ordered them to move on, but the guy who was acting as an intermediary said, "There's no one more we can call."

What the hell is going on! They sent all those useless bums.

Who do they think I am? I'm the next lord!

Don't you understand that your heads are up to me?

The best way to be sure is to send the two men on either side of me.

They can't be used for anything other than escorting me, because it's not part of their job.

I offered to pay them once, but they refused.

Useless, but it's common sense to do what they say because I'm their master, right?

Why don't you try to understand that? Are you an idiot?

I glared at the shrinking middleman in front of me.

"Can't you get me any other manpower?"

"I can, but I'm afraid they won't be available until tomorrow."

Damn. You want me to wait until tomorrow? This me?

I think, biting my nails.

Even if I could get a replacement, would I be able to get rid of them?

If we send this many people out and no one comes back, it's possible that the people we sent out got their asses kicked.

If that's the case, we should change our approach.

What is it with those old men in the first place? I asked them to sell my house, and they refused, must be some kind of defect in their heads?

And to make me wait for five days, they deserve to die.

Thinking of that, I chuckle.

Yeah...I guess I was a little naive.

I was foolish to wait for such a huge period of time as five days.

It seems I've lost the ability to make normal decisions because of that.

"Hey! Broker! Gather as many people as you can tomorrow. Let's burn that place to the ground."

The mediator pulls a face.

"But... in the city, that's..."

"No problem! Who do you think I am? I'm the next lord of the city! I can handle it!"

I tosses a bag of gold coins at the feet of the still reluctant broker.

"I'll pay you any amount of money you want. Move your asses! Don't make me angry!"

I look at the knight of the Holy Temple who is standing by my side.

Tomorrow, I'm going to have them work for me.

I'm a wise man.

If they won't move, just move them.

I let out a smile thinking about the problems at the inn that will be solved tomorrow.

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